Monday, July 8, 2024

It's The 4th


No idea why I'm here--I just saw the whole preview for this week and... yeah. Not my jam. ESPECIALLY the whole "running for office". I get enough of that in real life, 

Sure enough, we kick off the show with a live stream of the congress guy endorsing Drew for office. People at the Q house watch on line and Cody listens in the barn with James. Tracey finds out Drew changed his name to Quartermaine. 

Ned, Olivia, Portia, Sasha, Felicia, Mac.. Laura, Millow, Sam, Dante--Jordan Laura, Congress Guy, Drew, Tracey--a ton of people are there talking about Drew. Drew walks in with the congress guy and thanks everyone. Nina walks in and Tracey says "what the hell are you doing here"? Nina gets upset and leaves. Willow runs out to talk to her. 

Sam congratulates Drew and Drew tells her Scout is so happy to change her name to "Quartermaine". Sam's glad he's reclaimed his name.  Tracey's glad too and Alan would be proud as well. 

Willow tells Nina not everyone hates her. They talk about Drew. yada yada. 

Willow then goes to watch the kids and Drew comes into the room. They sit and talk, Close...on the couch. Willow thinks Drew is SO COOL AND SO WONDERFUL. He says he'll miss her when he's in DC. She says she'll call. They giggle...give each other eyeballs. 

Mac says hello to Laura and Jordan. He's sorry about Spencer. Laura says it's "unreal still" Ned brings up the "Heather Webber situation" and Mac is like: WHAT? Laura says, she may not be responsible for her crimes after all. She tells him allll about the Cobalt poison and stuff and he thinks she's crazy. Portia is mad and walks out. Curtis tries to calm her. 

Later, Portia and Laura talk. Portia wants a promise that Heather won't bet let out of jail anytime soon. 

Nina tells Sasha that she's hooking up with Drew. Sasha thinks that's just great. They say "What a body" Squee. :eyeroll: Sasha is glad Nina's happy. 

Meanwhile in the barn, James asks Cody to be his brother and Cody says yes. They spit on their hands to seal the deal. Sam and Dante think its neat-o. Mac has some time alone with Cody and says he loves how good he is with James. He wants to go to the Outback. He missed camping and did it when he was away. Cody asks why he was away and Mac says to honor something he said long ago. 

Tracey and congressman go upstairs to see Monica. She says Monica has had a tough year. He tells her he has stage 4 cancer. She invites him and his wife over for dinner sometime. At least they mentioned Monica. 


Cody blurts our he's Mac's son 

Willow and Drew kiss. Like a lot--Sasha sees it 


  1. If I can be honest…this is probably the most interesting Willow has ever been.

    1. Willow actually had a personality when she was a teacher and with Chase.

  2. ----I get it kinda - but no kids around anywhere? Surely there is a nanny with them? What about Brook Lynn, Chase, Violet? are they with Liz and her boys? Is Danny with Jason?
    ------very happy that there was a honest mention of Monica being laid up for most of the year....much better than at a conference etc.
    -------Sam is so annoying but she sounded like she JUST found out about Drew???? Lotsa weird outfits today.
    ------WHERE were Kevin and Ace? Maxie is there tomorrow so maybe she and Spinelli are late-comers?
    -----LOVE that Cody just blurted it out - I was afraid Mac would need a blood transfusion or something down the road before Cody told him................I cannot remember though - didn't Scott know, too and urged Cody not to tell Mac?
    -----Drew and Willow kiss came really soon ----------and long---------and Willow initiated it.....see I think Willlow has always been the woman who wants to be rescued....but for WEEKS she has been obvious that she has a crush on him......and now they will regret it - whatever whatever
    ----BUT Sasha seeing it was everything - and Willow and Mama Nina like the same man?
    -----I hate Drew's character - but this is soapy and I have kept thinking 'what can this race mean for GH?' ---------I thought it would be about Jason or Sonny ------ not Willow.

    1. So the "party" seemed SO they skipped a day. The fireworks went off-- and now more people are arriving "tonight"?? Like at 10pm ??? And yep, Guess Brook/Violet and Chase had too much airtime lol.

  3. I think the writers are dunking on each other, daring the next guy with Plot-libs.

  4. Cowboy Cody's horse house:

    Cowboy Cody, Sante, and James: Awwwww James! So sweet that you want Cowboy Cody to be your brother! Dante is right about brothers!

    Cowboy Cody and James: Awwww brothers. :) Wait ewww no! No spit on the hand!! Gross!

    Cowboy Cody and Mac: I kept yelling at Cowboy Cody to tell Mac the truth!!!! What promise did Mac keep, but don't remember keeping?

    Cowboy Cody: I'm your son.


    The Q home:

    Mokonky and Tracy: OH! They know each other!! Monica is in bed? Awwww. :( I love the banter that they did while he was leaving. :)

    Laura, Jordan, and MacLecia: Mac wins the line of the day.

    Mac: Your saying that a bum hip turned Heather into a murderer?

    BAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! Oh Mac welcome home. :)

    Laura and Portia: Oh please no! I don't want Portia to be angry at Laura and I don't want Laura to repeat herself. I'm tired of it.

    Sam and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: OH! So he told Sam and Scout that he is running for congress off screen. Drew Quartermaine! YESSSSSSSSSSS! Scout Quartermaine!!! I LOVE IT! :) I love the Quartermaine name growing! :)

    Sante: Sam not going to yell at Drew aka Ryan Lavery? Oh okay good. And I love Dante's advice!!! Yes the boys have you and Sam I agree!!!!

    Sasha and Nina: Oh Nina wants Sasha to see Drew aka Ryan Lavery's abs. You want Sasha to sleep with him too? ROFL! Great scene with them.

    Willow and Ryan Lavery: THEY KISSED! I KNEW IT! I knew that would happen. My spidey senses were tingling really badly!!! Thank you writers!!!!! :D And of course someone just had to walk in on them kissing. Soapy goodness! Now what? Are Willow and Ryan Lavery going to have sex for an hour?

  5. So, Michael is like Drew's nephew right? So Willow is Drew's niece in law?? Sort of related.

  6. What a great way to start a political campaign.....a scandal involving your nephews WIFE. SMH.

    1. Or inevitable scandal I guess I should say....and already...someone knows.

  7. Willow, you little minx!

    Seriously, this is the most interesting I have ever found Willow and Drew, so I am cool with this turn of events. It potentially drives a wedge between Nina and Willow, and between Michael and Willow. The Quartermaine clan has always been messy, so I want to watch this play out.

    1. "Kevin says, Willow, you little minx!"

      Right?!!?! Hahaha!

      "It potentially drives a wedge between Nina and Willow, and between Michael and Willow."

      YES! I love that potential wedge between Michael and Willow!

      "The Quartermaine clan has always been messy, so I want to watch this play out"

      HAHAHA! True!!! And Drew and Willow kissing is very messy, so bring it on! :)

  8. forgot completely Mac's comments:
    I didn't wanna stay gone so long but I had made a commitment to a friend - so long ago that I had forgotten about it..
    AM I reading too much in this? He never HAS said what he helped Frisco do!

    1. I think there's some mystery/further info abt macs long absence. Also not sure he was helping Frisco or if Frisco and him were helping someone else- just know he and frisco were together while mac was gone. I'm hoping/thinking luckys return will be tied into this. Mac and lucky were close-ish when mac was comish, plus I think luckys done some work with or for Frisco or wsb over the years.

    2. After I thought about it, I thought MAYBE it had something to do with Dominic? I don't know, I think it will be Frisco--or maybe LUCKY? Were they friends ??

  9. sorry - I am on a roll - LOL
    Curtis saying he loved 'keeping busy with his job/project'
    did I miss - THE SAVOY????
    and then he said, "with Drew on the campaign trail, the 3 of us are gonna have to learn to work together" he on the same level with Michael and Nina/

    1. He has that Wellness thingy that Drew set up for him with Aurora

    2. yep - but that is just a thingy, right? Not a magazine or whatever Michael does?

  10. It was/is a weird party. Who gets all dressed up for a 4th of July cookout?
    I know it's all soapy and everything but Drew and Willow is an "eww" to me. Even if they have been flirty with each other this is just thrown in. Yes, she did have a personality once.
    Portia and Sam are my two leading characters to be axed. Wishful thinking.

  11. Why would Sasha say it would be a problem for St Willow to find out Nina had sex with Drew??
    They r both single. I am not Drew fan but Willow and Michael are so judgemental. As Maxie said kick rocks. Can't wait for Michael and Carly to find out about the kiss. But I'm sure Nina will get blamed

  12. Drew is definitely going to sabotage his political campaign. This is a gross storyline.

    1. Gross describes more than just this storyline, imo.

  13. Yes!!!! Wonderful analysis! You are 100% right!!!


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...