Monday, January 4, 2010

Franco Moves to: 30 Rock!

Take a gander at all the photos on TV Watercooler.

Oh, there he is....on 30 Rock. Looks a little weird on that show too. Hope their ratings don't go like ours did. Just sayin'.

GH: No new Opening! :hits head: should of had a V8! Guza is taunting us, I can feel it!

Speaking of's the week of Lulu on a bomb, Sam in a box...Carly stalked by a fox. Ha! Get it? When you see Sam in that clear box, don't even tell me you don't think of Batman (the TV show)!!  ZAP! POW! BOOM! It really cracked me up today. It reminds me of the pledge commercial  where the lady has to clean the inside of her "box" !! whwahahhaha. And did he give her clothes? Where's her bikini?

Michael and baby Joss, she is SUCH a cutie. Almost makes me want another kid. alllllmost. I hope that Franco dumps Claudia's arm or head in Michael's bed. :) heh.

NOW Jason goes to Lucky for help... OH! What a "twist"!! I'm twisting all over. :eyeroll:  At least there was Mac Daddy and Mayor Floyd. Wasn't Floyd like, put out of office after the whole mistress thing???????? Guess not. 

Well,  I was bored as hell today. You? Although the Sam in a Pledge Box kinda made me giggle.

AMC is having it's 40th anniversary show. They get good stuff. Mateo and Hailey were back today and doing a great job.  KR is so wonderful--and I forgot how fun she can be! Bianca will be back too! Keep watching.


  1. at least is was Sam IN a box and not showing Sam's box, lol

  2. Have an AMC question for you, Ms. Karen. Are the AMC characters leaving PV to move to LA? Know the show is actually locating in LA. Just some confusion on my frinds (& my) part.

    Many thanks for the OLTL tweets on OLTL, can't wait to watch it tonight.

    Wishing you a very happy 2010 full of SO dramazz and fun.

  3. Sam in a box isn't that like KFC lol I watched today wasn't to thrilling even Michael and the baby didn't stir a tear out of me.You are right that did remind me of the pledge commercial.You are too much Karen lol

  4. That lighting they used on poor KeMo in the box was NOT friendly lol You could see every wrinkle, blemish, and pore on her face. Then he leaves and shuts off the lights and they didn't enouch light to see her freakin out. I hope she goes in tomorrow and smacks whoever lit her for that crap lol

  5. If you don't like the show, why watch it? I'm getting tired of your sarcastic posts.

  6. i haven't seen it yet, but when i saw the plot summary on directv guide all i could think of was "Chandler in a box".

  7. Maybe you shouldn't come here and read the posts. Like other people have been saying, this is a place we can leave our comments. I can say what I think.

  8. Children Children behave yourselfs or no new candy for you

  9. This place is becoming "Meow Central" - just sayin' what I think!

  10. I agree ladies, chill out. Any one would look bad in thise lights so I don't think she meant anything towards kemo. My problem w/ it was her makeup in true soap fashion was intact!

    I thought michael & the baby were sweet. The actor did fine w/the baby for being so young.

  11. I loved the Lulu/Dante scenes.I also love how Dante knew after talking to her that Ronnie is a dirty cop and confronted him on it immediately.

  12. Yesterday was so-so. I don't get why Jason goes to Lucky for things now though? And then Lucky helps him out? He is a police officer. Maybe he should look into this before helping a mobster find his girlfriend. I'm sure that Lucky will go to more extreme measures once he finds out that his sister is kidnapped...
    I light up every time I see Dante and Lulu, but I am trying to take Karen's advice and not invest in PC relationships because they don't last that long.

  13. No, the characters are still in Pine Valley....

  14. Ok, thanks for the PV info. Karen. Got the pals straight on the AMC show, appreciate it. Have a great and soapy 2010

  15. "Shirleedee said...
    This place is becoming "Meow Central" - just sayin' what I think"

    I think it is funny you wrote that since you are pretty much the one who seemed to start the snarking!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...