Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sunday Surgery: The Plans


It's JUNE!! May sure went quickly and ... for a 'sweeps' month it was pretty tame. Yes, we had a wedding and a death but it all somehow felt like a mash-up. We even had a four day week! 

This week of course had the terrible news about the death of Johnny Wactor. It put a pall on everything for sure.  Monday's rerun as so poignant. Brando's death was also mentioned by Curtis on Friday so he wasn't far from our minds. 

I usually sit here and think about the week and start writing but when I did that my mind was pretty blank except for the last minutes of Friday's show. So--this should be REALLY interesting to read (or not!)

Grab what ya got and let's GO GO! 

So look, the plan is now YOU  are the evil baddie and I am doing pretty well. So don't come in here trying to talk about some Crimson article that happened off screen. Yes, we are two of the best actresses on here but we all know the true star. 

MY Plan is to get into the story with Jack Brennan because we have really good chemistry and he can talk to me about being a spy and stuff. Plus, I got 3 new black outfits from wardrobe so here I am. Oh, Molly asks me about the wedding and I tell her about being a mom. I have to try to help Sonny as well. So, yeah, plan on seeing me for awhile. 

Let's plan on talking about life, death, how much we mean to each other. I'd really like to talk about redecorating this frat pad of an apartment but this is better. Thank goodness Tracey came over to give us that wine. Other wise, it would have been the most boring day ever. 

So... the plan is to hack the FBI mainframe and dig around to find out why Sir Jason is back here in Port Charles. But isn't he the guy that you want NOT to talk to your son? Why do you even care? If he's working WITH the FBI isn't that a good thing since he will be on the right side of the law? Do you even know HOW THEY can trace someone hacking into a federal mainframe? What is happening? Where am I? 

So the plan is to have the MAYOR 'look into' a known serial killer's case after a policeman, several citizens were killed and injured. Because?? She thinks the killer deserves another chance? Because...Ally Mills is a great actress and needs more airtime? Did she hit her head? Is she having early onset? Could I even believe the dialog trying to pretzel this 'story' into something remotely coherent??? 

So the plan is to have the "OMG DREW IS NOT DREW" story morph into the "Drew is so cool and wants to be a politician"!!   Willow's fan girling so hard it's embarrassing. Michael was making sense. I need a drink. 

Well, this is silly--did you memorize your 44 pages of legal talk? 

Yes, did you bring your power suit? 

Yes... now let's concentrate on not talking politics. 

So.. I got to Albany to do some legal mumbo jumbo scenes with my old Santa Barbara co-star and now I get to hear about Gregory's death by phone. Yeah, sounds about right. 


Look Dante, I'm planning on being in the make up chair for the majority of the day so don't ask me about pressing charges against Sonny. I need to talk to everyone and then go to Anna and then decide all of this was for nothing. 

Unfortunately, I have no plan. Maybe I can help get Chase some copies of the death certificate and talk more about Finn and bourbon. 

Speaking of no plans... I mean-- there are no plans that I can see . None. Zip.  Nada. 

So,  the plan is we are enemies.  BUT I LOVE...  mean, I came back for you! Why do you think I walk around here with a clip board counting beans all day? It's for you!! You're in trouble man, BIG trouble. BIG BIG BIGLY TROUBLE. Now, don't do anything stupid. 






THE WUBSY APPROVED PLAN:!!  Spixie back together and living in the same house. I like it.

SCENE OF THE WEEK:  Oh how I HATE THIS stupid AVA story and making her the scape goat about the Alexis disbarment. In that jaw dropping moment when we found out that NO....Ava didn't forsake her brother, she actually loved him so much in the end, she had this plan to ruin Alexis' life because...she... broke up with him? What? I would rant so much about this but I'm done. I'm going to rejoice in the fact that Nancy and Maura had a good scene together. 


Molly found out about the Wedding Fight 

Alexis plead her case before the NYS law board, Neil's brother doesn't like her

Diane read Greg's will and Chase is executor

Finn tries to tell everyone he's done with drinking

Nina and Ava clash over a Crimson article 

Maxie looks fabulous

Spin and Maxie get back together, he moves in

Spinelli tells Maxie the entire story about hacking the FBI, she approves (eyeroll)

Dex decides not to press charges against Sonny 

Sonny is DONE WITH DEX but will leave him alone

Sonny is DONE WITH JASON but will not leave him alone

Everyone's jogging in the park 

Carly and Brennan banter 

Jagger and Brennan banter

Willow is the cheerleader for Drew running for NY congress 

Finn goes to Alexis for a pep-talk.. they have pretty decent chem together 

NEWS AND NOTES:  Just another message to his friends, co-workers, family and fans. This is all so senseless. RIP and Godspeed. 

RUMORS abound that Michael Easton (Finn) might be leaving. Of course rumors also are going around that Maura West (Ava) and Cynthia Watrose (Nina) are considering leaving as well.  Who knows at this juncture WHAT is going to happen. Things are unsettled all over the place on that set at the moment. 

MY TAKE:  So much talent... so much potential and so much disappointment. I feel like everything is upside down and the wrong things are on screen. The biggest hang up for me is watching Ava not only be devious (which I like) but not very smart and seemingly having things happen out of no where.  I also think they spent a hell of a lot of time on Alexis'  license thing when she would have been better served back in Port Charles when Greg died. What in the HELL are they doing with the Pikeman mess? Yes, Jagger and Brennan are great characters but--??? To what end?? Unless Jack is working both sides and is really a hero all of this is moot. Speaking of moot, why did Dex get beat up by Sonny? Just to have Kristina break down over "Daddy's IN THE REAL MOB" ?? After all we know she knows exactly who he is. She didn't go into labor over it and Dex didn't press charges so...?? Um..?? Pay off for sitting and watching all of that? So far, ZERO. Trina's just hanging out, Jex is back together. Drew for some damn reason is now politician hero of the hour. Laura's lost her GD mind and Sonny's trying to kill Jason. Which by the way, wasn't really a "cliff hanger" because we all know St. Jaysus isn't going to die. 


That's all for now. Hope you find little rays of sunshine in the show like Maura West in any scene and Maxie's new wardrobe. James and Georgie were fun as well. 


  1. Thank you Karen.

    The show is too stupid for words, so I don't have any.

    Still sad about Johnny Wactor. He made the evening news on ABC twice. What has this world come to over a catalytic converter? :(

  2. I feel that I say the same thing weekly, but in my defense, I NEED to say these things = it's my therapy.
    -------Ava's character of rewriting history and NOT doing anything about the pills is beyond redemption.....HATE HATE that she is seeing Sonny fall apart - I kinda hope Avery sees him go ballestic and Ava suffers.
    -----in the future, we will be saying 'Drew and Willow - yuck'.....
    ------Finn may be leaving (he IS gonna start closet drinking) but I think social media DID start RUMORS about Maura West would make more sense that Jane Elliott leaves for a while
    -----why do they care more about JOSS than Trina - I want Gio for Trina....
    ------one year - last summer - when Curtis was shot and the stupid Pikeman thing started.....we have endured Anna crying all the time/Charlotte being her stalker/whats his name who died burned down her house/Anna was protected by Sonny/Cates came to town to save Sonny/Brennan is head of WSB and yet is in PORT CHARLES JAIL/Austin died and no one cared/now Valentin is in charge of Pikeman and SONNY is the enemy?
    -------get rid of Portia, Molly, Blaze, Natalia, Kristina, TJ,
    -----where are Terry and Robert and Selina?
    ----the whole Drew into politics is just bizarro----SURELY he isn't gonna marry NINA to have a wife????

    1. I forgot to mention, Gio moves in then they do nothing with it for days. I swear the show has no clue how to pace stuff

  3. Great and hysterical SS! Thank you.
    I agree with everything.
    The interview with JW's friend who was with him was heart wrenching. What a f###ed up world we live in.

  4. Karen - you have an unmistakable inclination for turning your frustration with the show into comic relief for the rest of us. I almost hope things stay messy because that is when you are at your best. Thank you

    1. Aw thanks!! Satire/sarcasm is my middle name LOL -- GH sure provides me with material lately!

  5. "So, the plan is we are enemies. BUT I LOVE... mean, I came back for you! Why do you think I walk around here with a clip board counting beans all day? " ROFL (Sonny and Jason would make a cute couple.)

    Are we ever going to find out who killed Austin? Seriously. did they say and I just didn't see it? He was killed before Thanksgiving.

  6. Ditto to what JohnD said above. "Let's be handsome and talk about stuff..." OMG, I was dying, lol! Thank you!


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...