Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Oh My:

James Franco has said that his stint on General Hospital as "bad boy" artist Franco is part of a larger art project, and he’s working on making good on that promise. Though his story arc ends later this month, Franco tells us that this spring he'll participate in a gallery show at New York’s Deitch Projects that will be shot for a subsequent "special episode" of GH. (This episode will be co-directed by Franco himself.) The Deitch exhibition will relate "to what I've already shot on GH," Franco says. (A spokesperson for the gallery says plans for the exhibition and filming are not yet finalized.)

Read the rest on New York Entertainment

NOTE: I can Totally see the "directoral" side of all this now..plus a gallery tie in. Brilliant PR. 
My idea? A Wubber FLASH MOB at his opening! LOL...what do you say? We all wear lobster hats.

AND, btw, NEW Spoilers up. Plz hit an ad :) Wub ya!


  1. Karen,

    No one commented on this, but I noticed the oddest thing today. During Sonny and Dante's scene, the music built to a crescendo, at which point they usually cut to commercial. After the music abruptly stopped, Sonny simply sat down and changed gears. Usually you're not aware of the music, it's meant to be subliminal, but when it stopped like that, and Sonny sat down, like on cue, it was really strange. I replayed this scene a few times, and still didn't understand what happened. Did you notice this?

    Also, I thought JJ was AMAZING today, esp. with Jason, he seems to be a wonderful actor, so sorry he has to get his heart broken and we now have to watch him fall apart.

  2. Karen,

    I forgot to add: OH NO, more Franco? What, we haven't seen the last of him, he's doing an "art" exhibit somewhere and then coming back to GH? Please tell me I'm dreaming . . .

  3. AntJoan, you took the words out of my mouth regarding Franco. I just want the Franco madness to end!

  4. i'm with you on Franco, AntJoan and fellow anon. I still like James Franco....everywhere I've seen him but on GH that is. I also agree about JJ; he's a natural actor and doesn't do the spitting, jaw clenching stuff like Maurice Benard. I didn't notice the music yesterday and didn't dvr the episode but it's something to watch (listen?) for in the future. Maybe it will take my mind off the sucky bad dialogue.

  5. Just when I started to buy the L&L thing again, they are going to go there with Niz? it is just stupid and unbelievable. If it were with Jason, we would all buy it and actually be torn for all 3 of them. But Nicholas, no. This is just further alienating fans.

    Anyone else think jason could have at the very least apologized to jax for the Franco crap? Instead people on other threads are calling jax the jerk? really?

  6. Well, I hope one of the spoilers isn't true....

    **DOMte realizes Lulu's in danger and he has to push her away.

    Haven't we been there before with many couples on GH? Geez. No wonder we never get to see lovin'. All the men are dangerous and women are in danger for being in love with them...and no, I don't count Liz and Nik as lovin'.

  7. I was aware of the music, too, but was fascinated by the way Dante managed to sidestep Sonny. Good writing and acting. I did like Lucky with Jason, although when someone commented on the bond between them it wasn't evident when GV played the part. JJ is doing a wonderful job.

  8. i think they didn't play up the JJ and Steve (lucky/jason) relationship cuz they made GV so whiny. Don't get me wrong, I loved GV's Lucky. I just love JJ's more.

    So they really have to make Sam the hero of the freanco stuff? blech!!


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...