Tuesday, April 20, 2010

James Franco Art --Deitch Project Happening?

 This is Franco's 2006-7 work featured in LA's Glu Galley This piece is called "Waz Up"

According to the NY Times, (Jan 2010)   Franco was supposedly booked into the Deitch Projects  in May to showcase his work and also to direct an eppy of GH that's happening on location. There's nothing on the gallery page to suggest his show is opening and it's further reported that The gallery is closing in June.
So...the question is: Will we get our BIG HUGE Sweeps Franco story??  Haven't heard many rumblings, have we? Jeffery Deitch is going back to LA to take  position as director of The Museum of Contemporary Arts.
Will they move the show? Will we get another Franco storyline that doesn't involve a NYC Gallery? What! WUBS wants to know!!
Hmmm, mystery!!


  1. Karen... my darling... you KNOW that Franco is following you... all over the TV... movies (Date Nigt) and all over TWITTER lmao... you are never going to be Franco free... give up ;) lmao xoxoxox

  2. We'll Tweet this and if you find out, let us know too; we're on Twitter at @JamesFrancoNews. U following?

  3. No, I am not following James Franco news!! I shall do that..if you guys find out, let us know. Daytime Fans want to know if he's back and directing an eppy!!

  4. Some art blog tweeted over a month ago on Twitter that his show in May was NOT happening. JF Fans and JF News both retweeted that. I think there were a few posts online about it, too.

    I don't know why James talked about it so much to the media if it wasn't locked down. According to one thing I read, he only discussed it with Deitch himself once or twice, but a contract was never signed. Someone else has the closing show at Deitch in NYC that JF said he was going to have. I guess wires got crossed somewhere.

    I doubt he is returning. he was just accepted to Yale, his Gucci ad campaign is amping up and he has three big movie releases coming up. I know the guy is a workaholic, but there are still only 24 hours in a day.

    Oh, well. Franco was the last thing I enjoyed on GH.

  5. Franco is the last really bad thing I saw, JMO.

  6. Pretty helpful piece of writing, thanks so much for your post.

  7. I found so much useful data in this post!



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