Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Blow Them Pops


Ric decides to call Kristina at a later time during the trial.  Dante is up. Ric tries to establish that Dante doesn't like Ava and wants Sonny to get custody of Avery. Talk about the curtains being open, then closed and her tripping on the bag which Ava said were shoes. Then the prosecution rests. They take a recess. Then Ric recalls Kristina. Tries to get her to admit going to Ava's to confront her even though she was almost ready to give birth. Then Kristina lists Ava's crimes like "Killing Morgan". Goes on to describe what Kristina said at the restaurant. He has 4 witness statements about her threatening Ava. Ric is hitting hard. 

Cody picks Lulu up on the side of the road.  She says her boyfriend threw her out of the car and she doesn't have a coat or a phone. She can't remember anyone's number. Then, she eats a blow pop because Cody has a bunch in his divider in the truck. I am not kidding. Is Watermelon good? Nah she wants Cherry.  They giggle. GOOD LORD. They talk about families, and horses and...then Cody lets her out somewhere. Gives her money and a grape lollipop. OH! And his information in case she has to call him. 

Liz tells Lucky she's a target of Sam's autopsy investigation now. She tells him about the digitalis and they think it could have gotten mixed up but Lucky doesn't think so. He wants to help 'figure out' what happened. 
PHONE CALL: The place tells Lucky that Lulu is missing. 
Liz and Lucky go to the facility. They learn about the fire alarm. Lucky isn't happy. 

Sasha tells Maxie she might be pregnant. She tells her it's not Cody-- she met some guy in a bar. She's scared because she lost her other baby and she's alone now. Maxie says she has family and friends including WILLOW ahahahaa. 


Sasha is pregnant

Lulu finds the hidden key for her old house, puts it in the lock

Ric is making Kristina lose it on the stand. "Why would you go confront someone you feel is a murderer when you're that pregnant"? 


  1. Cody was with Dante in Lulu's room at least twice. Not even a flinch of recognition. Chem testing already. Funny that Cyrus was all over Lulu and poof....he's gone. So Lulu is walking into Maxie's house now. Honey, I'm home.
    The courtroom scenes aren't bad. Kristina will be charged with perjury. Everyone knows she is lying. In one form or another the surrogacy story goes on...and on.

    1. Where is Cyrus? And where is the sleezy doc that was talking to Cyrus? Someone totally different chatting it up with Lucky/Liz. This Turning Woods thing is so sloppy.

  2. A lot of funny one liners today.


    Liz and Lucky: Liz is innocent, Lucky needs a shower and a cut, and he needs surgery to get rid of his parasite! Although I like the parasite now. It's part of the show. :) And became friends with the greenies, Green beans, The Tribbles, Comet the horse, Badger Bob, and Tommy the tapeworm.

    Turning woods:

    Liz, Lucky, and the director: Lucky wins the line of the day.

    Lucky: My sister's in a coma. She didn't leave on her own initiative.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! That's exactly what happened Lucky! :)

    Cowboy Cody's car:

    Cowboy Cody and Lulu: Come on! I'm thinking Cody has to recognize her, but then during the scenes, I start thinking, I think he does know who she is!!! :) Now I'm giving them the name Lody! :)

    Spixie's home:

    Maxie and James: The floor is not lava dammit! ROFL!

    Maxie and Sasha: Sasha got the preggers!!!! :) YAY!!!!! WOOT WOOT! :D Someone on soap central website said that if she is pregnant then she could name the baby Scorpio! Awww baby Scorpio! Now I want her to call the baby that. Then the nickname can be Scorpy. Awwwww. :)

    Lulu and the house key: Oh! She remembers where the hidden key is! Well, Maxie will be in shock seeing her!!! :)

    The courthouse: Ric is so gooooooooooood! :) Get Krissy Ric! Get her! :) I want Ava on the stand next! I'm surprised Sonny didn't stand up to yell! :)

    1. Big fat yes to line of the day. HAHAHAH!
      Big fat no to the parasite. HAHAHAH!
      And I'm with you about "get her, Ric!" Now let us go hug Dante. :)

    2. "Julie H says, Big fat yes to line of the day. HAHAHAH!"


      "Big fat no to the parasite. HAHAHAH!"


      "And I'm with you about "get her, Ric!"

      He did very well. :)

      "Now let us go hug Dante. :)"

      Yes let's go! :D

  3. Thank God for Ric Lansing and Ava Jerome. I have never rooted for a criminal the way I do for our Ava. Closest is Todd Manning.

    1. Yes! They're the best part of GH now! I can't wait for Kristina to go down!

    2. Amen to Ric and Ava. I'm another one waiting anxiously for Krissie to go down. Love the actress but the character? Like Sonya said, "get her, Ric!"

  4. Screaming that Cody SAW Lulu in the hospital and would AT LEAST SAY have we met?
    ----this is the sloppiest writing.
    -----I think Lulu thinks she has been asleep a couple of days----and she knows nothing about Sam and Dante and Charlotte, etc. etc.
    (By the way, Anna dropped Cates murder and I guess she isn't looking for Charlotte anymore.)
    ----I am surprised Sasha is pregnant since Michael is leaving the show. He can't just leave the kids and a new baby ----he will KNOW it is his kid ---- if he leaves with the kids, he wouldn't leave Sasha....VERY ODD how they will write him in January. Just shocked Sasha is pregnant.
    ------sloppy writing - she told Maxie she hadn't heard from her father. yeah, she got the letter.
    -----all hospitals have CAMERAS in the halls - they can't look for cameras?
    ----so we are supposed to believe that Mayor Laura wouldn't take a call about her daughter? WHat emergency?

    1. Exactly. Laura would take a call about Lulu no matter what. Plus, she would have given the Turning Wood place a list of people who are allowed to visit, and those not allowed. This is so ridiculous

    2. I've been hollering for 3 days now "WHERE"S LAURA???" And "WHERE ARE THE CAMERAS?? Good grief! At least Lucky/Liz are on it. And seriously, did Cyrus fall into a hole?

  5. Remember, the last time Cody saw Lulu in the hospital, she didn't have a head yet, only hands.

    1. I want to know was she still wearing that weird space age looking cap with the wires coming out of if. That would make anyone hard to recognize.

  6. 1. Is it just me or does Nu Lulu look like JMB?
    2. I liked the Cody-Lulu intro scenes.
    3. Ugh pregnancy after a ONS is a boring plot vehicle to me.
    4. Wasn't Liz in on prior info about tampering or hanky panky about another patient? When is she going to buy a vowel and figure out Sam's digitalis OD was an intentional, criminal act?
    5. Yes, you must dismiss (dispel?) all common knowledge of medicine and law to enjoy the current stories but a good prosecutor would object to Ric crowding Kristine in the witness box and object to any sworn statements as hearsay, etc. Lulu being 100% ok except for a little clutching her side is right up there with impossible, too.
    6. But it is easy to tolerate the medical and the legal whimsy when we tolerate so many story lines which are entirely neglected and/or forgotten.

    1. She absolutely is a cross between JMB and a bit of Emme too, imo. I think they didn't think Chad was leaving--I mean he announced it on IG! I can't tolerate the medical stuff THIS much. It's TOO MUCH. If it was 1976 and we didn't know or see so much about comas I'd probably be like: ENTERTAINMENT! This is just...weird.

  7. I wonder how long Lulu thinks its been? Did you notice that Cody didn't mention what year it was?

    1. Yeah he didn't! I was waiting for Lulu to ask what year it was.

    2. At least they aired the episode on the right date? lol. Would have been funny if Cody said November 10 and it was really November 16. Never know with the out of sequence crap they do.

    3. for sure she thinks a few days - she even said "I haven't seen my kids - well it hasn't been that long'

    4. "mufasa says, for sure she thinks a few days - she even said "I haven't seen my kids - well it hasn't been that long'"

      Wait until she sees what Rocco looks like! She will be like WHOA! You got tall in only a few days! BAHAHAHAHA!

  8. Lindie - good catch on the date cause I remember the TRIAL started November 11 they said and BOOM it's night on the 26 and IS Lucky's birthday the 27?

  9. The internet says Lucky's birthday is August 19 1985

    1. The internet will have to change the month. ROFL!

    2. And everyone, including Lucky, will assume it must be true because they read it on the internet. lol

    3. "Di says, And everyone, including Lucky, will assume it must be true because they read it on the internet. lol"

      Including Lucky!!! Hahahahahaha!


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...