Tuesday, November 5, 2024



My head cold has gotten SO BAD!! Yikes. UGH.. I hate them too and I seem to get them a lot. Not as much as when I was younger but... dang. Still awful. At least I'm only thinking about that and not what day this is!! 


Diane walks in on Holly and Robert. Holly leaves. Diane says she's dropping off papers to drop the Baldwin case. 

Jason goes to Diane's office (she has an office!!?) and tells her about Sam. She can't believe it. 

Holly goes back to her Metro room. It's trashed and a knife is in her dress. 

Drew and Carly talk. Michael comes in, he doesn't know yet. Drew leaves and Carly tells him about Sam. He doesn't believe it.  Not much going on emotionally there. 

Willow walks in and yells at Sasha: I know what you did!! Sasha thinks it's sleeping with Michael. Willow says that she never should have told Drew and Michael found out in the worst way and blahblah. THEN Sasha tells Willow that Holly and Robert are her parents. Willow is like: Your mother is dead!! Sasha says: NO. Willow freaks and is like: DO I EVEN KNOW YOU! They argue and Sasha finally says it's all Willow's fault anyway, she kissed Drew not once, but twice. LOOK in the MIRROR!! Sasha says that Willow fits right into the Snake Pit of the Qs. She's going to quit. Then Carly walks in. DUN DUN DUN

Molly, Krissy and Alexis are in with TJ. He gives Alexis her engagement ring because she's having an autopsy. Krissy freaks out "THEY CAN'T CUT INTO MY SISTER"! OMG Molly has to explain why they do. Alexis is like: Girls STFU. TJ goes to get a patient advocate to tell them about the next details. 

Felicia talks to Alexis about the body and funeral home. Krissy can't handle it and walks away. Molly says she'll call Irene's funeral home. Felicia and Alexis hug. 

TJ asks Molly how she really is and she says she has to be strong for her mother. Then they go back to Alexis who tells her to grieve like she needs to and not be strong just for her. 

Kristina calls Michael from GH. Needs him there.. Then she goes on a tirade in the chapel about how unfair God has been to HER...HER baby..HER Sister.. :eyeroll: Michael comes in. Kristina talks about her big sister and she can't be the big sister now. Willow calls Michael and he doesn't answer. She leaves a message. 

Nina and Ava talk about their friendship. They decide to rebuild. YIPPEE! Nina tells Ava about the bar fight and Cody telling everyone that Drew kissed Willow. Ava's like: WHAT~~THEN Nina tells her she slept with Drew "more than once'! Ava tells her to tell Willow and not have a man come between them. She knows that from experience. 

Willow goes up to see Drewe when Michael doesn't answer. They end up having ZEX on the floor of one of the upstairs rooms at the Qs. Looks like the kids!! AHAHAHA. On the floor. Um, okay. 

Carly and Sasha are talking in the kitchen and men break in and nab Sasha. Sidwell tells Carly to tell Holly to give him back his diamonds. 


  1. Poor Kd. You work with young kids. You'll constantly be picking up colds. Before I retired I was fighting them off all the time. Since I retired I haven't had as much as a sniffle in years.

    Today's show....and then there were 3. lol Poor Willow. Drew slipped and his P slid into her v yet again. lol

  2. ---still waitin' on Olivia to find out.
    -----Jason and Diane were great.....but the star of today was Sasha! the only good thing about the stupid cousin thing is that Sophia is bringing it there and then today with Willow---fantastic!!!
    -----HATE Willow - after today's sex, I think Drew is gonna win and move to D.C. just no way he can stay on the show -----(I still think that Willow couldn't get pregnant??) SO what Michael hears I THINK is Willow telling a sleeping Amelia the whole story....she won't tell Nina and it's a baby monitor.
    ------Loved Sidwell being there and telling Carly why he was taking Sasha and including 'tell your underground' and then saying Holly I want my diamonds back.
    ----Holly - GO AWAY
    -------Kristina talking about being the middle child crap gives ALL of us middle children a bad name - she is totally selfish and pathetic.......it's also like she has a crush on Michael and LET ME POINT OUT - Sonny is NOT Michael's bio son.....
    -----still several people who don't know about Holly, Robert and Sasha....

  3. I was already pretty disgusted by Drew and Willow. So after making love to her husband she still sleeps with Drew? Everyone will still want to blame Nina some how because, well when in doubt we blame Nina (not denying her past crimes but this is on slimy Drew too). Just how many pregnancies will result by February sweeps will be interesting. Good for Sasha giving Willow what she deserves even though she did something crappy too.

    Yay to Ava & Nina being friends! I love them.

    We all have a family member like Kristina, its all about them 100% of the time. The actress does a good job.

  4. The hospital:

    Krissy, Tolly, and Alexis: Krissy! How are they going to find out what happened to Sam if they don't do an autopsy? *Roll eyes* Molly wins the line of the day.

    Krissy: Sorry mom I wasn't thinking.

    Molly: You never do.


    Krissy alone in the chapel: Wow! Some great acting there!!!!!

    Krissy and Michael: I'm glad Michael is there for her. Ooooo ignoring Willow's call! He IS still mad at her. :)

    Alexis and Felicia: Oh come on! This is not right! This is not fair to Kristina Wagner!! Why couldn't they had someone else do his? Like Stella!

    Cafe Cheri:

    Nina and Ava: Wait didn't Nina tell Ava before about her sleeping with Drew aka Ryan Lavery? I'm confused.. Well, I'm glad they are besties again! :) Ava is right Nina! Tell Willow the truth!!!!

    Robert's office:

    Robert and Holly: Oh stop with the damn kissing!!! Oh hi Diane. Damn she missed the kiss.

    Riane: Too bad Robert doesn't have any lipstick on his lips, then Diane can see it and then she can confront him and then dump him.

    Diane's office: WOW! She has an office? Cool! Hmmm looks like one of the Q mansion's rooms.

    Diane and Jason: Jason doesn't know what is going on in Port Chuckles. ROFL!

    Robert's office:

    Robert and Holly: Oh come on! Why wouldn't Holly just call the police?! Why Robert? Oy!

    Q mansion:

    Carly and Michael: Michael must be in shock about Sam.

    Willow and Sasha: Sasha is right Willow!!!! Stop blaming Sasha and everyone for YOUR mistakes! Stop whining!!! You made your own choices!

    Carly and Sasha: New besties!!!! :)

    Carly, Sasha, and Sidwell cookie: All Sidwell cookie wants is milk!!!!

    Carly and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Oh great now he is whining how can he raise a daughter. He don't know how! Well grab onto the bootstraps, grow a pair, and deal with it!

    Drillow: ZEX ZEX ZEX! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Now all Michael has to do is walk in on them. :) I wonder who she is going to blame after the zex.

    1. sonya said"Riane: Too bad Robert doesn't have any lipstick on his lips, then Diane can see it"

      *** She didn't have to see it. Holly made a point of wiping her lips when Diane looked at her. (evil wench. lol Gotta love her)

    2. "Di says, She didn't have to see it. Holly made a point of wiping her lips when Diane looked at her."

      ROFL! Yeah she sure did. Diane had a feeling something is going on. :)

      "(evil wench. lol Gotta love her)"

      Hahaha! Yeah gotta love the soapy evil wench! :)

    3. Can't we just call Drew what he really is? He's DINO. Drew In Name Only

  5. NLG is still killing it.
    Willow is pitiful. Drew continues to be a slimebag. I hope he wins, leaves town and takes Willow with him.
    Sasha is good. More torture for her. Jeez.
    Kristina is so totally all about herself.

  6. Drew, "I don't know how to be a parent!" Maybe don't bang your nephew's wife on the floor of your daughter's bedroom. The man can't hit an actual bed with his butt to save his life.

    1. Drew needs to leave. So many horrible parents on this show

  7. NLG has had me in tears for days! Give her the Emmy, she is absolutely killing it.
    Kristina is the most self absorbed, selfish, childish person on the show. She makes James look like an adult.
    Sasha had me cheering after her tirade at Willow. She had no room to talk but everything she said was the truth. I threw up a little when Willow and Drew hit the floor. Gag me!

    And yes Di, "evil wench" Holly! LOL! Loved that!



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...