Tuesday, November 19, 2024



Here we are! Funeral Day!! I need some uplifting stuff dang it lol. I also watch Neighbours and I'm in a spot in 2022 where someone is dying and I CAN'T!!  Maybe I have to rewatch Schitt's Creek again. 

TODAY'S SHOW: Get them hankies!! 

Lucas is in the graveyard visiting his Dad's grave. Kiki is bringing him flowers. They talk about Julian and him loving his kids. She wonders why he's not at the funeral.  He tells her Danny stopped at the church and thinks he killed his mom. Ava says: DID YOU? lol He says he's still trying to work it out. Ava says she knows something about guilt. "maybe it runs in the family". She says jokingly he could change his last name to "Jerome". Also says she's always there for him. 

The church. Molly gets up to talk about Sam. Thanks everyone for being there. She goes on to say that the Davis sisters are a force and now only 3 sets of arms to hug instead of four. She knows Sam will always be there with them. Kristina talks about how much Sam helped her out of jams with no judgement. Then Spinelli gets up and tells everyone how Sam helped him get in shape for Maxie and how cool she was to a dork like him. Carly talks, there is a flashback of Sam slapping her. Then Liz is up. Another flashback of Liz calling Sam out for the fake kidnapping of Jake. OMG THEIR HAIR!! WOW. Giant. 

Lucky talks about what a hero Sam was and how she saved Lulu. He didn't wash his hair. NOPE. Dante is talking, very sad. Flashback to them deciding to move in together. He talks about mashing their families together and how strong Sam was. 
Rocco gets up and talks about Sam not being DNA related but how she accepted him and they were family. He will always think of Scout and Danny as his siblings. Then Jason talks and then Danny. Sad. 

Alexis is really sad too and it's long.  "She was my anchor".  Talks about not raising her but them becoming mother and daughter and friends. Flashback-- when Sam went into labor. Alexis gives a good speech but I'm not typing it all up!  "Thank you for choosing me, my angel". 


TONS of flashbacks. My fave was Liz and her burning St. Jaysas Clothes! 

LULU's eyes open. 

TOMORROW: Cyrus is in Lulu's room saying he's going to 'take care of her" 


  1. The church: This is too sad!!! :( I love the flashbacks!! Whomever decided to put up the flashbacks thank you! I'm glad Frank Valentini didn't stop the flashbacks from happening. Alexis couldn't even look at the picture of Sam. :( When Alexis said "Thank you for choosing me, my angel" I got emotional!!! I love the Danny Cheeto and Jason's two hugs!!!!

    The grave:

    "Karen says Lucas is in the graveyard visiting his Dad's grave."

    Oh is that who's grave it was? I thought it was Sam's grave.

    Lucas and Queen Ava: Well, this was a great scene! Too bad they didn't hug!

    The hospital:

    OH! Lulu is awake!!!! Hmmm. The way she woke up, looks like the way Nina woke up from HER coma. And what is with her eyes hurting? It's not like she has been in the dark for years! ROFL!

  2. OK, again Nancy Lee Grahn is the one who wins the best acting award. Loves the flashbacks. Needed more

    1. JJ, please wash and cut your hair. It doesn't look nice

  3. Very moving. Loved all the flashbacks. Scenes of Ava/Lucas were appropriate.
    A few fake tears would have been a nice touch. NLG seemed to have her very own. I had mine too. Crying often lately. This certainly was a facilitator.
    Lulu's wake up looks a bit goofy. Back to GH "reality".

    1. YES, the Ava Lucas scenes were totally appropriate! No weird insertion of some rando Surf Shop nonsense or Brennan

  4. "Zazu says Lulu's wake up looks a bit goofy."

    Yes it did!!!!

  5. ---not one flashback of Billy/Kelly i.e. Drew/Sam - VERY interesting.
    -----the ending was stupid how Lulu's eyes opened up - I GET that they were doing the 'this person died and another is now alive'....but just weird...
    ----I just have questions - help me please - were these people there? I was listening and in and out watching
    Diane, Sasha, Laura, Mac??
    ----and I know Lucky (the other one) and Sam were close - I kinda wondered if Lucky today was cause he represented the family?

    1. yes, I think Lucky represented the family. Laura was not there. Sasha, Diane--Mac, nope. Also no Brook Lyn or Lucy

  6. I am so stupid! Drew/CM is SO bad I FORGOT he was Drew - and Billy Miller was too so they couldn't show flashbacks.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...