Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Revolving Door!


People IN!! People OUT!! So much going on. We knew ME was leaving but now it's official. JJ will be back and I'm happy about that. His last return was not my fave but we live in hope, right? 

NOW it's on Twitter that Easton's last airdate is TOMORROW!! GEESH! 


Trina goes over to Sonny's to pick up Ava's Day Planner. Sonny's like, yeah, I threw her out. Trina tries to give him Ava's suite number at The Metro and he's like: Don't care. He also tells Trina to tell Ava that he's going to custody since Avery can't be in a hotel, even temporarily. 

Trina goes to Ava's suite. (it's nice) Ava's already having a martini. She asks about Sonny. Trina tells her that he's getting a lawyer. Ava says he's going to take her daughter away from her.  She starts yelling about Sonny and how he's vindictive and mean and yada yada. Trina leaves. Ava calls Scotty to help her with custody of Avery. 

Finn is walking up the path in the park. Sees Chase sitting on their Dad's bench. Wants to talk. Chase doesn't say much. Finn is all mad he's not called him back. Chase tells him Violet is confused and worried. Says Finn is still her hero --and his. Finn talks about Violet finding him and how awful that was. He says something is broken in him. He calls the treatment center and he's checking in that night. He wants to say goodbye to Violet. 

At the Q's.. Brook talks to Tracy about Violet being at the house. Tracy says it might be longer than they think. She wants Violet and ChaLyn to move into the Qs when Finn goes to rehab. (Which I thought they decided already:??) Tracey says it might be long term and custody might be too. They talk about family and Tracey is proud of Brook Lyn. They hug. 

Chase comes in and tells Tracey and Brook about Finn going to rehab but he wants to say goodbye to Violet. He brought him in the car to say goodbye. Here and now. 

Joss is cleaning the new apartment, Gio walks in. She says Trina must be with Ava. She tells Gio she doesn't like Ava but is glad she made Avery and gave him a gig with his violin. She asks how much Ava's paying him! (WHAT?) He says $100 and she's like: An hour, right? He says no, the night. Joss bitches about it. Weird. Then Trina comes in all shaken --she tells them about the Ava interaction and that she's mad at Sonny. Joss is like: that's nothing new. Trina says Ava was furious. Gio worries about "Uncle Sonny".. Joss says: OH please. Trina says they should be because Ava was really upset/mad. 

In the BARN, Sasha and Cody try to figure out what's going on with Violet and why Chase and Brook Lyn have moved in. They talk about fathers and then MAC COMES IN! He wants to thank Cody for helping Maxie's family out, especially James. 

Alexis is home and Krissy goes in and scares her while she's on the computer. She says she's filing a petition saying that if Molly and TJ break up "They" get to raise the baby. Alexis says she's staying out of it. Then Sonny comes in! He tells Krissy she was right about Ava and he threw her out. He tells Alexis he didn't know Ava turned her into the board. They all hate Ava.  Alexis can't wait any longer and tells them she's a lawyer again. Sonny is happy, so is Krissy. She says she's going into biz with Diane. Sonny mentions he's going to need Diane because he's going to be in an "epic battle" soon. 


Finn goes in to say goodbye to Violet (that will be tomorrow)

Scotty agrees to become Ava's lawyer


  1. ---agree Karen - everyone again hates Ava - I LIKED her with Sonny when she first moved in.....odd that a young person like Trina is her only friend.......Trina acted so weird plus she never told them WHY Ava was mad (Avery)
    -----last night Cody and Sasha were about to have sex and today it's 'no, no no we are just co-workers' plus they didn't even MENTION last night ---------maybe it was filmed out of sequence?
    -----If Ava brings up Sonny's being bipolar, wouldn't he have to have blood tests proving he is on medication? THAT would blow everything up.
    ----again THIS Tracy I love - ------ love -----------brook lynn is dressed like it's winter
    -----guessing no Nurses Ball this year - it's end of June and nothing

    1. I ranted about Brook's outfit on TWITTER ---what in the HELL! GEESH, not even pink but a Thanksgiving Burgundy

    2. YES on Brook Lynn/Twitter quote - it is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!1

  2. I don't want to watch a custody battle..and writers please don't send Maura packing.

    Wonder if they will recast Finn.

    1. "Linda says, Wonder if they will recast Finn."

      Yeah I'm wondering that myself.

    2. I say nope. He'll go to Africa

    3. yep he will go back to Doctors without Borders.....not sure about Violet though!

  3. and I'm not so sure Michael Easton will be the last to go. Sure seems like they are writing Maura West's Ava into a corner. Jonathan Jackson and Steve Burton probably cost $$$ and the cast is already so bloated.

    1. I agree Diana my thought was money starting with Roger to pay for Steve, Jonathan etc. I also think more are coming

    2. Agree. I'm sure that Steve and Jonathan did not come cheap. More cost-cutting coming. I just hope that they are not stupid enough to get rid of Maura.

  4. Recasting Finn won't help. Maybe something happens to him in rehab. Hayden is not dead, not that anyone is on GH, so why hasn't her name come up? Maybe that great PI Sam could find her. LOL
    Sonny shows no signs of bipolar disease anymore. Plus no mention of meds, except for Valentin on the phone the other day.
    About the Nurses seems to me that GH has drifted away from too much hospital oriented content. Funny but sad.

    1. so right about Sonny----no anger - just monotone voice like he is depressed -NOTHING like before

  5. The REAL park:

    Finchy and Chase: Great scene!!! Awwww so sad. :( I'm glad Finchy called that place that has a room for him. He wants to see Little V? Yeah uh huh.. Just do a video call! I'm thinking he is going to go visit little V and then take her and run away!

    Sonny's home:

    Trina and Sonny: Wow wow wow!!! The green beans are not happy about this. The green beans wanted Ava to stay!

    Metrocourt hotel/Ava's room:

    Ava and Trina: The queen is ready for war!!! :) Get him Queen Ava! Get Sonny! Let him listen to that audio message from giggle mouse.

    Ava and Scotty: I'm so glad Scotty is taking the case!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSS! :D

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis and Krissy: The way Krissy tried to sit down on the couch, so realistic! ROFL! NO KRISSY! It's wrong to do this behind Tolly's back!!!

    Alexis: Couples fight.

    Krissy: Not Molly and TJ.

    Oh shut up Krissy! People change and they argue. So freakin what? This is just an excuse to keep that baby!

    Alexis, Krissy, and Sonny: Oh Sonny! You can't take Avery from Ava.. No judge in their right mind would do that!

    Joss and Trina's Q apartment:

    Joss and Gio: Sounded like Joss called him Gia. Hahahaha. Yes Joss SHOULD be an agent. I liked that scene. :)

    Joss, Trina, and Gio: Oh Trina!!! Stop it!!! Ava is pissed that Sonny wants to take Avery away from her! What do you expect her to do? She has to fight back!! You didn't even tell Joss and Gio about the Avery thing.. TELL THEM!

    Q mansion:

    Tracy and Brooky: Great scene! Brooky didn't even call her granny! She called her grandmother. Brooky has grown up! :) Yes the stay for just the summer could be permanent. Brooky looking at a picture of Lila and Edward! Awwwwwwww!!!! :) Brooky wins the line of the day.

    Tracy: So at some point I'd like to think you at some point you would get back to do newlywed things.

    Brooky: Okay I don't want to talk about this with you.


    Brase and Tracy: Finchy in your car? Yeah right. I'm thinking he would sneak in the house and grab Violet and run away!

    Brase, Tracy, and Finchy: I was wondering if Tracy was going to hug Finchy. Awwwwwwww. :(

    Cowboy Cody's horse home:

    Cowboy Cody and Sasha: Oh just kiss already!!!!!!

    Cowboy Cody, Sasha, and MAC: MAC DADDY! :D Oh come on Cowboy Cody! Tell the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Cowboy Cody and Sasha: Yeah Sasha just shake him!!! Come on Cowboy Cody! Go see Mac and tell him the truth!!!! Enough is enough!

  6. Michael Easton is a good actor, but the character of Finn was ill conceived.. I thought the best story was when they connected him with legacy character Jackie Templeton and brought in Kim Delaney. What should have been a long story arc seemed to be something that was introduced and wrapped up in about 2 months. The whole Reiko story with Elizabeth was possibly one of the worst stories in GH history.

    1. I agree 100% with what you said. And pairing Finn with Elizabeth was the last straw. It ruined an already so-so character.

  7. I don't think they will recast Finn. After rehab, they will probably say he went missing or is off searching for Hayden.

    I like Ava fighting with Sonny and standing up to him. If they write her off the show, like some on here are speculating, I would most likely stop watching "GH" altogether. That would be unforgivable in my book.

    Where's Roxy?

  8. With lithium your bloodwork could be every 3 to 6 months.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...