Monday, June 10, 2024


 Chase and Brook go and see Tracey at the Qs--they are concerned about Finn. Tell her about the bourbon and the reception with tequila. They talk about Violet and having Tracey talk to him. They want Vi to live at the Qs and try to get Finn into treatment. She says he might not want to go 

Finn sees Liz walk into the apartment "HEY! What are you doing here"?? Barb asks her if she's the wife. She says: No, just he ex-girlfriend. Liz throws Barb out. Finn tells Liz she doesn't live there and doesn't care about him and wah wah. He needed someone there when he was grieving and she wasn't around. Then he starts crying saying he's not right in the head and she asks if Violet is there. He says no and cries more. Liz says she's done and goes to leave. He grabs her and Jason walks in "let her go". Oh Finn is such a dick to Liz YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT! He tells her to leave her keys. She walks out. Jason says: Don't go near her. 

OH Liz put the KEYS IN THE DRINK!! AHAHAHAA. When he's alone, Finn takes out the keys, throws them and then keeps drinking. 

Liz and Jason go to the closed Metro Pool to sit in a quiet place. They have their feet in the pool. Liz kids she got Jason Morgan to take off his shoes. She says it's so sad this happened near Greg's death. Jason says that Finn is pushing her away. She says: Should I let him? HELL YES LET HIM!! GIRL!! WALK THE FK AWAY!  Liz says she can't do it with Finn. Jason says that Jake called him and Jake must really love her to do that. 

Nina and Maxie at Crimson. Nina talks about her time at the pool with Wiley. She's all giddy. Maxie has to go and Nina goes on and on about Willow and Wiley and yada yada. Maxie says Violet is staying the night and she has to go. Nina still blabbers on.

Michael and Willow are eating at a new diner/hamburger thing. I think Trina, Stella and Joss had dinner there once? Looks like a Malibu shop. Willow tells Michael she ran into Nina. She says Drew has changed Nina. 

Joss and Dex are at the pool at the end of the night. He's going to take her to dinner. They end up at the same place as Willow and Michael. 

Drew tells Curtis that he's running for congress--just when Curtis needs help on the Wellness Launch. Curtis waxes poetic on Drew's political ambitions and says "RUN"!! They need you in DC. 
Drew is angry when he sees something on the phone. Storms into Nina's office. Maxie is like: I'm never getting out of here, am I? Drew yells about Nina asking about ad rates. Maxie is like: I'm gone!! Nina and Drew spar. He says he helps her with Wiley and WIllow and she needs to be grateful. AND ANGRY SEX happens. (again)


Nice words with Liason

Finn has a TON of Elizabeth flashbacks 


  1. ---I think Nina did whatever she did on purpose so Drew will come to her office.....she was annoying with Sonny and she is still annoying.....HOW can Willow not see how Nina feels - course she is giddy too around Drew
    ----Chase is so naive'......the ending montage of pics proves Finn/Liz are through - good - but is that because all of the negative comments about them as a couple or cause he is gonna leave the show and then Liz will feel guilty. I do NOT want Liz and Jason together.
    -----same day of funeral - guess Alexis just went home too and didn't check on Finn
    ----line of the day after Brook Lynn said how much kids love being at the Q's: Tracy answers: "as do all neglected children in Port Charles"
    -----I cannot get past Drew NOT TELLING SAM his plans when every other person in PC seems to know cause Drew TELLS everyone...
    ----interesting Dex and Joss happy again.
    ------haven't see Anna, Valentin, Brennan in days......

  2. Thank you writers, whoever you are for throwing us Liason fans a bone of history. Be still my heart. Maybe Liz will fight Finn for custody of little V if he doesn't get his crap in order. Or Chase & Brookie. Maybe a Finn & Alexis coupling if he stays?

    1. "Linda says, Thank you writers, whoever you are for throwing us Liason fans a bone of history."

      YES! Thank you thank you! :)

  3. Hey great show today!!! :)

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery's office:

    Ryan Lavery and Curtis: Hmmm. They should just take off their shirts. :)

    Nina's office:

    Nina and Maxie: Dancing with the devil Nina? Don't you mean sleeping with the devil? Poor Maxie really REALLY wants to go home hahahahahaha! Man Nina is gushing over Drew!!

    Maxie: Front and back from what you told me.

    ROFL! Maxie would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Nina, Maxie, and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: He is upset over ad revenue? Yeah right. I think he is just sexually frustrated. So is Nina! Poor Maxie!! ROFL!

    Drina: I'm calling Nina and Drew, Drina. :) YUP! They are both sexually frustrated! ZEX TIME YOWZA!!!! I wonder how long they will be this time! An hour an a half? ROFL!

    Finchy's home:

    Finchy, Barb and Liz: Ooooo the zingers from Barb and Liz are beautiful! :) Thank you Barb for everything! :) Come back again soon! :)


    Liz, Finchy, and Jason: HI JASON!!!!! Great to see you!!! Time for Liz to go! :) Ooooo Liz putting her keys in Finchy's drink! BURN!!!! SOAPY GOODNESS!!!

    Finchy all alone: Too many flashbacks of Fiz.. Finchy go find Barb again. I'm sure you can find her at the bar!! You two can have a fling!!! :)

    Q kitchen:

    Brase and Tracy: UGH! Although Tracy wins the line of the day.

    Tracy: As do all the neglected children of Port Charles.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Tracy notices too! Hahahahaha!

    Metrocourt roof top pool:

    Joss and Dex: More eye sex.

    Port Chuckles surf lounge: Hey!!! Good good! Glad they are showing this set again. Is it only for the summer?

    Mildew: Willow gushing over Drew. Oh she took something from Michael's dish without asking! UGH! Hate that. Especially with Covid and other germs out there. Yuck. No thanks.

    Joss and Dex: Ooooo it's a date!!!! Are they getting back together? I hope!!! I love that Joss is going to college for environmental science so much!!! :)

    Metrocourt roof top pool:

    Liz and Jason: Awwwww #Laison. :)

  4. The breakup of Finn and Liz was well done. as was the talk later between Jason and Liz. I do think Michael Easton is going to leave the show. Violet will end up either with Liz or Chase and Brook Lynn.

    1. She should go with her uncle and his wife. She'll be at the Q's with other kids and have a chance for lots of interactions. A big change from being carried around by Finn for years. I'm sure the actress will be happy.

    2. "Di says, She should go with her uncle and his wife. She'll be at the Q's with other kids and have a chance for lots of interactions."

      Hahaha! It's where all the neglected children of Port Chuckles are!!! :D

      "A big change from being carried around by Finn for years. I'm sure the actress will be happy."

      ROFL! She is too old to be picked up now!!! *Snicker*

    3. "It's where all the neglected children of Port Chuckles are!" ROFL I loved that line.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...