Monday, November 18, 2024

Monday MM


Ever have one of those months? Goodness, it's been something. I get to go have a look see at my gallbladder later today. I'm kind of hoping they just rip it out right then and there lol. Hope YOU are all doing well and ready for another adventurous week on GH. I think the funeral is tomorrow and today is th lead up but we shall see. I feel like we've been through the wringer already with the Sam stuff!! 


Getting ready for the funeral. Maxie is looking at the flowers in the church and think they are too much. Lucas walks in. He says this is all his fault. Maxie says it's not. They go back and forth about his guilt and the surgery. Sam wouldn't want you to feel like this says Maxie. 

Alexis is getting ready and says to her girls she doesn't think she can do this today. She broke a bracelet Sam gave her for mother's day. Molly goes and tries to fix it. She's upset with Kristina. Kristina says "it's so sad, you were just getting ready to bury Adela" OMG!! Molly heard that too. Fking Kristina. Molly goes outside for air. Ric is there! yeah! 

Ric gives Molly a birthday gift to see 12 Angry Men. They are going together. They hug. TJ walks up. 

Alexis is inside talking to Krissy. She realizes she forgot Molly's birthday. Then she sees Ric outside and is mad he's there. TJ and Molly go inside. Ric says at least he remembered her birthday. Alexis says he's heartless and to get off her lawn. 

Scout sees Drew's face and asked what happened. They are all ready for the funeral. Drew says HE WALKED INTO A DOOR in the kitchen LOL. DERP. Rocco and Danny don't buy that. Scout wants Drew to promise he won't leave her. He does. Nina then comes in and puts some make up on Drew's face. She asks if Jason is in jail. He says no, Danny needs him. She says "is this just all about ONE kiss"?? Drew says yes it's just the one kiss. 

Nice scene with Danny and Rocco. Rocco says "no matter what anyone says we are brothers".

Liz wants to talk to Aiden. He knows it's about his Dad. Aiden says he figured out that Lucky would probably leave again. He feels good because his Dad is at least alive and he can see him now and then. 

Lucky is in Bobbie's looking at the iPad at an article about a flooded village somewhere in the world. Brennan comes in and says He's the guy that saved him. They talk about Bobbie's and PC. Brennan offers him a job "boots on the ground" with the WSB. Not sure where--but it pays good and he wants Lucky with the WSB. Lucky says the WSB always comes with strings and I'm not a puppet. It's a job with refugees and some political group forming they need intel on. He could get Lucky on a plane in 24 hours. Liz walks into Bobbie's. 

Dante and Cody are looking at family photos of Sam. Dante doesn't think there's much of a family without Sam. They aren't ready for the funeral but EVERYONE else is...this is weird. They keep talking. Olivia walks in (not dressed) and they talk about memories of Sam playing baseball. Dante leaves to "check on the kids"... Pfft. They are dressed and Danny is at the damn church!! 

Joss opens the door to their apartment and Kai is there. Trina comes up and shuts the door in his face. Joss talks her into hearing him out. Joss leaves for Sam's funeral. Kai wants another chance with Tri. He says his advisor thought Art history would be easy. He realizes it's not. Trina says she's busy. He says she wouldn't turn someone away from The Gallery that wanted to learn about Art, would she? He pleads his case and tries to dazzle her with some memorized Art History stuff. 


Trina gives Kai another chance

Lucky tells Liz about the job offer

Rocco overhears Nina telling Drew about Jason punching him

Danny yells at Lucas to get out of the church because he killed his mother. 



  1. I hate that the spoilers imply they find out Sam was killed/poisoned whatever and they all vow to find the killer - there was NO need for this - if it's Cyrus, that has implications forever....shoulda left it as heart attack
    ---but I AM wondering if Cyrus messed with Lulu's IV to 'release her from her situation' and TODAY I wondered if Cyrus wanted Julian's son to be accused of killing Julian's daughter - as in revenge since Julian was the one responsible for LULU being in a coma. That is the ONLY explanation I can understand.
    -----Even CM/Drew's physical appearance is creepy.
    ------so SONNY called BRENNAN to offer Lucky a job????? Am I right or did Brennan's offer completely not related to Sonny's phone call?
    -----Martin disappeared after Alexis got outta prison and no one cares anymore about who killed Cates. LOL
    -----I guess Rocco and Danny will now fight about Jason? Otherwise why would Rocco hear that convo?
    -----Ric is a horrible character telling Alexis 'of course you forgot our daughter's birthday' and YET I LOVE HIM>
    -----don't care about Kai and Trina.
    -------the timing is so off--------------like Karen said Dante and Olivia not even dressed but kids are-----
    -----I SO want everyone to know what Willow and Drew did - Drew just LIES all the time.

    1. They seem to be throwing things in that we do not need. I agree about Sam. Just leave it. Like today...Danny yelling blame at Lucas? Not needed. Sometimes less is better. Someone tell FV. Less of him would be good.

    2. No one cares which killed cates or who killed Austin!

    3. I only bring up Cates as sarcasm cause Anna uttered the words, "I will NOT stop until I find out WHO killed John Cates."
      That lasted what - like 30 minutes???? LOL

  2. Beautiful blooming roses from Lila's garden. In November. In upstate New York.
    Lucky still looks gross.
    Everyone is sad. As usual.

    1. "zazu says, Beautiful blooming roses from Lila's garden. In November. In upstate New York."


      "Lucky still looks gross."

      It's because of the parasite! ROFL!

    2. zazu says, Brainworm.

      Brainworm/Parasite. Potatoe/potato. :) ROFL! He can't even think straight with that thing inside him!

  3. Alexis's home:

    Alexis, Krissy, and Molly: Adella! I don't think so! Hush up Krissy!

    Alexis and Krissy: Oh Krissy you talk too much. And Alexis calm the hell down about Ric! He is there to wish Molly a happy birthday which you forgot!

    Molly and Ric: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww great scene! :)

    Alexis and Molly: Oh sure Alexis! Molly will forgive you. She always does. Even when you are taking her for granted. Stop doing that!

    Alexis and Ric: Yeah Ric! You tell her!!!! :) He is right Alexis!!!

    Tolly: Awwwwwwww TJ is so sweet!!!! :(

    Q mansion:

    Cowboy Cody and Dante: Dante is so depressed! I want to hug him! :(

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery, Scout, Danny Cheeto, and Rocco: Really? Hit your face on the door huh? Come on!!!! That does not look like a door hit! These kids are not dumb.

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Scout: Yeah you made promises to Scout!!! Keep them!! Does that mean he has to quit being a senator before he actually starts becoming one?

    Rocco and Danny Cheeto: See!!! They are not dumb!! Awww yes you two ARE brothers! It doesn't matter what people say! :)

    Nina and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Nina wins the line of the day.

    Nina: Well, honestly, yes.

    ROFL! Oh man! He is so lying to her! Now when the truth comes out, Nina will be so pissed off at you!!!

    The hospital:

    Aidan and Liz: 25 year old Aidan better go say goodbye to his dad before Lucky leaves again!


    Brennan and Lucky: Lucky still does not have any clarity because of that parasite in his head. Even when Brennan offers him a job!

    Liz and Lucky: Oh please don't start arguing over the same thing!!! UGH!

    The church:

    Lucas and Maxie: Oh dammit I knew this would happen!!! It's not your fault Lucas!!!!! I want to hug him! :(

    Lucas and Danny Cheeto: OH! Poor Danny Cheeto is so upset over his mom's death that he is taking it out on Lucas. :( Great scene though!

    1. Oops forgot a couple of things.

      Joss and Trina's home:

      Trina and Kai: AGAIN?! Come on now!!! I don't want to hear another conversation of this!!!! Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

      Rocco overhearing Nina and Drew: The look on Rocco's face! Hahahaha! I think it needs the Michael's face treatment that Karen does on Twitter hahaha.

    2. I was so Team Rick! He may be universally hated but I love him. :)
      I detest Krissie so the actress is doing her job, lol! Her saying Adella? Lordy, talk about a "face-palm"!
      Could have done without Trina/Kai.
      Rocco/Danny, they just made me smile. Brothers no matter what, I sure hope so.

      Lets you and me go console Dante. :)

    3. "Julie H says, I was so Team Rick! He may be universally hated but I love him. :)"

      I love him too and I'm team Ric! :)

      "I detest Krissie so the actress is doing her job, lol!"

      Hahaha yes she is! :)

      "Her saying Adella? Lordy, talk about a "face-palm"!"


      "Could have done without Trina/Kai."

      Me too!!!

      "Rocco/Danny, they just made me smile. Brothers no matter what, I sure hope so."

      Yeah awwwww. :)

      "Lets you and me go console Dante. :)"

      YES! Let's do that. :)

  4. Karen, So I had gallbladder issues for 14 months and my doctor kept saying in his foreign accent, "I do not think it is time yet - you will know because of your pain."
    and I had spell after spell.....finally I went to a surgeon friend and he did the surgery. Piece of cake....I was back at work on day 4. SO insist that something be done!!

    1. WHOA! I'm glad you went to your surgeon friend! I hope you are not with your doctor anymore.

    2. Oh I wish it was that easy. I had my ultrasound and no stones or bile duct issues. Just "thickening" ... So, if it GETS WORSE or more frequent they may do a contrast dye thing to see the functioning. Great. In the meantime, I'm down to very few foods and dreading the next attack. I don't want to go out to dinner or have anything out of the ordinary. SUCKS


    1. Thanks for sharing that about Tristan (the philanthropist too). Not surprised he'd have fundraisers at his home. I have loved him since the day he started on GH.

    2. You're welcome lindie. I can't post any pics or srticles here but I could leave the link. I'm such a big fan of his too and I was sure his other fans here would love to read it and see the pictures too.

  6. Karen, I had my gallbladder removed in August of 2019. No problems since, but before was awful. I had a bad spell, as Mufasa calls them, the night before San Diego Comic Con. Ended up in the county hospital, what a nightmare but that's a whole other story. They gave me morphine and ran tests, but sent me home saying to go see my doctor back in Washington. Needless to say, Comic Con that year was not as fun, which is especially sad, since it was the last one before the pandemic and it just hasn't been the same since. Although my daughter did pick me up this funny stuffed "Gallbladder" from an exhibitor at Comic Con. So cute, hubby brought it to the hospital while I was recuperating and the nurses at the hospital in Washington loved it. I can't post a pic but you can see it here:

    Got home, saw my doctor, scheduled surgery, but gall bladder decided it didn't want to wait and sent me to the hospital the weekend before. Impatient bastard.

    1. Good luck Karen with your gallbladder issues. My best friend is having issues now.


  8. "Di says,"

    OH! It's beautiful!!!! :D


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...