Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Soap Opera Hump that even Necessary?

OLTL. Cuckold...that's what Marco is..even though he and Lang aren't even married. He's just looking SO dorky!! Where DID she get that outfit? PINK from VS? Shouldn't she be..I don't know, IN SCHOOL, Studying?? Getting her driving license? And Cole and Starr make teen parenting look so easy. I guess when  your baby is invisible, you have all the time in the world. I am starting to wonder if Stacey Pee Pee pushed Marty down the stairs with her missing Snow Boots!! ahahaha.
Lots of teen sex on OLTL. Just sayin'. "Secret Life of the American Teen"? I am happy that Vicky and Charley got back together. 

Dominic Zamprogna HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

GENERAL HOSPITAL:  Love that Johnny is looking at Sonny's old PH across from  Jason.  Heh. The second one looked like his old place with the door at the opposite end. It was across the it. "You can wave, or shoot each other from your balconies!" Anyway, Olivia said she couldn't ever live with Johnny and ran out.
Loved Max/Milo in the jail as "Drunk Tourists". 
Dr. Matt with a feather boa on the show! :thud: wow...lookie there. I am so enjoying ML as Shirley Smith. She's just so comfortable; a natural. Well, Dr. Matt was on for a SPLIT second. I mean A NANO-second.
Maya and Luke..good history to share there. Liked her asking if she could trust Edward: HELL NO! says Luke
Maxie and Jason talk started out fun "Who used to live here, Molly Ringwald"?? (Like Jason knows who Molly Ringwald is!!) She told Jason that she wants someone edgy and dangerous and challenging. Jason just sat there like @@. Wonder who she'll fall in bed with first. Oh, her eyeshadow on the show? Urban Decay's beautiful for blue-eyed blondes like myself!!
What a hard thing for this newbie guy to jump into. It's not like "Michael" didn't have a little lull of a part. It's full ON. I do miss Drew, but Chad is doing a nice job, imo. I really call the acting like I see no offense to anyone, he is giving a decent turn right now. 
Please don't put Patrick near Claire. Thank you.
SKYEJAX! Looking Fab!

Real Andrews (Tagger)  broke is Patella --will he need surgery? That's his question on Facebook.  

Kate's finally off DWTS!! Niecy Nash is safe! Good night last night for me. heh.



  1. I really liked today's eppy. Max/Milo were hillarious and I also like John's comments to Jason today. And we finally saw Matt!

    p.s. Karen, did you know that Coleman was on C.S.I: Miami on Monday?

  2. Does anyone else think that Sam is trying to look like Snooki from Jersey Shore?

  3. Coleman has had a lot of guest appearances lately.

  4. Coleman was on the Dexter Eppy I just rented from Season 3 the other day. Had some dirty talkin going on. Funny. I'm sure Karen mentioned earlier. I heart Dexter!!I can't beleive he's married to the chick that plays his sister on the show. Strange. Loved him on six feet under as well. Awesome show!

    Loved todays show! I always liked Jax with Skye. I thought i was the only one. And I agree about Kate getting the boot. About time. I for one am one that believes no one should go on with any dance experience (unless they all have it). Otherwise its an unfair advantage. I mean really, Nicole is fab but hello she's a pussycat doll! Poor Kate doesn't even know how to walk fast (that's how it appeared, not trying to offend anyone but she was very statue like with no emotion). Now for Idol, I adore Lee. Cute, Awesome singer, & Love that raspiness! Crystal is incredible but I'm not sure she's marketable as the american idol. I would still buy her records, don't get me wrong. Just not someone I picture doing the how marketing touring thing.

  5. Happy Birthday to Dominic!!

    So thrilled that Kate G. was FINALLY voted off DWTS. That woman is annoying and she can't dance to save her life!

  6. i dont like the new michael. i think he looks too "beef cakey" to be Aj's son :/

    i loved the Luke and Maya scenes. thought they were funny!

    sam annoys me. i dont think i have ever liked her....her with jason though..ugh. SHUT UP! sorry!

  7. Besides Ethan, shouldn't Sam be apologizing to Jason. She gave him a few choice words when he said he wanted facts before believing Kristina. Or maybe She did apologize to Jason. I ff through most of their stuff.

    Carly's smugness is still really irking me. Seems like she needs to be taken down a notch. I hope Jax gets rid of her and doesn't look back. PS...why wasn't Jax upset that Carly brough their daughter into the courtroom??

    Using these kids as Sonny's free pass also really ticks me off.

    I'm not too impressed with the way these storylines have been playing out. It seems like they keep coming up with different scenarios to see which one will work.

    I did enjoy watching Patrick dancing with the patient.

  8. I like Nu-Michael so far - he can act but he looks a bit old. I still find Mya too blah. I don't know why the don't show Lainie more - the actress is lovely, a good actress and a good character.

  9. Loved claire asking Carly what kind of mother she is. About time someone said that. Hate that we have to listen to maxie say over and over again how great Spinielli is and how she doesn't deserve him
    yada yada yada

  10. I think we also need an Emma/patrick/Robin scene

  11. I liked that Clair spilt the bag about the Carly/Sonny kiss. Of course she told Jax that she would do anything for her kids and lying in court and accepting Sonny kisses are just part of it.
    AGAIN: Please have someone come in and drop Carly down a couple pegs.

  12. Seriously! They couldn't wait a few weeks to recast Michael? This kid has no clue what's been going on!

    (I don't watch CSI, but did see him when I was flipping channels!)

  13. I too do not like the nu michael. After reading next weeks spoilers I guess I just wanted those scenes to be with kristina and Drew, the two we watched grow close the past year. this is kind of similar to when Tamara left the role of Carly and that awful replacement filled in all during the height of Michael's disappearance and carly's breakdown. We so needed the Red head michael with tamara's carly. This is how new actors don't get a fair shake becuase the timing is awful.



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...