Friday, July 26, 2024



How are you feeling about the whole Rick Hearst thing? I'm intrigued but not overly so. I'm hoping it doesn't dissolve into a Sonny-Ric fight about custody of the baby. 

Also, I saw that Carly got herself arrested yesterday. Good. Maybe she'll be on 'vacation' for awhile. Laura Wright must have had a giant headache after yelling for 2 days straight! 

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! This summer is just flying, isn't it?? Always happens around here because we don't get that many days of good weather!! 


  1. Lock her up, lock her up....
    It is certainly going to be Ric vs Sonny over the baby

  2. PS weather absolutely perfect here today

  3. Ric was a horrible character - people seem to forget that....I am not looking forward to his return cause instead of the writers focusing on his DAUGHTER - it'll be about SOnny...nope nope nope....
    TAGGART can't come back but Ric can?????????????????

    1. "Mufasa says, Ric was a horrible character - people seem to forget that...."

      Oh I haven't forgotten, but I have forgiven him. :) Hopefully there is character growth!

      "I am not looking forward to his return cause instead of the writers focusing on his DAUGHTER - it'll be about SOnny...nope nope nope...."

      Well, he should focus on his daughter because well, Molly is his daughter. :) And he is going to be a grandpa!!! Grandpa Ric awwwwwww. :) I want to see him hold his grandchild awwwwwwwww. :) Then see him at the metrocourt rooftop pool shirtless. :) All wet.. With his gray hair. *Drool* :)

  4. Well Ric should be on his daughter's side. I can't wait until this baby is born!!! Grandpa Ric! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

  5. Hopefully, Ric's story will have him interacting with his three ex wives too.

    1. To me, that is the only way his return would be interesting.

  6. Does anyone on the planet ENJOY this surrogate story????? Molly and Kristina are pitiful - and Natalia STILL seems to be untouchable.......Kristina gives birth in August and if Ric starts filming in August - that almost makes it September....
    -----it seems like Cates IS getting shot and we are gonna think Sonny------------but my money is on Brennan.....Cates is pathetic ---------- 'deliver Sonny' or ''give me Sonny' - it is SOOOOOO tiresome but today I thought maybe spoilers are right and Cates is shot '
    ----it'd be like the writers to start something new and ridiculous cause I thought Ava was getting shot...
    ----at least Sonny knows Jason was on his side......
    -----WHY WHY WHY isn't Robert on the show?????? Anna should be talking to HIM about Brennan......

    1. Maybe Ava gets shot instead of Cates.. who knows hopefully it will be done well.

  7. Every time the surrogate story rears it's head it is unbearable. I wanted Kristina to slap Molly.
    mufasa is probably right about Cates' demise. It won't be Sonny but it'll look like it is. I think it's time that Sonny really does kill someone.
    I like Carly, except she plays with her beautiful hair too much. I hope she steps back from the botox. Looking a bit plump-faced today.
    I like Nina and Michael in cahoots.
    Beautiful day here in CT. Hope it is where you all are.

    1. I would pay money for hair like Laura, Love her beautiful hair! Guessing the show has something to say about how its styled, I read somewhere she calls it Carly hair when its straight as she prefers her natural waves.

    2. She definitely has fantastic hair. It is what I always notice about her, even when her character is being annoying.

  8. Forgot to say that I could care less about Ric Lansing's return.

  9. Molly is the one who is unhinged, not Kristina

    1. Molly needed a Valium today.

    2. "DeeDee says, Molly is the one who is unhinged, not Kristina"

      Oh no! I disagree. Krissy is the one unhinged. She won't sign the papers, and She thinks Blaze and her would be better parents!

    3. Judging from recent past scenes with Molly and TJ, Kristina may have a point.

  10. I really like both actresses, but the screeching is over the top. I know the first Molly would do this sometimes too. Following Alexis with her neurotic (yet lovable) self.

  11. Some funny one liners today.

    Anna's office:

    Anna and Dante: I forgot to mention yesterday that it was very intriguing that Brennan was gone from jail. Did that guy that Anna was talking to lie? Or is he new and has no idea about Brennan? Hmmm. Well anyway they are talking about Brennan. Nothing really exciting here.

    Police station:

    Sonny and Carly: Carly has to bring up Nixon falls and when everyone thought he was dead. Carly tells him about Jason and the FBI! Sonny is PISSED! He wants JohnJag!!!

    Carly and Dante: Carly is so skeered for Sonny! She wants Dante to find Sonny! She don't know where he went to though. ROFL! Needle in a haystack here!!!

    Nina's office:

    Nina and her assistant: Ooooo Erica and Enchantment mention! YAY! :D

    Nina: Erica made her assistant wore burlap for an entire year.

    WHAT?! Erica can be difficult, but not THAT difficult! What the??!! Erica doesn't do that! Come on writers! This tells me you never watched AMC.

    Nina and Michael: Hmmmm Michael wants to talk to McKonky and ask him to help her mother!!! Nina will help Michael. Will Michael like Nina after this? Nina calls Konky!!! :)

    Jason's room:

    Jason and Diane: Diane and Jason thinking up ways to help Carly!!! Maybe the Tribbles can help! Ask them! :)

    Jason and JohnJag: JohnJag wins the line of the day.

    JohnJag: What are you going to do beat me up?

    BAHAHAHAHA! Yeah why doesn't he beat you up at the high school gymnasium after lunch! ROFL!

    Krissy's home:

    Krissy and Molly: I knew Krissy wouldn't sign those papers. AH HA! She thinks her and Blaze would make better parents!!!! THERE YA GO! SHE SAID IT! Ric better come home quick and help his daughter! ASAP! This is NOT happening Krissy. You are not going to keep that baby!

    Krissy and Natalia: What is the point of this scene? Natalia is all so confused of what she believes in. Oy!

    Sonny's office: Calling Brick! Where oh where is JohnJag! Brick will help find him. Oh oh Sonny has a gun!!! Shaky hand! Group text time!

    Badger Bob: Oh crap! Sonny has a gun!!! He called Brick to look for JohnJag!

    Tribbles: Oh no!

    Greenies: Sonny is going to kill him!

    Green beans: We have to stop Sonny!

    Tommy Tapeworm: How? We don't have legs!

    Greenies: Comet does! Badger Bob does!

    Comet: I can try to stop Sonny, but someone has to let me out of the stall.

    Badger Bob: And someone has to unlock the case that I'm in!

    *Badger Bob bangs on the case*


    *Jumps into the time machine to go to Starki/Kiwi! Watching them be slap happy. :)

  12. I was thinking. Isn't Lucky a cop? They need to give him a GOOD reason to be MiA. Like he had a dangerous undercover operation of some sort. IDK. He's a deadbeat Dad like Frisco and the like. They need a good reason for him to be gone so long. Wonder if they will try to pair him with Liz again since she is single again.

    1. "lindie says, He's a deadbeat Dad"

      No Lucky is not a deadbeat dad. Few years ago Laura said that Lucky talks to his son over skype. After I heard that, I was so happy! :)



  I'm finally excited again to watch an episode! Squee. SO many guesses out there about Sasha's daddy. Robert? Luke? Bill Eckert? To...