Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Soap Opera Wed. are you watching OLTL?

Well, GH is going to be all Keifer/Krissy and the DOMte reveal for a bit it looks like. Of course, we'll have the aftermath of the whole Niz sheezebot too. I can't say anything sounds totally exciting. No real Cassadine stuff has crossed my email yet. You know I'll let you know as soon as the feta hits the fan!

Going to go see Jeff Dunham tonight. Get son loves him, was going to have just hub go-- but I was like, OK...I gooooooooo. AND turns out Ani Difranco is here too! :stomping foot: Can you guess where I'd rather be? LOL

Watch #OLTL..they are just throwing caution to the wind and writing up a STORM. I'm spoiler free so it's hard but people are saying Feb Sweeps are going to be WILD!! See, when a show has nothing to lose--- I swear the writing gets gung-ho and total SOAPTOWN! Like Kimmy? LOVES her!! And Fish the just-out gay will be a baby daddy? woot! They also have a LOT of teen sex going on. Well, they have a lot of sex going on, period. They also treat the gay story like any other couple's story. Which it should be. Long live KISH! Everyone is living with everyone else, Roxy's brownstone...the high schoolers...Llandfair, Dorian' Todd's. Ahhhhhhhh. Mitch Lawrence is a wonder of a villian, btw. He's the Male Helena (with a Bible).  They have the BEST one-liners. :)

So... GH. Today I have an appt at 3pm and the same tomorrow. I'm hoping I'll be back in time to finish GH though. We'll see.  I'll DVR it I don't miss a minute.  I was thinking last night  DOMte is the world's worst undercover guy. The whole town knows about him--lol. AND he still talks shop on the docks, in the the PCPD. Pretty hilarious.  Do you think that Krissy and Ethan will be an "item" any time soon? I know she'll accuse him of stuff...hmmm. I just need something exciting and UNEXPECTED to happen on GH. I'm also really surprised that Genie F hasn't announced her decision about the show. Interesting.

I did catch the baby Godparent discussion. Jax "How about Lucky"? Carly: Why Lucky? Jax: He's your cousin...Carly: I hardly KNOW HIM!  and there in LIES GH'S biggest problem. Right there. And hey, it's not like there's been no Lucky/Carly character for years. For shame. I also think Carly met Laura a total of 3 times for about 1 minute total airtime the entire time those two were on!!
Edward, Monica/Tracy and a Maya mention!!! Another Great Grand-Kid!!

Oh, my GH dream? That Jane Elliot was going to do a story in YEMEN for GH only they weren't going to really send her there.  They shot it on "Location" on a ranch in Canada with A Brownie TROOP! LOL..what a wacko I am!!  TOO much GH on my brain.


  1. I took my hubby to see Jeff Dunham last year for our Anniversary. He puts on EXCELLENT show. Never a dull moment. Have fun.

  2. Sandra, thanks..:) I hope I enjoy it. I've seen him on TV and stuff. We are sitting in nosebleed section though! LOL

  3. i am so jealous! Jeff Dunham is my favorite comic (although, the talking peanut doll in the ad is a little creepy looking).

    Oh, and in your Jane Elliot in Yemen fantasy, could she run into faux-Chandler Bing or Janice searching for him there? i know i am stuck in the late 1990's--not a good thing for the beginning of 2010.

  4. RUMOR floating around that lisa & sonny turn to one another... she's so tall this may be awkward

  5. Shocker. Sonny with someone else...
    Didn't Carly and Laura do something together for the face of deception? Or they argued the entire time, or something like that. I cannot remember.

  6. didn't u just love it when kim told kyle to go see roxy cause his roots were showing? then she told him he was giving gays a bad the best line of all was kyle firing back with "well you and stacy aren't doing any favors for strippers and sluts!" LMAO!! i had to rewind that and watch it again to see the actresses trying to hold in their laughter. i LOVE OLTL!!

  7. Yeah, Carly and Laura ran Deception together towards the end of Sarah Brown's run as Carly. Remember Elton was their reception? I think they only did it because they didn't know what to do with Laura and Sarah Brown really wanted to work with Genie, so they were trying to keep her happy so she'd stay. I think that was towards the end of Wendy's Riche's reign? Maybe the end of Guza's first too? Or it could have been Phelps and McTavish

    I remember too it was Laura who comforted Little Michael(a young Dylan Cash) when they all thought that Carly had died. I think that was Tamara's Carly.

    Laura Wright's Carly briefly interacted with Laura when she woke up in 2006, but it was amusingly chilly.

    I think Carly is the last person that Laura would have wanted Lulu to bond with an emulate like she has. LOL.

  8. I have a feeling they are going to turn Lulu & Carly into ENEMIES after the Dante reveal! I think fun to see the two of them fight and be enemies.

  9. MindyMoe I loved OLTL today and the Kyle & Fish arguing with Kim and Stacy was hilarious.I look forward to watching it each day but GH please please watch OLTL and you will see how a real soap opera should be.So sick of Sonny and Jason show.

  10. Catching up on GH and find it dumb that Lucky is begging Nik to stay. how about an old fashioned huge blow out fight. Jj could hold his own and I think Nik's protrayer could too. Cassadine spit would be flyin!

    Couldn't believe they showed Liz go to Lucky right after being with Nik, not even looking guilty. This is just too much what they're doing to this character. Come on Guza, how much mroe of this will be have to take?

    I am praying Sam will get caught and get charged if she tries to steal evidence. Does she EVER think of what this would do to Alexis & her sisters? The embarassment alone to Alexis should make her think for once in her life. Fine, be with Jason. But as soon as you're with him you start breaking the law.

  11. SO just finished yesterdays eppy and I just don't get how Liz can turn things on and off so quickly... they are being so unrealistic. They slept together at 6pm and she tells Nik I choose Lucky at 8pm?

  12. The whole Liz/Nik thing is so unbelieveable. I just don't buy it.

    I agree that Laura wouldn't want Lulu around Carly. I also can't believe that Carly doesn't have ANY other woman friend she can ask to be Godmother, so she chooses a older teenager/very very young adult! Give Carly a friend or two!

  13. The point about Carly and Lucky not knowing each other is spot on.

    Doaps, and all good stories, develop from characters. The Franco mess was so plot driven. When one gets a character, then one is interested in whatever that character does, even just brushing his teeth.

    A few days ago JJ was in the Haunted Star and thinking of the Niz betrayal. All he did was look and stand, but it was far more gripping than anything in the Franco tale.

  14. I loved the Carly/Olivia friendship.

  15. I think Carly is an idiot. Having THE most dangerous person as her daughter's godfather when he is still a target of many, including Franco, makes no sense. Love that Maxie has really become a best friend to Lulu.

  16. I have watched GH and OLTL since I was 5 (I'm 33 now). Yesterday I stayed home sick. OLTL is so good, I watched it in real time. It was spectacular! I then napped during GH so I could fast forward through commercials and most of the show. I loved Sonny and Jason in the heyday back in 1995. Now they bore me to tears, as does the rest of the show. I keep up with it on wubs, but I'm thinking of taking it off my DVR. OLTL is far superior.

  17. I haven't watched OLTL in a very long time, but have been catching up on it lately, just from what everyone has said on here. Not too bad. My favorite couple was John and Natalie back then...

    GH was ok. Still hate that Jason is Josslyn's Godfather and that Jax gave up and let Carly choose both godparents. This is his daughter and he is always talking about her safety!! I guess Carly has forgotten how she felt when her son was shot in the head because of the mob.
    Who sees a Josslyn/Jake/Emma triangle in the future years?

  18. Watched the Sonny and Jason Show today that crap with Michael made me sick really sick at my stomach.I wanted Dom to punch the little ahole.And Lucky is so pitiful hope Luke can help him I know Luke is not a shrink or maybe Ethan can whup the crap out of Nik

  19. Yes Carly is the idiot 100%. Jason got Carly kidnapped and Josslyn could have been killed but Jax didn't leave carly, or make her sleep in the guest room, etc. But once Carly finds out about Jax's "disception" she will supposedly have the right to blame him for atheir break up. Yeah, whatever. It should have been Alexis & ANYONE but Jason.

  20. I just can't get into OLTL. A lot of the acting leaves much to be desired. Meh

    On to GH...Mykill needs to be b*tch slapped and so does Jason and Sonny. I cannot stand these three.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...