Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday Surgery: Soap Stars for Haiti Relief!

I can't thank Wubber Karla and her hubby Paul enough for going to the Rose Bowl yesterday and taking Alberta Wubs with them. They also had donations from daytime fans that saw their tweets about the Haiti donations.  Nancy Lee Grahn started the movement, inviting her fellow daytime peeps to the NBC LA event. Look at these fab photos!

Nancy and Brandon with Alberta

Molly Burnett, Casey Deidrick & Ali Sweeney
Alberta meets DOOLers!

How wonderful are those photos??! Thanks to all wubbers and Daytime fans that went out and donated. Today, Alberta is doing the same at Angel Stadium for more Haiti relief! I so wish I could be there. Wubs Net donated $50 in the name of all Wubs Fans. Thank you for clicking on the ads on the wubs page, I will continue to donate.

From the Box of Wha??? Jonathan Jackson said his wife, Lisa Vultaggo could come back to GH sometime. If you remember, she played Hannah, FBI agent. Since the FBI is gaining cred on the show who knows? Hannah was involved with Sonny....and she wore her black bra A LOT. LOL

Something VERY interesting!! A wubber was watching the Wendy O Williams show and Richard Simmons said he was 'eating lunch with Jane Elliot and Genie Francis"!! Hmmmmmm. Just sayin'!?

We know what GH will be this week: Lucky implosion!!! Did they ever explain why Luke's not been around or is he just 'gone'?? Oh, and DOMte is going to shove Lulu away to "keep her safe". Which I think has happened to every female on GH but Big Alice at one time or another. Heh

:YOU TUBE for #TeamConan!! IT's too fun. I am TOTALLY team Conan. It's a fun thing to watch, these late night wars. Heh. This is a riff on the Plain White T's song: "Hey There Delilah"

HAVE A GREAT SUNDAY..see you on Twitter  (@wubsnet)  or Monday after the show!


  1. Did anyone see Courney Cox on the red carpet at the GG on E!? She gave kuddos to CH for her portrayal of Barb!

    Mrs. Goose

  2. Isn't that Kiefer from GH in that lawer commercial, Alexander and Catalinno ?

  3. saw your post and pics linked from -- great photos! thanks for being there!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...