Monday, September 30, 2024

HOME Again


I wasn't going to watch AGAIN but I'm here because I'm sick and well, I've slept enough today. Can't get much worse!!! 

Carly is visiting Lulu's bedside and Brennan walks in. He says everyone is safe. 

Lucky is at the hospital. Portia and Terry are relieved to see him. Portia examines him and takes blood. They'll know if he's a match soon

Carly tells Jason and Lucky that they can't reach Kevin and Laura. Weather, Africa...yada yada He tells her about the drone rescue and she yells: THAT WAS ME!! I DID THAT! I went to BRENNAN AND I KNEW ABOUT THEM...AND.. Oh, brother :Eyeroll:  

Lucky is cleared to go see Lulu. He flashes back to when she was a baby and he was younger and talking to her. GAH

Anna has Jason kiss flashbacks. Felicia arrives. Anna didn't even get to change her damn clothes. Fe wants all the dirt on the caper. She mentions Jason was so amazing. Also that Holly is home. Anna talks about that night almost dying. Felicia says: that has to be a comfort like he was suck a comfort to ROBIN. HAHAHAHA 

NEW AIDAN I knew he couldn't be THAT TALL!! KNEW IT!! Liz tells him Lucky is home. He LOOKS more like Lucky but he seems like he's about 20 in real life LOL. I guess he's only 14? I'll have to look him up on IMDB at some point. Terry comes in later and tells Liz that Lucky is being tested. Liz says she knows Lucky is only home to save Lulu. Doesn't have any expectations. 

Holly visits Mac at Maxie's, she's looking for Robert. He's not home, he's not at the office. Mac takes James to school and Holly makes herself coffee. She calls someone about the diamonds. Then Mac gets back home. He tells her he has  son and asks about Ethan. He also says Robert is happy and has a good life. Tells her all she does is swoop in and cause chaos and leaves. She gets all pouty and is like: WELL!! GOODBYE! 

Curtis and Nina are on at the office. He's all in a suit. He got distribution for Crimson in Australia. She says things about Drew and he gives her the side eye. She says she's Drew's campaign wife. HE's like, girl, how you have the time? (BTW, this part of the show does NOT fit in with the rest of the show) Curtis gets a random phone call telling him Marshall is going to tour with Winton Marsalis.  Oh, okay? 


Holly goes to knock on Robert's door and stops herself

Carly can tell that something "ELSE" happened on that mission (smelling Anna? LOL)

Lucky is a match for Lulu and his liver is healthy

Lucky and Liz come face to face at Bobbie's. 

NO NEW GH UNTIL THURSDAY... unless Baseball runs over and then it will be FRIDAY

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Kiss Off


I did NOT take this advice!!! I'm going to run through some things that happened this week. Here we go: 

FINALLY!! James tells someone that Willow felt guilty kissing Drew. Who did he tell? Ned. Here's hoping Ned is on the show again in the coming weeks. We all know how that goes. 

WELL WELL:  Lucky was rescued after several weeks of card play. Unfortunately, GH ran the promo and we knew a fire/explosion was coming. I keep thinking if they had done this over 3 days at a fast pace and we didn't see that coming, it could have been good. 

IT'S HAPPENING. If you're an LL2 fan, better get watching. I can't wait for Lucky to meet his 6' son! 

ACTING CLASS.  These two were gold. Not quite sure what they were saying made a whole lot of sense, but they did it beautifully. AND--if you're keeping score on the BINGO card, Marty lost his accent along the way. 

EYE CANDY: Poor Tracey catches Sasha and Cody on the table. I put this in here because she had a nice talk with Stella in the park and actually came in to apologize. Yep. APOLLO-JiZE!

EWW TO THE DREW: Someone used this photo on Twitter to describe Drew going after Willow in the boathouse. It's perfect. He's become a weird disgusting perv. I actually felt sorry for Willow and that's saying something. I'm hoping Ned cleans his clock. 

NEWS AND NOTES:  As you saw in the post earlier, ATWT actor Van Hansis is joining the cast as NuLucas Jones. It does seem Ryan Carnes was offered but declined the role (it's a contract role and he didn't want that). More doctors coming to GH? Isaiah and Lucas. Maybe we'll get more hospital action. 

KELLY's Last day taping was September 27th according to a post her mother made. That means Sam will be around into October and then....?? Will they kill the character off like rumors say or will she go "missing"?? Many have speculated that she will donate her liver to Lulu but dang. Lulu's been on death watch forever. 

The show will air MONDAY and FRIDAY next week. Baseball will be on Tuesday and Wednesday. If need be, another game will show on Thursday. If not, GH will be back on air. 

PASSAGES: This is WubsNet's friend BuzzWorthy with Drake Hogestyn who was a beloved cast member on Days. I do not watch DOOL but the outpouring of love for this man is amazing. He will be missed. 

That's it! I also think explaining what happened to Kevin and Laura in all this mess will be hilarious. Did they lose their passports? Get trapped at the refugee camp? Did anyone call them to let them know Lucky was found or will they keep searching until Genie's break is up? 

Friday, September 27, 2024

So- this happened




So, I've calmed a 10th of a degree and I need to explain myself. It wasn't the KISS ITSELF that had me all riled up. That was bad yes, but I do think on Jason's part it was due to the fact someone was coming. (Not sure how that works but...whatever). Anna's part though? Her panicked desperation looking for another pick for his lock wasn't an "act". Her 'We are going to die here" wasn't an act. His saying "Calm down" and telling her to stop was right in there. ANNA DEVANE. Upset enough that St. Jaysus of the Morgan is 'helping her through it'. 


SHE leaned in for a kiss. He was going for it. He looked back, probably heard something and kissed her-- because, it is a distraction? I don't know BUT THE WHOLE SCENE WAS WRONG. 

Watch here:  KISSY UCKY 

This show was on FIRE 3 weeks ago. I was praising it to high heaven. This Lucky comeback is just killin' me. Great actors are all just fumbling around for days in a room playing cards. One room was decorated more nicely but still, it's been a snoozer. They should have absolutely done the Lucky rescue in a 2-3 day arc with nothing else on but maybe Lulu's Coma Bed Visitations. 

That's just my take. You know me, I'm passionate about this show and when I go off the rails, I go off the rails. 

BTW, I should have taped myself during those scenes. I was yelling NO NO NO NO... and my hubs came out of the kitchen and was like: WHAT? YOU OK? He thought something happened in the world that was huge news. 

No, just me...having a bad soap day!!! 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Say Goodbye for A While


I honestly wasn't going to watch today. The last 2 days were so draggy that I was just going to skip it. BUT! Luckily I have nothing else to do so....LET'S GO! 

Cody is with James in the barn. They talk about being a family. Then they go riding. 

Tracey is angry that Stella is 5 min late. Stella tells her not to talk to her like that. Tracey talks about the damn brunch they had and how could Cody and Sasha treat her that way when they are employees! HUFF. Stella thinks it all has to do with how she feels about Cody. Tracey figures out that Cody reminds her of Luke. She can't lose anyone else. They talk more and in a weird twist, Stella doesn't mention Irene dying? 

Ned and Drew try to figure out who's taking over now that Valentin is gone. Drew wants Michael, Ned wants himself. They bicker, Then Michael and Willow walk in. Willow goes to the boathouse. Michael and Ned stay and hash out who is going to RUN ELQ. Ned says not to trust Drew. 

Drew leaves and goes after Willow. She tells him to leave, go away. He says he has to check on her. She says NO, GO! He's such a creepy perv!! 

Sasha and Maxie are in the kitchen talking about Lulu. Then all of a sudden James is there, Maxie goes to the car and James tells Ned about Willow saying she was sad she kissed Drew LOL PFffffffft. 

Sid says everyone is going to die. Holly's like, ok, but spare me! He says NOPE, I don't trust you. He makes Anna and Holly leave. Lucky and Jason have to play cards. GOOD LORD .UGH Then Sidwell leaves. Jason tells Lucky they are there to take him home. Then they play, Jason pretends to lose. Lucky steals the keys. Yada yada. 

Anna and Holly are locked in a cell. Anna's afraid she'll be killed and tells Holly to tell Robert that she loves their daughter.  Then Jason is brought in and Holly's taken back out. Sid wants Lucky to keep playing CARDS!!!!!!!!! ughhhhhhhhh

James tells Ned that Willow and Drew kissed and she told Aunty Nina about it

HOLLY GRABS Sid's gun but then he swats it out of her hand. 

AND...THE REASON I'LL BE LEAVING FOR A BIT????????? ANNA AND JASON panic in the cell and KISS. They kissed. I'M OUT.  Maybe I'll explain in Sunday Surgery, maybe not. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Sam is Kelly Today


I'm going to try to last the whole show but it's been a long day already. If it's filler again or all Lucky moaning in a prison, I'm out. 


Jordan visits Isaiah and gets a phone call about some person. Not sure what's going on. Oh it's only that the headstone is ready. Jordan isn't sure she should handle it? She talks about the grief she's feeling. 

Sonny and Kristina talk about her case. She tells him she went the Qs to kill John Cates. HE says he gets it, she was going through a mental health crisis. She says she's seeing a group and a counselor and he's happy for her. They talk about killing people. He says it marks you. She asks if he's marked. 

Marty and Alexis talk about her case. He says they have to go to trial to implicate Sonny. She says no because Krissy would stop the trial, get all hysterical and confess. TERRIBLE WRITING. WOW. They go round and round. Marty says that it's dumb Kristina is that weak. Alexis is like too bad, we aren't pinning this on Sonny. 

Next thing I know, Jordan is visiting Alexis asking about Irene and Krissy wanting custody LOL WHAAAAT okay. Alexis explains what she was doing with the paperwork and she'd never choose between the two. 

Molly and Marty meet. She knows Sonny hired him. She thinks the only way to get her mom off is to get Sonny found guilty. 

Carly and Sam talk about Alexis case. Sam says she knows Carly and Sonny didn't sleep together and to tell the truth and save her mother. They go into Lulu's room to talk. Sam says she has to tell the truth and Carly's like: Nah, your mom threw that gun off the bridge, let her deal with that. She also says she's too worried about Lulu right now to do anything else. Sam says well, JASON is saving Lulu, not Carly. They argue, In the end, Carly won't change her statement. 

Anna and Jason are in the compound. New clothes on. Casual. Sid wants to know why they are REALLY THERE. Anna says she's into gold. The poker table comes out. She says she can help him move gold through Switzerland. He wants a reference. The reference checks out. He thinks it's all too neat and tidy tho. 

Lucky seems to pick the lock but doesn't leave his cell yet. Puts the knife back in his coat sleeve. Gets dinner and finds out "Fancy Guests" are there so he's going to break out and get a vehicle. He gets out but Holly comes around the corner and says "I'm here to rescue you". 

Then, Sidwell catches Holly and Lucky trying to escape. Yada yada... yelling, explain. Yada yada. 


Sidwell challenges them to a card game. 
If Jason wins, he and Anna live. If Lucky wins, he and Holly live. If Sidwell wins they ALL DIE! 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

A Whole Lotta Lawyers


I'm back. What a day yesterday! It's all taken care of and other than being swollen and tired, I'm almost normal. Not that I'm ever normal!! LOL 

Heard yesterday's show had 2 things: looks like Portia can use Brad as a scapegoat for the lab tests and... Steven Lars is living in Sedona! Apparently he got outta jail!! 


Molly brings TJ breakfast at GH. "Where were you last night"? he asks.  She says the Brown Dog and she saw Dex. He says he was in surgery and was sorry he wasn't there. She didn't answer his texts. He says she can always talk to him and he loves her. She's upset about her mother and thinks Kristina killed Cates. Sam thinks Sonny did. Molly has to leave for a meeting. Stella comes in and they decide to visit Irene's grave. 

Dante is taking Kristina home from Alexis. They get to her apartment and talk about Lucky and Lulu. She's freaked out to be home when so much has changed. Chase comes to the door. Wants to ask her some questions. Dante leaves. Chase wants to talk about where Kristina was the night of the murder. HE says her car hasn't left the Metro Court since her accident. Did she drive her mother's car that night? Finally Diane comes because Dante called her. She makes Chase leave.

Jack is at Bobbie's telling Carly the updates from Lucky's rescue. Then Diane comes in. Brennan leaves-- Diane says she has to pretend to be back with Sonny. Live together, pretend to have the hots for each other as the PCPD and FBI are probably watching. Carly gets mad. Diane says she has to.

Natalia is at Sonny's office place. He's mad at a new coffee maker he has. She .says maybe a new model is better. (GET IT?) They talk about the machine a LOT. She knows how to work it. Banter about the coffee maker. *sigh* They giggle and talk. Blaze mention. They hold hands and then Carly walks in. Carly is like I need to talk to you. Natalia leaves. Carly says stop flirting. She can't flirt so  YOU can't.  She said Diane said they have to fall in love again. 

Heather and Alexis in jail. Supposedly hilarious.  Alexis gets a visitor. Her lawyer is there. IT's Marty. He says she was dumb to talk to the police. She says YEP. She hires him so she can tell him the skivvy about why she's doing what she's doing. Says Krissy didn't kill Cates but the jury might think she did. Marty says she has to amend her statement. Then she tells him about the OTHER part--the car and the Q house and Krissy wanting to kill Cates. 

Diane tells Kristina to get a lawyer

Carly and Sonny are going to be seen out and about together but they won't lie to Donna

Marty tells Alexis the only way she gets off is to prove Sonny killed Cates. 

Monday, September 23, 2024

REAL Monday Surgery


So today, I saw my dentist at 9 and then went to the oral surgeon at 11 and here I am to let you know I won't be blogging today. My tooth implant lasted 27 years which is remarkable but now--it's out. OUCH. 

So enjoy the show today-- hope it's not all filler. 



Sunday, September 22, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Chopped Liver


I chose this photo because I loved it, nothing more! 

I am so disappointed in this show. It was on fire for awhile and now it's like they threw some interns in and it's just a dull mess. No, I'm not going to mince words. The Lucky return is a slow-moving sloggy retread of a story and the editing on the rest of the show made me tear my hair out. 
Rough week for Wubsy! 

Be prepared and grab some grub and coffee we go go ! 

Friday, September 20, 2024



So, Michael and Ned are arguing about Valentin and it's really weird. Where is he? They have to find him to get ELQ straightened out. Then LOIS says "the boathouse is still a crime scene". I feel like I hit my head and missed an entire show.  Michael says they have to find Valentin. Willow offers to take him out to 'get his mind off things'

Lois tells Ned he has to let go of his hate for Sonny (I don't know how we got there but we did). He's like NOPE! Then GIO walks into the kitchen. Ned says he doesn't like Lois' new accent Inon-accent) and Gio says "that's harsh" and gets in his face. Ned says he knows, the truth is harsh. He leaves the kitchen. Gio and Lois talk about the punk rock show they went to -- and she says Sonny took her to her first one. Gio doesn't know why everyone hates Sonny. He's always been nice to Gio. 

Curtis and Portia are in The Savoy.  Run into Drew and Nina. It's interesting because Portia WAS going to dinner with Trina last I heard. 

Oh# Nina says Drew is UP in the polls.  He was JUST down in the polls and was going to quit!! WTF. Anyway, she thinks he needs to stop working at Aurora and focus on the election. 

Drew talks to Curtis. He wants him to be CEO of Aurora while he's on the voter trail.  Why not Michael asks Curtis. Drew says he has other stuff to do. 

Michael and Willow walk into The Savoy. Willow sees Drew.  She gets upset and goes to leave. Drew stops her.  He says nothing is going on between them and she shouldn't leave. 

Lucky is being dragged into a cell by 2 guys. He imagines Liz is tending to his wounds.  She says he's run away his whole life from his family and he's right up to the edge of his grave.  They talk about why he left, he says he's a coward. Had to go help people. She says come home. 

Sid and Jason play cards, Jason loses. He thinks he cheated, pulls a card from the woman they are sitting next to. He and Sid do a 'playoff" game. Jason wins. 

Holly catches Anna stealing the phone. They banter, yada yada. Anna tells her she's doing what she's doing "for Luke".  Tells her about Lulu. Holly says they'll never get into the compound. Anna says it needs to be an inside job. Some skulky guy is listening.  Anna puts the phone back and tells Jason to keep playing and they may be getting an invite into the camp. Then they PLAY ANOTHER GAME and Sid has to bet some bracelet because he's out of cash. Jason wins. Holly tells Sidwell to invite Anna and Jason back to the camp to get her bracelet back. 

Lucky wakes up, tries to break out with a knife he has

Sid invites Jason and Anna back to the camp but he knows who they are and they will pay! 

MONDAY: No follow up to the Africa stuff.  Unbelievable. 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Save yourself.

 At Bobbie's, Joss is serving and Jordan is getting Isaiah some food. Some PSA about organ donation.  Then Ric and Liz come in for coffee. They want to take things slower and Liz says "they aren't going anywhere".  She's not ready for romance. She's lost Franco and Finn ended up badly.  He says maybe in the future? She says no. He says he will respect that. They are going to be friends and eat their "Friend Fries" :EYEROLL: 

Gio walks in and apologized to Joss about talking about Sonny and Carly. He orders a BLT. That's the most exciting part of this. They gossip about Carly and Sonny some more. She doesn't know why he likes Sonny so much. 

Dante goes and meets Isaiah. He tells him he's Lucky's brother in law. Isaiah says Lucky was the best friend he's ever had. He tells Dante the whole backstory about how he and Lucky met. Organ donation and coma talk. He leaves. zzzzzz. Cyrus comes in, tells him that Lulu's his niece. Then Jordan walks in with Isaiah's food and tells Cy to leave. She tells Isaiah he's a bad man. 

Cyrus is visiting Lulu. He says he's sorry he's not been around but he's trying to help people. He leaves her a daisy. Then Dante comes in, sees the daisy and asks a nurse who put that there. She doesn't know but will check. Rocco comes in and wants to see his mom. He tells her Jason is in Africa to save her. 'Hold on". Tells her about school. 

Somewhere in Africa: Holly and Sidwell stop at some club bar and in walk.. Anna and Jason. Sidwell wants to invite Jason/Anna over for a drink. Anna wants to play poker. Sidwell takes her seat. Anna is going to steal his phone. I wish it was more exciting. It's so bad. Jason goes to play poker and spills some champagne on Sidwell who changes his suitcoat and leaves his phone in the other one.  Holly tells Anna she didn't say anything to Sidwell about knowing them. Anna says ok. Then goes and steals his phone and goes to the back. Holly sees her.  Goes after her in the backroom. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024



COURT: Alexis asks to be in minimum security not Pentonville. Judge is like: NOPE. Kristina jumps up and says: NOOOOOOOOOO. Judge tells Alexis to get her under control. Sam reigns her in. Alexis is off to jail.

Alexis gets mug shotted, fingerprinted, searched and given her clothes to wear. 

Natalia LaRue goes to Sonny's to "celebrate".  She made some 10 million deal for Deception. She says not to worry about Alexis, they'll find the real killer. They giggle a bit then Sonny gets a phone call. It's Krissy telling him about court and that Sam took her to GH to get professional help. Sam thinks she has PTSD. Sonny says that's a good place to start and Kristina should do that. He'll help get Alexis out of jail. Marty Gray comes in and Sonny wants him to represent Alexis. 

Kristina meets with Felicia who talks about losing a child. Which KW HAS just lost one and I'm not happy about this. Stella should be in this scene. I can't watch. Too much. 

Sam and Dante hug in the hall while she waits for Krissy to get done. They talk about Molly and Kristina and Sam is terrified for her family. 

Portia is happy to go out to dinner with Trina. Liz says she misses her boys. Portia says: well, you do have Aidan!

Ric goes to visit Heather in Pentonville and tells her he's sorry but she's probably never getting out.  Her labs show the cobalt levels are the same pre-post surgery. (Portia did that I bet). She can't believe it. She feels better!! She knows she's better and different. Ric says he's sorry but there's no way forward. Heather cries. Ric leaves. 

Ric goes to GH to confirm those lab tests. Runs into Liz. Banter. He says he's staying for awhile especially since Alexis is going into Pentonville. WHAT? Says Elizabeth. 

Martin Gray now has no beard and apparently no accent anymore. He's taking the case. 

Heather is Alexis' roomie

Ric finds out the blood test done outside of GH is way different than the one done IN GH 

Sam is going to go diving to look for the gun in the river. Ummm, wonder how she 'dies' or goes missing. LOL 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Surf's UP!

 Stella and Trina have breakfast at the Surf Shop. They talk about Trina's life. Stella tells her to get her butt back to school. Spencer died, not her. 

1/2 dressed Drew gets out of the lake at the boathouse where Willow is doing yoga. She sees him, is startled and he catches her. Barf. Willow is so flustered, she drops her water bottle and runs. RUNS ahahaha. 

Sasha and Nina talk about a fundraiser for Drew, she wants Sasha to cater. Sasha thinks Tracey might get mad. Nina talks her into it. She says how GREAT AND WONDERFUL Drew is and Sasha realizes Nina has a thing for him. Willow overhears them talking. She goes in. Tells Nina Drew is at the boathouse. Nina leaves. Sasha tells Willow she say her and Drew kiss on 4th of July. Willow says it was a one off but then says it happens again and cries. Just cries about everything. 

Nina sees Drew in the boathouse. He still doesn't have his clothes on. She says they are having a charity event for him and he's like: Not working for me. He doesn't think he wants to run anymore. He's down 4 points! The lady running against him has a family!! HE doesn't want to use Scout as a prop. Nina tells him to use her as one. 

Sam goes to see Michael and wonders if he knows if Kristina killed Cates. He says NO! She says well, do you know who did? She says she knows Sonny did it. Michael says when the police find the gun Alexis threw, they'll find out she's innocent. No need to find the REAL KILLER. 

Krissy visits Alexis in the PCPD waiting area room. She says she's going to confess. Tells Alexis she did take the car to the Qs but couldn't get out of it to kill him. Then went to the grave. Alexis says NEVER TO say that!! She'll make it all worse or incriminate herself. She tells Kristina to leave.

Molly visits Sonny and tells him to stay out of the courtroom today when Alexis is there. He says he's going to support Kristina. She's like IT'S ABOUT MY MOM, NOT KRISTINA. Molly also says that Kristina went to defend Sonny when she fell from the window at The Metro. They argue. Finally Sonny says he won't go. 

Michael and Sonny talk about Sam suspecting Sonny. Sonny talks about shooting Jagger: Who deserved it.  He's glad Michael didn't turn him in and he loves him. Michael loves Sonny too. 

Courthouse: Sam and Kristina meet outside. Krissy is sad Sonny isn't there. Molly comes up and says he's not going to be. "DID you tell him not to come"?? asks Kristina. They all go in. Alexis is representing herself. There's a federal prosecutor there and says NO bail and get into custody. 

ALexis is going to Pentonville with no bail. (Cue Heather) 

Stella and Trina go to PCU to enroll her for classes 

Monday, September 16, 2024



Well, I'm here today. It's hotter than heck out again and I'm feeling bad for all the kids in WNY because we don't have any air in our schools. BRUTAL!

Yesterday was a year that Billy Miller left us and there were a lot of tributes on socials. I didn't know or I would have definitely mentioned it in the Sunday Surgery. Such a loss. 


Sonny goes to the Gallery to tell Ava he wants to postpone the custody case. She's like NOPE! He tells her she doesn't even have a lawyer, Scotty is gone. "Who is going to represent you"?? RIC WALKS OUT! AHAHAHAHA. Ric tells Sonny that he plans on using Kristina's disaster of a life to show Sonny is an unfit parent. They argue, banter. Ava loves it. Sonny thinks the upset about Kristina getting more attention is Ric still mad their mother kept Sonny and got rid of Ric. Sonny had the worse childhood though so he says it wasn't that great. YOU HAVE TO WATCH these scenes on You Tube. Maurice, Maura and Rick are just on fire. 

Cody goes into Lulu's room. Dante is there. He wants to meet Lulu. What a swank room she has! Even has a little sitting room in it LOL . Dante Waxes Poetic about meeting Lulu and their early life. He loves Sam but he doesn't forget how he felt about Lulu. Goes on and on about LULU. Strong, feisty... smart. 

Danny runs into GH and needs to find Dante to tell him that Jason is going to Africa to find Lucky. Elizabeth is all, what ??

Tracey and Sasha are outside the boathouse cleaning up the lunch. Well, Sasha is. Tracey is just being snotty. It's a dumb talk about 'boundaries' and Sasha not having any and she's an employee. Says that Sasha is a good cook and shouldn't be content to 'make Cody happy" or some weird stuff. 

Kristina goes into Molly's office and asks her if she turned her in for Cate's murder. Molly said she did tell the police her whereabouts were unaccounted for. Molly says it's about helping their mother anyway. She's going to be charged and Krissy doesn't even care. They argue. Kristina is throwing a pitty party. Molly tells her to confess. Molly finds out Alexis is at the station because Dex calls her. She is going there because Alexis has no lawyer. Asks Krissy again if she killed Cates. Kristina says no. Molly says it doesn't matter because their mom things she did and is going to protect her. 

Krissy texts Dante for help. 

Alexis is at the PCPD and wants a phone call. Mac gives her the phone. SAM walks in. NOT KELLY MONACO tho.. it's Lindsey Hartely. Um..WELP! Oh, people are saying that these scenes were taped the day of Irene's funeral. WHICH IS DUMB but..okay. Whatever. Alexis gets interviewed by Bennett. She says she's representing herself. She says she saw the gun in the GRASS at her house (moon was out) and wanted to get rid of it because of her grandkids and --threw it off the bridge. Pffffffft. Um, okay? Ok, so it all comes down to Bennett getting Alexis to say she drove to the bridge and then straight back home. She says no one else took her car. BUT They have that car on video AT THE Qs! (That's when Kristina took it!!) 

Liz calls Sam to come into GH To get Danny. Danny tells her that Jason went to Somalia and is getting Lucky. Liz sends him to Bobbie's Diner to get BLTs. Sam is all mad Jason went off and didn't tell them. Danny overhears Sam saying some things and thinks she said he's not coming back alive. 


Alexis says she was the only one driving her car. Bennett tells her that car was seen parked in the Q driveway the night Cates was shot. BLOOP! 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday Surgery: False Arrest


I have so much to do this weekend, I'll try to keep this short and sweet. It may be hard because the show really was dialog heavy and there were a lot of moving parts. Want just the bare bones? You got it! 

I have a great coffee and a little sunshine so let's GO GO 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Baby Babble


Carly is talking to Brennan to find out where Lucky is and Anna comes in and hangs up his phone. She says it's HER town. He's just passing through.  She says she's going herself in there all rogue like. He says Sidwell is dangerous. yada yada. She says she's going for Luke because he would go for Robin. Brennan gives her the location. She leaves. 

Carly and Jason go into Isaiah's room to get more information about Lucky. Isaiah thanks Jason for saving him. Asks if he's a cop. Jason says no "coffee importer". Tells him he's going after Lucky. Isaiah says he wats to go with him too. Not happening. He tells Jason that Sidwell does have a weakness: His girlfriend... he calls her "English". Brennan comes in to talk to Jason and Carly. He gives them the location and tells Jason Anna is going too. 

Sonny and Alexis argue about the gun and what happened the night Jagger was shot. The whole thing-- gone over again and again. Krissy stealing the gun, Alexis throwing it. Yada yada. It's just a lot of chat. She thinks he killed Jagger and he says Carly is his alibi. She laughs. 

Kristina goes to see Michael and says she's turning herself in for the gun. He's like no way. He has a plan. He wants to PAY A CRIMINAL to take the fall. "Jagger had a lot of enemies". 

Chase calls Kristina and tells her she has to go to the station. He asks her where she was the night Jagger was killed. She says she was with her mother except for 30 minutes when she visited her daughters' grave. Diane wasn't with her but Michael was-- HOW STUPID why would she say anything??? 

Then Kristina figures out who told the PCPD she was gone that night--it was Molly. 

Tracey tells Lois and Brook that "Violet lied to her". She was telling everyone that Brook and Chase are having a baby. Brook says they aren't...YET. Tracey tells her to wait 10 years. They have a VERY outdated conversation about babies and work. Chase walks in and thinks Brook is pregnant. She says no. The talk about having a baby and they want one soon. 

Felicia and Mac talk on the deck of the boathouse. They wonder why Tracey is so nice to Cody. Felicia says he's one of her only friends and she's lost a lot of people lately. Mac gets a call and the PCPD says they are ready to make an arrest in the Cates case. 

Felicia goes to see Anna and gives her some quinine pills she had when she was supposed to go to Africa. Anna tells her she's going after Lucky. Felicia wants to go too. Anna says no because if she goes, Mac will want to go. She'll find KevLar and join them. 


Mac arrests Alexis 

Kristina says she pulled into the end of the Q driveway and decided NOT To go in and kill Cates

Anna and Jason end up on the same plane to Africa

Thursday, September 12, 2024


GORGEOUS DAY here.. I really should be outside instead of watching GH 

Jason and Carly are in Lulu's room. She tells Jason about the Lucky updates and she went to Brennan for info. Jason's upset "Don't go to BRENNAN FOR ANYTHING' --he will always want something in return. Yada yada..and basically Carly just wants to save Lulu. They talk about Lulu and live. She asks him to go to Africa to save Lucky. 

Diane visits Sonny at his office and she tells him Alexis just framed herself for a murder she's sure she didn't commit. Sonny finds out Liz and Ric went to the PCPD to report the gun off the bridge. LOL.. Sonny's pissed. He says he'll talk to Ric. Diane says:  TOO LATE plus Elizabeth saw it too. He asks if she'll represent Alexis. She says no because you're my client.  Sonny says it was all under control until Alexis messed it up. Diane says she was doing it for her daughter and now he has to help her out. 
Natalia comes in and tells him about the meeting and people not happy he's invested in the company. 

Deception meeting at the Q house-- Tracey, Brook, Lois with Giant Bangs... Natalia, Maxie and Lucy. Tracey says they are in danger because she knows Sonny killed that FBI agent and he's connected to Deception. Lois still talks in her dumb Non-Accent. Maxie leaves for the boat house. 

Brook is sad after everyone leaves. She talks to her mom about Violet wanting to know if Brook and Chase would have kids someday. Brook isn't sure their timelines will align. 

Surprise party at the Boathouse!! Cody, Sasha, Mac, Flea and the kids. Um, didn't a guy just DIE THERE ?? LOL They are having brunch. Spin is home with Bailey who has a cold. Maxie is in the Deception meeting. They are eating RIGHT where Jagger bled out LOL. James asks Sasha if she sleeps over all the time at Cody's. Aw, everyone laughs. Maxie comes over. James asks her if he can spend the night. She's like well.. then Cody tells everyone that Sasha is his girlfriend. Sasha and Cody go into the boat house and She says yeah, I'd love to be your GF. Tracey ends up finding her way down to the party. Tracey flips out over Sasha cooking for the other family and she didn't get breakfast and who approved this? Sasha said Olivia said it was ok and she paid for the food. 

Joss visits Michael at Aurora and says they have to save Carly from herself. Michael's like, don't worry. Joss figures out they really didn't sleep together, she's just his alibi. Michael goes off and says Jagger was a bad guy who deserved to die and he was holding an old grudge against Sonny. HE tells her about Alexis being questioned and to keep her ideas to herself of she could get people into trouble. 

Carly gets the info where Lucky might be

Brook thinks she might want to have a baby soon. 


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Friends and Foes

 Liz and Willow talk about the schedule. Willow is nursing again. Liz wants her on Lulu's floor--Lulu isn't doing well. Liz also says Lucky has been gone about 12 years but he'll come back to help his family. Later, Willow goes in and tends to Lulu. She talks to her about her life and Drew and Michael. Liz pops in "Hello"?? DID she HEAR ALL THAT?! No she didn't. They talk about Lucky some more and Liz says Aidan and he email and face time. She hopes he doesn't just come home and save Lulu and leave again. 

Trina and Ava hug. Trina heard about what happened to her and she is so happy Ava is ok. She says that Ava is brave to say she was lying because it could affect her custody case for Avery. Ava says she doesn't have a lawyer yet. Ava asks how things are with Josslyn. Trina says they agree to disagree about Ava. Ava thanks Trina for standing by her and helping with the Gallery. Trina says the Davis family needs someone to blame. They chose Ava. 

Nina's at the Metro talking to Ric again about taking Ava's case. They talk about their brief marriage where he tried to bamboozle her. She says Ric knows how it's like to be hated in that town and he should help her. Ric says he loves Molly too much to do that to her, she's the best thing in his life.  Nina goes to see Ava and they are glad they are friends again but Ric won't help her. 

Molly comes in after seeing Alexis and says she knows more. Ric tells her Ava recanted her statement. He's not sure Krissy would kill Cates. He says maybe it was just a terrible accident. Molly says someone has to pay. 

Anna doesn't think Isaiah has told her everything. HE tells her everything that happened over again. She wants to know why Sidwell would hire HIM out of all the doctors out there. HE says he's the best. She's like, um... you sure? Why would you leave your practice in Chicago. He talks some more. She mentions Jordan saving him. He says "I want to meet that guy and thank him" and JORDY walks in. They talk and banter. 

Brennan is getting info but has to wait. Wants Carly to wait and have a whiskey. He says "Oh Cates was murdered and I bet you're not too sad about that". She says Sonny is a person of interest. Brennan says he was surprised Sonny and Carly 'reconnected". She says it was a one time thing. Anna walks in on a look LOL. Anna asks Brennan if he knows Sidwell. He's like NOPE! Anna says Oh, I don't believe that. Then they call and tell Brennan that the Sidwell camp was found but it's abandoned. Anna says she'll find Lucky herself since Brennan won't help more. Carly tells him she'll pay. He's like MEH

Alexis is at the PCPD. Molly comes in. ALexis says Diane is taking care of it. She also tells Molly it was RIC that turned her in. Molly says she knows Alexis didn't shoot Cates but says it's all Kristina's fault this happened, not her dad's. They argue. Alexis says she's not saying anything. PERIOD. Molly tells her not to protect Kristina all the time. Molly says if she doesn't tell them, she could be charged with capital murder.  She goes to see Ric (see above)

Diane lays into Alexis. She got her out now but she's in deep trouble. The gun, no alibi, yelling at Cates in the PCPD. Alexis says she found the gun and panicked. Diane hopes they find it in the river. She says Kristina HAS TO COME IN and tell them about the gun. Alexis says no way, she's not in her right mind and would say the wrong things. Diane is spicy: You are SUSPECT NUMBER ONE! 


Molly goes in and makes a statement to the police about her sister not having an alibi and maybe killed Cates! 

Ric decides he has to take Ava's case for his daughter who's not getting closure. He has to find out exactly what happeneed. 

No one knows how to find Brennan now OR How to get him out of that area when they do find him. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

My Sister My Sister


(BABE) Has been cast as LULU!!!!!! 


Lucky still playing cards with Sidwell. ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz. Lucky ends up cheating when Sidwell is distracted by his guy saying some loot was moved to another location.  Then Sidwell shoots that guy in the back. BLOOP! 

Isaiah wakes up, grabs Liz and says: LUCKY. Asks where he is. Liz says Port Charles. HE says Lucky sent him there "Do you know him"?? Then TJ walks in and Liz leaves but says she'll be back. 

Carly goes in to talk to Lulu about Laura going to find Lucky. Liz then calls her and tells her what Isaiah says and Carly comes running. Carly goes in to talk to him because OF COURSE CARLY DOES. Anna goes to talk to Isaiah. Liz says good luck getting Carly out of there. OMG Carly stays and even asks questions. He tells them about the compound and Sidwell and yada yada. Carly says she's going to go get someone that can help get Lucky home. 

Then Jason walks out of the elevator and they have a cute look together. Elizabeth tells him that Isaiah knows Lucky and Anna is questioning him. 

Carly goes to Brennan's office and he says he already tracked Lucky for Laura and he's in Eastern Somali. 

Jordan tells Anna about taking down the goonie guy. She leaves, then Jason comes in. They talk about working together and it went well. Jason wont' tell Sonny that Valentin got away because of Anna. Anna says they each have a job to do and he should go. He touches her hand and says: Can you give me a minute? I deserve that. He says Sonny didn't do it. Anna says her gut says yes and she KNOWS Jason KNOWS TOO. 

Jordan and Drew talk. It's boring. She did like kicking that guy's ass. FILLER 

Molly is trying to call Diane to go to the PCPD and be with Alexis. Kristina and Michael get back home. Molly tells them Alexis was hauled in to talk about the gun situation and Cates Murdah. Then she sees Michael and Molly look at each other about the gun and she knows that they know something. "TELL ME"!!  Krissy hedges. Molly says she knows she's going to become involved and she WILL FIND THE TRUTH and they'd better start to panic now.  She leaves. Kristina asks Michael why she couldn't tell Molly the truth. He says it's bad because she had that gun and Alexis threw it away. He says to say nothing and things will blow over. He hopes. 

Molly goes to TJ tells him she thinks Alexis is going to be arrested for something Kristina did.  She is thinking Kristina murdered Cates. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Hip Money

Curtis tries to get Portia to see the new Aurora center but she's waiting for the Heather Webber labs to come back. They talk about Heather's disease and Curtis thinks she might be a victim of medical malpractice. Portia doesn't want to HEAR THAT! He says they can't take matters into their own hands anyway and leaves. Portia is thinking...plotting.

At the Wellness Center, Ric and TJ are working out and TJ's mad at Kristina. HE says she's a spoiled princess that was trying to take their daughter from them. He will NEVER FORGIVE her but thinks Molly might because she's a good person and they are sisters. Ric (who hates Alexis) is saying TJ has to help Molly and basically keep her away from Kristina and especially Alexis who will pressure her to forgive her sister. Curtis comes in and Ric tells him thank you for helping Molly and how much he likes TJ. Curtis is like WHY YOU HELPING HEATHER WEBBER THEN? Ric basically says he's doing the malpractice stuff and not the criminal things. He won't do that. (He wants the money). Also a lot more people are joining into a class action suit. 

Molly is at Alexis' house and Kristina comes out. Molly says: I wouldn't have come here if I knew SHE was here. ALexis says they have to talk. Molly says no. Alexis yells at her to SHUT THE DOOR AND GET BACK for just 5 min.  Molly goes off and rips into Kristina. Thinks she wanted the baby all along. She never thought about TJ and hasn't asked how he's doing "he may never recover from this".  They keep  yelling and Krissy calls the baby Adela and Molly screams: DON'T CALL HER THAT! Everyone sobs. Alexis says what a bad move this was. KNOCK KNOCK. Michael walks in and is like: Ummmmmmmm bad time?? LOL He takes Kristina to get her out of there. Then Molly and Alexis have a blow up and Molly says she basically has to take care of Kristina like always and she's done. She's going to TJ and can stand on her own 2 feet. 

At the PCPD Chase and Dex talk about the gun Alexis threw and Dex says Alexis was threatening Jagger the other day at the police Dept. Chase and Dex are off to go visit Alexis about the gun.

 Anna's still searching Sonny's. Diane comes over.  She argues about searching the house. Cops find nothing. Anna wants Jason to come to the PCPD with her. (he has the gun remember). Anna tells Sonny she knows something is up but Jason won't go with Anna. Diane says he doesn't have to. Michael and Kristina show up. Anna wants to know if they took the gun. Both are like: NOPE. She tells them not to leave town. Even if Jagger was a jerk, he didn't deserve to be murdered. She leaves. Diane leaves and tells Sonny to keep his mouth shut. Sonny tells Jason to get rid of the gun. When he goes back in, Kristina tells him she took his gun. Sonny freaks out. WHERE IS IT? She says Alexis found it and put it someone it will never be found. 

The goonie guy is trying to inject Isaiah in the hospital. Jordan walks in "what are you doing"? He walks towards her mean-like. She wants his badge. He pushes her down and runs. She catches him in the stairwell, fights and beats him. "Son of a bitch" she says. He's taken into custody. 

Lucky is still playing cards with Sidwell guy. YAWN. HE wins again. YAWN. The guard and Sidwell leave and cuff Lucky back up.  Holly comes in later, Lucky wants her to let him go. She hears that Sidwell might be getting diamonds. I don't think she'll let him go LOL NO! She wants to stay and get the goods and will give him 1/2. Lucky is like:  I'm gonna die!!  Holly tells him no, just keep playing cards and entertaining Jenz (that's his first name) so she can get the loot. 

Chase tell Alexis she has to come to the station about the gun and Molly hears it

Jason takes the gun used to kill Jagger and dissolves it in a vat of acid

Portia is messing with Heather's file 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Aftermath


Another fun week with me exhausted from typing  during the live show. Holy HECK!! So many scenes, characters and dialog flying around. So fast paced, I think they passed out in the editing room a few times. (you'll see later what I'm talking about!!) 

I'm off to Ithaca later, land of GORGES and really nice waterfalls. It's pouring out so not sure how much we will see. Hope you have some coffee or bev or choice and let's do this! 

After typing this up, I realized it was only a four day week!! EEK! SO MUCH GOING ON! 

Friday, September 6, 2024


 Q House: Lois does really well with her speech lesson. Olivia tells the teacher to turn her back into Lois NOW!! LOL Tracey is thrilled. Olivia says You stole my Best friend!! Tracey tells Robin to change Olivia's speech too. PFfffffft.  Dialect coach leaves but tells Tracey she knows she lived in NJ and Amsterdam once. 

Sonny tells Jason a gun is missing and he also needs to get rid of the one he used to kill Jagger with. He gives Jason the one he used (UNREGISTERED) and the casings. Tells Jason about Carly and Michael and the alibi. Jason tells him about saving Ava's life. They try to figure out who could know the safe combo. 

Anna says something new in the Cates Case, tells Dex to stick around. They talk about registered guns in town. Sonny has a 9mm that's registered (this is the one Krissy took and Alexis threw off the bridge). Dex says you'd better get to his place now before he gets rid of it! 

The PCPD shows up to Sonny's just as Jason is leaving. She needs to see his weapons. Jason has the gun in his coat. Not sure they can search him? Dex knows where Sonny's gun box is. Sonny tells Jason to leave. Anna says not so fast. She says well, I guess you're Sonny's right hand man now and we're not working together anymore. Sonny opens the safe. She sees one gun is missing. 

Carly makes Joss let her into the apartment. Joss asks if she slept with Sonny. Carly says yes. Joss says: NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT THEN! Joss says what would Carly do if she kept going back to a toxic, abusive man. Carly gets upset. Josslyn yells and can't believe it. THEN she totally figures out that Carly is Sonny's alibi. Joss gets really angry. Says Carly JUST got out of another situation so she didn't have to go to jail and now she's doing it again!! Great dialog. She rips into Carly for doing this again. If Sonny cared about Carly he never would put her in that position. She's angry and hurt. Carly says she's loyal. 

Jordan and Dante trying to use a tattoo to find out who Isaiah is. Dante tells her about the phone. They are having forensics go over it. They talk about not being able to control much. Dante hopes Laura will find Lucky soon. 

Goonie guy skulks around GH and calls someone, waits for room to be empty. 

Liz and Ric talk about Alexis and the gun. Liz is saying she's not even sure it was a gun and they need to mind their business. Ric can't believe it. Liz says he doesn't even know anyone anymore. He's been gone too long. Alexis wouldn't kill anyone. Ric says: Um, you don't know her like I do. Liz says You've NOT BEEN HERE! She says that he's just getting Alexis back. Becky had some great dialog and good scenes right there ! They end up going to the PCPD and tell Chase about seeing Alexis on the bridge. Liz says she wants to say on record that Alexis wouldn't kill Agent Cates. 

Holly and Lucky talk. She says she's there to steal from Sidwell. Don't blow her cover. She wants to get the safe combo. Holly asks why Lucky has been away so long. He says "someone is coming".  Sidwell comes in-- Holly says Lucky beat her at poker. She wants to have a steamy night with Sidwell. He says he has to win so he can kill Lucky. 


Sonny acts all surprised his gun is gone. Anna says they have to test it to rule it out of murder

Jordan traces the phone to Nairobi where Kevin and Laura went

Goonie thug goes in to kill ends. 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

One Down...


So, does this lady age?? She reminds me of Jane Seymour-- she doesn't age either! I wish they'd move OUT of this 'Cell' bunker though. 


Liz and TJ try to figure out Isaiah's medical status. Not quite coma but he's not awake. TJ leaves. Some guy tries to sneak in but Liz is there.  He ends up leaving. 

Jordan tells Dante that Laura and Kevin made it to Nairobi. She vows to find out who the guy is.

Ric comes in after being at the Gallery and wants to know how Molly really is. TJ says she's obsessing about the hotel fall and wants justice.  Ric then talks to Liz and says: Um, Cates was shot and killed last night and we saw someone THROW A GUN OFF THE BRIDGE!! 

Nina got Ric to take Ava's case. Ric and Ava are like: DOH! I know you, don't like you. Ric represented Julian in Connie's murder (who Ava actually murdered. ) She's like: Well, I'll take you. Ric says not on your life. Nina reminds him he owes her a favor for trying to steal her money when they were married (briefly). He says no because Ava pushed Kristina and killed his grand daughter so conflict of interest. 

Diane goes to Alexis' house and tells her about Jason and Ava. Says Kristina is off the hook, Ava recanted. Alexis is afraid she's up for another murder charge. Diane leaves. Kristina comes down. Alexis tells her the FBI case will be dropped. Agent Cates was killed. Krissy says: Oh I heard. One down, one to Go. Alexis asks if she killed him. Kristina says no, why would you think that. Alexis says: Um, the gun. She thought Kristina was going to hurt herself. 

Tracey, Olivia, Lois, Brook, Ned and Gio are all in the Q living room. Tracey's all upset her bed was messed up. Lois says: I think guests did it. Tracey almost chokes on her juice LOL It's pretty funny. Olivia is going to burn the sheets. The dialect coach comes in (lady from SNL). She pins Olivia's address to a "T" just on her accent. Tracey hired Robin (coach) ahahaha. Lots of fun Q banter. I like it. The coach finally says it could empower Lois to give her different speech patterns to use for different situations. 

Carly and Sonny wake up. Carly's cranky he used her as an alibi. She wants to go home. Sonny wants her to stick around. She says they are done. He says what's the harm playing out the alibi? She says when their family finds out you were with Agent Cates! Diane comes in and sees Carly and is like: OH NOOOOOOOOO. She says no one is going to believe they slept together on the ONE night Jagger is killed. Sonny says no one can prove other wise. Diane says it can't be just "ONE TIME" they have to act like it's an affair. Carly says HELL NO. Diane then tells Sonny Ava recanted her testimony. 

Joss and Trina are in their apartment. Joss tells Tri that Dex graduated into the PCPD. Trina tells her about Jagger's murder.  Gio comes in and tells them Tracey freaked out when she learned 2 guests slept in her bed last night. WHO? Asks Trina "My Uncle Sonny and YOUR MOM" he says to JOSS ahahahaha  She leaves and goes to the Qs and Olivia tells her it's true. Joss then goes BACK To the apartment. Trina tells Gio to leave and tries to make Joss feel better. Joss is mad at her mother . 

Joss confronts her mother outside of Sonny's apartment

Kristina tells Alexis the gun was Sonny's and Alexis tells her she threw it off the bridge

Sonny calls Jason to tell him the gun is missing

Goonie guy gets orders to kill Isaiah

Ric tells Liz they have to tell the police about Alexi tossing the gun from the bridge

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Poker Face


I haven't recovered from yesterday's show!! My fingers hurt. 

Ok, so this show seems to be in the middle of the night...same night Jagger was killed. 

Drew and Curtis are in Drew's office talking about the congress guy dying. Drew tells Curtis that he and Willow kissed. Curtis says it's just the emotions. Drew says nah, it's an attraction. It's getting stronger. 

Michael and Willow are at the Gatehouse.  He says Hell of a Night-- and asks Willow if he can get her anything. Willow looks guilty. She tries to tell him about Drew/kiss but Kristina calls and tells Michael she's missing a gun and needs him. 

Willow stands in the bedroom, looks at their wedding photo and sobs. 

Kristina comes down and yells for her mom. (She's not there). Sees that her gun is gone from her purse. Panics. Michael comes over, tries to calm her.  He asks where she got the gun and why. "Dad's and I wanted revenge" He tells her Jagger is dead. She says she didn't do it but is glad. 

Alexis is on the bridge freaking out about the gun. She tries to call Diane but Diane is at the PCPD. She's panicking. Throws gun into the water. Ric and Liz are eating ice cream, walking in the middle of the night and see her do it.  Alexis tells them it was her phone. When she leaves both Ric and Liz know it was a gun.  

Mac goes in to see Robert and says Jagger got shot at the Q mansion and the whole town is suspect but there's one that stands out (Sonny). They talk about calling Robin to tell her Jagger is dead. Mac is going to do it. They both say Jagger "lost his way".  Then they talk about Cody being Mac's kid. Then they talk about Holly. 

Jordan invited Brick to go to the surf-shop diner to ask him a favor. She wants him to find out who the John Doe is in GH. (Isaiah) 

Diane is at the PCPD and goes into the visiting room to find Ava and Jason. "We need your help" says Jason. Diane tells Ava to call Scotty. Ava says he's not around. They tell her about the agent trying to kill Ava. Diane is like: Dont' care. Jason asks her to help. They talk to Anna about everything. Diane is like: Don't ask me to help Ava ever again. Anna comes back in and tells them Agent Jagger is dead.  Ava's happy. Anna also says the "agent" wasn't FBI and they can verify what they said about that night. She lets Ava go. She wants to talk to Jason alone. He says ok. She's proud he called the police. Wants to know what he knows about Jagger's murder. He says it wasn't him. Anna knows that but thinks it's Sonny. 

Carly and Sonny try to get their story straight before the cops get there (they are at Sonny's PH) She's mad he made everyone think they slept together.  He even messed up Tracey's bed LOL . Sonny says they could get married again so she didn't have to testify against him. Carly's like: NO FREAKING WAY. Carly comes up with a story about how they ended up in bed together. 

Lucky and Bald guy with a giant poker table in the cell. Lucky says if he wins he goes free but bald guy says if he wins, he lives.  Bald guy starts talking about a poker playing lady in Monte Carlo that's gorgeous (has to be Holly). Lucky flashes back to Elizabeth. Bald guy says that they'll play until he wins and Lucky dies. 


Holly walks into the cell room "Is this poker? I love poker"! Lucky hears her voice. Freezes. Then she sees him and is like: WTF!! 

Sonny finds his gun missing

Alexis goes to Robert's office and finds out Cates has been murdered. This is out of order. Alexis has on her blazer not the trench coat when she was on the bridge. 

NOTE: Alexis had no idea that Jagger was murdered when she tossed that gun. WHY would she do that? I mean, yeah, Krissy violated her parole but --? She could have hid it or asked her? 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Summer's Over?

I think the day after Labor Day is the saddest day of the year. Just saying, especially as an August baby. My birthday would come at the end of August and BOOM!! One week later-_SCHOOL!! I start tomorrow with my speech kids. 

TODAY'S SHOW IS A DOOZY...and I messed up and lost 1/2 of the blog, it didn't save. So WATCH ON HULU TONIGHT! 

Willow and Drew: They kiss and draw apart. She says it was a mistake, she loves Michael. He says he wishes he would have met her first. They drive together to the Qs

Ok, so we see Sonny shoot Jagger again. Michael sees him when he's walking to the gatehouse. Sonny says "he was coming after your sister" Michael yells: I DON'T WANNA KNOW! Then he tells Sonny he'll get rid of the body and Sonny has to get Carly to say he was with her the whole time. 
Sonny goes into the Qs and grabs Carly and tells her she has to help him. 

Tracey comes down and Ace threw food on her. She's not happy. Makes Brook go up and tend to him. Asks Nina why she's still there. THEN Carly and Sonny come down and people assumed they slept together upstairs because Sonny's putting his belt on. 

Sam goes to Alexis' house and they are trying to figure out where Krissy would have gone. 

Kristina is sobbing at the grave of Adela/Irene. Says that Molly was wrong that she never would have gone to the hotel if she knew what was going to happen. "You're there and I'm here" she says. She keeps crying and laying on the grave for a LONG TIME. She leaves a Mickey there and leaves. 

Kristina goes back to Sam and Alexis. She's cold and wet. 

Jason finds a knocked-out Isaiah on the road. He calls 911. Isaiah is taken to GH. Portia checks on him. Wants Jordan to find out who he is. Jordan listens to the call and realizes it was Jason calling it in. 

Ava is trying to talk Linda the FBI fake lady out of shooting her.  Jason finally shows up and puts the gun on Linda's back. Linda drops the gun and Ava picks it up and points it at her. Can't do it. Tells Jason to do it. He says no. 

AT GH, Ric brings Liz flowers which she says she'll give to the other patients on the floor. He says he misses her. Asks about Heather. They banter/flirt. She says she'll meet him after her shift. They go out for ice cream. 

OMG I lost SO MUCH OF MY BLOG! IT just disappeared!

You need to know that: 

Jason saved Ava, called the police to come and get Linda

Alexis finds the gun Kristina had

Police are at the Q's questioning everyone  

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Runnin' and Gunnin'


Up and down week for me when it came to enjoyment. It seemed like things were shuffled up wrong in the editing room and it made me scratch my head (nothing new there!!) Friday's show had multiple soapy things happening in the pouring rain. I just feel like sometimes too much is going on to really be able to savor and enjoy them enough. 

ANYWAY!  Time to get into it. Please remember that trying to cram all these stories together and make sense out of them takes a toll on my thought process. LOL. The timeline is really all over the place but I'll do my best. 

Rock Solid Show Today!

  I had the 2 year olds today and I'm SO TIRED so.. buckle up!!  Carly is telling Jason that he can't tell her what to do regarding ...