Monday, June 24, 2024



Carly and Jagger having champagne. He says she's his only friend in PC. They kinda dance around the fact he is ready to put her in jail. He leaves. Carly whispers: Bastard as he walks down the hall. Then she remembers her convo with Sonny about Jason and cries. Spinelli walks in. She talks about how horrible Jagger is for hanging that over Sonny's head. (She also says she doesn't care how Sam feels about anything). They yap some more and Carly says she can't take it and has to fix it. She says she'll turn herself into Cates. Spinelli says: Stop right there, I can't let you do that. It goes ON AND ON but they talk about how much Jason loves Carly and Carly loves Jason and he sacrificed for her and if she turns herself in, it will mean nothing. 

Kristina (IS HUGE) and goes to Sonny's office with a gift for him. It's garlic. Then Blaze and her mom walk in and Sonny invites everyone for dinner. He's going to cook. They all say yeah! They sit and have a cozy dinner and laugh it up talking about young Alison. ha ha.. all cute and then AVA walks in! LOL HELLO, this is cozy! She says she's hungry and is going to sit down. Kristina says: stabbed my mother in the back. Yells at Ava. Sonny asks what's going on. Kristina asks Ava if she wants to tell him. Ava says: you knock yourself out, she'll tell Sonny the real story at home. 

Kristina launches into the whole Ava/ Alexis Law license story. Sonny is proud Kristina stood up for her mother. 

TJ is waiting at home for Molly-- he apologizes for being such an ass. He says, oh he was anxious and he really thinks Kristina will be a GOOD surrogate and they chose together. THEN MOLLY starts Crying and says she's afraid Kristina won't give the baby up when it's born!! WHAAAAT ??  TJ says well that's a fear with any surrogate. Molly says, yeah, and Kristina doesn't even want to be a mom. 

Tracey is at Finn's and is on the phone to Brook to make sure they are at the Qs. Finn comes out: WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER? She shows him the photos she took of him passed out and Violet called her because she thought he was dead! He's like: WELP, sorry, this is my wake up call. I'll get shower and dressed and get Violet. Tracey says: NO. Until you can take care of you, you can't take care of her. Finn says forget it..Tracey says she booked him into a ritzy rehab for 90 days minimum. He's like NOPE...and it dawns on him that Violet is at the Q house. He says he's going and if he can't have her, he's calling the cops.  She says go ahead. Also tells him unless he goes she's going to use her resources to have ChaLyn get temp custody. Finn asks: Why are you doing this to me? Tracey says: IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU! IT'S ABOUT VIOLET!! And leaves. 

Violet goes to the Qs. Lois greets them all happy for a sleepover Chase tells Yuri to check the gate and keep a watch out for his brother. Violet says her tummy hurts and Brook takes her to the bathroom. Chase and Lois talk. She says they are doing the right thing. Violet comes back out and is upset about not seeing her Dad. She thinks he'll think she doesn't love him. Chase called Diane to come over because they need legal help with Finn. She hears the story and says she'll do whatever. Tracey comes home and says they'll have to get a restraining order against Finn. Diane says they can put one in motion tomorrow. 

Finn looks at Violet's photo on his phone. 

Carly agrees she shouldn't turn herself in but is going to stop the FBI (somehow..:EYEROLL) 


  1. Agree that Molly and TJ was filler (like Lucy and Scott last week) but what in the world????Molly told Kristina she was afraid she and TJ were through and today she is afraid Kristina won't give them the baby????? Writers, come on...
    -----Jane Elliott is delivering her best work ever. SO much better than nonsense with Lucy and Ned, etc.....I really thought at the end Finn was gonna be climbing up to Violet's window....that Lois would say 'SHE IS GONE"...
    ------funny that Chase had Diane in his contacts...
    -----previews show Sonny telling Ava to get out ------------- what will she do????? will she NOW pretend she just discover about the pills OR they dropped that whole freakin storyline? Sonny is not acting manic - he just acts depressed - CLEARLY you can these were scenes during MB's 3 weeks of issues/problems.....he said on SOM it was hard getting through scenes some days.
    ------I wonder if Ava will play the tape this week or wait until Sonny and Natalia get closer (still hate her character)
    -----Loved Spinelli's reasoning - course he never said, "Sam and I will go to jail" LOL
    -----I hate Cates but gosh those eyes are mesmerizing....
    -----what does Carly really think she can do? Ugh...

    1. "Mufasa says, today she is afraid Kristina won't give them the baby?????"

      Yeah she already said that recently! When their argument first started. So it was strange when she said she didn't want to say it out loud.

      "CLEARLY you can these were scenes during MB's 3 weeks of issues/problems.....he said on SOM it was hard getting through scenes some days."

      Wait when did he say that? I haven't seen SOM in awhile.

    2. go to Eva LaRUe SOM from 2 weeks ago - there is a disclaimer at the beginning of MB three week battle with (something) and he will address it if he chooses)..and then she carries the interview - he is clearly not himself....she did say that they had difficult scenes to shoot and she said especially for her (SO I think it's when he hears the tape) cause she said 'I'm not like that'......

    3. Cates has GREAT eyes. And I can totally see Natalia as Sonny's squeeze.

    4. "mufasa says, go to Eva LaRUe SOM from 2 weeks ago - there is a disclaimer at the beginning of MB three week battle with (something) and he will address it if he chooses)..and then she carries the interview - he is clearly not himself....she did say that they had difficult scenes to shoot and she said especially for her (SO I think it's when he hears the tape) cause she said 'I'm not like that'......"

      Ohhhh. Okay. I'll check it out thanks! :)

  2. Carly's office:

    Carly and John: Is this going to lead them to fall in wuv? :) John's eyes. *Melt*

    Carly and Spinny: Carly wants to stab John! BAHAHAHAHAHA! Hmmm foreplay? :)

    Spinny: I love Maxie, the way Jason loves you.

    AH HA! Spinny knows!!!!! The writers know!!!!!! :D

    Finchy's home:

    Finchy and Tracy: Great scene!!!!! When Tracy was explaining to Finchy about how Little V thought he was dead, I cried!!!! Broke my heart. :( No Finchy you can't get your daughter until you get help!!! :( Tracy wins the line of the day.

    Tracy: Did you develop an aversion to blood, because that could be a hurdle in your profession.


    Finchy alone: Awwwwwwwwww! Sad. :( Great picture of him, little V and Gregory. :(

    Sonny's office:

    Sonny and Krissy: So all is forgiven huh? Forgive and forget? How many months is she? 9?

    Sonny, Kraze, and mami Giggle mouse: Giggle mouse arrived. Badger Bob is giving giggle mouse the side eye.

    Sonny's fake restaurant:

    Sonny, Kraze, and giggle mouse: Oh goodie! Dinner time. Giggle mouse giggles away. Badger Bob still giving mama giggle mouse the side eye. Oh hi Ava!!! Badger Bob happy to see Ava!

    Sonny, Kraze, giggle mouse, and Queen Ava: Yes queen Ava grab a seat!! :) Oh shut up Krissy! UGH! Stupid rewrite! Wait Ava where the hell are you going? You are the queen!!! You should be staying! Badger Bob is confused like I am!

    Tolly home: Molly comes home and sees TJ and says no tv? Huh? Do you even have a tv? Where is it?

    Tolly: Molly doesn't want to say it out loud? But you already did Molly! Damn does Tolly have two different writers writing for them? If so, they are not communicating with each other. Oh zex time! Hmmm will she get the preggers?

    The Q home: HI YURI!!!

    Brase, Little V, and Lois: I love Brooky being all motherly to little V awwwwwwwwww! :)

    Brase, little V, Lois, Tracy, Yuri, and Diane: Okay this is a very good idea. Diane can help! Where is Monica? Is she upstairs? Poor little V! So worried! :( I want to hug her. :(

  3. The Photoshop Awards and the new photos in the opening. It's a beautiful cast, why do they need airbrushed to death?

  4. okay so it is official Morgan returns for one day in August. I guess the pill thing finally comes to light and it must be like a dream for Ava or Sonny to see him and hear him.
    AUGUST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never even liked Morgan honestly so I am glad it is just one day.

  5. and I wonder if Diane is going to be Chase's lawyer and Alexis' Finn's lawyer? SURELY NOT!


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...