Sunday, November 24, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Rude Awakening


Such a frustrating week for me!! GH can be so good, then so uneven and just plain plodding along that it baffles the mind. I felt like Thursday and Friday were just "oh, let's do some narrative fillers for now". 

I think we should have some of Dante's breakfast, don't you? Let's give it a go! 

warning: I'm pretty scathing in this review. If you'd rather just have a nice, relaxing read you can skip it! 


Trina and Kai argue 

Brennan offers Lucky a job

Funeral Speeches are touching 

Ava and Lucas bond 

Alexis finds one of Sam's Wills--is it the most recent? 

Laura is MIA all week

Lulu wakes up and starts walking like Lazarus 

Lulu is not shown again Thurs/Friday

Elizabeth gets called into Portia's office for medication 'error' that killed Sam 

Liz is not shown again Thurs/Friday 

Kai and Trina spar 

Boxing: Lucky and Sonny; Dex and Kai 

Jason moves into the Qs 

Sasha might be pregnant. 

Ava's trial is about to start

That's how much I feel like doing the blog this week!! The funeral was touching and there were many speeches. Yes, people were missing but I think they packed them in best they could. After all the turmoil of Sam's actual death and aftermath, the funeral was just "there" for me. Yes, great speeches all around. I did like that the only other scenes were with Lucas and Ava. 

WHINY WENCH: You know who I'm talking about--Ms. Kristina! My goodness she's getting a LOT of screen time to suss out her problems. Conversations with everyone about her pain and burying Sam and ADELA. (Said it about 33 times this week). OH! Sonny even offered her a job at Corinthos' Coffee. Someone slap me, but what about Charlie's? Do we just forget it? The LGBTQIA plus center? Maybe Krissy will be the new mob boss. Anything to stop her from being so insufferable would be great news. 

IT WALKS:  I don't think I've ever seen such a laughable coma awakening in my life. Maybe in the 70's when soaps just did whatever. To do this now is ... crazy. Lulu 'wakes up" in her Lakeside bed and... sits up. SITS UP.  Looks at her scar. That scar looks like a scar I got 20 years ago. LOL. You'd think she'd have a monitor on her somewhere. You'd think she wouldn't be able to SWING HER LEGS OFF THE BED and flounder around. She didn't have a feeding tube and she didn't have a catheter. Lord Help us all. Cyrus being there and Laura not was baffling. We are to believe he has enough time to talk to the doctors and bypass Laura. Lulu has a newly made flashback of a scene with her and Cyrus. Alexa did a great job and captured Lulu's spirit for sure. 

THE BIGGEST ISSUE:  Regarding Lulu's awakening, GH has GOT to hire someone new for editing and continuity. I'm so tired of big things happening then being dropped for days. The momentum is just gone. Lulu was last shown perched half-way up to her bed. That was it. Elizabeth was told that Sam was given the wrong medication. Then? Nothing for 2 days. We got a lot of Sonny's Gym though!! People just sitting around talking about whatever! Just drives me insane. 

Q HOUSE IS NOW A COMMUNE: Yes, I'm happy Jason is moving in. I love giant houses with lots of characters (see Llanfair) living there. The Q property now has almost everyone and Yuri living there. Monica? We think she's still upstairs. I have no idea why they don't recast her, even if it is temporary and Leslie can come back at some point. I'm still hoping we get every single person that lives on the property to sit at one long table and Sasha has to serve them all. By the way, you'd think we'd see more staff!! 

LUCKLESS: *sigh* Here's what should have happened: Lucky is brought back and he has the operation. That way he had a purpose and could have at least evaluated his life from his bed until all this crazy whining about town came around. He played poker for weeks, got back to town, cried...wandered around and is just a sad-sack. Brennan offers him a job with the WSB. Probably the best thing he's been offered in years and he's still just a weepy-wart. Really one of the worst comebacks in ages. 

SCORPIO BONDING: Sasha gets a letter from Robert. Mac and Felicia make the nice Aunt and Uncle. I'm loving that Sasha has roots in PC now. I think SM is a great actress and maybe her character will get some more growth. OH! And she took out a pregnancy test on Friday. That was about the only exciting thing that's happened. Scorpio-Q baby on the way! 

MOLLY'S BIRTHDAY: I mention this because people forgot and Isaiah stepped in. Is there anyone this guy doesn't have chemistry with!!? Kristina did give Molly a present and I'm shocked it wasn't a locket with "Adela" written on it! 


Ric Lansing. 
Ric and Ava Scenes

NEWS: Just broke yesterday that Chad Duelly is leaving the show. He did it on IG and it was very abrupt to be sure. Then again, he's had to have temp recasts for awhile. Maybe Robert Adamson will fill in (he's been the replacement). Michael is just getting the good stuff! UPDATE: WELP! Frank V wrote a tweet saying that "Michael" won't be recast. Chad will air into the new year. 

That's all, folks! Sorry I couldn't complain more but did you really want to hear what I thought of the Gio/Trina scenes? Nah. The show better pick up some pace next week. The trial could be interesting, especially with Rick and Maura doing their thing. I see Cyrus is still at Lulu's bedside. *sigh* Is she going to keep waking up, get stronger and no one knows but him? I think Sasha and Brook Lyn will be PG at the same time. The Qs can stock up on pickles and ice cream. Will Alexis find the other Will we saw? Is that another Will? We shall see! 

NOTE: New shows only Monday-Wednesday. Thanksgiving is a repeat and sports on Friday. 

Have a great Sunday



  1. I liked Thurs/Fri A little bit better than you because I thought the dialogue between Dante and Jason and the kids were good. It was growth for at least two of the three men to work together for the sake of the kids. In regards to Lulu, waking, this is a soap and we can’t expect realistic things. If we had it realistic, the tubes would have to come out, weeks of physical therapy, and possibly speech therapy, cognitive test, and many other things that others would say is dragging the story too slow.

    I do love the Sasha\Scorpio family. He seen with Rick and it is terrific. I also like that they are building the relationship between Lucas and Ava. I hope we have three pregnancies Brooklyn, Willow, and Sasha.

    1. "Jake says This is a soap and we can’t expect realistic things."

      Oh yes we can and we sometimes get it.

      "I hope we have three pregnancies Brooklyn, Willow, and Sasha."

      I hope so too! I don't think we ever got that before.

    2. Why not 3 pregnancies? The babies are rarely seen again after anyway. lol

  2. Thanks Karen. I think they just film "mish mash" and then just air whatever and it makes not sense. Why is Laura not a Lulu's bedside, and WHY OH WHY would Cyrus be allowed to visit? If my brother was a criminal he would not be allowed to visit. Also, I guess Cyrus is the one who killed Sam, or did I miss something?

    1. PS. I wonder if they are going to start "cleaning house"? Get rid of some to pay for others? Will they kill off Michael, or have him leave town?

    2. That is exactly what I suspect is happening. Budget cutting.

  3. I have to say that I am kind of glad about Chad leaving. He has made Michael such a dull, whiny, bratty character. I just hope they don't kill Michael off (too much death lately). A new actor, later down the line, could salvage this important character.

    1. I agree. Don't kill him off. Sonny and Carly already lost one son

    2. Plus, too much death right before the holidays (or right after) is not nice

  4. "If you'd rather just have a nice, relaxing read you can skip it!"

    You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have the facts of life.. Don't worry I won't sing it. ROFL!

    "Lulu wakes up and starts walking like Lazarus"

    BAHAHAHAHA! It's true. :)


    It is but I love it!!! :)

    "Yes, I'm happy Jason is moving in."

    Me too!! SQUEEEEEEEE!

    "LUCKLESS: *sigh* Here's what should have happened: Lucky is brought back and he has the operation. That way he had a purpose and could have at least evaluated his life from his bed until all this crazy whining about town came around. He played poker for weeks, got back to town, cried...wandered around and is just a sad-sack."

    Yeah he really should have that operation. That parasite is making him act like this.

    "MOLLY'S BIRTHDAY: I mention this because people forgot and Isaiah stepped in. Is there anyone this guy doesn't have chemistry with!!?"

    I know!!!!! And happy birthday Molly!

    "Kristina did give Molly a present and I'm shocked it wasn't a locket with "Adela" written on it!"

    Yeah no kidding. And now it's OUR daughter. OUR OUR OUR. Little suck up whiny witch trying to get Molly on her side. UGH!


    Ric Lansing.
    Ric and Ava Scenes"


    "WELP! Frank V wrote a tweet saying that "Michael" won't be recast."

    :( WHY NOT?! :(

    1. I think maybe they were planning on Lucky being a "match", but then they decided to get rid of KM, so they made her the "match" and there's nothing for him to do.

  5. Another great SS! Thank you. Not at all scathing, btw.
    According to a post by Michael Fairman, FV said they have no plans to recast "Michael" right now.
    I think Sophia Mattson might be pregnant. Some tummy hiding going on.
    Both Lucky and Lulu's returns have been bad. Yes, this is the worst coma awakening ever. Especially in comparison with the well done funeral and all things Sam. You can tell that different writers wrote them. That is not a good thing.
    How long must we endure Drew? All he can raise are his jazz hands. Not children.
    Kristina's center was a bust after the coming out story, which was stupid as the center was about acceptance and it was her creation. She should tend bar. Maybe a coffee bar for dad.

  6. Sasha finally has sex and may be pg and they don’t recast Michael? I feel for Sophia.
    I don’t like Chad but his temp was decent enough. If Michael leaves take Willow please.

    I too enjoyed the Scorpio bonding. They need a scene with Cody and not just a few lines with Dante. This is why we’re confused. Should we care or not?

  7. I really think this show is in serious trouble. CBS is going to come out guns blazing with their new show in 2025. GH has the cast, but they are severely under utilizing the characters and actors that deserve more than they are getting.
    1. Genie Francis - where is she? She's been back from her vacation for months and the writers still haven't done anything with her. As a character that's part of the show since the mid'70s, she should be the center of the show and driving story, not in the background or a supporting player.
    2. Eden McCoy - she wins an Emmy and what has she been given since? Nothing. Same for Robert Gossett who was actually written off.
    3. Return busts - Jonathan Jackson as Lucky, Rena Sofer as Lois and Steve Burton as Jason. Legacy characters, superb actors. Stinkeroo stories.
    4. Dropped stories. Who killed John Cates. Who killed Franco. Ava messing with Sonny's meds. Kind of like the Martin kid that went up to the attic and was never heard from again on All My Children.
    5. Lead actors have disappeared - Maurice Bernard, Laura Wright, Cynthia Watros. For years, these actors and the characters they played were front burner. Lately, they've been relegated to supporting players.
    6. Drew Cain - skeevy pervy ew. This is not the character that was introduced when Billy Miller played the role.
    7. Drew and Willow - ew. Willow has only worked for me when she was opposite Josh Swickard. Otherwise, bland.
    8. Lulu. LMFAO! Even Nina Reeves was in a wheelchair for like 2 weeks when she came out of her coma. Lulu looks like she's ready for Crossfit.
    9. Curtis - attractive black leading man. Can someone tell me the story being written for him?
    10. Zero romance.
    11. Kristina Wagner. She really is lovely and underrated. She deserves a story.
    12. Heather - what was the point of that whole bone leg disease story only to usher the fantastic and Emmy winning Ally Mills off screen?

    Bright spots -
    Jane Elliot, Nancy Grahn, Kristen Vaganos, Van Hansis (who needs to be on contract), Ric Hearst (ditto on contract).

    1. Agree with all points. Love #4...the attic evermore became a legacy. lol

  8. Chad has been serviceable during his run, but I think a recast next year could reinvigorate a very stale character. Take him off the canvas for a couple months while Chad departs and you find a recast (just not via fake death please). I think Darin Brooks, previously of DOOL and B&B could be great and could bring more life to the character. This is a huge legacy character that should not be killed off or left off the canvas for long.

    I enjoy a lot of the current cast, but I've honestly only really been watching NLG scenes and other Sam departure scenes lately - NLG has been incredible the last few weeks.

    Please get Rick Hearst on contract - he has been gold. New Lucas is great, keep him. Keep cultivating the younger generation - not just Trina and Joss, but Rocco and Danny - the boys are good actors. Get Cam and Jake back on canvas with Jason and Lucky around and Aidan aged up. Don't let Kristen Vaganos go anywhere - she has been a great addition.

    Get rid of Nina, Willow, Natalia, and Gio. I can take or leave Cody and Sasha. Same goes for Dex and Brennan.

    Then there is Drew...I have hated him with this Willow stuff. Mathison is not a bad actor, but this story is creepy and he has no chemistry with Willow or Nina. I liked him in the scene with Steve and Nancy talking custody. He and Jason as rivals is interesting. It would be so much more interesting with AJ instead of Drew, but at least there was more of a spark in their scenes than this nonsense with Willow.

    One thing the show may have to deal with soon is that many of the characters on the canvas are related to each other or share siblings/family. It makes coming up with new romantic pairings problematic.

  9. "Dropped stories. Who killed John Cates. Who killed Franco." Who killed the other Franco (Austin Gatlin-Holt)? Where's Scotty?

    1. duh! What was I thinking lol. Shows how "memorable" Austin Gatlin Holt was. Again, another huge wasted opportunity and a tie to one of the show's legacy families that was never really milked.

    2. I know right? And speaking of legacy families, WHERE THE HECK IS SCOTTY?

  10. I'm hoping that Michael,Willow and the kids decide to leave Port Charles and get a fresh start somewhere across country.

  11. We all know Frank is a lying liar who lies so there will probably be a recast down the line. Lulu hit the floor which she should have since she has been in a coma, but there is a pic of her standing in what looks like Monica's house. Ridiculous, we should see her struggling. Lucky is the worst return, Ric on the other hand the best hopefully he will be on more. Lucky will probably stay to help Liz, she doesn't need his help. If they are going to accuse her of the poisoning, then they need to bring back Cameron and Jake who would definitely come back to support their mom. Having only 25 year old Aiden on hand is just wrong.

    1. I bet Lucky stays in town to find out who did this to Liz............. Makes the most sense

    2. "JoyJ says, but there is a pic of her standing in what looks like Monica's house. Ridiculous, we should see her struggling."

      I saw that on twitter! Both pictures. So dumb.

    3. Ooops forgot this.

      "Having only 25 year old Aiden on hand is just wrong."


  12. -----everyone is spot on
    -----the stupidest thing yet in 2024 was Lulu waking up......Sasha being Robert and Holly's daughter was unnecessary and pitiful but LULU waking up was STUPID
    ---if Cyrus doesn't confess something to Lulu what IS the point of Cyrus being in Lulu's room?
    -----One time on SOM with Maurice, he talked about actors often renew contracts every 12 I think Chad would have had to give notice to Frank....WHICH makes me think that Sasha won't be pregnant (although I think Sophia is pregnant in real life?) ---cause what do they do with Michael? WIll he leave with kids? WIll he go work for ELQ somewhere to get over Willow?
    -----the dropped stories show that the writers don't care, they don't check on history
    ------So much more to say but it's just sad.................


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...