Friday, July 12, 2024



Cody won't stay for dinner and drops off Felicia's phone and leaves. Mac is mad that Maxie and Felicia would do that. Felicia tries to keep the peace when Cody leaves. Maxie says that Mac always forgave her--why not CODY? "Cody is a stranger"

Trina is setting up a special dinner for Portia and Curtis. It's been a year since he was shot. She leaves. Portia comes home and LOVES the idea. They have slow Jazz. Then Portia goes on and on about Laura and Heather. Curtis says: Um, I visited Heather to see for myself and maybe Laura has a point. Portia freaks out. He says don't worry because Heather wants to stay in jail, doesn't want go get out. 

Anna is going into Valentin's to get the satellite phone--'MEMBER THAT? AHAHAHAHA omg. ANYWAY, She doesn't want Jason to keep watch. She's doing this alone. Jason gives her a key to his place at Kelly's and will meet her there. 

Knock Knock: It's Elizabeth. Jake got accepted to Barcelona's drawing and painting classes. Jason is happy. He wants to pay expenses. Liz finally says thank you, yes. 

Anna goes to Valentin's with wine and stays for dinner. He goes to cook, she looks for the phone and Valentin asks her if he can help her find something. He gets dinner ready in 3.4 seconds

Kevin shares and article about Cobalt poisoning with Laura. She thinks it might help people understand the whole thing. Laura says Heather doesn't want it reopened. Then Trina comes to the door. She has a stuffed animal of Ace's from when she babysat. Trina and Laura talk about her mother and the Heather thing. OMG TRINA SEES LAURA'S POINT!!!! whaaaaaat

Michael gets a basket from Sasha to eat with the kids while Willow is WORKING AT DREW'S___ OFFICE. OH! Sasha didn't know Willow isn't working at GH anymore. She HAS to tell Cody about the kiss she saw.  He's like: You sure? She says yes. He says to forget it because it probably meant nothing. 

END:  Anna and Valentin make out on the couch.  Trina thinks Heather deserves Justice. HOLY CRAP. WOW.. Okay then! 
TOMMORROW: Jake is on with Jason-- Carly goes to Visit BRENNAN AGAIN



  1. ---here's the thing - if you told me in February that in JULY the best part of the show would be Cody, Mac, Felicia and Maxie, I would laugh.....but it's true..
    ------Anna is pitiful and useless cause she loves Valentin.
    ------this WHOLE Heather is STUPID ----- Trina is okay with her getting a new trial? Curtis just now told Portia and he sees what Laura sees????? Writers, stop drinking and stay focused.
    ------but for me the big thing ----------------Jake and Barcelona? Where did that even come from?????? It HAS to be connected to Lucky, right???? BARCELONA??????
    ------I laughed at Cody telling Sasha the kiss was no big deal = fireworks, etc. forget it - such a man thing to say!
    ------Looks like Willow tells Nina about the kiss???
    ------other previews show Natalia and Sonny STILL friends - what the heck? Why won't she go away????

  2. Please bring back Delia Ryan to try and talk some sense into her daughter, Ava. That would be so ironic! Delia telling Ava to learn from her mother's mistakes! Maybe could help save Ava's character!

  3. Another Friday show full of twists and turns, love and hate and juicy soapy goodness. JUST KIDDING.
    The Cody story is fine. It's long but it gets a pass because of JJY. Cody and Sasha are sweet together.
    Back to FFing the Ashford family. Especially the one who shrieks.
    Anna has had it. She was back for a minute. She should go away with V. No one cares about Pikeman. Even JohnJagger has moved on it seems.

  4. I'm not usually one to FF a character (although my teeth might get to grinding), but Oh. My. Lord. PORTIA! SCREAMING! Please someone make it stop.

  5. Cowboy Cody's horse home:

    Sasha and Michael: Hey I thought Sasha and Willow are besties. Why didn't Sasha know that Willow isn't a nurse anymore? How odd. Michael leaves and,

    Comet aka Mr. Ed: Sasha whats wrong? Why are you acting so strange?

    Sasha: Okay I'll tell you, but don't tell anybody. I saw Willow and Drew kissing.

    Comet aka Mr. Ed gasps. Cowboy Cody walks in. Comet aka Mr. Ed quickly does a group text chat.

    Comet aka Mr. Ed: Breaking news! Sasha just told me that she saw Willow and Drew kissing!

    Greenies, Green beans, Tommy tapeworm, Badger Bob, and Tribbles: *GASP*

    Sasha and Cowboy Cody: Okay! She tells him about the kiss first. I really thought she was going to tell Michael (first) and then Nina. Cowboy Cody wins the line of the day.

    Cowboy Cody: Unless you want to blackmail em. My recommendation is Drew he has got deeper pockets.


    Maxie's home:

    Maxie and MacLecia: Come on you two! Let Mac process everything!!! He just found out!

    Jason's home:

    Jason and Anna: I'm really distracted with Anna's dress. It's pretty, but didn't someone else wear it? Didn't Ava wear it before? So sleeping with V.C. just happened? Just like Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Willow kissing was an accident! ROFL!

    Jason and Liz: CONGRATULATIONS JAKE!!!! :D Wait is the actor leaving?! :( No loans Liz!!! You have Jason!! He has money!!! He IS the father!

    V.C.'s home:

    V.C. and Anna: UGH!

    Kevlar home:

    Kevlar: Wait they have a doorman? And the doorman told Doc that Trina is there? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Since when do they have a doorman? Well I'm glad Laura is going to drop the Heather thing. That's what Heather wants!

    Laura and Trina: Wait what Trina!! Your mom is going to be furious with you! And I'm going to have to suffer through it. UGH!

    Portis home:

    Curtis and Trina: Awwwwwwww Trina!!!! :) *Heart*

    Portis: I'm tired. So tired. *Sleep* If you don't believe what Heather says Portia, then just go visit her yourself. I beg of you! And Trina better go and tell her mother what Laura said.

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go watch Laura* Laura's slaps!

    1. I also questioned the doorman until I remembered that Esme knocked out the doorman that time.
      FOR SURE Sasha NOT knowing about Willow was SLOPPY WRITING

    2. "mufasa says, I also questioned the doorman until I remembered that Esme knocked out the doorman that time."

      Oh. I don't remember that.

      "FOR SURE Sasha NOT knowing about Willow was SLOPPY WRITING"


  6. That certainly didn't seem like a Friday show. There are plenty of talented writers in LA who are seeking work. If this batch cannot produce exciting or engaging storylines, maybe they should give someone else a chance?


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...