Saturday, January 30, 2010

Soul Pancake Song Mix List


For my fellow's the list I have so far for our iTunes mix. Please check your song.  I put it on blogger so we can converse here in the comments and I can update the list by the edit function. I can put the final list up that way and not have to retype it.  Welcome to my Wub Tub Blog, btw. Sorry if I misspelled your name...sorry if I missed your post, it was tough going! Zamfir, I don't have one for you I don't think. didn't see a FINAL :)
Also, I'm adding The Theme from "The Office" for Rainn and "Orange Shirt" by Discovery for the overall SoulPancake Experience.

General Hospital Wubbers--thank you for sharing space with the Soul Pancake crew.  (

Rules were: List one song that you'd like on the SP song mix.

Trixie: Church of the Poison Mind--Culture Club
Tonyracing: Run--Collective Soul
Zamfir: Don't Dream It's Over --Crowded House
Handsome Stranger--One of the Best Ones--Bruce Cockburn
MnGrl-- Evolve--Ani DiFranco
PopeSkippyXVI--The Love of God--Gaither Vocal Band 
Rin_weh--I lived on the Moon-- Kwoon
Eclipsia--May you Walk in Sunshine--Sacred Spirit
Blues brogio-- How Many More Times--Led Zepplin
ChesterMint-- Imagine--John L
BobbiesGirl--It's a Good Day--Perry Como
Racheel--City of Electric Light--Chad Van Gaalen
dancingplatypus--Bird House In Your Soul--They Might be Giants
Kdmask--Snails--The Format
Darthcheeseburger--la mamma morta--Marie Callas
Ksframc- Death is Not the End--Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
northstop--Fat Bottom Girls--Queen
Pastor--Ripple--Grateful Dead
Silvinajm--Ice ice baby--Vanilla Ice
Guitardds- Give a Little Bit --Supertramp
ruthiebg--Blue--Joni Mitchell
The Anarchist73--Carry On the Flag--The Casualties
WarpedGlass1--Float--Flogging Molly
Joanndra--September--Earth Wind and Fire
Iombardian--Satellite of love--Lou Reed
Idamines--The 59th Street Bridge Song
CragAntler--Miracles Out of Nowwhere--Kansas
Justinsreality--Learning to Fly--Tom Petty
Flashbanding--For a Dancer--Jackson Browne
SeedeyPete--Life Ain't So Shitty--Blind Melon
Kgines--Poetic Tragedy--The Used
Barb--Come As You Are--Nirvana
Aviv--Jigsaw Falling into Place--Radiohead
Applegrass- The End of the World--REM
madmanlovesyou--12th of September-Xavier Rudd
devongundry--To Build A Home--Cinematic Orchestra
TurtherBrother--Without You/Harry Nilsson
LovedOne- Never Here Alone--Collective Soul
engelsgetdababbles--Let Go--Frou Frou
CathYEAH--Lightening Crashes--Live
omigilykaty--cape canaveral--conor oberst
HelpI'mAlive-- ghosts n stuff--deadmau5
UDRF--Gone in the Morning--nathan faulkner
Merimen1--The Replacements


  1. "Sacred Spirit" is the band that sing or plays "may you walk in the sun"

  2. thanks, gala!! :) GALA? is that your real name? Oh, I think this blog thing is going to be fun.

  3. northstop--Fat Bottom Girls--Queen

  4. yah Gala is my real life name.. was named after a soap star in the 1960

  5. ok sorry for the weirdness 1st time on blog so i need to click on these choose an identity ever time i leave a message

  6. Walk like a Camel -Mamaspat done by Southern Culture

  7. "Brothers in Arms", Dire Straits

  8. Thanks for doing this kdmask! I can't wait to hear some of these songs on here.:o)

  9. Awesome list. Can you add a song for me?

    Fiona Apple - Extraordinary Machine.


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  14. Let Forever Be - Chemical Brothers

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  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...