Sunday, November 3, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Time of Death 5:48pm


Well, writing this blog is certainly going to be interesting. I was an emotional week for sure and I was a mess on Thursday. ALL THE FEELS-- yikes. Some of the dialog was perfection and the acting? Up there in Emmy territory. And yet...yes, I have some complaints because that is what I do!! 

ARE you ready? Grab that leftover candy and wish Maxie a Happy Birthday since no one else does!! 
Let's GO GO 

So the week was really cut into two parts: The Drew Willow story and the death of Sam McCall. While I appreciated the beginning of the whole Drew story when Cody decked him and it was taped, it fell flat beside the emotional drama happening elsewhere. I'll tackle that first and get it out of the way. 

THE PUNCH:  In a surprise scene, Cody is drinking at The Brown Dog where Nina decided to take Drew mere days before the election to try to stir up some "Blue Collar" Votes. I was happily surprised how this unfolded because I was thinking it would be Ned. The punch Cody landed was cheered by all across social media. 

THE FAMILY: Then came the Quartermaine delicious blackmail. Ned had the dog lady follow Drew. She was at the bar and filmed it. Then in a flip move, Drew told Michael himself about the "one kiss". Damn it. I wanted more Tracy and Ned action!! Willow tried to get there and tell Michael herself but egomaniac Drew did it first. My only comment? MORE NED AND TRACEY plots!! 

THE FALLOUT:  Welp, Michael and Sasha end up in bed together on Halloween day and wake up around 5pm. Whoops. Michael actually rails against Drew and Willow when he finds out they kissed not once--BUT TWICE!! All of that standing there in a Metro bathrobe after shagging Sasha. HAHA!! THEN he goes home, waits for Willow to tell him about that second kiss. She doesn't. He seems to forgive her and ends up making ze wub on their couch. Good Lord. You know I'm hoping Sasha gets PG for the mess of it all. If Willow gets pregnant too, I'll scream laugh. 

THE BEGINNING:  So, when Sam was wheeled into surgery with everyone standing in the hallway last Friday. I thought that was the last we'd see of Kelly. It was not to be. Sam did indeed wake up and begin to recover. Dante went in and proposed to her and she said yes. It was a lovely scene.  Elizabeth bustled around her room as well and then Alexis visited and found out about the engagement. Then, it happened: Alexis came running out of her room and the crash team went running in....

THE CRASH:  VERY difficult to watch made more difficult because TPTB decided to chop it up into little bits of CPR, paddles and stunned faces. Jason was waiting with Alexis. They were the only 2 at the hospital at the time. Dante was talking to Rocco at the Surf Diner and telling him they were getting married. Her sisters were MIA (which was probably a good thing) and Jason had sent Danny and Scout to Bobbie's when he realized something was wrong.  Portia, Elizabeth and Lucas worked on her and worked on her and each time it was scooted back to another thing happening in PC.  The Dante and Rocco scenes were poignant but the rest? I couldn't even focus on anything else. 


ALEXIS: Emmy scenes. Also heartfelt and just heart wrenching. NLG and Kelly have worked for years and years together. You could feel the emotion. NLG also has a daughter and you could also hear the truth ringing in her voice. "GET MY DAUGHTER A BLANKET" did it for me. I'm not a crier normally and welp, I just lost it. She climbed into bed as well.  Kelly did a wonderful job too because that has to be so difficult. 

JASON:  Oh who had Steve Burton breaking my heart on this years Wub's card? GOOD LORD. I was just stunned at these scenes. Why? I guess because they were so unexpected. They just hit every mark with the dialog as well. Long time fans must have been gutted with this. Kudos to Kelly again for laying there listening to it all.  When Steve's baby-blues welled up, all my remaining mascara ran right off. 

DANTE AND ROCCO:  The way they found out? Not a fan. The acting after? Exquisite.  Finn Carr was amazing. Loved when NLG grabbed Dante's face like she did. Dom Z really made me feel like it was all real.  Great Laura and Rocco in the chapel was also a nice touch. 

THE GIRLS: When you watch, just focus on Molly. This is shock-grief. That first gut-punch that rolls into reality and leaves you speechless. I know some people react like Kristina but ugh.. she just got on my last nerve. I also think it's interesting that KM played that last look when Alexis was hugging Molly as if she was jealous. 

THE KIDS:  Kleenex all around again... ugh.. Although so glad it was Jason and not Drew delivering this news!! Danny was trying to be all strong for Scout as well. Sniff

DREW AND CARLY:  Just when things were going (Mostly) well. *sigh* CM is just not it when it comes to this kind of emotion. He was like wood. There, I said it. AND the same pushing out of words for emphasis. Jason telling Carly was a nice scene (I was surprised they didn't hug though) and it seemed Drew should have made a bee-line right for Scout. 

THE SONG:  It was the JaSam song all over again. Fans totally recognized it. I'm glad they had their "own" song and it wasn't a royalty issue or that would have been a 'thing'! 

THE BROTHER:  Yikes. Hard to watch. I do like that the people working on Sam all knew her and it wasn't some rando team that rushed in.  Loved that Elizabeth was so involved as head nurse and friend. The addition of Lucas to the canvas has been great, imo. 

THE EDITS:  The juxtaposition of stories from Drew/Willow/Sasha/Michael just took away from the entire Sam story. That should have been told in one go, with minimal (if any) interruptions. Showing clips of Sam being worked on for a second or 5, then jumping to Maxie and Cody talking was such a terrible choice. Also see: Did Michael and Sasha wake up around 5pm?? NO CARE GIVEN to the timeline or editing. It was even more so on Thursday with the Alexis and Jason goodbyes. Holly and Robert? WHY?? I personally think they should have combined Wed/Thurs and had a stand alone episode then gone into Friday with minimal interruptions. 

BRIGHT SPOT: Georgie as Zenon. OMG was that the cutest!!?? LOVE her so much--and LOVE that the writers were inspired to put her in Kirsten's old outfit! LOL. A little joy in an otherwise bleak week. 

I'm not sure what's going to happen after this Kelly exit. So many fans seem to have left the show already. When she's truly gone gone and not on screen at all anymore, we may see a ripple effect. Lulu is going to wake up but she's not the actress that played either Lulu so the investment is low on that one. Lucky's return has been a dud so far imo, and I'm not sure how that's going to help in the future. The whole Ava trial? Meh.. those arguing Davis sisters has gotten old real quick. Will Alexis start drinking again/ Been there, done that. The diamonds and Sidwell? Yawn. Just another villain mob story. So.. we shall see. I just feel like the show is at a critical stage now in so many ways.  The one thing we have? The best actors around. WOW... just wow. 

So, all in all I give praise to everyone with the Sam End Story. Had to have been hard to write, map out and act. I have my personal gripes with things but damn, all in all a riveting set of days that will be remembered for a long time to come. 



  1. Thank you Karen. I have watched the scenes with NLG, but not Steve Burton yet. NLG deserves the Emmy for sure. And, like you said they have played mother and daughter for years and years so that must have been a tear jerker just saying goodbye in that way. I don't know what relationship that Kelly Monaco and Steve Burton have.

    I think JJ should have been around for those scenes with Genie Francis, but I guess that is to come. Wonder if Julie Marie Berman was ever asked to come back; wonder if she is even an actress anymore :(

    The one thing this show has is GREAT actors, too bad the rest are not so great IMO

  2. Cameron Mathison just cannot act and Drew is annoying. He was out of his depth with all the other actors this week. My dream come true would be TPTB getting rid of Drew, Sasha and Cody.

    1. Drew should go and this stupid 4 some should stop. Really 5 if you add Nina in there

    2. he is the worst and yes add Nina

  3. Can we all agree that sometime in the future it will be revealed that Helena had one of her handsome thugs sneak in and inject Sam with medicine that made her look dead. And when they take her to the autopsy it is really to Cassadine Island where she is revived and held captive.

    Prove me wrong.

    1. It's possible. Been done before

    2. no don't think so cause of the way KM was fired....

    3. I think that david means a couple of years from now, when the current PTB are not there anymore. And the animosity with Kelly is gone. It's possible. If GH still on the air in a couple of years.

    4. I think that's why they showed her dead with THREE people for that long LOL

  4. Excellent SS! The only thing is noticed that stood out was not one tear from Liz. Granted she was working and being professional but no emotion. However the others were outstanding.

    1. I really thought it was because she was being head nurse during that time.

  5. Great SS! Thank you.
    One of the main things that compels me to continue to watch GH is the cast. Such a talented group of actors.
    NLG and SB were absolutely fantastic. Big kudos to KM too. Everyone involved with this story did a great job. A heartfelt send off. I sobbed through most of it.
    Sasha and Willow both getting pregnant would be beyond soapy.
    It's kind of funny how Drew can be such a wooden slime ball even though the character has been a "good guy".

    1. Yup, Willow AND Sasha should get pregnant. IDK. Either that or both leave town lol

  6. thoughts and quesions:
    ----NLG had the best of the entire year. case closed.
    ---- I thought Willow couldn't have kids - help me please.and Sasha will be preggers.
    ----I am gonna go back to the 12th is when they said the custody hearing is to take place so I was surprised a definite day was mentioned.....I DREAD watching Kristina through all of this - can't stand her.
    -----don't we agree that Cody or Sasha will leave the show? I hope Sasha - I think Cody and Lulu in 2025 (LOL) will get together.
    ----what to do with Danny and Scout makes me sad. I first thought they might stay with Dante for a while??? Thoughts???? and then go to the Q's.....I LOVED Danny's whole reaction - I do not want Rocco and Dante fighting/arguing about whose fault it was.
    ------ya'll is Drew gonna win the election??? I have NO clue - if he did Scout could go with him.
    ----my BIGGEST "PLEASE" is that Sam died naturally and NOT NOT NOT injections etc. That is a long road to go for GH especially ----- and if Cyrus did it, that is just a road I don't want them to go down (revenge, etc.) SO PLEASE let it be brain bleed/embolism, etc that happens even to people in their 40's.
    -----I'd like to start a go-fund me page to get Holly and Drew outta there.

    1. Didn't someone say that Emma Samms is done filming? Cameron Mathison needs to go for sure.

    2. I can't stand Kristina either. Willow had Amelia so she can have kids I guess, unless the cancer killed future pregnancies.

  7. Beautifully acted. But I am still reeling from the decision to kill off Sam.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...