Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Liason and Scotty too!


I keep thinking it's Wednesday!! Not sure what's happening. I mean, the "School" year for me is over tomorrow with my last kid --maybe that's it? Hmm, not sure. 

Oh, I experienced Costco for the first time. WHAT. Did I tell you Sunday we just left and said: HELL NO. Went back today at 11pm and it was 1/2 as full but still--frenzy of humanity. BJs is so much more gentle on my soul. LOL 


Sonny tells Ava she's moving out. He says he's done with her and she's going TODAY. He'll keep Avery there and she needs to go to the Metro or wherever. She's like, um, we share custody of Avery and she likes us together. He doesn't care, he wants her out. Talks about her revenge against Alexis. Oh he brings up her killing Connie and Olivia blowing up Morgan. She says to stop lecturing her on morality. His whole family hates him now. QUEEN AVA!

Diane goes to Finn's apartment. She gives him the temp custody papers and the restraining order. He's not happy. He yells. She says the judge had enough proof to pass both. If he comes within 500 feet of Violet he will be arrested. She leaves. Finn calls someone. Oh, it's Scotty. Scott asks what happens and wonders why Tracey would turn on him. Finn says that she's Brook's grandmother and she and Chase always had their eyes on Violet (OMG!!) Scott says he needs people to vouch for him, maybe from work? Finn says he quit. WHOOPS. He begs Scott to help him. Scott's like: NOPE. You need to fix yourself. WOW, if Scotty tells you that, you must be messed up LOL. 

Jason has Maxie call Anna to check on her (it's the next morning). Maxie does and Anna's in BED with VALENTIN and says she's ok. Valentin hangs up the phone and they kiss. He's going to make her breakfast. Anna texts Jason and tells him to leave because Valentin is up and he might spot him. I guess he was outside the house in his car? 

Jason goes to see Elizabeth at GH To check on her. She says Finn is worse. He wonders how she's doing. She says ok. Jake is getting along with her better and seems not to be angry with Jason. HE asks if he can see Jake again. Liz says he doesn't need her permission, Jake is his own person. He's going to ask him to a baseball game. Aww, great scenes. 

Then Scott talks to Liz. He wonders why she didn't tell him about Finn. She says she didn't want to blab it all over. He tells her he called him and wants Violet back and wants to sue the hospital. He says Finn has to hit rock bottom first and he won't help him. 
Back in Finn's house he orders 2 things of vodka from Uber Eats. 

At Valetin's, Anna finds a giant satellite phone in the bookcase. Val makes her breakfast. They talk about their relationship. She can't be with him after shooting Charlotte. He says they could move out of Port Charles and it would be better. She's like well, Charlotte wouldn't like it. He gets her to say she'll think about it. Anna leaves. He watches her walk away. 

Anna and Jason meet outside for coffee. She tells him she found a satellite phone at Valentin's and he didn't need to watch the house all night. 

Carly is visiting Brennan. She wants his expertise and can she trust him? He says probably not. She tells him all about the FBI tape and her RICO thing. God, she's so stupid. He says, well you DID break the law. She wonders if the FBI would honor the agreement with Jason. Brennan says Not a chance. They'll use Jason all they can or until he dies and STILL put her in jail. 


Ava leaves, Sonny slams the door in her face

Valentin calls someone and says that all he has to do is push Sonny over the edge

Finn DOES NOT drink the vodka! He smashes it against the wall and leaves! 



  1. It was a good show today.
    Not to sure about the Anna/Valentine scheme, or whatever it is. She is onto him and he is onto her. Stalemate. Please let it end soon.
    Why does Finn always whisper? So glad he threw those bottles. Scott was good.
    Sonny seems pretty in control right now even though Valentine's random phone call said that he is not.

    1. When I was tweeting I had typed he CHUGS them ...and didn't hit send--so glad I didn't!! LOL I was stunned he threw it!

    2. That should have been the last scene. Even a good Friday show ending.

  2. Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Ava:

    Sonny: You can stay with your friends you have left who will put up with you.

    ROFL! He almost won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. Ava you are the queen!!! You are just going to let him talk to you like that?!

    Queen Ava: I will not stand here and be lectured about morality by you!

    THERE YA GO! There is the queen!!!! :D I can't believe Sonny slammed the door in her face! You will regret that Sonny. Even the Green beans don't like what Sonny said!!!

    Finchy's home:

    Finchy and Diane: Great scene.. Finchy is breaking my heart!!! :(

    Finchy and Scotty: I'm glad Scotty isn't going to help him!!! Sue the hospital? Finchy you are not going to win!!

    Finchy alone: Finchy don't go see Little V! You are just going to scare her! You don't want that. Ohhh 2 bottles of vodka! Oh so instead of making love to it, he throws it against the wall!!! Great, but poor bottles. :( I hope they are getting hazard pay.

    V.C.'s home:

    V.C. and Anna/Jason and Maxie: V.C. and Anna are making me sick!!! I hate that they are using each other!!!! ARGH! And Jason calling Maxie for help was stupid. Maxie calling Anna was a waste of time. I thought Jason was going to hang up on Maxie. Glad he didn't. Jason's text message from Anna. V is up.. V? :) No V.C.? ROFL!

    The hospital:

    Jason and Liz: My Laison! *Heart* Wait so Jake's anger is gone?! Just like Drew aka Ryan Lavery's anger is gone? Both of their anger is magically gone.

    Outside the hospital:

    Jason and Anna: OH! Anna knew that Jason was there okay! I wonder if he heard any noises from Anna and V.C. ROFL! Jason wins the line of the day.

    Jason: Sounds like he was preoccupied.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And the look on Anna's face! BAHAHAHAHA! And Jason's grin! BAHAHAHAHA!

    The airport lounge:

    Brennan and Carly: The sign up on the wall. No physical contact. Awwwww so Brennan and Carly can't hold hands? That's too bad. Can they at least have conjugal visits? :) So Carly I guess you DO trust him.

    1. Looks of the day definitely go to Anna and Jason, HAHAHAHAHAH! Same with line of the day!
      My Laison heart was going pitter-pat. After Robin was gone, Liz was the only one I wanted with Jason.
      I have such a crush on Brennan. Carly needs to get out of my way!
      Wub's had me cracking up about Scotty not taking Finn's case. Preach it sister, lol!

    2. "Julie H says, Looks of the day definitely go to Anna and Jason, HAHAHAHAHAH!"

      Hahaha yes it does!!!!!

      "My Laison heart was going pitter-pat."

      Mine too.. *Sigh*

      "After Robin was gone, Liz was the only one I wanted with Jason."

      Yeah me too.

      "I have such a crush on Brennan. Carly needs to get out of my way!"

      ROFL! I'm sure they will kiss eventually. :)

      "Wub's had me cracking up about Scotty not taking Finn's case. Preach it sister, lol!"


  3. great show - for the most part.
    ----So Maxie's phone says Stone Cold and not Jason? LOL
    ----Anna sleeping with Valentin I did not like.....they are both playing each other and it's getting old....
    -----I hate Carly telling Brennan everything but I LIKED Brennan's honest answers!!!!
    ------everyone was great today: Liz with Scott, Scott refusing Finn, Diane confronting Liz
    -----so no Ava will never tell about the pills. Sigh.....she is gonna make Sonny worse so she can get custody of Avery..............and with Morgan's ONE DAY IN AUGUST that means we gotta go another 2 MONTHS of stupid pill storyline.
    -----I liked when Ava and Sonny were getting along and then she changed and I didn't like her but today was really AVA!
    ---I think Valentin has gone rogue on Brennan and doing his own thing...why the satellite phone I wonder?
    ------we all know Finn isn't gonna agree to go to the rehab so I stand behind something big has to happen to make him go UNLESS Michael E has asked to leave the show.....

  4. I love, LOVE that Ava spoke the truth to Sonny about his hypocrisy and how he's endangered his children. I hope she wins in court.

    It was nice seeing the interaction between Liz and Jason, and Liz and Scott.

    Today was the first time that Brennan was in the opening credits, I believe. I guess that means he will be around for a while.

    1. I didn't notice Brennan in the credits, I'm loving that! :)


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...