Tuesday, July 2, 2024



I'm actually going out on a boat today so I won't see the end of the show-- being on the Finger Lakes should take some of my edge off!! 


Maxie yells about the audio tape that's going all over the net. They listen and Blaze yells at her mom. Everyone is shocked. Maxie tells everyone what to do. Get PR..shut down comments on social media, Scott guard the door because Tracey will be on the warpath. Oh, Natalia has NO IDEA when she said all that or who would have taped her. :eyeroll: Blaze reads her UP and down. Good stuff. Natalia's like: Well, we will just put out a statement. Blaze yells again. Leaves. 

Ava sees social media's reaction, which is partly against Blaze being a lesbian and she's upset. She calls Adrian to come to her hotel room. He gets there and Ava makes him PROMISE not to let anyone know his source. EVER!! It's really a dumb set of scenes. She tells him to leave. 

STUPID IDIOT goes to the METRO POOL..Alexis finds him there. His assistant told her where he was. He's celebrating. She says she's going to sue him and The Invader. 

Diane is in Sonny's office (redecorated) and tells her he want full custody. She's like Well, Ava hasn't done anything worse lately so...not a great chance. He doesn't care. Then Diane sees the Social Media post. She calls Alexis. Then Sonny asks if Alexis published it. She says no because she quit that morning. Sonny is gunning for whoever published it and taped it. Sonny reads on his phone that people are calling for Kristina to step down from the LGBTQIA center because she didn't talk about HER being gay and Blaze. Sonny throws phone. 

Alexis and Krissy are still talking about the baby. Alexis gets a call from Diane. She tells her to look at the Invader's website. Kristina is just worried about Blaze at this point. Alexis goes to confront Adrian. Blaze comes home. Krissy is reading instagram and says they are cancelled. 

OK, TO SUM UP: Blaze is cancelled because she didn't come out and was lying about being straight. Gay community is going to be angry. Alexis tells Adrian that he used a recording of a private citizen (not a public figure) and is open to being sued. She tells him she won't sue if he tells her who gave him the recording. 

I think Eva LaRue figure out who recorded her ...

I have to get on that boat. 


  1. ----Natalia told SOnny and he STILL isn't mad at her. It's so odd....
    ------ending was great - Alexis is confronting Ava..
    ------this character of Natalia is NOT working/she is despicable......HOPEFULLY she leaves soon......it's been a while since I have hated a character this much.
    -------previews ---------- hold on Karen -------CARLY tells JOSS it seems about JASON!
    -----Maxie made the show for me today...
    ------Krissy is about to give birth and now she claims SHE is the strong one -----

    1. so Alexis found out about Ava in 3.4 seconds? --I'm not here today (WED) so I'll miss it. I'll have to catch up on all the shows Fri or Sat. I can't believe Sonny wasn't mad at LaRue

    2. yep - goofy guy told her....

  2. Guess Natalia joins the chosen few who get forgiven for everything while others are never forgiven

    1. May as well make her BFF's with Snarli.

    2. My thoughts exactly Linda. Snarly does no wrong

    3. Good grief. She's not even in this episode.

    4. Awesome I can watch today, ha! In all seriousness Laura is a great actress I don't deny that. It's the character that drives me crazy. Sadly, as of late many are driving my nutty (Nina, Ana, Laura, Ava to name our normal favs) ☺☺

    5. "Linda says, Sadly, as of late many are driving my nutty (Nina, Ana, Laura, Ava to name our normal favs) ☺☺"

      Hahaha. Yeah some of our faves can drive us nuts. :)

  3. Deception offices:

    Lucy, Scotty, Blaze, Mami Natalia, Maxie, and Lois: The fall out!!! Natalia doesn't remember saying those words on the recording and I'm thinking yeah right she is lying.

    Natalia: My relationship with my daughter is none of your business.

    WOW WOW WOW!!!! Lois was just trying to make peace and be nice you bitch! How dare you be rude to Lois!

    Mami Natalia's car: OH! So she really didn't remember.. She has a very bad memory. The look on her face, yeah she remembers now!!!

    Sonny's office:

    Sonny and Diane: They got the Natalia recording too!! So does Badger Bob! He is in shock! He does a group chat with Greenies, Green beans, Tribbles, and Tommy Tapeworm about it and they all look at the website and they are all in shock too!

    Krissy's home:

    Krissy and Alexis: Shockness abound!

    Kraze: Blaze has her own key? Why? That is so dumb that Krissy is cancelled. She did nothing wrong. I don't buy it.

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Queen Ava's hotel room:

    Queen Ava and Mr. Dimwit: Oh Ava you are the queen act like it. Why are you so scared geez. I did like it when she threatened Dimwit. :) But really calm the hell down Ava!

    Metrocourt roof top pool:

    Mr. Dimwit and Alexis: Dimwit in his suit in the sun? Oh come on! ROFL! He should have changed. He wins the line of the day.

    Dimwit: Is that what's snapping your brassiere?

    ROFL! Oh wow if he tells Alexis who gave him the recording, he is so weak!!!!

    Queen Ava's hotel room:

    Queen Ava and Alexis: Yup! Dimwit is a weak weak man!

    Sonny's office:

    Mami Natalia and Sonny: Sonny isn't angry with her? He should be angry with Natalia more than Ava.

  4. Kristina didn't do anything. Blaze only stayed in to please her mother. Not really her fault.
    It's soapy but stupid. And Ava getting all googly and feeling bad about doing it. Really.
    Being in the closet isn't a crime.

  5. All of this drama mostly about characters the audience has little interest in. Kind of amazing to see all those legacy characters in one room - Scotty, Lucy, Lois, Maxie...and yet the story is about Blaze and Eva La Rue.

  6. I agree Diana. I am not interested at all in Blaze and Natalia. Who is going to stick up for Ava? Maybe Valentin when Anna exposes him? Ava and Valentin would make a great couple.

  7. I posted this late last night but it disappeared:
    Kristina didn't do anything. Blaze only stayed in to please her mother. Not really her fault.
    It's soapy but stupid. And Ava getting all googly and feeling bad about doing it. Really.
    Being in the closet isn't a crime. Plus most of us do not care about any of it.


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...