Thursday, April 1, 2010

HAPPY 47th Anniversary General Hospital!!

Wow, GH is twice my age (heh). Here's to the Brownstone! Ruby's Chili, Floating Rib... Worm Farms, Jessie, Steve, Lucille....the old Webber Kitchen, and to the NURSE'S BALL!! Here's a clip of an interview about the show on ET.

SKYE and Tracy!! woot! Nice stuff, and Ethan was so cute with her. Skye doesn't have baby Lila with her, who is probably really 17 anyway. Luke "remains forever hopeful for messing with Skye" heh..and TRACY walks in with JAX! woot!

Did the Lucky/Maya CHEM test hit you between the eyes today? Geesh, waste NO time!

Coleman and Kate getting caught by the judge. Heh...Kate is all over Coleman. They could do SO MUCH MORE WITH HER CHARACTER than this??!! WTH?? What's going on with Crimson?

Alice loves being on the jury!! ;) she's beaming. The judge tells everyone that this 'is not a reality show, the one that causes the most trouble will not be voted off the island"...heh.

Lucky and Dante and the NEXT in line in the "It's Keifer" story. Everyone knows but Sonny/Alexis.

Helena looked SMASHING today.. love her suit. But er, using the Spencer baby to "destroy them"?? That baby better grow up quick!!

Carly, Olivia, Kate---yeah!! Wonderful stuff. All catty and nasty. Kate's warning Livvy that Sonny's going to come at her "full dimples" heh. Of course, Kate should have been around EONS AGO to talk about all this. GH is so terrible at this kind of thing. Like having Keifer's parents on once, not showing them again--until when? Ugh...IT'S CALLED BUILDING A STORY!! 

Robin is going to be on the witness stand and you know Claire is planning on using her own testimony against her...heh. 

My choice to play Claire? Julia Duffy ..and she'd be DIANE'S SISTER. :) This Claire does nothing for me. I have the BEST IDEAS!!

HAVE YOU SEEN THE GIANT NEWS? Bob Guza is OUT!! Read all about it HERE! There are also new SPOILERS up. And happy April 1st. Hit an ad you WUBBAHS!


  1. Knew that was a joke as soon as I read it. You would have had that front and center if it were true..Big flashing headlines!!

  2. Claire is wearing a bumpit... just kill me now...

  3. That was NOT funny! I was all atwitter unti I realized what day it was!

  4. "Next to get naked: Ethan and Monica" in the spoiler section made me spit diet pepsi. It wasn't pretty. You have a sick mind, and we all love you for it.

  5. Sky soure came roaring back in, didn't she. Just in time for Jax to flirt with her to make Carly jealous???
    Robin on the stand. Stupid that she wouldn't say anything or tried to make excuses for Sonny. Hero worship for sure!!
    Loved Dante talking with Kiefer, but if Dante is the one that ends up killing Kiefer, I WILL BE MAD!!
    Glad that Kiefer will be reveiled today!

  6. Yes, that Spencer baby better grow up quickly because Helena isn't going to be around to see her sweet revenge. It's all too ridiculous. Look what she's going to do to her own grandson and great-grandson with this.

  7. But...but..Hellz is going to live FOREVER! LOL At least that's what SHE thinks. Just watch, that kid will come down with the worst case of SORAS in the history of soaps.

    Wishful thinking aside, Gotta agree about Connie in that suit. Props to the wardrobe peeps for finding her some nice stuff and to Connie for looking fab in it!

  8. Since it was GH's 47th anniversary, it would have been nice to have some mention of it on-air. It is going to be the longest running soap, right? Even a short trip down memory lane or a few 47 references would have been nice. Instead it was just another day. Disappointing, even if there were a few good moments.


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...