Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Well, Who's the Victim?


We are having a thunderstorm so-- not sure how long this will last!! 

Perez Hilton set. Krissy and Blaze/Brook show up. They are nervous. He introduces himself.  He launches into the interview. So far so good. Natalia watches in her hotel room. They talk more and basically Blaze says she's MORE ANGRY about the recording and her mother's privacy being invaded. Her mom actually is a really GOOD MANAGER. SHE'S THE REAL VICTIM in all of this. (yes SHE SAID THAT). They wanted to wait to come out of the 'closet' to give Blaze's mother TIME to accept it. THIS IS BULLSHIT. 

Carly tells Jason he's never going to be out from under Cates and she'll have to turn herself in. She SCREAMS AND SCREAMS at him about the fact it's her fault and SHE'S GOING and yada yada. OMG my head hurts. They talk about Donna. Danny. Jake. She cries some more. Jason says he HAS TO GO. She says HE HAS TO STAY. Cripes. Ok, all you need to know is in the end, Carly agrees to not turn herself in to Cates. 

Jason is at the bus station. He calls Danny to tell him he's going to be away for awhile. 

Anna yells at Jagger about keeping Jason in the FBI after he got the evidence. He wonders how she knows so much about the evidence. He thinks she helped Valentin get away.  They fight. He says Jason is going to pay. She says he's a bully and coward because he only wants evidence to put Sonny away and Jason won't give it to him. 

Willow and Nina meet at The Metro. Willow has a PSA to do on the charity and needs Nina's help to edit it. They talk about GRAMMAR. Yep, that boring. Ava comes over and wants to join. Nina's like: NOPE. Ava then tells them she wants one of them to call Scott to report on Sonny's behavior. Nina tells her to scram. THEN Willow leaves. Ava and Nina spar about stuff. Nina says she will never forgive Ava. She's team Sonny


The interview was a boring FKING NOTHING. 

Carly is throwing John Cates out of the hotel 

AND I will be taking a break from this show for a bit. I am so disappointed and angry with the whole Ava/Natalia storyline that I can't see straight. I also can't deal with any OTHER Story right now because they are boring me to tears. 
SO, until then... I will put up filler so you can write what you think of this show. 


  1. ----I really thought Anna was going to get Jason --- but previews show Brennan is GONE so I am interested in that.......No way Steve had vacation time that fast so I think he doesn't get on the bus.......
    ------Missing Detective Bennett and Robert Scorpio ----
    ------I still think Ava changing medication and then turning in the recording is about something happening to AVA - leaves the show or killed or something - everyone hates is BEYOND RIDICULOUS that Blaze complimented her mom and Kristina BLAMED AVA...............horrible writing and the whole interview was tame and about Natalia seeing it and knowing her daughter loves her ----------------I HATE that character
    -----Laura Wright was outstanding today and Steve B actually looked scared when she lost it...
    -------I DID enjoy Anna screaming at JohnJag but he seems untouchable - he needs to go
    -------WHERE is Brennan? Now I am intrigued....

    1. Everyone letting Natalia off the hook and blaming Ava is absurd.

    2. See, I don't even care about Brennan at this point.

  2. Thank you Karen I know not to watch if Carly is screaming. FFWD is ready.

    Why go through all of the no one cancels love? Why does Blaze have a hairdo like she's competing in a beauty contest? (yes, she looks great just weird to have that hair do and then have her in combat boots).

    I would have liked Nina and Ava to remain friends or at least friendly. Where is the girl power? Ava kept all Nina's awful secrets and now she won't at least speak with her? At least until Nina finds out about the meds. Ava was wrong yes, but Avery is safer with her. Instead, the writers are ruining Ava. Maura is the arguably the best, I hate this.

    1. I thought Carly's scenes were very realistic. So much emotion. NO ONE in that postion would be whispering or smiling or assuming a meditative pose.

    2. Oh here we go again. Let's play nice and agree to disagree. Since its the shrieking that's annoying Di.

    3. What do you mean? here we go again? And the shrieking annoys me.!!I'm getting tired of not being able to disagree with anything some people say, even though they say it daily and crap on characters other people like. Only the I agrees can reply. Take your thread Linda. Hate the world . I no longer care.

    4. What I meant was you seem to get so defensive, and this happens about once per month. Sometimes you storm off and we don't hear from you for a bit. The blog is for all fans! I know another that won't comment because they know there will be backlash. This is a soap, not real. All I said was I would fast forward through Carly's scenes as I can't stand the shrieking.

  3. Ava and Nina look fantastic.
    That's it.
    On a personal note...13th day of no access to clean running water. Boil and bottle water only. It's crazy.

    1. Zazu that is awful! SO sorry

    2. 13 days? I am so sorry. The longest I went with a boil alert was 5 days. It was horrendous!

  4. Metrocourt lobby:

    Natalia and Queen Ava: WOW! You cannot treat queen Ava this way Natalia!!!! Just go to your room and sulk!

    Willow and Nina: I'm waiting for them to talk about the Drillow kiss!!! Wanting Nina to say hey guess what? I slept with him! 3 times!!! *Giggle*

    Willow, Nina, and Ava: Nina wins the line of the day.

    Nina: I'm a bit confused as to which part of we're in the middle of something is misfiring in your brain.


    Nina and Ava: I would like to see forgiveness and peace between them.

    PerezHilton interview: I am familiar with Perez..

    Perez and Kraze: Wait Krissy is a fan of his? Fan of what? When he calls people out? Is that what she is a fan of?

    Perez: Kristina you have been openly gay for sometime.

    Krissy: I have.

    Wait what? Since when? She is bi. Wait what is going on here?

    Blaze: I didn't understand that her privacy had been violated.

    Krissy: Natalia is the real victim here. I think the only person who should be ashamed of is the one who made that recording.


    Anna's office:

    Anna and JohnJag: Oh Anna give me a break.

    Jason's room:

    Jarly: Great scene!


    She scared you a little bit didn't she Jason? :)

    Carly: Take a deep breath and count to 10.

    Jason: She remembers.

    Carly: She'll always remember.

    Awwwwwwwwwww. Love that part.

    Jason: I need to hear you say it.

    Of course he does! He knows her very well hahahaha. I did love the part where she says

    Metrocourt lobby:

    Carly and Chris: Of course Carly is kicking JohnJag out. You hurt her best friend, suffer the consequences!

    The bus station: I thought Carly was going to be there. :)

    Jason and Danny Cheeto: Awww this is heartbreaking! :(

    1. "AND I will be taking a break from this show for a bit. I am so disappointed and angry with the whole Ava/Natalia storyline that I can't see straight. I also can't deal with any OTHER Story right now because they are boring me to tears."

      Yeah I don't blame you Karen. That interview was awful!

    2. Nina's line was awesome, hahahahaha!
      But I seriously choked laughing when Carly bellowed "I'm a big girl!!" OMG, I couldn't contain myself. She scared Jason and ME!
      Going easy on Natalia? Nope, nope, nope. And barf. And Ava did NOT record her on purpose. Krissie running around saying so, blech, so typical of a Corinthos.

      Sonya, I spent a fabulous vacation week at Houghton Lake (Michigan) been going there since I was a baby. :)

      Karen I hope your break is a short one. I will miss you!

    3. "Julie H says, But I seriously choked laughing when Carly bellowed "I'm a big girl!!" OMG, I couldn't contain myself. She scared Jason and ME!"

      Hahahaha. Yeah when she turns into Cujo she is scary! :) Well, what did you expect her to say? She wants to help her Jasey poo and will do anything to do it! :)

      "Going easy on Natalia? Nope, nope, nope. And barf. And Ava did NOT record her on purpose. Krissie running around saying so, blech, so typical of a Corinthos."

      Yeah awful interview!!! UGH!

      "Sonya, I spent a fabulous vacation week at Houghton Lake (Michigan) been going there since I was a baby. :)"

      Awwww! Great!!! :) Glad you had a great time! :)

  5. I'm calling it now: Danny will (accidentally) kill Agent Cates, setting off a whodunnit. Someone will eventually take the fall to protect him.

    So, the ratings are in and they are not good at all. For the week of July 15-19, "GH" again ranked last among the soaps and fell below 2 million viewers (1.8 million). Even worse, in the women 18-49 ratings, "GH" is last for the 19th straight week. I think it's time ABC/Disney try a new showrunner (Sorry, Frank) and it's not going to make it much past its 61st anniversary.

    1. oooo I like that idea - not looking forward to Sam whining and blaming Jason, but that WOULD be a great twist!

    2. Ohhh great idea. Maybe Sam could take the blame and go away for a while. bUt Dannny wouldn't go for that, I guess.

    3. I am SO in for anything that gets Sam outta there!


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...