Sunday, November 17, 2024

Sunday Surgery: One Punch Man


If you know that manga One Punch, then you know why I picked this. Across the soapy-verse EVERYONE seemed happy for Drew to get a nice smackdown by Jason.  Other stuff happened too and a lot of it was filler but at least it was an escape, right? 

Sorry I was out 2 days. Watching on Hulu was great because it goes so fast. This will also be fast because due to technical difficulties, I'll be brief. 

Dig into what you got and let's GO GO 

THE UNFIYING FACTIOR :Fight in the Q house!! Fight in the Q house! Where's Yuri? Why didn't they wake the kids up with that mess? LOL!! Nina's screaming!! Ned's getting in the mix. Where's YURI? Geesh!!  Plus Brook Lyn saying: Monica would be so upset just made me chuckle. How long are we keeping up this pretense? I was really surprised Tracey didn't come downstairs. 

WUSSING OUT:  Michael. GOOD LORD IN THE DAY as my Mimi would say. What is UP with this kid. I'm hoping he's going dark from the inside out.  I really expected him to go nuclear.  That photo is from about 10 years ago but he still has that same face going when things are bad. 

BIGGEST WUSS OF ALL:  My goodness. We knew Lucky was a crier but the wishy-washy needing of validation is just exhausting. How many people have to whine that you should stay. It's also clear that Elizabeth still has the feels and I don't know how ready I am for LnL2 redux. 

SEMI WUSS:  What is happening with Anna. First the Jason stuff and then jelly about Robert. 

CHEM TESTS:  I guess Isaiah is being tested with EVERYONE. He has the spark with Jordan, Lucky, Lucas, Elizabeth and now Molly! I did like the scene in Bobbie's with Molly's birthday. Very cute and it didn't make my teeth hurt. 

CHEM TEST JR:  Trina and Kai. Face it, we've all known a Kai. I think mine was named Brad and he thought he was all that and didn't need to do the work everyone else did. This is going to work out but it's starting a bit too much like "I hate Spencer" from the past. The actor playing Kai is way green but I'll give him some space to grow. 

LIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR: This goes to Ric yet again because EVERY scene he's in is just so watchable. Ric and Ava? Perfection. Ric talking to Jason? Excellent. When Ric flinched when Jason almost touched him was so good!! RH brings out the best in all of his acting partners for sure. 

STILL A PAIN IN THE WUBBY ASS: Kristina. First we start out with some dumb accident and her whining about how everything is making HER upset. Then she whines to Daddy. UGH. I hope she loses that trial badly.  "ADELA" ... whatever, just stop it.  The only good things she's done in months is remember Molly's birthday. 

BIG SEND OFF:  Holly and Robert have their Casablanca moment. Riding off into the sunset to help her damsel in distress ass out. Sasha? Meh. The thing is-- TR looks so frail, I can see why heavy scenes aren't doable. 

BIG ISSUES:  The accident that happened Monday came out of NOWHERE. It was the most bizarre thing. No lead up--just BOOM. Probably to give LaRue some airtime. Airtime that wasn't needed. Another issue? WHY IS NO ONE SUING THE METRO COURT for faulty windows? Come on!! You can't even break them in a fire situation!! Ric!! Get your head going in that direction. 

GOOD THINGS:  Loved Trina and TJ's talk at the gym. They need more talks for sure.  New law office!! Even if its' a riff off of one of the Qs living room.  Also: Why the hell didn't Alexis tell Kristina Ava already LOST a child? Big mistake.  Jason and Danny? Loved it. I'm hoping Jason moves into the Q house too, just GET IT AS MESSY AS POSSIBLE.  Also see: Isaiah was offered a job at GH!! WHOOT!! 

So, all in all an uneven week but with bright spots. The dialog is still going better and longer scenes. We have the best actors out there. Daytime OR Primetime. We have Sam's funeral coming up so get ready for that.  I think Amanda Setton is PG in real life so that's on track. You know I'm hoping for Sasha and or Willow to end up PG. Willow won't know who the daddy is though so that's even soapier.

  Lulu 'wakes up' (probably a finger moves) on the 19th. Here's a spoiler photo. She looks damn good for laying in bed for years and years, no?  Body mass is right up there! 

Have a good week, see you when I can!! CHEERS!! 


  1. Thanks Karen

    Tristan does look frail :( His right hand even looks kind of blue in that photo you posted

    Think that's the first time I've seen the Jordan actress smile!

  2. Thanks for another great SS! Short and sweet, unlike GH.
    What a fine cast GH has. Sad that the writing can't come close.
    Lucky still looks like a derelict that was found in an alley. That facial hair and oily head are just hard to look at. Maybe superficial but it's a soap. Use some. Preferably with a razor and scissors.
    My guess is all three will be preggers. Great.

  3. I adore Tristin Rogers and his character - as a kid, I thought he was so dashing - the spy profession, his friendships and adventures with Luke and Sean D., the lovely Anna, and the adorable Robin (and his house was cool). The Qs are awesome but the Scorpios have always been my fave. I like Sasha being his daughter and I was looking forward to seeing their story but unfortunately it does seem like maybe a good time for TR to step off screen. If they wanted to recast with a quality actor, I'd give them a chance but I guess I'm okay with him living with his love Holly.

    1. I have to say that Tristan Roger's is in my top 5 favorites. Genie Francis, Finola Hughes, Tristan Roger's and Kristina Wagner. Not sure who is #5 off hand. Mayne John J York.

    2. I used to agree, but Anna is just Meh for me now. All the writers fault. Maura is in my top 5, too.

    3. Yes. They have ruined Anna but I do love Finola. They ruined Anna a d They ruined VAn a. SO stupid

  4. I have to agree that Lucky's return is a bust. He used to be in my top 5. Truth is, he and Liz no longer have the magic the way they currently being written. They have not shown him with many characters which is disappointing too. So many possibilities. get Adam back and have Lucky go see Nic.

    1. JJ is such a great actor. They are barely having him on the show

  5. I am SO repeating myself, but it is therapy for me, so bear with me.
    ----WHY is Anna this pathetic whiny woman?
    ----WHY would Michael NOT confront Willow to see if she lies/why does Michael still want her?
    -----HOW can this nauseating Drew character STAY on the show?
    -----Holly and Robert leaving made me mad....don't care if they come back in January - what about Sidwell?
    -----Sonny never mentioned to Jason about the diamonds......that was just dropped...
    ------I have to believe JJ is not happy either with his return.
    -----I do NOT want to see Kristina at the funeral - wish they had skipped having the funeral on-screen.
    ----agree - Isaiah has chemistry with everyone.
    okay I am done.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...