Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thursday Soap Opera Blog Coalition Jan 7th edition

There's an old theater adage that says drama should be life without the boring parts. For webisodic soap operas, that saying holds true more than ever before. Daytime Confidential's Jamey reviews Gotham the Series. (Daytime Confidential)

It featured too much recent history and far too many mentions of Babe, but even so, the Serial Drama girls loved the AMC 40th Anniversary show. How could they not adore something that brought us Palmer, Brooke, Jackson and tons of footage of terrible 80s hairstyles? (Serial Drama)

A new decade challenges the genre known as the soap opera. The heartbreaking routine of the demise of ratings and the cancellation of so many of our favorites during previous decades seems to be a soaps saga as repetitive as evil twin syndrome but it has become far too real for my taste. (Soap Opera Examiner)

The Wub Tub: Sunday Surgery takes a look at Lulu on a bomb, Sam on a box and Carly stalked by a Fox. Alberta Wubs goes to the Rose Bowl! Catch spoilers for the beginning of 2010 and more. (Wubs)


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  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...