Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Too Good for this Earth


Here I am!! So, Robert took off with Holly? I hear they are back after Christmas for a visit. Also, Lulu wakes up Nov 18th if the timeline stays the same. 

TOMORROW I AM OUT again for my... HAIR! Yes, that time again!! 

BUT I'm here TODAY: 

Kristina tells Alexis she was in a minor car accident. She says Sonny knew and told her to tell her mother. 

Maxie is at Deception with Sonny signing some things and LaRue walks in. Maxie leaves. Natalia asks Sonny about Krissy she says she has lost it crying behind the wheel too. She wishes she did better by her children. They talk about stuff and Sonny says (don't laugh) Kristina is like his mother Adela, TOO GOOD FOR THIS EARTH. AHAHAHA.  

Jason is drinking at the Brown Dog, watching Drew's victory party and Michael walks in and tells the bartender to turn it off. He tells Jason Drew and Willow kissed...then he slept with Sasha...then Drew and Willow slept together. HE SHOWS JASON THE VIDEO ahahaha! OMG anyway, he's afraid Wills is in love with Drew. Michael leaves. 
Spin comes in and Jason says Brennan might know where he is so monitor his communications. Spin misses Sam because she'd help with this. Then Jason talks about Danny and how best to help him forward. Danny wants to live with him but also live with Scout and Rocco too. Jason says he has to protect those he loves. 

Nina is at Drew's victory party and Carly walks in. Carly introduces him to Brennan. Then Drew talks to Jordan.

Curtis is at the party, tells Portia now that Drew won, he'll be perm CEO of Aurora. 

Willow is in the bathroom. Nina is happy that Drew will be in DC soon. They leave Maxie asks Nina if she told Willow she was sleeping with Drew. Nina says no need now. He'll be gone. 

Willow walks out and sees Drew. Smiles. She wishes him luck and then goes to find Michael. 

Oh, and in all of his Brennan tells Carly he doesn't trust Drew. 

Michael goes to the victory party. Drew says hello to him. He thinks Michael should be CEO of Aurora (poor Curtis). Michael says he'll talk to him later. Tells Willow to meet him at home. 

Sasha opens a package thinking it's a cook book but it's a "New Daddy" book for Chase. He thinks they are putting a lot of pressure on themselves to make a baby. Sasha says Robert left but he said she could call. 

Lois is bugging Ned to tell her about the drama that went down because no one is telling her. (about the video of Drew/Cody) . He says No. She asks Brook and Brook says no, you have too big of a mouth. She says how so. Ned says you told Sonny about the SEC. He says YOU CAN'T KEEP A SECRET, right GIO"? when GIO walks in and then Lois looks at GIO and GIO looks at LOIS. Ned tells her to drop it and Lois leaves. 

Nina and Drew walk into the Q house and Jason is standing there, ready to punch Drew

Michael stares at Willow in the Gatehouse

Curtis wants to start a music program at the community center with some of the money he'll be making as CEO. 


  1. I am gonna be honest.....I wish they would skip the funeral cause I don't wanna see Kristina make it all about her or have Molly and Kristina argue....--
    --Sam died Halloween and election was Nov 5th - course GH is all over the place with timelines....drives me nuts
    --WHEN will Chase and Brook Lynn move to their own apartment? ----
    Why was Brennan there?  Not complaining cause I love him. ----
    -Maxie looks so good. Nice touch, writers, having Willow in the demure dress.....(sarcastic font)---
    --Lois quote after Gio :"I always do what is right" ----shoot Gio is gonna be Brook Lynn and Dante's son-
    ---we still have coming:  (1) Willow finding out Nina has been sleeping with Drew and (2)Nina finding out Willow slept with Drew and they 'love' each other----NOBODY does "the stare" better than Steve Burton
    ---I'm telling you --- when the writers wrote "Kristina sees the good in everybody", they were drunk and laughing at us. 

    1. "Mufasa says -Lois quote after Gio :"I always do what is right" ----shoot Gio is gonna be Brook Lynn and Dante's son-"

      Yup looks like it!!!!

  2. Drew makes my skin crawl and I used to like the character. I can kinda see Willow having a crush on him with the hero complex of him "saving" her BUT he didn't have to respond. And when she told him to stay away, he never did. I am not one for the violence on this show (btw, I guess they just scooted Sonny point blank shooting Jagger multiple times under the rug), BUT I would love to see Jason kick Drew's butt. They have totally destroyed the character of Drew . . going after Willow, who is married to his nephew - who is also the son of a woman he briefly "loved", and is the daughter of a woman he is sleeping with . . he must be twice her age. It's disgusting. I am sure there is some big secret with Gio and Lois, but I sure hope he is not Dante and Brooklynn's son. To me, that explanation just makes no sense. Oh well . . will see what happens.

  3. Soap Opera Digest's website says Tristan and Emma will return in Jan. Still, I get the feeling that Tristan is starting to head for the exit, so it probably will be a short visit. If it's the end, I hope that they give him scenes with Sasha (if indeed she is his daughter), Mac and Felicia, Laura, and Anna. Wouldn't mind a Robin or Emma visit either! The guy practically carried the show in the 80's after Tony left as the main male lead. -OldSchoolGhfan

    1. I agree with all of this. Tristan deserves a better send-off.

  4. Diane and Alexis's office:

    Alexis and Krissy: Damn Alexis it's so dark in the office! Oh Krissy you mean the car accident that was off screen that nobody got to see? THAT car accident?

    Deception offices:

    Maxie and Sonny: Why does Sonny have to sign anything? He is a silent partner.

    Giggle mouse and Sonny: UGH! Zzzzzzzzzz.

    The brown dog bar:

    Jason and Michael: SERIOUSLY?! Jason had to watch the whole video?! BAHAHAHAHA! Michael was it really necessary to have Jason watch Willow nekked? It's better that you show the whole world! :)

    Jason and Spinny: Spinny misses Sam! Awwww! :( I want to hug him. :(

    Drew's victory party:

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Nina: I wonder if they are doing the mattress tango off screen.

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Willow: Will they be going somewhere to do the mattress tango?

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Michael: Hit him Michael! HIT HIM!!! SHOW THE VIDEO TO THE WORLD! :D

    Nina and Maxie: Nina wins the line of the day.

    Nina: You know, plenty of politicians have indiscretions.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Seriously Nina? So you condone that behavior huh? Of course you do! Because you want to sleep with him again!!! ROFL!

    Spixie: Awwww! Love that little kiss she gives him. :)

    Portis: Curtis should take his shIrt off riiiiiiiiight here. :)

    Carly and Brennan: Uh this was a confusing scene. Are they in high school? Very odd scene.

    Q mansion:

    Sasha, Geo, and Chase: Oopsy. What a mixup. So Brase have been trying? Are we missing this? Is this all off screen?

    Ned, Lois, and Brooky:

    "Karen says about the video of Drew/Cody)"

    OH! Thanks! I was so confused watching this scene.

    Brase: Oh are they going to go upstairs to make a baybay and will we not see it?

    Nina, Drew aka Ryan Lavery, and Jason: Oh oh! Jason looks pissed!!!! ROFL!

    Mildew home: Is Michael going to confront Willow? I hope so.

  5. Cameron Mathison cannot act. That victory speech was just awful.

    There was no need to make Sasha the daughter of Robert and Holly. The "GH" timeline of the early 1990s doesn't synch up with it, the arithmetic of Tristan's, Emma's and Sofia's ages don't match up (I think), and Sasha's backstory with Valentin doesn't really match up, either.

    I truly with the executive producer, editors, and writers would be more professional and act like they give two sh*ts about their jobs. Some of this is just insulting to longtime viewers. And if "GH" is to survive, they need the longtime viewers in their corner.

    1. Oops, I meant "wish," not "with," in the last paragraph.

  6. No to Gio being Brooke and Dante's son. Just a big fat no. I agree with mufasa above, the dress Willow had on looked like something Jackie O would have worn back in the Camelot days. Really writers? Sarcasm here too!

    Boy, the writers are really trashing Drew. Now they're going to have him do Curtis dirty with the Aurora thing. Are they setting Drew up to get murdered? That would be a dream come true! I'm really looking forward to Jason beating the snot out of Drew. I'm awful, lol!

    1. "Julie H says, looking forward to Jason beating the snot out of Drew. I'm awful, lol!"

      ROFL! Nah because I want Jason to bring up Drew's tryst with Willow right in front of Nina, and I want dark Michael to show up to get revenge. :)

  7. Sorry, but do the writers not understand Congressmen run every two years? Nina says to Drew he has to "do this again in four years." I can put up with a lot of imperfect things on soaps given they work with such a tight budget and less than idea filming schedules, but knowing a basic congressional term in an actual election year seems like the bare minimum you can get right.


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...