Tuesday, July 16, 2024

It's 4:03pm and you have 2 hours


Well WE had a whopper of a dang storm yesterday! Our immediate area missed the hail but it was bad in areas. There's another big storm today. This is such August weather. 

Anna won't give Jason the phone. He's pissed. She can't take Charlotte's Dad from her when her mother is in a coma and Laura is raising a child. Jason is yelling about his sons. Gets really upset. Anna's crying.. yada yada. She asks him for TWO MORE HOURS. That's it. TWO HOURS.  Then she can warn Valentin and he can take Charlotte and get away. Jason says no because they want Valentin in custody. Anna says no, just his name. She pleads. Jason says ok. She gives him the phone and says 2 hours. He watches the clock. 

Anna runs to Valentin's barges in. Tells him to get the Go Bag and get out. Take Charlotte. NOW. She turned him into the FBI as the head of Pikeman. He's like WHAT DID YOU DO? He calls Charlotte and tells her to come home. Asks Anna to go with him. 

Jagger wants Ava to 'build a case against Sonny'.  Wants to tape her about her time living there. She's like: NOPE. Not gonna do it. Too scared. Then she talks about the Jerome family and how she loved Julian. Wasn't really into the business. Jagger asks why she was at the warehouse the night of the shooting. She said Sonny insisted she went. "Maybe as a human shield... maybe to intimidate Ms. Wu...who knows". She says they were getting along better and she wanted to appease him. She won't make a statement. He leaves. Then he gets a call from his boss and there's a Pikeman shipment coming in. He's on it. 

Natalia knocks on the door. She wants to know why Ava recorded her. What's her end game. Ava says she just accidently recorded her but heard what an awful person she was and had to let the world know. Nat says that Blaze got dropped from her label. Ava's like Oh well, she'll get picked up by someone. Unlike YOU ...I'm sure Sonny hates you. Natalia smiles and says: NO he hates the person that dropped the tape. 

Willow goes to see Sonny> VERY WEIRD SCENE. She says she got done talking to Nina and 'let the anger go'. Then she says she's sorry to hear Sonny and Nina BROKE UP? Wasn't that eons ago??????? WHAT!!? AHAHAHA. Then he gets a call and Diane can't talk (it's her assistant) and he's mad and throws the phone. Tells Willow Ava's trying to take Avery from him. Willow leaves. 

Nina is yelling at Drew. He says he got caught up in the moment and fireworks and it was too much. A beautiful woman was there and BLOOP! Nina says she should tell Willow he's sleeping with her MOTHER. He says it will never happen again. Then Madison says SONNY is there to see her! What? Drew leaves. Sonny tells Nina he wants to get full custody of Avery. Nina thinks that's a great idea. Sonny asks her to bury the hatchet with him like she did with Drew. 

POOL: Joss, Gio and Dex. OMG this is so stupid. Joss tells Gio to "watch the pool" and jump-kisses Dex in the hall corner. They just make out for awhile. 
Lois comes in and tells Gio there's a job in NYC because some guy fell down the stairs and Broadway needs him. He doesn't look thrilled. He says no. She keeps talking it up and saying he can do this and they'll talk to the college. He finally tells her no. He loves PC and living there. 

Jagger smashes on Jason's door. Jason just sits there, listening to the phone that Anna brought. IT's only 4:30. 


  1. CW has been great this week so far. Nina is Nina. Unlike Anna, crying again, and our fearful victim Ava. They are both doing a fine job with what they have.
    Willow going to see Sonny? WTH was that anyway?
    Having never been a big Jason fan I really started liking him when he was humanized while Britt was in the picture. I hope this continues for him.

  2. ----IF Anna and Val DO leave, it must be cause JPS is filming his Disney show and Finola takes off in the summer - on her Insta account, she is 'across the pond'......IF they leave - just cannot figure out HOW they could come back
    -----the other working theory is Val IS a double secret agent and has planned to frame Brennan and tells Anna some long story about it...............gotta admit that once today I thought JohnJag was on Pikeman's side!
    ------the fact that GH has NO clue how horrible we think Natalia is and they have made Sonny OKAY with her just validates that they aren't paying attention and don't care-----she needs to go but for sure WHY is Sonny still friends with her?
    ----Ava BEGGED Sonny to 'let me go with you'......still waiting on Laura and Alexis talking and Laura finds out what Ava did to her and the tape ----
    ------for a moment I thought 'what if Gio has an agenda' - but I think he actually has friends in GH - still think there is a story behind him (mother not dead)
    -----just an odd day all around...
    ---again Cates came to PC to HELP Sonny..............

    1. I think you are correct about JPS and Finola. It's an interesting turn of events AND it looks like the Pikeman story is finally coming to an end.

  3. Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Willow: I'm sorry about the breakup? That was like a million months ago! Not recently! ROFL! The green beans is giving Willow the side eye because she kissed Drew aka Ryan Lavery. Does Willow's nose look red to anybody else? It looks red to me. Maybe it's just the lighting.

    Sonny: Diane is annoying.

    BAHAHAHAHA! He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. I really thought Willow was going to tell Sonny to get back together with Nina. :)

    Nina's office:

    Nina and Drew aka Ryan Lavery:

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery: It was innocent.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. Oh sure. Kissing a married woman is innocent. Suuuuuuuuureeee! ROFL! Willow and he keep saying it will never happen again, but you know it will! :) They are getting closer. Are they gonna have zex on the floor? Nope interrupted!

    Nina and Sonny: Boy Sonny is recruiting everyone isn't he? ROFL!

    Metrocourt hotel/Ava's room:

    Ava and John: Oh John take your shirt off and you two have a fling! Come on! :) It will be fun. :)

    John on the phone in the hallway: Pikeman is on the move! :) Yes John open your eyes wide so I can see your blue eyes. ;)

    Ava and Natalia: UGH! Take her down a size Queen Ava!

    Jason's home:

    Jason and Anna: Yup Anna wuvs V.C with all her heart and soul!!

    Jason and John: Oh I thought Jason died. That was a weird scene there. Hey look it's 4:30! :)

    V.C.'s home:

    V.C. and Anna: Awwwwwwwww! My Vanna heart. Okay I love that. :) When V.C. called Charlie, she was already on her way home! Oh good. :) I thought V.C. was going to say come with us! :)

    The Metrocourt rooftop pool:

    Gio and Lois: Damn Gio what are you 45? :) He is way too mature. :)

    Gio: The people I've met.

    He is looking at Joss. Is he interested in her?! :)

    Lois: The house doesn't belong to her, it belongs to Monica.

    Oh! So Monica still owns the house good!!! Gio wins the line of the day.

    Gio: Right. Somebody gave it to her.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He knows the history! :) Gio wins the line of the day.

    Gio, Dex, and Joss: So basically,

    Joss: Oh I love your uniform. ;)

    Dex: I love your uniform too. ;)

    Joss Jr: Joss let's jump him!

    Gio's thoughts: I agree. Joss is hot!

    Jex: Man Joss is very very thirsty! I don't blame her really. Dex is lookin good. ;) I'm surprised she didn't tell Dex to take off his shirt. ROFL!

  4. What is with Cates, an FBI agent, cozying up to Ava, a criminal?!
    Disappointed in Anna's behavior but this definitely seems like a way to get FH and JPS off on their summer vacations.
    Willow and Drew are just YUCK!
    I think Natalia is redeemable; her behavior was terrible but that can be remedied.

    1. "Rae says, What is with Cates, an FBI agent, cozying up to Ava, a criminal?!"

      Just like him cozying up to Carly. To get information! :)

      "Willow and Drew are just YUCK!"

      They bonded!!! ROFL!

      "I think Natalia is redeemable; her behavior was terrible but that can be remedied."

      Of course. Anybody can be redeemed. Something bad has to happen though to open her eyes.


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...