Friday, January 15, 2010

Soap Opera Ratings: Jan 4-8th 2010

Man, do I have to start paying people to watch OLTL?

Total Viewers

1. Y&R 5,320,000 (-260,000/-10,000)
2. B&B 3,586,000 (+39,000/-118,000)

3. DAYS 3,282,000 (+88,000/+400,000)

4. AMC 2,978,000 (+23,000/+263,000)

5. GH 2,731,000 (+18,000/-25,000)

6. ATWT 2,692,000 (-21,000/-52,000)

7. OLTL 2,549,000 (-99,000/-105,000)


1. Y&R 3.8/12 (-.1/same)

2. B&B 2.6/8 (+.1/-.1)

3. DAYS 2.3/7 (+.1/+.2)

4. AMC 2.2/7 (+.1/+.2)

5. ATWT 2.0/6 (+.1/same)

5. GH 2.0/6 (+.1/-.1)

7. OLTL 1.9/6 (same/-.1)

I tell you what... I so wish they would do an ACTUAL households of both the networks AND SoapNet on this.

New Spoilers up!  Lisa's going to operate on Mike. :eyeroll:  Please hit an ad.  Thank you!!

OLTL: Somone let me marry David Vickers. 

GH: "HOW many times have the cops looked like idiots"?? Oh, Sonny only about 20,000!
OMG, I think Jason/Sonny said Franco about 77x today.  It's maddening.  Maybe that's the tie in with CO77x.  :)
I'm so  tired.  *sigh*
Nikolas did mention Spencer and Laura...and we saw Alfred.
Lisa, my boredom with you grows daily.
Niz is on the brink of being caught.

Here's to a great weekend! Golden GLobes Sunday! I think I'm seeing Sherlock Holmes this weekend, we'll see. If I hear any good stuff, I'll hop back on and remember to look for Sunday Surgery!


  1. Idk why OLTL has the lowest ratings. With the Manning clan and Vickers its the best soap out there!

  2. poor lucky. shouldn't liz have chlamydia by now anyways?? or is that why she is going to have a breakdown? she'll only be able to sleep with the same lot of guys over and over

  3. Why would Liz have chlamydia? She has only slept with the same people multiple times. Not random people like Maxie has. Maybe they should check her for STD's.

  4. If Liz has an STD, then Sonny, Carly, Sam, Jason, Ric, Alexis, all should have it. (the same one since they have all shared partners). Sam slept with Jason, Lucky, Jax, Sonny, Ric (while married to her mother), Carly slept with AJ, Jax, Lorenzo, Sonny (let's not even include Tony, which was as bad as Sam with Ric!) Liz has slept with Zander, Nik, Jason, Ric & Lucky. Alexis slept with Ric & Sonny. I'm sure I'm missing a few but its funny how it comes full circle, hu? no pun intended, either.

  5. I think Maxie has slept with Lucky, Spin, Franco, Cooper, Logan, and who else?

  6. YEAH!! Patrick's got good taste in Nascar drivers!! I totally agree that Mark Martin should have won last season!! Jimmy Johnson...pft.... :P

    The Nascar talk was about the only thing that peaked my interest today....*lol*

  7. Okay seriously? Who had the bright idea to take Michael to a cabin? Carly wasn't like "Hmmm maybe this might freak him out a little more?

  8. I agree that was in really poor taste with the cabin, but yesterdays show was so fun loving I enjoyed the Jax family for once!

  9. Maxie also slept with that one dude that did the web cam cast of them doing the deed.

  10. carly also slept with jason(the love of her life)

  11. maxie also slept with that other guy the hot cop that died. i totally forgot his name. he was before coop though. jesse maybe?

  12. today's show was ultra-boring, and the NASCAR talk almost put me over the edge. it was total filler. even if i liked NASCAR i would have wanted to throw something at my tv.

    is it just me or does it seem odd that Liz who claims to want to marry Lucky is doing her best to screw that up? Supposedly she loves him, but i am not seeing it. if she really wanted to marry him, she would not have run straight to Nikolas when Audrey called her.

  13. Dierna I agree on the Jimmy Johnson crap.I watched AMC and OLTL and both were good love me some David Vickers hate the Ford guy.Love me some Dorian.Sonny and Jason getting on my last nerve hope they do find out its Michael that did in his stepmother smartmouthed little brat.

  14. JJ WAS AWESOME YESTERDAY! He truly looked shocked. Niz made me ill, AGAIN. Howver I hope the rumors are true that Jason helps her when she cracks

  15. maybe GH should do a gay love story. the other soaps seem to have luck with it. I would like to see jasonny.

  16. Yes, I think Jason could be the only person that can help Liz through anything. Only because I saw how their friendship started so long ago. I won't even mind if it is just as friends, though I will secretly be wanting something more.

  17. I really wish GH would add more African Americans on their show. It's 2010 and they have one black woman on there that we see on a every other day bases.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...