Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sunday Surgery: FINNale


My last full week of work for the summer is over!! It doesn't feel much like summer to me on GH but I'm sure more pool scenes and kids will change that real soon. 

Let's get going... Maybe you'll need Puff's Plus? 

MORE LIASON: No, I couldn't find a photo of them in the hospital but I didn't want to deprive you so here's one from last week! Jason actually stopped by GH to check on Elizabeth after her whole Finn ordeal. They have an adult conversation about Jake where Liz says he's his own person who can make his own decisions. Jason might just take him to a Woodchuck's baseball game soon. 

MORE SCOTT:  He was all over the place! He checked on Elizabeth too, told her he's always there for her and the boys. Scott also got called by Ava to handle her custody issues with Avery. Busy guy with busy hair! 

THE SAGA OF HAMILTON FINN closed it's production this week with a real tear-jerker. I personally liked how fast this story moved along. Some people were like: way too much, too soon and I'm more of the ilk that it was a tidy, quick arc that held a angst, anger and excitement.  The last scenes were heartbreaking. Jophielle was pitch perfect. According to her parent's posts, she really DID feel very upset about Michael leaving. She was 5 and now 10 on the show. You could see their bond. Even Brook and Chase were in tears in the background. Writing was beautiful too and when Violet's bracelet didn't fit on his wrist? Well, that's when I felt the water trickle a bit! Chase ended up dropping him off at rehab, everyone's going to be living at the Qs and that's that. 

SPY VS SPY ended up sleeping together. I know Vanna fans were happy but it was hard for me to get caught up in any kind of story because it just wasn't feeling it. I thought most of the scenes were clunky. Anna actually DID find a satellite phone in Val's house but isn't doing much about it yet. (shocking, I know) Valentin called someone MYSTERIOUS. Great, is this ANOTHER layer on this over-baked cake?? I'm tired. 

THE SURROGACY STORY keeps plowing along. Kristina is obsessing over Molly and TJ's one 'fight' (they've made up by now but she doesn't know it) and wants to petition the court for custody should they ever break up. Is it some weird fantasy that they WILL break up and she can raise the baby? It's not like Molly and TJ have been at it for months--it was just once as far as Krissy knows. Alexis is like: Nope, not getting into it. Blaze is like: Nope, I don't want to coparent! It's obvious they wanted angst with the baby but the planning? Again, not great. 

A PASTA DINNER: Was the set up for Ava to finally get her walking papers from Sonny. Blaze, Mama LaRue, Kristina and Sonny were all enjoying some pesto when Ava stomped in. Krissy told everyone she wouldn't eat with someone that stabbed her mother in the back. Ava actually left and let Kristina tell her story without being there. Um, who IS this Ava? Anyway, Sonny came home, threw her out and Avery stayed put. Ava went to The Metro where she asked Laura for a character witness during the custody case. Ava also planted more seeds of "Sonny's unhinged and paranoid" talk for The Mayor to stew over. The mystery of the damn pills is still hanging over us and they haven't been mentioned in a month. Not even a flashback. Did they abandon the whole thing?  Only TPTB know for sure. 

CONCERNED LAURA: Just had to mention that Ava told her Sonny beat 'someone' up at Chalyn's wedding and Laura was SHOCKED. :eyeroll: Between Cyrus, Heather and the Sonny business I need Laura to get a whole new life. 

DOWN ON THE FARM, Hayseed Hank and Sasha talk about life and MAC being Cody's daddy.  Mac makes a little visit and we wait with baited breath but ...alas, the secret isn't coming out just yet. I guess if it gets JJY more airtime, I'm here for it! Oh, I see Sasha ditched the overalls!! Hooray! 

THE TRIO went on about it's business. Gio helped Joss move in and Trina had her hands full with Ava. She saw another side of Ava for sure but the subsequent scenes were played out so strangely, I barely batted an eye. I'm guessing she's one of the people sounding the alarm about Sonny and Ava?  I don't even know. Cute top tho. Oh, btw, Joss and Dex seem to be on track again. Gio was practicing is violin (off camera) at the Qs. yawn


Kristina is afraid Tolly will break up and she'll need to get custody of the baby 

Finn leaves for rehab; ChaLyn and Violet are moving into the Q Mansion

Sonny threw Ava out of the PH; Ava's ready to fight for Avery 

Vanna slept together after Anna gathered evidence from the house in the form of a satellite phone

Jason is inviting Jake to a baseball game and helped Danny learn about motorcycles

Cody might be inching towards telling Mac the truth 

Brennan tells Carly the FBI isn't to be trusted

Carly decides on her own 'plan' to help Jason but he's adamant she can't get involved

NEWS AND NOTES: You know Michael Easton left, but did you see the PR blitz of Jonathan Jackson returning? GEESH!!  it was ALL OVER THE PLACE!! He's signed a 'long term' contract which I think means 18mo-3 years. Yes, I do think this is a big deal because he's wildly popular and not just on GH. 

Bryan Craig is back for a day to reprise his role as Morgan. I think Natalia's talk about "dreams and ghosts" will feed right into this.

There are SO many questions and little things that are bothering me about this show I don't know where to start. I think one of the reasons I liked the Finn Farewell is because it was done in a short period of time and was tightly written.  Months didn't go by and the story didn't change a million times. That's what's killing me on the Pikeman stuff; it's been so damn long and I so don't care. The whole Brennan, Cates, Anna, Valentin mess just gets a rewrite here and there and I can't keep up. Throw Carly in that mix and I'm ready to throw the moss across that kitchen. Sam's baffling to me: Is she jealous? Just obsessed? Why would she care about the reason Jason was FBI now? Especially since he wouldn't tell her. But, go on, commit a felony to find out! Kristina is just obsessive and you KNOW the entire custody thing is going to drag out. She hasn't even had that baby yet!! 
Finally... Sonny/Ava and whatever this Natalia LaRue thing is can just naff off.  The pill story seems to have evaporated (and if it hasn't it's horrible storytelling) and Ava's on the warpath. She even left her daughter knowing he's on a 1/2 dose of his meds and can be dangerous? Huh? Thank goodness Maura's in those scenes because at least I can marvel her acting. 

Hope you're having a good summer and see you next week on and off. No new show Thursday and I'm out Wed. It will be a self-fill in day! 


  1. Hope you have a wonderful summer Karen. Thanks as always.

    Yup, the show is a big MESS. Highlights for me: ME and Jophielle Love were superb. I imagine after 5 years ME is like a father type figure for her and the tears were likely real, but that little girl is going places. I LOVE that Jonathon Jackson is coming back, provided they don't screw it up. PLEASE, drop this Heather crap with Laura. She can focus on Lucky now. Also LOVE that JJY is back. That one SHORT scene with Kristina, JJY, Tristan and Finola was great. Lasted 5 seconds though

    Thanks Karen

  2. Excellent SS! Hate to mention this but was ME canned? Didn’t seem like it was his idea to leave. He and JL were just outstanding. Loved Vanna together regardless of the spotty writing. Happy to see JJY of course and sick of the surrogacy storyline. Still seeing Mulcahey on the writing credits. Can’t wait for JJ!

  3. Thanks for a great SS!
    One thing is hate for the surrogacy story. All these months and did Kristina ever go to a doctor? So real.
    Finnale...ME deserved better. This character was a dud. JL is a star. All the signs point to it was not his choice.
    Who is this woman called Ava? No need to change perfection but GH likes to do it anyway.
    The Pikeman story is convoluted and tiring. Anna should not have to sleep with the enemy. I am in the minority of never getting their relationship.
    Some good scenes this week. Tracy shines in every one of hers.
    Enjoy your holiday week.

  4. --hate surrogacy story - hate hate
    ----Ava just lying to Laura? "some hair=brain idea that Kristina put in his head"....for sure Laura WILL find out from Alexis what Ava did....but Ava just lying over and over is's not this stupid pill problem has not been mentioned in forever!
    -----Carly and Jason don't talk about Sonny's erratic behavior......just Diane saying "Sonny has been acting out of sorts latelyy"......and Ava just left Avery?????
    ----Pikeman started July 2023 ------------------------------Please make it go away.
    -----I DID like Brennan this week.....
    ----I just don't see how Valentin can stay around long ----- and now I am concerned Ava is unredeemable.....
    -------Hate Natalia - I truly think TPTB thought she would be a hit and she's horrible so NOW I think they have changed her character - she absolutely is up to something......NO WAY she doesn't know SONNY CORINTHOS - I don't think she is smart enough to be connected to Pikeman - maybe she is after his money but something is going on.....SO GLAD Ava has that recording....
    -----July is a semi-sweeps month - is it too much to ask for that Anna gets proof of Pikeman???? and that the pills are discovered? (although I KNOW Morgan pops in one day in August so I think that is the day Sonny loses it.)
    ------good and bad days at GH - just not the same GH anymore.

  5. "MORE SCOTT: Busy guy with busy hair!"

    Hahahaha. Scotty always has busy hair! :)

    "According to her parent's posts, she really DID feel very upset about Michael leaving. She was 5 and now 10 on the show. You could see their bond"

    Awwwwwwww! How sad. :(

    "I know Vanna fans were happy"

    Oh are they? I'm a Vanna fan and I'm not happy. I hate they are using each other, so I'm surprised other Vanna fans are enjoying it.

    "Hayseed Hank"


    "but did you see the PR blitz of Jonathan Jackson returning?"

    No!!! Where? X aka twitter?

    "GEESH!! it was ALL OVER THE PLACE!!"

    Is it?! WOW! :D

    "He's signed a 'long term' contract which I think means 18mo-3 years."

    I hope he stays in 3 years and even more! :)

    "Yes, I do think this is a big deal because he's wildly popular and not just on GH."

    WOOT WOOT! :D I have always loved Lucky!!!

    1. I was a HUGE VAnna fan. Not happy at all that they are ruuned

    2. "lindie says, I was a HUGE VAnna fan. Not happy at all that they are ruuned"

      Yeah it sucks!!! :(


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...