Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The Wheels of Blackmail

Ah, back in the days when Murder Mysteries were awesome. See, Diana's killer was on DAILY...clues were dropped and it all melded into some juicy, shocking reveals!! It was so good. 

Now? Not so much. Paul is all of a sudden all up killing people. Ok. Ava found his works and wants to meet him at "Perks" to discuss blackmailing him.  He's all "are you calling my bluff" Oh yes, yes she is!! The cufflinks are clearly visible in the 'sex tape' says Ava.  She shows him she found the needles/meds. He's desperate to stop her. See, I think Susan or something HAS to be held over his head because he's not acting like a psychopathic "I gotta Kill" guy right now, it's more of a "I have to cover it up". 
Ava wants Julian to go free, those are her terms. 

Jordan goes to GH to find Elizabeth, who was supposed to come to the PCPD with information. Later, Hammy Finn LIES for Hayden and says he was with her during that time!! WHOA!!

RayHay so looks guilty about the Liz thing.  Franco wants to be with Liz in the room with her. HE's all Can I?? Can I??? Can I?? LOL 

Alexis sees Julian, he's harassing her..but it's TRACY!! OMG. She's going nutty. That was a good scene and I love Tracy and Alexis in the same space! More please.  Such a good idea to put them together!!  VERY good scene. Tracy remembers that someone set HER up for murder :) heh


  1. I'm drawing a big fat blank, Diana? My memory has really gotten bad. LOL!!

  2. See if this refreshes your memory, Michelle.

    1. Thanks Di! Yeh that was before my time. I can't remember when I actually started watching because I know of the whole L&L disco scene but I just remember them and course Jackie and Blackie, Ruby, Joe etc. Maybe I came in on the tail end. I think I started watching when I was 8 (I'm 47, in Nov). But thanks for the link. :)

  3. If Julian gets off, I think I will be hit by a massive case of projectile vomiting.

  4. "Karen says Ah, back in the days when Murder Mysteries were awesome. See, Diana's killer was on DAILY...clues were dropped and it all melded into some juicy, shocking reveals!! It was so good."

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!! Back then the mysteries were really good!!!

    The floating rib: Oh oh! Alexis is seeing things!!! Something is wrong with her!! But on the bright side, Love the Alexis and Tracy scene! Another scene with two people who are never in a scene together! :)

    The hospital: When are they going to get rid of the red?!!?! It feels like they are going to make a porn in the middle of the hospital with all the red! :) Now all they need is porn music! :)

    RayRay, Finny, and BobTodd: Awwww Finny defending RayRay! :)

    RayRay and Finny:

    Finny: I was wrong! I don't want you to leave town.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Monica and Jordan: Oh! Another scene with two people who are never in a scene together! Me likey! I wonder is Monica still dating that judge?

    Monica and Griffy: Oh! Love that Griffy poo told Monica about the needle!!!! I was waiting for her to ask him where did you get it, and then he tells her and then she says, I was there!!!! I was next!!!! But alas she didn't. :(

    BobTodd and Griffy: Great scene!!! Poor BobTodd. So worried about Lizzy.

    The locker room:

    Monica and Paul: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Paul puts the needle in his pocket?!!?! He could have stuck himself with a needle! For someone who has been killing people, that was pretty dumb! Dumb Mr. Murderer! DUMB!

    Finny and RayRay: Finny wins the line of the day.

    Finny: Wait a minute. Your husband tried to kill you and you still married him?

    ROFL! Yeah confusing ain't it? :)

    RayRay: Do you believe me?

    Finny: Yes.

    Awwwwww! :)

    Finny: Help me understand how you could be that selfish, or the very least this clueless!


    Finny, RayRay and Jordan: Finny, RayRay and Jordan: OH! YAY! Finny lies for RayRay and is protecting her! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Liz's room: Oh oh Liz's right side hurts! What is THAT about? Oh oh now Liz and BobTodd think RayRay pushed Liz down the stairs! YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?!!?!?! BobTodd won't tell Liz about RayRay being her sister! He is going to want RayRay to stay away from Liz!!!! Oh oh Jordan eavesdrops!! She is gonna want to talk to RayRay again! Liz has pictures on her phone!!! Get the pictures she accidentally took!!! The pusher is in the pictures!!!!

    Paul's hotel room:

    Hehehe Ava you going to blackmail Paul? :) Careful. He could turn on you and try to kill you!!!

    Central Perk: Paul and Ava scene. This is fun! :) Well it was, until she blackmails Paul to get her brother out of jail. Rats! What about the damn flashdrive?! GAH!

    1. Thank you! I thought the same thing when he stuck it in his pocket! That would've been karma hahaa! I agree with you on the Jordan/Monica &Alexis/Tracy scenes. I admit I enjoyed the Finn Haychel scenes I coming around??? I also loved Friz scenes.:) I too hoped that scenario would happen between Griffin and Monica when he told her about the syringe. Ok, something that is annoying was great of BobTodd to call Audrey, what annoys me is the writers, Aiden and Cameron are with Audrey and Jake is NEVER with her, he's always off doing something...wth? Am I the only one annoyed?

    2. Oh and your comment about making a point because of the red hilarious!!

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  7. That was a great storyline (Diana Taylor's murder). I absolutely loved Heather's mom, Alice: (Heather LSD)

    Which brings me to another great murder storyline: Heather's cousin Susan Moore (Jason's mom):

  8. sonya said...

    "Karen says Ah, back in the days when Murder Mysteries were awesome. See, Diana's killer was on DAILY...clues were dropped and it all melded into some juicy, shocking reveals!! It was so good."

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!! Back then the mysteries were really good!!!

    Something tells me, no victim will be writing Paul's name in blood on the floor.

    The locker room:

    Monica and Paul: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Paul puts the needle in his pocket?!!?! He could have stuck himself with a needle! For someone who has been killing people, that was pretty dumb! Dumb Mr. Murderer! DUMB!

    The cap was put back on the needle, by then.

    Liz's room: Oh oh Liz's right side hurts! What is THAT about?

    She probably broke a few ribs. Take it from someone who has fallen and broken their ribs many times over the years, A fall like that, rolling sideways down a bunch of stairs, I would have been more surprised if she DIDN'T break any ribs.


    1. Ouch! (Rib break).
      He worked that quick....and quietly to put the needle back on?

  9. Hum, I wonder if Liz will need surgery...perhaps an organ transplant or blood transfusion from a family member...someone like her sister?

  10. "K says: Something tells me, no victim will be writing Paul's name in blood on the floor."

    No because all his victims are dead! ROFL! So maybe if Ava kills him, she can do it. :)

    "The cap was put back on the needle, by then."

    Well that was mighty quick! Hahahaha! He has talent! :)

    "I would have been more surprised if she DIDN'T break any ribs."

    ROFL! That would have been so unrealistic if that happened. :)

    "Michelle Latta says I started watching when I was 8 (I'm 47, in Nov)."

    And I will be 43 in June. :) Ohhh your birthday is in a couple of months!!!!! Will go by quick! :)

    "I admit I enjoyed the Finn Haychel scenes I coming around???"

    Looks like it! YAY! :)

    "Oh and your comment about making a porn because of the red hilarious!!"

    ROFL! Thanks! :)

  11. I know! My birthday is Nov 2nd, Scorpio thru and thru! Haha!

    Yeh I agree he did put it on quick, oh well.
    I loved his face when Ava pulled the drug out of her purse, ha!
    I guess maybe I'm warming to her cause I really don't think she pushed Liz, the look on her face wasn't eye daggers, she looked shocked to see her on the ground. Plus, I mean Finn, she's being paired with ol' blue eyes Michael Easton. 😊❤

  12. Loved the Tracy-Alexis scenes. As much as I complain, we are seeing more of the vets/best actors on the show, and these two are at the top. I thought a potential romance between Anna and Paul was in the works, and now I am wondering if FH will be leaving eventually and that is why they are putting Paul in this position. Unless he has been brainwashed there is no rhyme or reason for him to be the serial killer.

    1. She's doing a summer movie I believe, and her come back to GH has been extended but she is coming back. I never got the vibe that she was being paired with Paul. She and Jordan were pissy at each other over Andre, at least Jordan was. I figured they'd put Paul with Ava.

    2. She's doing a summer movie I believe, and her come back to GH has been extended but she is coming back. I never got the vibe that she was being paired with Paul. She and Jordan were pissy at each other over Andre, at least Jordan was. I figured they'd put Paul with Ava.

  13. I never got the vibe that she'd be with Paul either. They had 0 chemistry.

  14. Paul apparently didn't agree, LOL.

  15. Di said...

    I never got the vibe that she'd be with Paul either. They had 0 chemistry.

    I was starting to enjoy the friendship they were starting to forge, after Carlos was killed. I never saw any romantic chemistry neither, but as friends, yeah.

    Michelle Latta said...

    She's doing a summer movie I believe, and her come back to GH has been extended but she is coming back. I never got the vibe that she was being paired with Paul. She and Jordan were pissy at each other over Andre, at least Jordan was. I figured they'd put Paul with Ava.

    Well, originally, the plan had been for there to be a Tracy/Paul/Laura triangle, when he first came on board. But, MW said she wanted to work with RB, and things got shifted around at the last minute, giving us the muddy mess that Paul was a mob kingpin. (This being RIGHT after an interview he did in SOD, saying that Paul was a really good guy at heart. He may screw up a bit, when doing things. But, his intention is always for good, and the benefit of his family. Nothing bad or malicious at all.) That being when anything that had been intended to happen was scrapped, and that's when they fully started making this shit up as they went along, with no set structure, details, or plot points.

    Back to Anna though, yeah. FH was originally supposed to be back by now. But, she extended her vacation for a couple months. Thus, why they brought Robert back in, to further those storylines and others. (As far as a temp fix for this, I'm MORE than pleased in it. :))




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