Saturday, January 23, 2010

Goodbye James Mitchell: Our Palmer Cortlandt

You've probably seen this, I'm a bit late getting it up. James Mitchell played Palmer on AMC for 31 years. I remember his very first day when he and Nina were in town. LOVED him from the first second he appeared on screen. He tried to keep poor Nina locked away in the house. Remember Daisy and Palmer? Her cat? Good times, good times.
He was in many movies during his long career. He was in "Paint Your Wagon" with Clint Eastwood,  the movie Oklahoma!, Carnival on Broadway  many Playhouse episodes on television.  James Mitchell was 89. He died of complications of pneumonia. His last appearence on AMC was this past month for their 40th anniversary show.
He will be missed.


  1. He will be missed. I remember him being such a bastard to Cliff back in the day for dating Nina. I always thought he wielded his power much better and funnier than Adam. R.I.P.

  2. Awww. He was great. I really liked him with Opal.

  3. The early 80's was a great time for soaps. That was the time I watched all 3 ABC soaps AMC/OLTL/GH...and some RH too. Those were the days. Now its only GH...Yeah, Palmer was a pain in the you know what to Cliff & Nina back than. But I loved his love story with Daisy as well as Nina/Cliff's. He will be missed I agree. Thanks for the memories. I missed the 40th ann. special. I stopped watching AMC/OLTL like 89 or so. Only GH/and PC when it was only GH....anyway, RIP James. You won't be forgotten.--Didn't the actress that played Daisy/Gillian Spencer...didn't she write for GH at one time? the old Daisy/Monique sl...Nina didn't even know she was her mother I recall those dogs Palmer had too. Just as GH was great so was AMC....than on OL there was Asa and the boys....and well we all know how GH was Luke/Laura/ times than....won't ever forget them....



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...