Thursday, April 8, 2010

Blog Coalition Thursday, Alberta WUBS on Rock the SOAP Cruise!

Alberta the Lobster is on her way to the Rock the Soap Cruise with wubbers Chrissy and GWaddie. Follow her on twitter @albertawubs or FB: Search Alberta Wubs (fanpage). That's her packin'! She's flying to LA today to join the GHers going. Who WILL she meet??! There's a lobster night on the ship, here's hoping she doesn't get eaten!!

Flat Megan continues her adventures. She visited friends for cake and got a haircut. Flat Megan obviously gets around and needs to convince TPTB that Megan Ward get back on GH full time!! WRITE! Send a postcard. It takes 2 seconds.

SPOILERS are up!! Keifer's Dad will take to the internet to smear the Davis family...Sonny is one step closer to Pentonville--will he share a cell with Anthony Z? I started a rumor on twitter about JMB being PG. I don't know that--I saw the big purse yesterday and could have sworn I read she was somewhere. She was married in 2008-- but I do NOT know if she is having a baby or not. Sorry. My bad.

OLTL: I love that they show people eating in a KITCHEN on this show. Langston is SO in deep with the Bad Boy older Man Great Sex Syndrome. heh. I love that Nora kept her coat on during Bo's whole thing--that's realistic. It's the little things with me. Speaking of..way to show a teen mom, huh? Hope has to be the best most invisible baby ever!

GH: Diane hears the truth! This will be over sooner rather than later, I can only hope. Jason figures it out with his spidey-sense. LOL
HA...Spencer is all dressed to the 9's to play in the sandbox, but we see him! Robin and Nik, nice touch. Remember when he'd read to her on the couch at Wyndemere?
 Loved Cam running all over the place. MAYHEM!
I think I love Carolyn Hennesy and Nancy Lee Grahn more than anyother soap duo. They are simply perfection. Too bad they didn't make them cousins. Diane would have made a hell of a Cassadine.
Jackie Z! Told you Krissy would be in group therapy!! I love how they used Bobbie as a VET WITH HISTORY in this story. JZ might look a but she's still OUR BOBBIE and we love her. Damn it. Get the Brownstone open. People were saying JZ looks like Octomom with the black hair! LOL. I love her a red-head.

Well, I'm going. Have a great one. Check out the Blogs!!

Daytime Confidential's Luke and Jamey visit with All My Children's Walt Willey about his return to Pine Valley and his upcoming sketch comedy performance at ACME Comedy Theater on Friday, April 9. (Daytime Confidential)
One Life to Live new cast video interviews with Melissa Archer, David Fumero, Mark Lawson and Eddie Alderson are featured, as we begin to wind down Michael Fairman On-Air On-Soaps month long feature with Llanview's favorite residents. (Michael Fairman Soaps)
Why is cop a dirty word on General Hospital, unless it's part of the phrase "cop out"? In a related story, Alexis ran over Kiefer, and the Serial Drama girls have opinions. Loud, all-caps, bitter opinions. (Serial Drama
Soap Opera Examiner's hot topic of the day in Port Charles - A broken and bruised Kristina tells the truth. (Soap Opera Examiner)
The Wubqueen has an ode to soap fans..the best people on the planet (and in cyberspace). It's time TPTB stood up and took notice. (Wubs)


  1. Nicholas wearing jeans looked very odd until I saw what Spencer was wearing in the sandbox.
    Nicholas needs some nipple guards! Cold outside Count Nicholas?
    Robin and Nicholas could pass for siblings.
    Alexis hyperventilating. Someone remembered she does that. Thank you.
    Olivia asked how she knows Sonny. “He knocked me up” haha.
    BARBARA JEAN SPENCER BROCK MEYERS JONES CASSADINE! OMG! What is happening today? Robin and Nicholas. Alexis Hyperventilating and now Bobbie?!?! What is next, Gram going to pop up at Liz’s?
    Olivia – scrunchies and acid washed jeans. What is going on today? History. Vets. Good writing.

  2. I loved seeing Robin and Nik today he always lights up with her *sigh* yes i'm still holding on for Ronik lol! Olivia cracked me up today. I loved seeing Bobbie today I miss the red hair, the dark hair washes JZ out imo.Oh and Jax was so cute with Jocey.

  3. In the spoilers you call KieferKs dad Ward..I think it is Warren. Can't be sure, we have only seen him twice. Nice job setting up a story GH..not.

  4. Karen, is Keifer's dad's name Ward or Warren? On the spoilers, it says Ward but I swear I heard Diane say Warren on today's show...

  5. I spent at least 30 minutes thinking of a sarcastic comment about Bobbie, but then came up with this:

    I am really glad and impressed that they decided to bring her on to mention her history with DL Brock. It is clear and obvious that TPTB are listening to us, because there is no conceivable way that they would have thought of doing this on their own.

    I was in the other room and the minute I heard her voice I ran in because I KNEW they were going to have her discuss it.

    Major major kudos to the show today for this. I need to run to YouTube to see old footage of the couple.

    Also, did anyone catch Keifer breathing in bed yesterday after he died? hee hee hee.

  6. bobbie with red hair looks much better

  7. prefer bobbie with red hair

  8. Can someone explain to me just why Jason was interested in whether Alexis was involved in the hit and run? Is he taking over for the PCPD now or what? Of course since he seems to solve every crime on this show (that he didn't commit at least) I guess he knows if he doesn't, no one will.

    Great to see Bobbie. I just hope this isn't her only appearance this year!

    Olivia was excellent today. Funny how she did not have to lie, except the little omission about why she kept Dante away. See the truth can work Sonny. You should try it! Would have saved this whole mess.

  9. Karen, I also thought that JZ looks like the Octomom. I had the misfortune of catching her on The View the other day (Octomom, not JZ), and it was really bizarre, she laughs like a hyena, and all the ladies at The View kept interrupting her and each other, causing the Octomom to laugh even more . . . Well, you hadda be there, be thankful if you weren't . . .

  10. I truly do wish JZ had taken a less drastic route in dealing with the evidence of age. She is only 2 years older than NLG. She's an actress, she's lost most of her facial expression. Her face is just frozen, it's really so sad 'cause she has such a wonderful history on GH.

  11. In case anyone didn't know, Jackie Zeman is actually around 58 - she has been fudging her age for years. I remember growing up in NYC when she would be on some TV show when she was married to Murray the K, a very famous DJ and she was just a few years younger than me. I think Nancy is around 50. Regardless, she is an important part of the GH history and I am so glad someone remembered to let her come back if only for a short while.

  12. I think Jason wants to know about the hit and run because people will blame him and Sonny and, for once, they were innocent.
    Nancy Lee Grahn is doing such a good job. It is hard not to watch her!!
    Good to see Liz on and that they didn't have her miraculously get better. And it is good to see Steven help her.


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...