Tuesday, July 9, 2024

More Fireworks


So, the fireworks went off last night--which here happens MAYBE as early as 9:15pm. Ergo, I can't wait to see who shows up TONIGHT .. LOL. You know me, I love to mess with GH's "Timelines" 

Fireworks still going on.

Portia lays into Laura about Heather. Porita basically says they can't be sure Heather has changed and what if she DID go after Trina. Would Laura be all : WHOOPS!  Portia says Laura is uncomfortable with a family member in jail. She says Laura is doing it out of guilt. Liz walks in, looking for Aidan. Portia says: "OH! Here's your ally, right on time"!! Liz doesn't know what's happening. Portia still yells about Heather. Laura tries to calm her. After Portia leaves, Elizabeth says that she sees why people are mad, just like they were with Franco even after his tumor was taken out. She's proud of Laura. Hugs her. 

Cody tells Mac 'you are my father"... explains the necklace and Toliver thing with Greenland. Mac is like: YOU'VE LIED OVER A YEAR FOR GREED? Cody says yep, I did. Mac says he's so disappointed and he lied to Felicia, Maxie, Georgie and James. He's not sure if Cody is lying now or telling the truth about being sorry. He leaves.
Maxie runs in looking for James' gloves. Cody tells her the truth. She's like: WHOA...you lied?  She's not happy. BUT she's a good 'sister" (he says they aren't related and she's like so what, we are kinda). Also says that James will be happy. 

Mac is in the Q living room. Felicia finds him. He tells her that Cody is his son. She says: NO I did my own DNA test. Mac says he must have doctored it somehow because he IS his son. Says that he's a grifter and probably has an agenda. 

Sasha sees the kiss and leaves. Willow just dumbly looks at Drew. She's so sorry she kissed him. She loves Michael. He says in another life they could have had something. (oh brother). They will NEVER DO IT AGAIN!! Michael finally walks in. They look all guilty. Then they talk about all working together, no more secrets yada yada. 
|Portia comes in and tells Curtis she has to go home. Tells Drew for her vote, he'd better stop Laura from trying to get Heather a new trial. They get home and Portia says Laura is the enemy and anyone that helps her is the enemy. 

Michael and Willow go back to the Gatehouse. Drew and Nina just look at each other. 

Joss and Trina talk about the Q household and who does what. Trina finds out that Michael is AJ's son and a 'true' Quartermaine. Gio comes over. He was at the concert. He grabs a beer (he's 21? Okay) and says that he wonders where Sonny is. Then they talk about Gio's mom who was Italian and became a citizen. He loves The USA. They talk about the soft-serve ice cream truck downtown and then the Country Club Fireworks are starting. They are after the City Fireworks. 


Sasha sees Willow and Michael kiss, has a flashback

Drew and Nina kiss 

Maxie makes Cody promise not to leave town. 


  1. --totally did NOT think Mac would be angry!?
    ---Curtis STILL acting like he doesn't OWN a place that he CONTINUALLY talked about - even if Marshall (who is MIA) is running it???? Curtis deserves a better storyline.
    -----gosh Portia is insufferable - and so Curtis STILL hasn't told his wife that he met with Heather and that she said she didn't want her case reopened?
    -----ah, Mayor Collins ------------where is your hubby and grandson??????
    ------I hate Drew and Willow BUT if I'm being honest, I DID like his 'another time and circumstances maybe we would be together/things would be different'----in a Hallmark movie kinda way....
    ----Kristen Storms is just gorgeous and following her on Instagram, she's taking kick boxing lessons - it's not even her size that I am talking about - like she said she has confidence that she hasn't had in a while.
    ---still think there is a story about Gio's mom (is she really dead?) and why he left Bensonhurst and his dad..
    ----will Sasha first tell CODY or confront WILLOW or tell NINA or just keep quiet?

    1. I think she'll tell Willow because they are BFFs....like 'what yourself"

  2. Gio, Trina and Joss are so boring. Gio asked why Sonny wasn't there. Why would he be. Why would they even put that line in?
    No matter what way Portia goes she is, taken from mufasa, insufferable. She seems to be the only one who yells on GH.
    How long will Sasha be gazing into nothingness with the stupid secret. It might have been better if Nina caught them and the whole party exploded. But no.
    To me Drew has reached creep status.

    1. When Poochie is not on-screen all of the others characters should ask "Where's Poochie?"

    2. DeeDee, The Simpsons has a quote for everything.

    3. "skeebob says, the Simpsons has a quote for everything."

      Oh!! That's a quote from the Simpsons? I thought Zak was calling Portia, Poochie. You know, from the name Portia. :)

  3. Q boathouse:

    Joss, Trina, and Gio: Uh I thought Gio was 19. What's he doing drinking? Is Joss and Trina 21? Where is Dex? Shouldn't he be there too? I mean Joss and Dex are back together right?

    Cowboy Cody's horse home:

    Cowboy Cody and Mac: GAH! Made me cry! Great scene!!! I'm glad Cowboy Cody blurted it out like that! :D The horses in the stables are happy! Comet aka Mr. Ed is in the group chat with the Tribbles and the gang and texted them about Cowboy Cody telling the truth. Everyone in the group chat are happy! :)

    Cowboy Cody and Maxie: Maxie wins the line of the day.

    Maxie: I feel like my brain is melting.

    BAHAHAHAHA! This was actually a great scene! Cowboy Cody, Maxie IS your sister. Mac IS Maxie's father. He raised her! So, I really don't care that you two aren't blood related. And Mac doesn't hate you! He is just mad and hurt right now.

    The Q home:

    MacLecia: Awwww great scene! Made me cry. :(

    Curtis, Michael, and Nina: Yes let's make peace.. Now Michael and Curtis can take their shirts off. :)

    Laura and Portia: Oh come on! Portia you are really overreacting! Stop it. I hate this.

    Laura, Portia, and Liz: Portia stop yelling at Liz! GAH!

    Willow and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: The kiss will never happen again? Uh huh. Which means it will. :) Can't wait for that. In another life you could have had something? BAHAHAHAHA!

    Willow, Drew aka Ryan Lavery, Michael, Curtis, Nina, and a side of Portia: Oh they were having a nice scene, until Portia had to ruin it. Willow is tired yeah right. ROFL!

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Nina: Damn he is just a little mouth slut! ROFL! Who is next that he is going to kiss? Jordan?

    Curtis and Portia: WHAT?! The people who want to help Laura is the enemy? OH COME ON NOW!!!! Well Curtis you better watch out then.

    Mildew and a side of Sasha: Who will Sasha tell first about the kiss? I say Michael and then Nina. :)

    1. "Who will Sasha tell first about the kiss?" Maybe she'll go to Drew and demand a piece of the action... (OK, ugh, I just grossed myself out)

    2. "Judith says, "Who will Sasha tell first about the kiss?" Maybe she'll go to Drew and demand a piece of the action... (OK, ugh, I just grossed myself out)"


    3. Judith, Sasha needs to have Drew take his shirt off so she can see his and before she makes her decision. 😊

  4. Mac is just hurt and scared right now. I don't like the character of Cody, but when Mac came to town he was full of himself and kind of greedyish too.

  5. Drew, you cad! Kissing a mother and daughter on the same night in the same house!

    OK, I admit it -- I love the Drew/Nina/Willow mess that is brewing. The fallout will be fun to watch. I predict Michael and Nina will team up to make sure Drew and Willow stay apart.

  6. bizarro too that Joss said Tracy had MICHAEL is in charge of the house/grounds cause he is the grandchild and Olivia has the kitchen..............at no time was Ned mentioned!

    1. Yeah that confused me. Does Michael own the house now?

  7. BEST line today: The people in might-have-been don't mess up.

    I am SO using that line...


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...