Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Tail END?


Kate and Amanda on IG 

Hair day today!! Given our HUMIDITY LATELY, I need it short!! I might be back to watch the end of the show, but I'm not sure.'s a FILLER DAY for you!!

Some questions: 

Do you see chemistry between Willow and Drew? I get zip. 

Gio, Trina and Joss--is it just me or do they need a young dialog writer? Because... come on. Plus, they need 2 other college kids if this is going to work, imo. I wouldn't mind if Adam came back. 

Isn't BLQ Blaze's record label now? Sharon pointed this out on Twitter and- isn't she? Linc dropped her before?? SOoooo. who dropped her? 

Do you think they should recast Monica or just leave her upstairs and "not feeling well....or mending"? 

Ok, that's all. Hope the weather where you are is decent. We are actually getting outter bands of BERYL! 


  1. they should recast Monica. they should read our April fools Day blog and take it to heart. although it was tongue-in-cheek, there was a seriousness in it.

  2. I also think they should recast Monica. At the very least for special events and hospital scenes.

    Willow hardly can give the glances across the room like a Brenda, Carly, Liz, Sam kind of way. CM is hot, yes. Can anyone not notice he is twice her age? It does give me the ick. I think it would have been better for Sam, Carly, or Nina to see them kiss but perhaps that is coming next.

    Blaze does not interest me one bit. I just don't see that the actress has the "it" factor. If she was better I may understand the Natalia role more. I like Kristina's portrayer and love Molly.

    I LOVED Maxie yesterday as well as everyday the past month. Our girl is back and they are focusing on her! SO very happy. I hope a Lulu return is coming for her too. Cody is definitely more likable now thanks to James, Mac daddy, and Maxie.

  3. I couldn't watch GH! It was a weather advisory because of a Tornado watch!

  4. I'm telling you - Ava AGAIN doing 100 placedo pills is making it more evident that she has to go......I SO want the pharmacist to go to SONNY and tell him - OR I will even take VALENTIN knowing it and the pharmacis NOT doing placedo...
    ------Maxie, Sasha and Felicia were so good....
    -----I JUST - i JUST cannot with Drew and Willow pining about the kiss...
    ------BIG question - WHAT does Ned do? IS HE CEO of ELQ? I cannot remember......
    ----so unhappy with Ava's character.

    1. Is it Placedo Domingo prescribing the placebo ? Sorry mufasa - couldn't help myself

    2. JohnD - THAT IS HYSTERICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. There is no reason not to recast Monica. She and Tracy were always the best of enemies and had some fine banter between them.
    Guess I missed Ava and JohnJagger having anything to do with each other previously. And boom, there he is in her open door.
    Willow was a teacher for awhile. Then nothing. She was a nurse for a minute. Now she is what, a spokesperson. It is not Willow who is all over the place. New writers, old does not seem to matter. They all make a mess.
    Maxie and Felicia are always a pleasure to watch. Their conversations are realistic.
    If it wasn't for the viewers GH would be long gone. It will always be a mystery why they don't pay more attention to what we want, and don't want, to see.

    1. He's been following her - until today, she hated him - they had that first confrontation AFTER he followed her to the pharmacist's office....wish HE could figure out the pill fiasco.

  6. I can't believe they have doubled down on the Ava / Sonny's meds - and they are re-doing what she did to Morgan with the placebos. AND - Avery is with Sonny all the time - so she's possibly putting her child in DANGER. GH is VERY frustrating right now.

  7. I had to watch GH online.

    The Q home:

    Sasha and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Hmm she isn't going to talk to him about what she saw? Drew needs coffee? Is he hung over? Does he not remember doing the tongue dance with Willow?

    Sasha, Willow, and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: OH! I guess Sasha decided not to confront them! And Willow looks uncomfortable, so she must remember doing the tongue dance with him.

    Willow and Ryan Lavery: OH! They both remember doing the tongue dance. Ryan Lavery aka Drew wins the line of the day.

    Ryan Lavery: It was an accident.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! What happened? Did you slip and fall on her lips? Then your tongue fell into her mouth?

    Willow, Ryan Lavery, and Michael: Man Willow you gotta chill out! Relax and don't be so obvious. ROFL!

    Michael and Ryan Lavery:

    Michael: Did Willow seem off to you?

    Yes Michael! She did!!! Listen to your instincts!!!! Your uncle just did the tongue dance with your wife!!! :)

    Cowboy Cody's horse house:

    Sasha and Cowboy Cody: COWBOY CODY IS TOPLESS!!!!! :D Oh Sasha was going to tell him about Willow and Drew, but I'm glad he told her that he told Mac the truth! Sasha don't want him to leave!!! Good! Awww she kisses him. :)

    Willow and Mr. Ed aka Comet: She went to see him. I wonder what their conversation was like.

    Willow: Hi Comet. You are so pretty.

    Comet: Thanks. Whats wrong?

    Willow Oh nothing. I'm all right.

    OH! There is Cowboy Cody! Comet quickly does a group chat.

    Comet: Something is wrong with Willow. Does anybody know what happened to her?

    The Tribbles: No.

    Greenies: I haven't heard anything.

    Green beans: Me neither.

    Tommy Tapeworm: I haven't heard anything either.

    Badger Bob: I haven't heard anything, but I keep my eyes and ears open.

    Comet: Oh Cody just walked in.

    Greenies: Is he shirtless?

    Tribbles: No. He was earlier with Sasha.

    Greenies: What?! And you didn't tell us?

    Maxie's home:

    Maxie and Felicia: Love the aftermath of Cowboy's Cody truth telling! :)

    Sasha, Maxie, and Felicia: OH! Love that Sasha told them the truth about what she did with switching the samples and love that she apologized. I love all the banter.

    Maxie: What? You are much nicer than I am and more forgiving.


    Maxie: You are so sweet you could be related to my mom.


    Carly's kitchen:

    Carly and Sonny: Group chat!

    Tribbles: Oh Sonny came to visit.

    Greenies: Is he shirtless?

    Tribbles: No! He just wants Carly to help him at court to get custody of Avery. OH! Jason shows up. This will be awkward.

    Comet: Is Jason shirtless?

    Tribbles: No! Sonny asked him about agent Cates and then Sonny left. Now Jason is alone with Carly.

    Comet: Are they kissing?

    Tribbles: No. Jason is going to protect Carly no matter what.

    Badger Bob: Awwwwwwwwww.

    Metroucourt hotel/Ava's hotel room:

    Ava and Scotty: She is wondering about what Scotty said about having Sonny having a breakdown. Oh hi Agent Cates!

    Ava and Sonny: OH! This will be very interesting.

    The hospital:

    Pharmacy guy's office: I still can't believe that this pharmacy guy has an office! ROFL!

    Pharmacy guy and queen Ava: OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes Pharmacy guy the queen has spoken! I wasn't really sure why Ava didn't tell Sonny about his pills. I mean really what was her motivation? BUT she has a motivation now!!!! :) Avery. Okay I can get behind this. 100% placebo!!!! :) Oh these courtroom scenes are going to be soapy goodness all over the place. :)

    1. I am also looking forward to the court battle.

    2. "Kevin says, I am also looking forward to the court battle."

      I wonder when this will be! :)



  I'm finally excited again to watch an episode! Squee. SO many guesses out there about Sasha's daddy. Robert? Luke? Bill Eckert? To...