Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday Surgery: General Hospital is earning it's Hype!

THANKS to Fan Tia for snappin' this pic of some Franco slippers at her local DOLLAR Store. (and thinking of me when she did).  HAahhahaha!

“The Franco thing has not gone away. We are anticipating having James (Franco) back to do another arc, but even before we get him back, the story is going to continue.”  --Bob Guza Jr.

He's tryin' to kill me. Honestly. LOL. Well, we know Jason gets a reminder of the artist--there will be many more "drops" and "clues" that Franco is alive and well into the next sweeps period. Just hope your Wubqueen can last them out.

Well. WHAT A WEEK, eh??! Good-ness. Some of you LOVED it, some of you HATED it, but everyone was talking about it. From the promos on MTV to CNN (yes, they were on CNN) we saw "Emmy Winner Maurice Benard and New Comer Dominck Zamprogna" clips all over. Lisa LoCiccero screaming "You shot your OWN SON"!! until I was dreamin' about it. LOL. It delivered. From Lucky's HUGE breakdown screaming match with Niz (Written by Karen Harris) we floated into another crisis with da mob (written by Michele VanJean). Good Laws-- it was all intense.
Kudos to all actors involved in this entire story. It's been forever in the making. When Sonny finally confronted Dante, you could feel the emotion. DZ was amazing. Can't wait to see when they finally talk father to son. That, by the way, doesn't let GH off the hook for doing the nasty of shooting a cop in the chest at point blank range. That wasn't lost on me...however, the world of soaps (and especially GH), it did tell a good story. Also, the budding romance of Lulu and Dante is unfolding in a wonderful, natural way. It's a sight to behold.
There's an interesting article/interview in TVGuide you should read about Sonny and the Slammer. Will he go to jail for Claudia's murder?

A lot more to get to. The Soap Cruise is going on right now and did you hear? Bradford Anderson hurt his ankle playing basketball and I think he's in a cast. (thank you Nelson Branco for that tidbit). Fans and Stars alike are tweeting about the whole she-bang. Maybe the Wubqueen will do a Wubs cruise..what do you think? Lobster will be served :)

Want to be part of a birthday greeting for Lisa LoCicero?? Send an email to to get the details.  It's a biggie for her and Chrissy, who runs Lisa's fan page on FaceBook is gathering messages from all of us to her.

Another fun thing? There's a contest being sponsored by Maurice Benard TV is wild good. Maurice will call a fan EVERY DAY in Feb!! Could it be YOU? Dang, I'm even signing up for that!

Spoilers--there's a LOT of them, and they will all be up by noon/est today. We're going to see a revisit of the Lucky/Liz Valentine's Day in the snow eppy...with a twist. Scrubs is going to have some angst over the free-wheelin' Lisa and the fact that Patrick knew about Dante all along.The entire Corinthos extended family will have to deal with Dante. LET'S NOT FORGET: Helena is comin! Yes, there's a Liason scene where Jason will  talk with Liz about Jake.

RATINGS for Jan 18th-24th. It's intersting to note that GH seems stuck at 1.9 and AMC has finally broken the 2.1 spot. It's still the number one ABC daytime soap. Uh...anyone know WHY?! OLTL is hitting it out of the park and GH is as well. Go figure.

Speaking of ratings...Sarah Joy Brown's episode of Castle last Monday gave that show it's highest ratings since it's debut! DO NOT underestimate the power of a daytime fanbase. Also appearing was Senta Moses (Winnie). Here's hoping the are on more guest prime time spots! Sarah reports that she's loving her time on B&B playing "Sandy".  Rick Hearst lent her his cabin in Mammouth and she's spending the weekend snowboarding with her daughter.

REAL ANDREWS (Taggert) is having a Birthday today! Stop by Twitter and wish him a good one: @realandrews !

Monday is The INDEPENDENT Soap Awards! We Love Soaps is hosting this event at 9pm/est. Many online soaps will be included in this show, to be aired on the site itself. Hit the link to find out more.  

Thank you TO ALL Wubbers out there. I am so happy that the WubsNet broke 6,000 followers on Twitter and that so many of you take the time to comment on the blogs. It's not an easy thing to do--this website and such. Knowing there are people out there reading it all makes it worth the while. We've raised over $100 for the Outreach in Haiti. One reason this outreach center is my pick is because I know the director (from my hometown) and know they are established and do work right now for people in need. Whenever you click on an ad, a portion of it goes to this great cause. Thank you so much. See ya at 4pm/est during the week for GH blogs or on Twitter (almost all the time, let's face it, I'm addicted!!) I am @WubsNet on there..look me up!

One last note, Alberta Wubs, the GH lobster is coming home soon. She participated in the NOH8 photoshoot in LA this past Friday. Pictures will be coming this week on the blog!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Soul Pancake Song Mix List


For my fellow's the list I have so far for our iTunes mix. Please check your song.  I put it on blogger so we can converse here in the comments and I can update the list by the edit function. I can put the final list up that way and not have to retype it.  Welcome to my Wub Tub Blog, btw. Sorry if I misspelled your name...sorry if I missed your post, it was tough going! Zamfir, I don't have one for you I don't think. didn't see a FINAL :)
Also, I'm adding The Theme from "The Office" for Rainn and "Orange Shirt" by Discovery for the overall SoulPancake Experience.

General Hospital Wubbers--thank you for sharing space with the Soul Pancake crew.  (

Rules were: List one song that you'd like on the SP song mix.

Trixie: Church of the Poison Mind--Culture Club
Tonyracing: Run--Collective Soul
Zamfir: Don't Dream It's Over --Crowded House
Handsome Stranger--One of the Best Ones--Bruce Cockburn
MnGrl-- Evolve--Ani DiFranco
PopeSkippyXVI--The Love of God--Gaither Vocal Band 
Rin_weh--I lived on the Moon-- Kwoon
Eclipsia--May you Walk in Sunshine--Sacred Spirit
Blues brogio-- How Many More Times--Led Zepplin
ChesterMint-- Imagine--John L
BobbiesGirl--It's a Good Day--Perry Como
Racheel--City of Electric Light--Chad Van Gaalen
dancingplatypus--Bird House In Your Soul--They Might be Giants
Kdmask--Snails--The Format
Darthcheeseburger--la mamma morta--Marie Callas
Ksframc- Death is Not the End--Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
northstop--Fat Bottom Girls--Queen
Pastor--Ripple--Grateful Dead
Silvinajm--Ice ice baby--Vanilla Ice
Guitardds- Give a Little Bit --Supertramp
ruthiebg--Blue--Joni Mitchell
The Anarchist73--Carry On the Flag--The Casualties
WarpedGlass1--Float--Flogging Molly
Joanndra--September--Earth Wind and Fire
Iombardian--Satellite of love--Lou Reed
Idamines--The 59th Street Bridge Song
CragAntler--Miracles Out of Nowwhere--Kansas
Justinsreality--Learning to Fly--Tom Petty
Flashbanding--For a Dancer--Jackson Browne
SeedeyPete--Life Ain't So Shitty--Blind Melon
Kgines--Poetic Tragedy--The Used
Barb--Come As You Are--Nirvana
Aviv--Jigsaw Falling into Place--Radiohead
Applegrass- The End of the World--REM
madmanlovesyou--12th of September-Xavier Rudd
devongundry--To Build A Home--Cinematic Orchestra
TurtherBrother--Without You/Harry Nilsson
LovedOne- Never Here Alone--Collective Soul
engelsgetdababbles--Let Go--Frou Frou
CathYEAH--Lightening Crashes--Live
omigilykaty--cape canaveral--conor oberst
HelpI'mAlive-- ghosts n stuff--deadmau5
UDRF--Gone in the Morning--nathan faulkner
Merimen1--The Replacements

Friday, January 29, 2010

General Hospital: DONTE takes a DIVE Day!

Lady Jane !! Wow. Didn't know about that. And I know everything. :) heh. BTW, Carly's dress?'s not a supperclub, it's CHURCH! It's JANUARY! MERCEDES MENTION! BTW, Chrissie Fit is launching her SUBpranos webseries today! Go! Watch the first eppy and rate it.

Sonny to Carly: "Today we dump the garbage on the side of the road"..

I LOVE Olivia..she's strong, sexy and I love how she talks to Jason!

Luke's HAIR! Brahahaha. Ok, it was bad the other day, but's er...Barry Manalow? At least he was nice to Liz. Then Lulu walks in and says: "What are you doing talking to this lying piece of trash?"

We know JJ's faith-- and watching him in church talking to god--doubly interesting. AND JASON is wearing a tie?! :thud:

Sonny/Dante-- he's telling him to go to do a 'top secret assignment' and then Dante calls him on  Nice work. LOVE the Lt. Pauletti story being put in there!! Perfect cop and revenge thing. wowza. plus the cutting to the whole Josslyn service--with the chanting music? Olivia runs in...! liked it! Not as powerful as Claudia's birthday bash, but I'll take it!  I wish they wouldn't have promoed the entire last scene. That was a bit anticlimatic after seeing it so many times, imo.

READ: Michael Fairman Soaps Interview with Dom Zamprogna  Speaking of Interviews, Maurice did one with TVGuide-- and said Sonny may go to jail! Interesting.

TVWatercooler has a blog up on JJ's performance this past week. (with scene clips)

CHECK out the newbie SCOOPS and please hit an ad...thank you.

#OLTL was fabu today too. John getting fake-shot...Jessica with a pretty real looking thing in her mouth! eeee! They are moving studios over the weekend. I hope that's GOOD NEWS because that show ROCKS.

I HAVE A LOT of good stuff to get up this weekend. See ya then!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Watch GH with Lisa LoCicero and Dominick Z!!

Starting the evening of January 29th, you can watch Friday's episode of General Hospital in the Full Episode Player -- like always -- but you will also have the option of viewing the episode featuring commentary by Lisa LoCicero (Olivia) and Dominic Zamprogna (Dante). Throughout the episode, Lisa and Dominic will pipe in with any thoughts they have about the episode, its taping, the writing, or anything else that crosses their minds. Think of it like the commentary that you get on DVDs.  Read the full thing on SoapNet.

I'm still waiting for the full-on "pop-up" General Hospitals..ala VH1 style. (with the Wubqueen writing the pops!)

Sit Back, Relax you WUBBAHS! Soap Operas for today...

#AMC uh, the nuColby is really REALLY stinkin' up that whole story. Don't like that punk kid either. LOL. I think they are moved? Hmmm. Today's show was boring.

#OLTL today was so marvy!! Natalie parading her boobs around and actually says "Should I BUST you out of jail"?? LOL. I'm loving Dorian's "undercover spy" look. Who saw "The Devil's Advocate"? It is SO the Mitch story!! He's AL Pacino!! I so hope that Sky isn't going to dig a hole. I love Scott Clifton! (but you know that already).

#GH: The whole Cassadine story is coming in drips/drabs. Helena will be happily laughing at Prince Nik's split with his brother. She'll have warnings about the Uber Black-Sheep in the family. He'd better be some piece of work because with Stavvy and Hells' history that's a tall order.

I'm so glad Epiphany said something about the GH gossip! Just think if Amy was there, her head would have exploded!!  She would have called Tiffany and it would be all over town and on the TV station in a second!

Such fake snow. Loved Johnny asking if it was "Molly Ringwald night at the Jack's house".  Nice.
Keifer telling Kristina that she's dressing "young"! LOL... and he's going to Harvard? Realz. hmm. I don't get the appeal of him. They should have made him more likeable so the abuse was out of left-field. I mean, I can see NO reason why Kristina is into him. Loved that Krissy called Sam and Molly wanted to go too. Although Sam and dressing conservative? Ahahahahaha.

SPIN'S SHIRT? ughhhhhhhh. is it velour? Looks like it.

Lulu and Dante are so good...finally a guy I can get behind for Lulu. I wonder how Luke's going to react to him. Hmmmmmmm. Hi Dad, he's Dante...he's Sonny's first born AND he's a cop!! :running away:
I really like the Carly/Olivia friendship...glad they patched it up. We need more friends.

Tomorrow I am busy with a meeting at 2:30...I hope Fronz is on time, he's usually late. ;) I won't be live blogging, I hate to say. Check for Spoilers later in the evening. I'm waiting for mail to come in.

GH filmed episode number 12,000 today!!
Thanks to Wubber Chrissy for that tidbit.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday's General Hospital: Thank You to the GH dialog writers!'s GH was a HOOT!!! Great dialog!!
Carly: "Spencerland"
Lulu: "Mattress Tag

Carly: "nymphomaniac"

Good stuff. Even Ron Hale got to get beat up again so Mike got some screentime!! Goodness.
I wonder if Kate/Connie will show up after DOMte gets shot? (think I can finally call him Dante soon?) Odds say: 40:1. What a waste of a great actress.
Carly is SUCH a great soapy-character. Totally selfish, totally hypocritical. heh.and I LOVES IT!
Kristina and Keifer (why do I keep calling that kid "Zander"?) -- LOL. Classic boy "needs" sex...Classic girl who's like, just wait!

Sam and Jason are the black wardrobers.
Lulu got some good one's in huh? The whole nurses station was a hoot. Epiphany was trying to look busy, Robin was like "holy sheeze"...Sonny was like "OH D'OH"!!

Ok, ok..this whole story is another Guza shake-down of a woman. Now, she's going to go a little crazy...have a "breakdown"..all that same tired old stuff. BUT! I am diggin' the dialog.

Love Raynor, if they had him on MORE, it may be more DRAMATIC. He's a shake and bake character.

LOVE OLIVIA!!!! I'd love her more if Kate was around too...she needs family. Loved her with Raynor!

Michael goes to Jax about DOMte!! brahahahaha. Jax is all: Ohhhhh,realllllllllly? He's a copper? hmmmmmm.
Ah, DOMte tells Lulu he wubs her!

Not sure if I'm going to watch Denise Richards on Oprah. She's not a fave. I still think she shouldn't have gone out with Richie Sambora.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday ON the Soap Opera Deck!! JJ is EMMY WORTHY!

Maxine and Tyler at the Women's Conference in Vegas last weekend!

Maxine has been around the net and GH events since the beginning of it all! She was nice enough to share this great pic with me of she and Tyler Christopher. If you look down below I was trying to find some people that went to this fun event. She said he and Dom Z were looking fine!!

Do you like FanFic? Someone contacted me via facebook that has some going for Skye Chandler! We all miss Robin, so if you want, take a gander, she's written quite a bit:, third Colby strikes out in my book. ewww. Loved Jake seeing Liza neekid. heh. I really love them all living in one house.

#OLTL See, I'm starting to make twitter # marks on here! Good Lord, tell I'm addicted? Langston is getting randy! Oh, to be 18 again. Lust. What you gonna do?!  Liking Starr and newbie Dani. They look like sisters. Did you know that Matthew and Starr are bro/sis in real life?

#GH: did you see the spoilers? did you hit an ad for Haiti? We have about $50 so far.

I am still saying DOMte is one of the worst "undercover" cops EVAH...except Hannah, I guess. Love how they use the DOCKS...why don't they take out an ad in the paper? And uh, DOMte? Yes, Sonny's "deeply flawed"--he's also a GANG-stah. Olivia needed to come clean in that scene, imo.

Lucky. JJ looks destroyed-- just like he should. He's such a fabu actor. He called Niz "Sick". This is going to get good! He looks so vampire-ish!! He did a bang-up job today. WOWza. That's the JJ I remember. I think Rebecca Herbst was crying because she actually felt bad! LOL. That's how good he was!  Tyler Christopher is just standing there stunned.  "You are a Cassadine right down to your rotten SOUL"!!!!! JJ is on twitter btw: @JSJacksonwrites ahhhhhhh, today's show: BLISS. RH on point as well. Just when I thought it was over, the scene just kept going! woo hoo! He said "Rutting Farm Animals" Told her to never use Cam/Jake to manipulate him again ("you bitch")!  AND AS my friend FRANK said on twitter: Lucky? The New Anger Boy? Could he take over for Jason and Michael?!!
Luke: "you know there's only room for one bitter, nasty Spencer in this saloon cowboy"...

Tracy and Luke..nice. Of course, the Haunted Star is shut. How DO they make money? TG's hair is scary right now. As much as I want GF to come back, I do love me the spankybuns
Diane is on..with Maxie and Mac. That's nice. But really, just watch for JJ today.

Carly runs over to Jason to tell on Liz!!!!!! how funny. Classic CARLY! She told him everything...

Hell, I'm drained. I wonder how actors feel after those kind of scenes? geesh. I'd have to go have a shot or two. I mean, really.
Show was written by: Karin Harris today..thanks to the tweeps that told me that.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday Surgery: Another World's New Face coming to GH

Dahlia Salem, who used to be on Another World is coming to Port Chuck to play a federal prosecutor named Christine Walsh. She's due on screen in late Feb.

James Franco, Jon Hamm and  David Strathairn promote Howl, at Village at the Yard during the 2010 Sundance Film Festival on Friday (January 22) in Park City, Utah. HE's EVERYWHERE! Even with my fave MAD MAN!  

FROM the Bizarre Box: Tyler Christopher and Dominic Zamprogna were with the hunks of Thunder From Down Under, Frank Marino and his cast of female impersonators from Divas Las Vegas at Imperial Palace for the 9th Annual Women’s Fair at South Point. More than 125 businesses and 5,000 participants were there on January 23rd. If anyone has pics from THIS please send them in!!

Finola Huges will be on CSI: NY Feb 3rd. She will play a mother who's daughter is found drained of all her blood. 

MORE GHers: Sarah Brown will be on ABC's Castle Monday night at 10pm.
Hey! Even though Josslyn's christening will have bullets flying, Carly invites the Qs to come! Yippee! Looks like Lisa's going to make a move on Patrick and Johnny breaks up with Olivia. (boo)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Goodbye James Mitchell: Our Palmer Cortlandt

You've probably seen this, I'm a bit late getting it up. James Mitchell played Palmer on AMC for 31 years. I remember his very first day when he and Nina were in town. LOVED him from the first second he appeared on screen. He tried to keep poor Nina locked away in the house. Remember Daisy and Palmer? Her cat? Good times, good times.
He was in many movies during his long career. He was in "Paint Your Wagon" with Clint Eastwood,  the movie Oklahoma!, Carnival on Broadway  many Playhouse episodes on television.  James Mitchell was 89. He died of complications of pneumonia. His last appearence on AMC was this past month for their 40th anniversary show.
He will be missed.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Soap Opera Mystery Theatre to include HELENA!

Looks like Jacob Young still remembers what it's like to work with the great Connie Towers!

Soap Fan Mystery Theatre will offer "The Unexpected Guest" on Saturday, February 20th at 8PM and Sunday, February 21st at 2PM and 7PM. Jacob's AMC costar Vincent Irizarry (David) will star as Michael Starkwedder -- the unexpected guest in question -- who accidentally drives his car into a ditch on a foggy night and wanders into a nearby house to use the phone. While there, he discovers a woman (legendary actress Stefanie Powers) standing over her dead husband's body
holding a smoking gun ... did she really do it? The Unexpected Guest's reading will also feature Jacob along with longtime Guiding Light star Robert Newman (Josh), AMC's Adam Mayfield (Scott), Constance Towers (Helena, General Hospital), and other special appearances to be announced.

TODAY'S GH: Well, color me surprised. Press releases said ol' Luke would be back Monday. Silly me. Or maybe his HAIR just came back early. ;) He did say BAT!! :me doing the bat dance:
JJ and TG...magic. *Sigh* "Let's just sit here and drink"... Oh, Lucky gets the "dangerous" guy connection with Laura/Luke and Liz/Nik/Jason.

Good for Lulu for laying into NIZ a bit. They need it. Nice scene on the docks with DOMte but the payphone? Really? hmmm.

Michael says he's AJ Son. heh. wow. Did you hear that scream from the inside of a GH storage closet?

Olivia screams "You shot your son"!! in the promos! I do think that we've been predicting that for EONS!!

Anyone else want ZombieClaudia and ZombieAJ to come back to eat up Port Charles?  Heh. It's my dream.

I'll be on later this weekend. Must go decorate my friend's house.  They are bringing baby JANE back from CHINA tonight!! How joyful is that? She's 2 years old and just wonderful.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

NEW SCOOPS UP: General Hospital Feb Sweeps!!

Oh, it's going to be a Guza-palooza this FEB!! There's an event in a church (christening) which is  a PERFECT backdrop for all sorts of mayhem. Go take a look on the Wubs Net and find out who shoots who, who's having a breakdown --who's in big trouble on all fronts. Luke's back January 25th and Helena's back Feb. 10th! Look like she's mighty interested in the NIZ deal. No 100% word on the whole Becky real life pregnancy being written into the script. Right now, it's all speculation.

Let me know what you think. BTW, looks like Maya is a product of Justus' sister--and Zoe is her half sis on her mother's side and therefore, not related to Michael. So..they can have a relationship.

Missed Today's Show, 'cept for Sonny's Suit!

Good LAWD. Was that a purple suit? Ok, Plum.....but hello! All I saw was Michael bitching...Lucky whining, Sonny all yelling. I was working for real.  I did look at some mags today in the grocery store and was UNDERWHELMED at the GH's "sweeps" spoilers. Nothing else that I don't already have up.

People are asking about Maya and Zoe. Edward is calling Maya his "great-granddaughter"...but we aren't sure who's kid she is. Someone said she's some mystery Ward we've never heard of. Whatever. Oh! I did see Lisa today-- like HOW come she's not Sarah Webber? I mean, I know this is supposed to expose Patrick's wild past and all that but she could have been so much more meaningful as Sarah. JUST my opinion.

I just saw Who's Wedding is it Anyway: Surprise the Bride and hoo ha! What a BEEATCH! Her mother too. Good Lord, what a nasty girlie. That groom should have ran while he had the chance. I'm with his mom, it's HIS day too. 

Well, that's about it for today. Hit up the Wubs Net and click on an ad.  I will be donating again to Haiti relief. We also have AIDS NYC coming up and we are sponsoring Nelson Branco (Suds Report, TV Guide Canada) in his Toronto AIDS bike ride!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Soap Opera Wed. are you watching OLTL?

Well, GH is going to be all Keifer/Krissy and the DOMte reveal for a bit it looks like. Of course, we'll have the aftermath of the whole Niz sheezebot too. I can't say anything sounds totally exciting. No real Cassadine stuff has crossed my email yet. You know I'll let you know as soon as the feta hits the fan!

Going to go see Jeff Dunham tonight. Get son loves him, was going to have just hub go-- but I was like, OK...I gooooooooo. AND turns out Ani Difranco is here too! :stomping foot: Can you guess where I'd rather be? LOL

Watch #OLTL..they are just throwing caution to the wind and writing up a STORM. I'm spoiler free so it's hard but people are saying Feb Sweeps are going to be WILD!! See, when a show has nothing to lose--- I swear the writing gets gung-ho and total SOAPTOWN! Like Kimmy? LOVES her!! And Fish the just-out gay will be a baby daddy? woot! They also have a LOT of teen sex going on. Well, they have a lot of sex going on, period. They also treat the gay story like any other couple's story. Which it should be. Long live KISH! Everyone is living with everyone else, Roxy's brownstone...the high schoolers...Llandfair, Dorian' Todd's. Ahhhhhhhh. Mitch Lawrence is a wonder of a villian, btw. He's the Male Helena (with a Bible).  They have the BEST one-liners. :)

So... GH. Today I have an appt at 3pm and the same tomorrow. I'm hoping I'll be back in time to finish GH though. We'll see.  I'll DVR it I don't miss a minute.  I was thinking last night  DOMte is the world's worst undercover guy. The whole town knows about him--lol. AND he still talks shop on the docks, in the the PCPD. Pretty hilarious.  Do you think that Krissy and Ethan will be an "item" any time soon? I know she'll accuse him of stuff...hmmm. I just need something exciting and UNEXPECTED to happen on GH. I'm also really surprised that Genie F hasn't announced her decision about the show. Interesting.

I did catch the baby Godparent discussion. Jax "How about Lucky"? Carly: Why Lucky? Jax: He's your cousin...Carly: I hardly KNOW HIM!  and there in LIES GH'S biggest problem. Right there. And hey, it's not like there's been no Lucky/Carly character for years. For shame. I also think Carly met Laura a total of 3 times for about 1 minute total airtime the entire time those two were on!!
Edward, Monica/Tracy and a Maya mention!!! Another Great Grand-Kid!!

Oh, my GH dream? That Jane Elliot was going to do a story in YEMEN for GH only they weren't going to really send her there.  They shot it on "Location" on a ranch in Canada with A Brownie TROOP! LOL..what a wacko I am!!  TOO much GH on my brain.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Greg Vaughan and Wife Welcome Baby Boy #2!

Just when I put their pic up, they go and have the baby! He just tweeted this:

Touriya & I are pleased to announce the birth of Cavan Thomas Vaughan who was born on 1/19/2010 @ 1:19pm.

CONGRATS to Greg and Touriya from the Wubs Net!!

Tuesday General Hospital: MO' of the Same

 New Short  Wub up: The Aftermath WUB

For those of you attending GFCW 2010, Becky Herbst's  soiree will be held on Thursday, July 22nd @ 9pm!

That great photo of Greg and wife is over on People's Baby Blog!  She's due very soon! 

Check out FANS GIVING BACK ! Jonathan Jackson has a page up with a song download for charity!

Lucky/Nikolas:  Interesting he's taunting him. Lucky's already looking a bit junkie like, imo. Cassadine history brought up. Is Helena's magic evil going through Lucky's veins? Protect YOUR QUEEN! He sounded like a Cassadine in that scene. And at the end? HE goes all LUKE on us! Ah, that first one is the best one.

44 days of Sonny being blamed or them trying to blame him for the murder of Claudia. 
OMG, Olivia and Sonny talk about High School like it was 10 years ago, not 30. Just sayin'
Mike on GH...must be time for him to be operated on by Lisa. He's all gamblin' fever...LOL random gambling fever. I mean it's not like GH keeps up on that story. 

Well, today was pretty good...from Lulu and Johnny to DOMte....SoLivia and then JoLivia. Lucky getting all psycho. Not bad. 

19 Loves today for Love For many did you count?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy MLK Day! How's Your Soap Hangin'?

That's Ms. Grahn and Mr. Nichols at yesterday's Rose Bowl Donation!
Don't you LOVE IT?!

Hope you are enjoying today and thinking about DREAMS...GH TRivia: What did Emily do that involved MLK Day and who did she do it with??

There's a tidbit up about the new Ward chicklet on the WubsNet. Find out what she's doing in town. The Ward Girls are early 20's (Maya) and late teens (Zoe). Zoe will be Maya's 1/2 sister so she won't be related to Michael. Can U guess WHY?!

There's an Outreach program in Haiti that a friend of my parents directs. He lives there. The WUBS net will be contributing money at the end of the month to their program. If you'd like to check it out . This way, I know right where it's going and who's going to deliver it!! We will be working with as usual. They are doing a fun "To Haiti With Love" and donating $5 for everytime someone says "love" on different soaps. We are going to count GH today...let's see how many come up!

OLTL was good today. Loved it, that's all just loved it all.

GH today:
We should have made Claudia the buzz word for the Haiti relief! LOL..(as per Rainbowbtrfly)
Poor Lucky...having to look at all of Nik's tatts. I was lookin' at those tatts. Aw, now he's crying. I think he'll realize ol' DAD was right afterall! OMG, I was not expecting him to bat the house up. Scared the HELL out of me...the dog even barked!! And he's not even going to say ANYTHING to Liz? Oh, what a let down! And how RUDE of Liz to just to and see Lucky 2.3 seconds after sleeping with Nik. eesh.

Patrick said Love 3x in the first 6 min. of GH! LOL that's $15! 
Count at 3:31 is NINE

I guess the Italian Restaurant is the NuKelly's? I like Kirsten's hair today. OMG, so Sam/Jason walk into Jason's PH and It's redecorated and I totally didn't really even notice. LOL. Was the bubble lamp there? They did take the pooltable out!!

Newbie doc/coroner guy has been on like 3x now. WHO is he? Name I mean? He's cute! Someone on Twitter Said..Sly Thomas. Named after Sly Eckart?

SPENCER was on today. Hell froze over. Good casting though, he does look like TC.

"LOVE" count today: 11.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday Surgery: Soap Stars for Haiti Relief!

I can't thank Wubber Karla and her hubby Paul enough for going to the Rose Bowl yesterday and taking Alberta Wubs with them. They also had donations from daytime fans that saw their tweets about the Haiti donations.  Nancy Lee Grahn started the movement, inviting her fellow daytime peeps to the NBC LA event. Look at these fab photos!

Nancy and Brandon with Alberta

Molly Burnett, Casey Deidrick & Ali Sweeney
Alberta meets DOOLers!

How wonderful are those photos??! Thanks to all wubbers and Daytime fans that went out and donated. Today, Alberta is doing the same at Angel Stadium for more Haiti relief! I so wish I could be there. Wubs Net donated $50 in the name of all Wubs Fans. Thank you for clicking on the ads on the wubs page, I will continue to donate.

From the Box of Wha??? Jonathan Jackson said his wife, Lisa Vultaggo could come back to GH sometime. If you remember, she played Hannah, FBI agent. Since the FBI is gaining cred on the show who knows? Hannah was involved with Sonny....and she wore her black bra A LOT. LOL

Something VERY interesting!! A wubber was watching the Wendy O Williams show and Richard Simmons said he was 'eating lunch with Jane Elliot and Genie Francis"!! Hmmmmmm. Just sayin'!?

We know what GH will be this week: Lucky implosion!!! Did they ever explain why Luke's not been around or is he just 'gone'?? Oh, and DOMte is going to shove Lulu away to "keep her safe". Which I think has happened to every female on GH but Big Alice at one time or another. Heh

:YOU TUBE for #TeamConan!! IT's too fun. I am TOTALLY team Conan. It's a fun thing to watch, these late night wars. Heh. This is a riff on the Plain White T's song: "Hey There Delilah"

HAVE A GREAT SUNDAY..see you on Twitter  (@wubsnet)  or Monday after the show!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

General Hospital: Haiti Relief Efforts-Rose Bowl TODAY!

Several GH cast members including Nancy Lee Grahn, Sarah Brown, Brandon Barash, Lisa LoCicero, Dominck Z  and John Ingle will be at the Rose Bowl today at 3pm collecting donations for Haiti. If you are in Southern Cal, consider getting out there to help with the cause. I think there will be all sorts of actors there-- not sure but WUBBAHS need to represent!!
HERE'S the Article about the NBC Affiliate that is organizing the event and how you can help. They are collecting CASH today.

UPDATE: Alberta WILL BE AT THE ROSE BOWL TODAY!! Meeting GH peeps, donating $50 from Wubbers!! THANKS to Gwaddie and GHubby for this.

ON SUNDAY: Alberta the Wubs Lobster will be going to Angel Stadium to attend another relief event. $50 is being donated by Wubs Net for all Wubbers. If you can't donate, all you need to do is go to Wubs Net, click on an ad (at the top/google)  and a % will be going to Haiti. I know someone that runs a clinic there so in about a month, I am sending money down with them...they can't use it now, no way to get any supplies at the moment. I will keep you posted. Thank you!
Stars from DAYS will be there as well. When I find out about more, I'll post them here.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Soap Opera Ratings: Jan 4-8th 2010

Man, do I have to start paying people to watch OLTL?

Total Viewers

1. Y&R 5,320,000 (-260,000/-10,000)
2. B&B 3,586,000 (+39,000/-118,000)

3. DAYS 3,282,000 (+88,000/+400,000)

4. AMC 2,978,000 (+23,000/+263,000)

5. GH 2,731,000 (+18,000/-25,000)

6. ATWT 2,692,000 (-21,000/-52,000)

7. OLTL 2,549,000 (-99,000/-105,000)


1. Y&R 3.8/12 (-.1/same)

2. B&B 2.6/8 (+.1/-.1)

3. DAYS 2.3/7 (+.1/+.2)

4. AMC 2.2/7 (+.1/+.2)

5. ATWT 2.0/6 (+.1/same)

5. GH 2.0/6 (+.1/-.1)

7. OLTL 1.9/6 (same/-.1)

I tell you what... I so wish they would do an ACTUAL households of both the networks AND SoapNet on this.

New Spoilers up!  Lisa's going to operate on Mike. :eyeroll:  Please hit an ad.  Thank you!!

OLTL: Somone let me marry David Vickers. 

GH: "HOW many times have the cops looked like idiots"?? Oh, Sonny only about 20,000!
OMG, I think Jason/Sonny said Franco about 77x today.  It's maddening.  Maybe that's the tie in with CO77x.  :)
I'm so  tired.  *sigh*
Nikolas did mention Spencer and Laura...and we saw Alfred.
Lisa, my boredom with you grows daily.
Niz is on the brink of being caught.

Here's to a great weekend! Golden GLobes Sunday! I think I'm seeing Sherlock Holmes this weekend, we'll see. If I hear any good stuff, I'll hop back on and remember to look for Sunday Surgery!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The BIG NEWS today? GH wise that is..

Rebecca Herbst (Liz) is Pregnant with her third child. Her hubby, Michael Saucedo gave a tweet about it today. AND he has a TwitPic to show the PG test results! LOL
ERGO..can't help but wonder if a WTD story will indeed be written into GH. I mean, Liz does have a LONG track record of not really knowing who fathered her kid--and there's a Cassadine story coming up (Always good for kidnapping the bambinos). Guess we'll have to see. It was a rumor awhile ago that she would have either have Lucky or Nik's kid this would fit right  in there!
Anyway, CONGRATS to all!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

General Hospital:

DONATE to Haiti Relief: PBS has a lot of great ones to choose from, all legit. There's also the AT&T Text message donation info on there.

NOTE: OLTL didn't wait for Feb sweeps to get the Dani secret out!
Kimmy: "Is the Pope German"?
David Vickers: "I think he lives in Italy"...
David is the BEST character on soaps lately. "I will take a lapdance..if it's free and all"! Now he and Kimmy are rivals for the Buchanan millions!! WOOT! David Calls her "Princess VELVET THIGHS"! Brahahaha.
And Mitch going to see Todd. Nice. "Walker" mention! I totally forgot Todd has Mitch's brother's face! heh.
Not diggin' Ford. They could have found someone with more unique looks. He looks like every other soapy stud, imo

Best part was Maxie giving Lulu her fave handbag. LOL. that was about it.
JoLivia was on.
Carly/Jason both in leathah. LEAAAAATHA. Can you tell I am bored?
WASTE OF SPACE=NEW LISA!! Come on. Plus, she's not even for Matt, she's some doggin' thing on Patrick!!  NOT NEEDED. :throwing up hands: Hell, you could have brought back Sarah.Whateverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Ohhhhhh, Lucky told Jason to Shut UP.  Poor Lucky...Liz is going after Nikolas now that she's not going after Jason or Zander. heh.
You can tell hormonal Liz is going to rip her bodice off soon.
DID YOU notice the camera in the closet with DOMte and Johnny? Hmmmmm weird. Like Film instead of video or vise versa.
Gotta go.
Glad Jason could take his motorcycle out in the snow.

SOAP Star Cards!

I think I need to talk Warren into adding Alberta Wubs and the Wubqueen to these!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

General Hospital: Franco Free!

bob guza on guitar.
OLTL was rockin'! Loved it. Loved the talk Matt and Bo had..even eating subs. Normal. Kimmy was so funny to Renee: "you'll be in the nursing home he's (Nigel) going to be working in". David Vickers! He's going after Dorian for "Pa"!!   The whole "Kimberly Andrews"-- Do you know her? David "uh...nooooo". WAH!
He's so fun. Clint and Nora and the house is a riot. The whole Kimmy thing is so soapy. She's a big ol' gold digger which works so well.
Everyone moving in with everyone--they're all youngin's but I don't care! 
Ross telling Dani he's not her daddy. They didn't wait until Ross had been "dead" for 4 years or anything.
 I know I gush about OLTL but I'm sorry, it's GOOD. The writing is GREAT. Tune in so it's not canned, will ya?

GH: Whatever. Although JJ and TC (did I say CT? whoops)  were good. JJ looked way pale--just like TG does. Maybe his skin will be all glittery ala Edward. And PLZ shave that diddly thing in the middle of the chin! it's so ucky!!
Carly to Lulu "oh, I remember when Claudia took me hostage..."..(and she could have mentioned about 23 others). Like it was just an ordinary thing.
RUMORS are rampant!! Guess who might be PG? Kristina...or...Maxie...or Olivia. I think they are just naming every one of the ladies on GH to cover bases. LOL.
Robin, don't leave  Patrick with skankamanka Lisa!!! And of course, don't have Finola come on the show. Is the new Steven Lars short or what? I don't know, it's hard for me to see him as Liz' brother. They just didn't do it up right. He's so Jake Martin!! Only not in Africa. OMG, Steve Hardy Mention!! Well, he said "Granddad"..guess it's as good as it gets.
Ronnie/DOMte, don't care. OMG, "Tribeca MUGGER"!!!! lol. Where's DeNiro?

OMG, Sarah Palin's on FOX. Wow, there's a suprise! And Mark McGuire used 'roids? REALLY? Two giant shockers...NOT!

gotta go...I'll have new Rumors, Spoilers up tomorrow.

Monday, January 11, 2010

3pm: FRANCO and BEANS!

Ah, yes..the Swan song of Mr. Franco. Well, at least until May. I'm waving from my chair while spray painting the den with CO77x. What could have been a riveting  tale was limp, drimp and just plain slooooow.
Bob, you BLEW it. Here was a chance to do something extraordinary with the show. Lots of attention,
"A List" star. We all know the GH actors are up to anything. You even wrote the story yourself. I understand about block taping. I get that big guns can't be on set for a long time. But did it have to be 3 days of taping spread over 2 months? Couldn't it had been a burst of madness?
Here's my problem. You totally copied the Batman movie. Franco was the joker, showing Batman himself in a mirror.  Right down to the "choice" at the end and a woman sitting on a bomb. Your "CO77x" was totally the "Why so Serious" line. *sigh*. I was really amazed that Franco's character didn't actually say that. You did throw in a touch of "Seven" but then it seemed to be dropped.
I expected so much more. The artist touch was a good one-- the first few days promising. Then...just slipped into the world of mediocrity. The out of sequencing was evident when Franco was off canvas for days and characters stumbled around his loft. What happened to Grasiella? Was she just shoved in there to show Franco was a ladies man? Why wasn't Megan Ward more involved? Why wasn't the whole cast more involved? I get the whole Jason LOVE but after awhile it puts me to sleep. 
Don't get me wrong. Franco and Burton had their moments.  But that's your track record. "Moments" instead of "stories".  I'm noticing the same thing with Dr. Steven Lars. Here's a character that has actual ties/history to the show and he's reduced to coming on, working a few shifts and GH and that's it. Where's Monica to show him the ropes? Audrey? I tell you what, if you are a new viewer you'd have NO idea who the hell this guy is.

So, thank you for the Finale today! Thank you for another BLOW UP explosion. We know how you love the pyro department. Please don't F-up the Cassadine story as badly as this. PLEASE. I do remember you spinning the Lasha/Stefan story. Even though you totally messed with history, at LEAST there was a beginning, middle and ending. Not chop-suey.

Watch OLTL. Every character interacts with every other one. There are friendships that have nothing to do with anything other than they have chemistry (Roxy/Kyle... Rachael/Rex). There are two big houses where people live together (ditto on AMC).  The stories all dovetail off each other.
Soooooooooo, that's about it. Thanks for trying. It actually did give a bit of excitement for a bit. But, er...take a gander at the ratings. Didn't hold any attention.

Thank you for using "Mad World" though. Nice...I did get a bit sick of it but if it gets Adam Lambert some airtime I'm all for it. The 3 second montage today was hysterical, I guess because I just saw Franco's giant face on my screen and that song came on AGAIN. Way to interrupt it with Niz. At least Sexis was on.  :)
Fake Bombs...which was in the spoilers...hey, wave to the Bubble Lamp. See it in the Pledge Box? Thank GOODNESS. Living another day to serve in the props department.

Other stuff from today: I Love Liz's outfit. Love the jacket. Audrey Mention...too bad she can't be ON. Nancy Lee Grahn is just gorgeous. Kristina's earrings are fabu. Huge! Maxie looked stupid in her ballerina outfit in the middle of winter. Just sayin' Liked Lucky beating on Jason.  JoLivia!
And they find CLAUDIA.

RUMOR: Franco gets Maxie PG. That's a wild one. A way for Guza to keep the Franco Franchise ALIVE! Just a rumor, folks.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday Surgery: Bye-Bye Franco--Hello Helena!

Franco's last day is Monday...well, at least for now. As you saw in a previous blog, he'll be doing some real artwork at a NYC gallery that will be filming a "special" eppy for GH. Probably will be an HOMAGE to Jason.  Heh. Just sayin'. We'll have an explosion--but neither lady will go up in BOOMS...he's actually planted a bomb in his studio. They'll find something interesting and Zombie- Like in the rubble.
Another Franco Fact: he's signed up to play a real-life mountaineer who amputated his own arm. The actor has been cast in Danny Boyle's upcoming 127 Hours, based on the true story of climber Aron Ralston who was forced to saw off his limb after a boulder fell onto him while he was climbing in Utah in 2003. Get to surgery with Patrick Drake, STAT!

Connie Towers is back on GH! February Sweeps is coming and it looks like the Cassadine story will start to Rock and Roll. Tony Geary will be getting back from vacation as well. Matt Borlenghi, hired to play evil Vlad will FINALLY show up on screen. MONTHS after the poor guy got a job. Check out the news on SOD. There's also info on there about his new twins! If you want to check out the play Connie's starring in this next week, check the post below.

What else is going on in SoapLand? RATINGS: USA Today had an interesting article about Daytime TV's changing landscape.  ABC Daytime Gugu Brian Frons says:

"In the end, the strong shows will remain"

"Some (soaps) have been on many years, so people feel the need to make sage-like statements about the future of the genre," Frons says. "Nobody makes those statements when a sitcom or long-running drama dies. It's the end of that program, and that's the way we should look at it as well."
Whatever. I tell you this: GH is starting to creep down to Last Place with OLTL. That's even lower than ATWT. We are talking thousands of a tenths of a point though, so the point is pretty moot. In the USA piece, they say doctor shows are popular. They cost a fraction of what soaps do. Although I do agree with Frons in that no one makes statements about long running shows like they do soaps. However, if the primetime 'long-running' shows of which he speaks had the ratings of soaps, they'd be LONG GONE!  Get it, I mean really. Did he REALLY say that? please.
Have you looked at the spoilers? GO...take a gander. We'll have Scurbs angst...CarJax angst...L&L2 angst..and er...who's left angst oh, DOM-a-Lu.! They just got going and now DOMte seems to think he needs to stay away from Lulu for her "safety". :eyeroll:  Seems the only couple without angst are JaSam. They'll be moving "forward" in Guza-Speak.
There are HUGE rumors about Vanessa Marcil coming back to GH.  I have learned my lesson.  This is what I have to say about that:
Ok, moving on!! I did say that we should hear about Genie Francis coming back soon. There's talks in the works to have her not only console poor broken-hearted Lucky, but to be in the Vlad Cassadine Story. IF terms can be worked out, we'll be seeing her on our screen for Feb Sweeps. They'd better hurry up though.
Just a reminder: Maurice Benard and Kelly Monaco DO NOT have Twitter, MySpace or FB accounts. KeMo did have a Facebook account but deleted it (the public fan one anyway). Vanessa Marcil is also NOT on Twitter. Here's a partial listing of actors that have been confirmed on twitter:
@nancyleegrahn (Alexis)
@carolynhennesy (Diane)
@BrandonBarash (Johnny)
@BfordAnderson (Spinelli)
@_LexiAinsworth (Krissy)
@1SteveBurton (Jason)
@teenystweeting (Maxie)
@sarahjoybrown (Claudia)
@themeganward (Kate/Connie)

@realandrews (Taggert)
@lldubs (Carly)
and writer @MicheleValJean

BTW, Laura Wright just tweeted this tidbit:
Wine tasting and me! Sunrise Pancake House,Calabash NC-Feb.19&20 $75 a night from 6-9-and yummy food!For tix email
Another way to find out if a daytime star is on Twitter, go to @tweetsoapstars they are following all legit accounts of actors.

OMG, look at this Bubble Lamp. Gwaddie saw the BUBBLE LAMP in Sam's Pledge Box! Franco LOVES THE BUBBLE Lamp! woot! LMAO. Oh, it's so fun to look for that dang prop all the time.

One more cool thing you might want to look at is the website,  It's amazing. In a few short months Wubber Gwaddie (keeper of Alberta Wubs Lobster at the moment) has gotten MAJOR celebs to join her charity site. Need to know what YOUR fave actor supports charity wise? Just click and find it. Sports heroes are also joining too. Click HERE to see a list of the current people participating.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Helena's Back for FEB Sweeps!

SOD just released that Connie Towers, aka HELENA Cassadine (my fave) is coming back for Feb Sweeps. I guess we'll get to see our new Cassadine story unfold. Connie is the play "Six Dance Lessons In Six Weeks"  in Canada at the Rose Theater  She'll be back to start taping once that is over.  I'm sure Hells will be ALL OVAH Niz.  heh. Maybe she'll even use some of her old mind-melding powers over Lucky to do her bidding. CHESS game anyone??????

Friday, January 8, 2010

FRIDAY: Franco's Crest


OLTL is just faboosh. I LOVED the whole crew walking into Todd's house saying we're moving IN! LOL. Addie was priceless.
Stacey/Mitch. LOVES it. Stacey is going to have to spill that FISH is the daddy! woot!  Is it wrong to feel bad for Stacey peepee?

Mel talking to Dorian. See, I just love the weave of the whole show. Everyone is involved with everyone. It's not all isolated. 
I also am really liking the Blair/Todd friendship. Take all the crap away and they have have a great relationship.

It's freezing here and I know it's freezing all ovah the place! I do feel bad for all you down south and in Texas. ouch! I mean, we have a foot of snow, another foot coming but we can take it. Plus, I have like 6 winter coats and 5 pairs of boots so I can deal. You peeps, not so sure.

LOCAL Report: Brockport College is on a Lockdown. Oh, geesh. There's an "active Shooter" on Rt. 31. Whole town is shut. Schools, everything. So, I am having breaking news come in. I think everyone is ok.

GH today:
Franco: So, Jason...yer..ah, really cute. What's the deal?

Jason: Hit my head. Forgot. Got a gun.
Sam: Knock. Pick lock...knock...look....knock. Breathe.
Alexis: Oh, just call me when it's all over.
Franco: YOU'LL miss me when I'm gone. And my hair. Just wait and see. *pout*

That's it boyz and girlz. The Studio blows up. No one is hurt. yada yada. (Monday)

Chad Brannon (Zander)  is the proud new papa of baby Ford Owen Brannon! Congrats!

NEW SPOILERS ARE UP! hit an ad for wub! :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

General Hospital: STUFF I WANT

Ok, I'm going to lay it all out here. I've been thinking about GH all day and just need to vent:

Brandon Barash better not be going anywhere. Instead of bringing on lame Lisa, couldn't they have given him a cousin or something? Let the Z's live a little?

Speaking of Lisa, weren't Scrubs supposed to be getting all "CSI" on us? Solve some guest-star murder mysteries? Instead we get THIS? And btw, they STILL aren't  really using Matt for much other than sitting around drinking beers and killing a patient off now and again. :stomping foot: Why DID they bother to bring him on the show?
Steven Lars. Well, fine way to have someone come back. Remember when Jake came back to AMC? Was he on ONE set with 3-4 lines? NO. Where the hell is Audrey? They just plop people in there, don't really build on anything and we are supposed to care. 
Where the HELL is Billy Dee Williams?
Don't get me started on the Sam  in a Box Lulu on a Bomb thing. I know Franco is a big event but again, block taping for 3 days and stretching it out over 2 months makes the story boring. Put Christmas holidays in there and you have disaster. 
Now, Mac and Alexis. Here we go again. Show them once every 5 days if we are lucky. Good way to build a story or budding romance. Ditto Keifer/Krissy. I feel like they are inserted in when there's nothing else to show. The show has no FLOW.

Thank god Maxie and Spin didn't really get  married or we'd see them EVEN LESS than we do now.
I am happy that Steve Burton has gotten to show some range but that's the extent of my happiness.

I want:
A NEW OPENING. Come on, stop pissing off the fans and pony up for a new opening or at least take that damn shot of all the guys off at the end. There are about 3 still alive or on the show.
NEW HEAD WRITER: Cause I can't stomach anymore mobular crappola. Ok, I can --but it needs to be written for the  ensemble, be constant, keep my interest  and not involve graffitti.
STOP  with the NEWBIES for a minute. I am excited that some  Wards are coming back and living at the Q's but I can't help wonder if this too is going to be a bust. Hell, they killed off Justus with no reason, what are they going to do now?
STOP THE NIZ nonsense. Painful. Just painful. Watching Lucky implode is not going to be pretty. I really want them to have him be a decent cop. We have DOMte on now, get the PCPD up to snuff.  Nikolas needs a princess...not Liz. 
FOCUS ON THE KIDS: Heck, poor Morgan gets less airtime than the family couch. Get the kids front and center. Take a cue from #OLTL if you have to. 
GET YOUR FLOW ON: that means spending more than a burst of energy and scenes on a handful of days. Play a story out beginning, middle to end. 
OPEN UP A BOARDING HOUSE: I'd say brownstone but I'd be laughed off the face of the board. We need somewhere for Steven Lars, Matt, Johnny and the girlies to live.  Spin can get a room too. Maybe that will force some interaction.
QUICK! When were the Q's last on? Christmas right? Cause they come in, tape for a day and leave. 
Love Tony Geary but his vacations disrupt the whole show...or at least the story arcs. 
AT LEAST LET DOMte get a WHIFF that he may be Sonny's kid. I mean...really. Carly should have figured it out MONTHS ago. 
IF YOU DON'T GET THE "Vlad" Cassadine story going soon, the whole thing is just going to be stupid. I don't even remember why Helena was on the last time. Some big "urgent" message for Luke. Gone.

Ok, I'll shut up for a minute. LOL. I miss Georgie, Dillion Q, Mike, seeing baby Emma, Robert and Anna-- the Spa. Watching the 40th anniversary of AMC and OLTL the last few days just got me so sad for GH's non-history. 

Hey, aren't you glad came in here tonight? 


General Hospital: Franco is a Many Splendored Thing

That's an oldie but goodie soap title for you! I think Meredith Berney was in it.

OLTL: Evil Nurse....loves her! This soap is rocking--sex, sex...evil bible toting psychos--they are just going for it. I can ONLY hope if it does get canned Rob Cavaleri  (head writer) will come and kick Guza out of GH! Oh, plezzzzzz. I just love OLTL so naturally, I think he can save GH. PLUS, he's from Rochester, so he can have some say in some local  things. Get a Wegmans bag in there too..

SONNY TO FRANCO (about Jason): "You have a crush on a rockstar hitman you can never have"... brhahahahhahahaaa.

GH: OMG, how stupid are they making Lucky? Good LORD. duuuuuuuuh. I am not diggin' this.
Lulu's still on the toilet.
Franco is funning around with Sonny. If this scene would have happened last week, it may have been suspensful. I so wish Sonny would have just shot him.  Indiana Jones style.  Now, not so much. He's on 30 Rock Tonight. He says "JUICE" which, I am saying will be directly related to the whole acai berry GH connection.
Did like Carly calling Michael a punk. heh. A bitch, a punk...hmmmm.  bad as OLDLisa.

There just are no words.  I'm counting down. I get that Franco's "A big deal" but the start/stop of the story and the absolute "damsel in distress" fahooey is driving me insane. Maybe I need a break.
Oh, and in other news, I told people on Twitter, I think we should hear soon if GF is coming back to play Laura. I heard at first it would just be a guest stint again, so I don't know, I'm just waiting it out with the rest of you.

Thursday Soap Opera Blog Coalition Jan 7th edition

There's an old theater adage that says drama should be life without the boring parts. For webisodic soap operas, that saying holds true more than ever before. Daytime Confidential's Jamey reviews Gotham the Series. (Daytime Confidential)

It featured too much recent history and far too many mentions of Babe, but even so, the Serial Drama girls loved the AMC 40th Anniversary show. How could they not adore something that brought us Palmer, Brooke, Jackson and tons of footage of terrible 80s hairstyles? (Serial Drama)

A new decade challenges the genre known as the soap opera. The heartbreaking routine of the demise of ratings and the cancellation of so many of our favorites during previous decades seems to be a soaps saga as repetitive as evil twin syndrome but it has become far too real for my taste. (Soap Opera Examiner)

The Wub Tub: Sunday Surgery takes a look at Lulu on a bomb, Sam on a box and Carly stalked by a Fox. Alberta Wubs goes to the Rose Bowl! Catch spoilers for the beginning of 2010 and more. (Wubs)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

General Hospital: ON the Edge of Franco

I'm going to name all my blogs after old soaps with 'Franco' in the title until he's gone. (F minus 5 and counting)  LOL. Did you see the news down there? Take a gander and see what he's up to in the art world. I wonder if the NYC gallery will import GH stars? Hmmmmmmm. If I could, I'd get Alberta there to be in a photo.

NOTE: Are you a Faith Roscoe lover? Come on, wouldn't she kick butt in the current storyline?
Bob Guza has been quoted in 
Soaps in Depth magazine as saying he would love to have Cyndy Preston back on the show .... so let's let him know that we, too, would love that!! Please take a moment and either drop an email, or a letter, or simply pick up the phone call the comment line at 323-671-4583 to let them know that you would love to see them bring Faith back to the show!
There's talk all over the place that GH is also talking to VM and GF about coming back as well. If you saw my rumor patrol, you'll know what I think. Maybe they'll have a giant event that will cause an influx of money soon and both of them can be hired. Hmmmmmmmmm.

Carolyn Hennesy's new Pandora book came out yesterday!! It's number 4 in her series!! Great Tween books.

More New Spoilers are up.  Don't fall over by their shocking-ness. Heh. Sam's going to spray paint Franco right outta Port Charles. Does a little clean up.  Looks like Joss' christening won't be without DRAMAZ.

Sarah Joy Brown is filming an eppy of Castle today! Nathan Fillion...dreammmmy.

I'm not going to blog GH today, please go ahead and put your comments on the show down below. Let me know if I should watch it on the DVR.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Oh My:

James Franco has said that his stint on General Hospital as "bad boy" artist Franco is part of a larger art project, and he’s working on making good on that promise. Though his story arc ends later this month, Franco tells us that this spring he'll participate in a gallery show at New York’s Deitch Projects that will be shot for a subsequent "special episode" of GH. (This episode will be co-directed by Franco himself.) The Deitch exhibition will relate "to what I've already shot on GH," Franco says. (A spokesperson for the gallery says plans for the exhibition and filming are not yet finalized.)

Read the rest on New York Entertainment

NOTE: I can Totally see the "directoral" side of all this a gallery tie in. Brilliant PR. 
My idea? A Wubber FLASH MOB at his opening! LOL...what do you say? We all wear lobster hats.

AND, btw, NEW Spoilers up. Plz hit an ad :) Wub ya!

More on Today's Soaps 1/5/10

So, AMC had a stellar run today.

OLTL The following happened: Natalie confessed to stabbing Mitch, Bo quit his job. Dani and Matt kissed for the first time, Tea/Todd got back together, Gigi chose Sky...Blair bonked Ross' brother.

GH: Franco runs around with mirrors to confuse Jason.  CO77x.
NO new opening. Which, is pretty funny. Dead peeps all over the montage.

BTW, I tweeted to Sarah Brown that since Claudia's body was missing, she could be a Zombie in PC. Sarah actually tweeted back that she'd LOVE it. LOL Here's hoping Claud comes back and eats Guza.

OMG...Nikolas and Steven Lars? whateverrrr......I hate SL's hair. Looks like Kevin Bacon in Flashdance. Back in the early '80's  it was, not so much.

So, if Jason got arrested to 'get' Franco, why did he get himself Unarrested? I can't keep up with this stellar writing.

Jason spent half the show staring at CO77x in the Pink Room. OH! And Lucky and Jason are now thisclose to being brothers or something? They are going to bond those two. More than they are, I can see it coming.

Rumors have Alexis/Mac having a real relationship. I can only hope that means airtime for JJY increases. Not the other way around ie: they decrease NLG's to match his!!
Is it me or is Johnny scarce lately?

CHRISTMAS  Ratings on Daytime Confidential: OLTL hits new low. GH ain't far behind, peeps. It's down at the bottom of the bunch. So much for the Franco Factor.  SO much for hoping that good writing would keep up.

I have to go...scoops are coming in fast and furious tonight/tomorrow. Hope they include NoDoz :)

AMC past and present: YOU MUST watch Today! DVR or TiVo it!

Quick...think about it. What was GH's big anniversary show????? Can't remember? That's because it was a lame 3 minute clip-fest.

AMC is doing it up right!! Having Hailey do a "documentary" of PineValley gave the opportunity for us to look back through each characters' eyes. Nina was on..Brooke...Maria.  A retrospect on the WEDDINGS (squeal!!)

Adam naming off all his wives. LMAO. It's just really a riot.  He can't do it in order. Having Annie come on doing her DRAMA was so fun. Angie and Jesse. *sigh* Ruth and Joe....

I am DVRing this for my Mom. We started watching together way back when. I think of AMC as "my soap" in that it started when I was old enough to remember. All the other ones were "old". LOL

One of the most exciting stories from when I was younger was the Jenny/Greg and then Jenny runs to NYC with Jess. LOVED IT! BTW, The Tara and Phil church wedding before he went to "Nam" was the FIRST "our own vows" on soaps. Tearjerker....and they still use that scene today (ie: Liz/Lucky).

They always remember MONA, MYRTLE AND KATE! AMC has always had a great, wise older lady. LOVES it. Going through all the deaths was so nice as well. Maria crying over Julia. Nick's photo. LOVED Nick.

RUBY slippers at the end..nice touch. THANK YOU AMC! LOVED the show and reminded me why I watch soaps!!

Rock Solid Show Today!

  I had the 2 year olds today and I'm SO TIRED so.. buckle up!!  Carly is telling Jason that he can't tell her what to do regarding ...