Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Listen To the Wind Blow


This week was just ok but just like last week, Friday hit and we all of a sudden had something to look forward to Monday!!

Congrats on the Emmy Awards that GH gathered. I wish Finola would have won. Glad last year's writing team got an award, especially since Dan has left the show. Shannon Peace gets one too! Last year was strike year remember but the Epiphany memorial saved the day. 

So, let's grab some TEQUILA (drink of the week) and let's GO!! 

THE BURNER:   Monday's show had the end of the shootout (we knew Jason wasn't getting a bullet). BUT !! The real glorious, wonderful moment was when Anna dialed the 'secret' number and VALENTIN answered on the other end!! I SHOULD have expected it but somehow, didn't!! It was just awesome. Finola of course, played it to perfection. She talked Jason into teaming up to get evidence on Valentin which "could take awhile" so be prepared. We also didn't get to see Valentin after that phone call so there was another missed beat on the show's part. (but who's counting?) 

THE MEMORIAL:  This week was really about Gregory's memorial. While the service itself was done really well, the lead up and aftermath was just stretched out to epic proportions. I don't think ChaLyn had half the number of scenes for their own wedding! Everyone spoke, Greg was scattered and the real outside parking lot and park was appreciated. The whole thing quickly shifted into a very Finn-centric story, however and we spent a LOT of time focusing on his drinking. 

THE BREATH:  Yep, that's Chase catching Finn doing tequila shots. Chase was basically dumbfounded and spent the next 3 days talking to Brook Lynn about his feelings, Finn's feelings, alcoholism (IT'S A DISEASE!!) and other aspects of Finn's life. 

THE JAKE:  Having Jake and his 'new' buddies go to The Brown Dog and see Finn was a stroke of genius. He's 17 now and buying some beers with fake IDs at a dive bar tracks. I didn't expect HIM to be the one to tell his mother about Finn and the lady at the bar, nor did I expect him to call Jason at the end of Friday's episode. I thought it might be Jason but thought "Nah, they'll go with Scotty or something". The fact that Jake, who's still angry at his father knows that Jason is loyal to Liz and will help no questions asked says volumes. It honored history and gave me some goosebumps. Jason will be on Monday. Liason Fans are rejoicing. 
PS. Really like Jake's friends.

THE BARB:  GIRL, you took one for the team and got Finn not only to buy a bottle of tequila, kissed him square on the mouth!! 

THE MOMENT:  Here it is, Becky giving a wordless performance before entering Finn's apartment. She already knows what she's going to see. 

THE MEMORY:  Trina gets a jolt when Giovani exits the pool and she realizes it's a 'ghost' of another memory about Spencer. The look on her face was so poignant and Tabyana played it perfectly. The kid playing Gio is really comfortable on screen and is fitting in nicely. He comes off younger however. but I will wait and see. I am NOT interested in him wooing Trina or any of that nonsense. It's way too soon and throwing them together would not be a good idea.

THE MAMA:  WHY. Just.. ugh. Anyway, Natalia LaRue is all up in Blaze's business. First with her singing and then with Kristina. She even tries to get Kristina to break up with Blaze as a preventive measure. Kristina is having none of it though, and apologizes to Blaze while Mama looks on all pissed. 

THE DRAMA: Early on in the week, we were treated to an out and out strange homophobic rant by Natalia that left us--and Ava pretty speechless. Not only does she think gay people are 'flighty' and can't sustain a relationship, she sees them as playing house until Kristina "gives the baby away".  Here I thought Ava was going to spill the whole thing about Sonny beating the ish out of Dex but nooooooooooooope. The only decent thing to come from this is that Ava got it all on her phone. 


Brook and Chase decide that Violet is going to "Q Summer Camp" to protect her from Tequlia-Finn.

Natalia goes on a big old rant to Ava who mistakenly tapes it on her phone

Jason shoots and kills his attacker who turns out to be a mobular hit man


When Anna phones the burner number, Valentin answers. 

Jason agrees to work with Anna to bring down Valentin 

Greg's memorial is done outside under a tree with speeches glore

Greg's wake at The Metro has Finn drinking 

Drew goes to Carly's to get her blessing to run for congress 

Spinelli plays in the pool with the kids and Maxie watches (LOVED IT) 

Giovanni got a job at The Metro Pool and meets the 20 something set 

Trina is swept up in emotions thinking about Spencer

Finn drowns his packing sorrows at a bar while Jake watches

Finn drowns his tequila brain with Barb, a bar lady he picks up and takes home

Elizabeth goes to Finn's house to check the situation out for herself. 

Kudos to Cynthia's hair ... but that whole sunscreen dialog was really... strange lol!! Looks like Wiley and Willow will be seeing more of her this summer. 

So, two great scenes this week that rocked me a bit: The Valentin reveal and Jake calling Jason. I only know he actually called Jason because of the previews for Monday...but I'm so looking forward to it!! I mean, get that man OUT of the coffee bean machine!  I'm happy ChaLyn will be moving into the Quartermaine mansion this summer because it makes sense and I like big, full houses where people can interact whenever. The SpyvsSpy aspect of Vanna will be good because of the players and it just might produce some intrigue.  Hope springs eternal my friends! 


  1. Thank you for taking your time to do this blog Karen

    Too many OOC characters these days for me :(

    1. AND, as I said yesterday; Finola should have won.

    2. Finola definitely should have won!

  2. Fantastic Sunday Surgery, kd. We are definitely on the same page here with the characters. I look forward to the teen+ crowd having some friend time at the pool, just being kids. And the littler ones at the Q's too. And I look forward eagerly to the oncoming spy story. (Plese don't drag it out till it disappears writers)

  3. Thanks for a great SS!
    Happy for all of the Emmy wins but with such a great cast GH seemed under represented. Hatman winning again was puzzling. Good actor but his story was meh. Nice to see so many in attendance and looking so lovely.
    Finn is a drug addict. He has a few drinks and he is an alcoholic. In just that short time he goes to a dive bar and picks up a babe. All within hours of his father's memorial. No. Why do they need this.
    Let's hope there is some summer fun on GH along with some serious drama.

  4. thoughts on Emmys: Yes Hatman winning was bizarre cause he didn't do much - and for sure Finola shoulda won......I've always thought the subtle acting is totally better than yellling and screaming (Like Michelle and Courtney) Finola is subtle....(When Michelle was Nina years ago and valentin sang to her at the Nurse Ball for example - her facial expressions and body language was SO much more than screaming and yelling....lots of GH people not there this year I noticed.
    -----Okay I am finally jumping on the bandwagon and thinking Finn IS leaving the show - either dies or has to go to rehab or whatever - cause the Gregory death is now ALL about Finn----
    -----still think the Drew running for office is gonna mean something ---- not sure what or skeletons in the closet, etc...
    -----I don't agree with rumors that Liz and Jason are gonna get together, though.
    -----Natalia - go away--------------------please something almost happen to Avery or someone so that Ava can finally confess about the pills....I am just sick that the Pikeman story is dragging out LONGER cause Anna has become another wimp.
    -----where are Terry, Robert, Marshall and Stella storyline....

    1. Hatman didn't do much but I wasn't surprised given the topic of the conversation between him and Curtis.

  5. Unfortunately, it's the reel that counts. Robert Gossett may not have been on much, but he made it count with his reel. That said...why on earth would the show waste an opportunity with a two-time Emmy winner and essentially, I think he's been written off the show or definitely taken off contract. With the lead actress category...I think having two actresses from GH diluted the voting. GH is blessed with a large stable of very talented leading actresses. That's the only way I can explain Michelle Stafford winning. I think even she was surprised.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...