Sunday, November 10, 2024

Sunday Surgery: The Glory of Love


Can you believe that it's Sunday again? Although last week seemed like it dragged on and on, here we are again!! 

Grab whatever you have because Sasha certainly didn't have time to cook!  Let's GO GO

Why did I use the photo of ol' Michael up there? Because before we get into the post-Sam grief, I've chosen to talk about the nuttiest few hours that GH has had in awhile. Case one:  Sasha and Michael do it Halloween morning at the Metro. Michael goes home that evening and does it with Willow at the Gatehouse. THEN... Willow goes to the Q Mansion and... welp, we know what went down there!! Sorry. That was gross. *sigh* I'm getting this all out of the way because it's deliciously soapy. Unfortunately, it's DREW and WILLOW and MICHAEL. Thank goodness Sasha is in the mix because she's the only one that I care about at this juncture. The Willow Drew zex was so... INAPPROPRIATE (sounding like my grandmother) because it was ON THE FLOOR of the playroom where his daughter was just drawing grief pictures.  The only way this would make me stand up and dance is if Sasha gets PG by Michael and Willow doesn't know WHO she's pregnant by. Do  we need more babies on this show? NO... but damn it, it would be SO SOAPY!! 

Vintage Nava--- at your service! 

BRIGHT SPOT: My Nina and Ava are back!! Maura West even posted a gif of then dancing on Twitter. It was glorious. They are BFFs that never should have broken up! The silly Sonny story is gone for Ava now and we can concentrate on these two just lunching and planning schemes. Maybe they'll go after Drew !! Maybe they'll just go shopping. I don't care. 
Oh, and PS: Ava IS Sam's aunt. She just lost another family member. I hope someone remembers to tell her. Thanks. 

KIDNAPPING PLOT:  This was inserted overlapping the Sam situation so it was sometimes difficult to switch your emotions. I stand by my saying the Holly/Robert conversations were just edited into the wrong spots. These were during the most powerful days of the Sam grief with Alexis, Dante and others. Watching them try to get through their conversations was just painful. I think the whole rescue was kept short because of many things, one being it just couldn't take place with the actors involved. Jason ran in, ran out and BOOM--it was over. Everyone trooped into Brennan's office and there it was. Brennan didn't have a scratch on him even though we saw him blown backasswards.  I guess I'm happy Sasha hugged Robert? I don't know, the whole thing was hollow and not entertaining. I hope it's over. Let Sidwell sail off to spend his riches. 

UM: Not real. It was a split second of CGI...and that was that.  Photo Credit: Sloan Rush Bsky

THE GRIEF TOUR:  Oh it was another hard watch as so many actors give 200%. Dialog was layered and writers took care to let emotions pour out. Sonny and Alexis were particularly wonderful. I really like they put the two of them together to talk about Alexis' guilt over giving up Sam. It was a bit unexpected. By the time we got to Dante and Alexis, I was worn out. Dom Z did some of his best work for sure. Lisa LoCicero as well and I did love her talking with Alexis. I won't go on and on in detail of the scenes that involved great Sam things because most of you hopefully watched them. Spinelli was especially poignant about "his fair Samantha" and I loved the scenes with Maxie. GH has some kick ass actors, that's for sure. 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: When Alexis jumped up off the couch and had HAD it with her girls. She was like leave me the hell alone. Her tone, body language and even breathing was SO authentic. I'm very much a "shock-griever" and behave a lot like she does. It was very difficult to watch and so true to life. EMMY EMMY EMMY

PAIN IN MY WUB-AS*:  SO, a lovely scene with Brucas takes place in the locker room. Brad's been really concerned about his old partner and consoled him. WHO STOMPS IN but Carly, acting a fishwife and screetching.  I mean, did you HAVE to play it that way? No. I don't even know why they had that scene. It made the 'brother sister" stuff after just maddening. Great scene ruined. 

OTHER STUFF:  In that weird time jump, Tracey went and talked to Cody. She found out about Sasha's parenthood. They also decided to work together to bring down Drew. Ric is trying to get Ava's charges dismissed. Brook Lyn and Chase decided to start baby-making.  Dante and Alexis talked about where Danny and Scout will live and for now, they are staying at the Qs with him. 

ONE LAST NOTE:  I was so NOT impressed with the Krissy meltdown in the chapel!! Come on now, we already think she's the biggest egomanic out there but to have her make it all about HER grief and "how can you do this to me"??!! Crap?? :eyeroll: 

There you go!! I still find it curious that Lucky has been totally MIA in all of this.  I realize they don't want to revisit the Greg Vaughn as Lucky era but damn. Just weird, especially since his "return" was shouted from the rooftops. We still have the funeral to get through. I'll be interested in the timing of Lulu waking up. Laura's birthday is Dec. 21st so that might be the time.  By the way, NOT having election day be over by now on the show is a huge misstep, imo. This should have been planned out way differently. For it to be Oct. 31st or Nov 1st is crazy. Are we going to have election night to get through? NO ONE WANTS THAT---on either side. NOPE. 

Hope your week was better than mine! Remember, I'm on BlueSky now and live tweet over there. Look for 'ghwubs" . 



  1. Thanks Karen. I had a horrible week too. Hope the show improves because I now need the distraction. Not sure what to say except hope that JJ is back soon because it is so weird like you said about his return and then MIA.

    Thanks for all your hard work Karen.

    1. thanks. Even though I had a head cold and was depressed, it was great to have 2pm roll around. I didn't "think" for awhile!!

  2. I followed you over to Blue Sky. I'm so done with X. This was a brutal week in soapland AND real life. Happy for the 3pm distraction as well. Can Michael have Jason take Drew out to the Pine Barrens?

  3. ---the only reason i didn't want Sam to die was cause of Danny and Scout/I am not a KM huge fan but she didn't deserve to be fired.....shoulda been a coma/recast
    -----BUT BUT all characters are absolutely bringing their best (HATE Kristina though) I guess the service is this week
    ----Ava IS Sam's aunt -------------- and all the people who still have no clue about Holly/Robert/Sasha...............and Sophia IS amazing...
    -----I am still thinking the rescue was short cause those diamonds weren't real and that Sonny gave fake ones to Sidwell.......and that soon Holly will leave and disappear in order to protect Sasha.......and that Sonny will give her lotsa lotsa money to leave.....and she will break Robert's heart again....YEAH GO AWAY
    ------just not sure how Cody and Sasha can stay at the Q's ---
    -----not caring about the custody hearing this week. and I hate that Natalia is back....
    ---the timeline is still ridiculous....
    -----totally not important but Elizabeth never said goodbye to Violet nor has she once mentioned Finn...

    1. Has Elizabeth ever mentioned Finn since he left? I think the producers are hoping we forget that pairing ever happened. LOL

  4. Thank you Karen, for doing such a great job! A needed distraction.
    This week was more than difficult in both the fictional PC and the real US. I will never understand.
    Ironically some of the best GH content in many years has been because of Sam's passing.
    NLG continues to excel.

    1. Agree with you 100% zazu about RL and the show. NLG is showing that she is one of the best on the show acting wise. The women on this show are TOP NOTCH!!!!

  5. Great SS! It was weird that there was nothing about Willow/Michael/Drew on Friday. That needs to blow!

  6. also - was the warehouse just a random warehouse he blew up? It had certificates on the wall wasn't the coffee warehouse.....

  7. Another great SS, thank you so much! Overall I really enjoyed last week and NLG for the win. Everyone was fantastic but she was stellar. She and Dom discussing the kid's living arrangements about killed me. I so agree about Kristina (!) and Drew/Willow...just a big fat UCK!

    Thanks again!


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...