Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Salt-Burn


Well, this week woke me right up and I didn't even need smelling salts!  I had the best time with seeing JJY come back and Friday's show flew by (in a good way). 

Quite a bit to talk about so let's get going. 

Note: All photos credit to Flutterby on Twitter. THANK YOU!! 

HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!! How could this NOT stir our hearts!?? John York returned to GH after undergoing his medical treatments for cancer. He looks great, sounds great and WELL... I cried a little bit for sure. Even Robert showed up for his welcome home. Mac explained he was "away helping out a friend" and that's all we know for now. He mentioned Frisco so maybe --just maybe--it's all tied to Pikeman? Who cares! He's home! 


Drunk as a Skunk Finn was visited by everyone it seems like and when Alexis showed up, he basically said Fk it and started drinking right in front of her. What does he do next? OH! He decides he can go back to work!! 

GUESS HOW THAT WENT? Terry and Portia told him he didn't have any patients anymore and to get on some help plan that GH offers. As you can see, Ol' Finn didn't take it well. He THEN Decided to...

Confront Liz because she tattled on him and proceeded to tell her off in an angry and mean-ass way she didn't deserve. This was SOBER sure if he's a great guy down deep after all! I really was seeing Caleb coming through and was hoping for fang growth but it was not to be. 

Oh, the only thing to do now is to go home and chug the rest of the vodka you had stashed away. Pass out--then wake up to your bloody hand. Chug some more vodka, pour it over your wound and suffer some kind of weird seizure thing and pass out again!! What could possibly happen next? 

Your worried little girl gets dropped off and finds you on the floor. She calls the last person who tried to call you and says she thinks you're dead. Who's that? Why it's TRACEY ANGELICA QUARTERMAINE THAT'S WHO!! Tracey calls the paramedics (who promptly say: Nah, he's not dead he's just a drunk) and takes Violet to ChaLyn's place. She tells them to get to the Q mansion while she goes back to deal with your loaded self. And BOY does she!! Tracey uses smelling salts and wakes you up. Tells you your kid is gone for good. Will you realize what a dick you're being and get some help? Hmmmm... Monday's previews suggests that nope, that's not happening. 


I'm going to do this quickly because it's just a major bummer in so many ways and it just keeps spinning and spinning. First of, Anna had to convince Jason AGAIN that she's going to get evidence from Valentin. She goes to dinner (after having wine with him the other night) at his house and snoops around. Finds nothing. Makes out with him on the couch while Jason skulks around outside. He's skulking because Jagger is all hell-bent on turning in Anna as the head of Pikeman and if he can't do that, he's going to put Carly in jail. The "evidence" Jagger has on Anna is basically null but that doesn't stop him.  I'm so over ALL OF THIS. That's all I'm going to say.
There is one part in this never-ending saga that  IS interesting! That is the: 


Spinelli gets into the FBI data base and hears the audio tape of Carly heading up the "Five Family" meeting. When you think about it, isn't it amazing they could record her when she was sitting in for Sonny but never got to record HIM in 25 years? LOL..Well, anyway, Spin can't erase the file, he can only save it. Sam hears it, loses her ish and goes to Carly to see if Carly knows that Jason faked his death. Carly's gobsmacked because she had no clue. Carly of course thinks Jason is a prince for protecting her and Sam lets her know that he's actually a jerk for letting his kids think he was dead all this time. (Maybe he should talk to Nina?) Sam is on a tear and I'm loving it. 


Sasha and Cody finally decide to make the wub and who shows up but VIOLIN-BOY!! Yes, we didn't hear Gio yet this week so I guess he had to practice by taking a stroll to the Q boathouse!! Sasha and Cody got comfy. Oh, she's also telling him to let Mac know he's his son. Tracey said much the same (although she doesn't know it's Mac).  PS. I'm glad Gio isn't a master of the tuba. 

This weirdly inserted scene between Scott and Lucy served to get the Heather-Hip story into everyone's orbit again. Why? Scotty saw dollar signs and wanted to help Heather out. Lucy told him he was crazy. 

I'm mentioning this scene because it was so odd and so...out of place I'm certain it was just flung in there. This meeting took place before Sam heard the tape. She had gone to Carly to get her to tell Jason to stay away from Danny. Now, hadn't we settled this? Didn't Sam soften her stance after talking to Jason and Dante? Am I going mad? This felt like it should have happened weeks ago. Carly talked to Sam about her wanting Jason's baby so badly and now being upset that Jason is "dangerous". Just weirdly out of place. 

Willow has a party and Drew announces he is running for US Congress. Everyone is happy until Carly marches into the warehouse and tells Jason that it's going to ruin his life. Another bizarre choice of scenes. She's freaking out about Drew running but when he came and talked to her about it, she was all "Cool!! You go, Drew"!! I honestly wonder if the writers look back at old scenes.

Trina had nothing to do but sit by the pool and listen to Gio. We get it...but can't you find a story for her? She also ran interference so Dex and Joss could talk alone. It's the Summer!! Get something going! 


Alexis gets her law license back 

Finn gets canned at work, then gets slobby drunk and Violet finds him passed out

ChaLyn take Violet in while Tracey tries to sober up Finn

Drew announces he's running for congress; Carly freaks

Sam asks Carly to tell Jason to stay away from Danny

Spinelli and Sam hear the FBI audio and realize Jason was protecting Carly all this time

Sam confronts Carly with the FBI tape

Mac is home!! He reunites with the whole family and friends

Sasha and Cody are ready to do the deed but are stopped by a violin

Cody wrestles with whether or not to tell Mac he's his son

Anna tries to get evidence on Valentin but so far, has failed

Valentin declares his love for Anna

Scott and Lucy discuss Heather's Hip

It was a week that had layers upon layers of dialog. Some led places, a lot did not. I really liked the acting on the show Friday. The talk between Chase, Brook and Violet had all the feels. I want to point out yet another continuity mistake: Anna tells Jason Friday she's having dinner with Valentin "tomorrow" but.. all of a sudden she's having dinner at Valentin's. (and it's still today). There are just so many moving pieces right now and a cast stretching out to Montana that I'm sure keeping it straight is a chore. They were on a roll with the teen scene for a hot minute and now that seems to have faded. It's summer, you need that younger gen to at least TRY to give the show a go! Oh! one more thing: Sonny's meds?? That's a plot point that has REALLY disappeared in the last 2 weeks. I know how bipolar works but not dealing with that issue when it was SUCH a big thing is puzzling. 

IF you made it this far, you've earned a tequila sunrise! ENJOY! 


  1. "PS. I'm glad Gio isn't a master of the tuba." ROFL

    I think what they're *trying* (not succeeding) with the Pikeman story is to set up having all the major players distrust each other. I guess we're now supposed to think that Jason has doubts about whether Anna is really on his side. I did enjoy the dinner scene between Anna and Valentin, and JPS plays "subtly sinister" so well.

    Scott trying to glom onto the "Heather hearing" storyline is definitely in character. First, Scott and Heather used to be close. Secondly, Scott is an ambulance chaser at heart and sees dollar signs.

    I really would like to see Selina and Brad again, at some point. I always FF through the Sasha and Cody scenes. Both are a waste of valuable screen time, IMO.

    Jane Elliott was perfection, as always.

  2. I am super, super sad they ruined VAnna, but did sort of enjoy their scene together at his place.

    JJY's return was so wonderful. Tristan, Kristina, Finola, and JJY have SO much history. It was such a genuine scene that the other actors were SO HAPPY to have their RL friend John back on the set. Too much loss for GH in recent years. Is Tristan Rogers ok? He hasn't been on much and a couple times ago he didn't look so good. Just worried about him.

  3. Thanks for another great SS, kd. I laughed out loud at the tuba crack. My sentiments exactly. Time and place, GH. Time and place.

    LOVED thet JJY is back and well. And Tracy was magnificent as always. I also loved the dance of joy with Diane and Alexis.

  4. Excellent SS! Thank you.
    So happy to have Mac back! He is a gift.
    Love the outcome for Alexis and hope to see more crazy court capers with Diane.
    Finn's story is being done well except for some details that drive me mad.
    I really think TPTB expect us to forget that Sonny is bipolar.
    Having characters be off air for so long and popping them back for little reason shows that GH really needs to trim the cast.
    Sam continues to irk me. Where the heck is Dante?

  5. ---agree with all you wrote Karen!
    ----and agree with others as also what I say - WHERE IS DANTE is just too bizarre. and I can't get past Drew not telling Sam bout running for office - even off-screen JUST TELL US! Did Sam care? What about Scout??
    ----still taking bets on Alexis' first case: Heather? Molly and TJ??? Chase and Violet???
    ----have not missed Lucy ONE BIT.
    ---LOVE this Tracy-----not vindictive but giving advice....
    ------I really need Mac to tell Anna that Frisco has proof about Brennan.
    ----Cates reminds me of the saying: lead, follow or get out of the way------he came to save Sonny ----------- and then bam it's Jason ----------and then bam he and Carly have a moment one night--------and then bam he wants to arrest Sonny and then bam --------he believes ANNA is in charge of Pikeman - WHAT AN IDIOT and ruined character...
    .i.e. RicochetRabbit
    ----I gotta say - good week except for Sam - who is a hypocrite tenfold.....and like people here commented -----------no continuity on days and storylines
    ------wonder where Marshall is???? did Drew tell Ned about office and I just forgot?????

    1. Nah, Ned has been MIA since right after the wedding.

  6. Wouldn't it be lovely if Sam was nabbed by the FBI for having possession of the ridiculous recording and hacking into their files. Having her in Pentonville sounds good to me.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...