Sunday, August 14, 2016

Sunday Surgery: The Week That Wasn't

Hopefully you've read my post below explaining my taking a walk away from the show. I wasn't going to do anything this Sunday but I thought why not open it up to you, the readers! I watched the first few days then needed to rest.  

I've grabbed some photos off twitter and I'll try to imagine what everyone was saying. Was I close? !! 

Krissy: OMG Like I"m SO MAD at you
Alexis: Sigh...I know...
Krissy: LIKE SO SO MAD!!!!
Alexis: Yep. I can tell by your face. 

HALLO? Dis...Dis is Dockatah LESIL Obreackkk and I needs to have de recipe for the streudles post haste! 

Ava: Scott! You have your pants down!
Scott: Well, well.. just a little bit...
Ava: And it wasn't even FOR ME!! 

Carly: It's a kidney Sonny.. a kidney
Sonny: Well, how do we know she ain't lyin'....
Carly: You saw that scar! Who lies about their scar?
Sonny: Um, that last girl that tried to scam you... ?
Michael: (to self) Oh, that red shirt. Sabrina never wears red...

Jason: Mumble. (talks into hair)
Sam: Um...don't whisper
Jason: 'kay 

Liz: Weren't we just in an elevator?
Franco: Yeah, different day.

Liz: How can you tell? 
Franco: You have your holiday colored scrubs on

Nina: Why didn't you tell me you were like a really bad guy?
Valentin: Because I wanted hot sex

Nina: Well, duh...that would have made it even hotter!! 

Hope you all had a good week. The summer is winding down. We don't go back to school here until Sept. 7thso we still have a good run to go yet. I'm enjoying my GH free downtime. Had a lobster roll over the weekend which is strange for me. I only eat lobster in Maine but made an exception because these looked perfect. (and they were! In East Aurora NY no less!) 

Olympics have been cool---green pool, green hair, Simones-- but it's on so damn late!! 

See ya when I see ya. :) 


  1. Hi Karen. Thanks for posting a Sunday Surgery. You're captions were pretty accurate. Totally get your frustration with the show. Totally agree with your comments. And above all totally understand you need a break. They're just leaving us hanging until November. How tptb keep let this travisty continue is beyond me. It's not like they wouldn't have the talent if they cut bloated cast. Most of the day writing is good. But too many stories. No continuity.

    Take the time you need. We'll all miss you terribly. Enjoy the rest of your summer.

  2. Hahaha Karen! So funny. Especially, Jason: Mumble. (talks into hair. ROFL! Yeah I get it, GH isn't what it used to be. On that last blog you posted, you said,

    "I love my GH--it's history, it's characters and have watched since 1977. I'm bored and apathetic. Tired of trying to get invested in stories and characters that go nowhere."

    I was born in 1974 and watched GH since I was little! My mom watched it since she was pregnant with me. So I watched it in the womb. :) I miss how GH used to be, that's why I made a nostalgia blog. Perfect time for it.

    1. Haha that was my favorite part too (talking into the hair).

      Karen I didn't watch Friday and have to say I didn't miss it and have no desire to watch on Hulu. I'm off Mon and Tues and don't know if I'll watch then either.
      Maybe the writers will wake up when ratings tank (and they aren't great as it is), ya know before it's canceled.

  3. I am so not interested in GH anymore that the only thing that jumped out at me in your Sunday Surgery was the Lobster Roll in East Aurora... Where? I want to go get some!! I live not too far from there....

    Keep reading where the actors, the producers, even the network, talk about what a great show GH is, and how they are pleasing the audience. Bunk. Total bunk....

    1. I read Frank's interview about how great it's doing etc etc and I'm like, say what? He's so delusional....
      The cast is bloated, the storylines are choppy, fans are unhappy and tuning out. Oh yeh it's doing real great! smh

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. On Fridays show, Valentin told Lulu and Dante that he would have shaken Luke's hand if they ever met, because he admired Luke for always surviving whatever Helena threw at him. It was just a little moment, but I thought Wow, that was some actual dialogue I wasn't expecting. I wouldn't have predicted those lines, and it actually made sense, Helena being a common enemy. The show is so predictable and boring anymore that I appreciated that someone behind the scenes had spent a minute and thought that through. I thing that's called grasping at straws.

    Your dialogue for the pics was pretty much dead on. Wish the show was as entertaining as your blog.

  5. It's hard to watch and enjoy the show. One of the reasons are these little "mysteries" they throw at viewers and never resolve in a timely manner or at all.

    You're telling me Obrecht who learned evil plotting at the side of Falzon wouldn't have already figured out What the deal is with Dr. Finn or who is killing off the patients?
    And let's set it up to look like Nicholas is dead and bring him back again. Rinse. repeat. Like who seriously believes he's dead and won't pop up miraculously when Tyler Christopher returns?
    and the hysterical raving of Ava and Christina this week were more annoying than interesting.
    I wish Alexis would tell Christina, "Your "girlfriend" Parker is a grown ass woman and no one could make her dump you unless that's what she really wanted.

  6. PM61 said...I wish Alexis would tell Christina, "Your "girlfriend" Parker is a grown ass woman and no one could make her dump you unless that's what she really wanted.

    Hear. Hear. And didn't you love it when grown-up, mature Krissie replied "Yeah, whatever." to her mom. An "adult" daughter would have been pissed but would have at least waited till her mom got finished with the Bar Association hearing before attacking her. But no, it's always all about Krissie. She has the maturity of a 13 year old. And Parker was definitely taking advantage of that. And she knew it or she wouldn't have backed off after her talk with Alexis.

  7. Nice new photo Michelle! I echo all that was said. If TPTB think they are doing such a great job there is no hope for improvement. I wanted to add that B&B on Monday and Tuesday had a banner asking viewers to voice their opinions on the show. I took the survey and they asked questions on which characters they wanted to see more or less of, opinions on storylines and just about everything. I wish GH had the guts to do the same. I really commend B&B for doing this.

    1. Thanks! This one is alot newer, lost 37 lbs and love my thinned out face. :)

      That's a GREAT idea, I wish GH would do the same

  8. sonya said...

    "I love my GH--it's history, it's characters and have watched since 1977. I'm bored and apathetic. Tired of trying to get invested in stories and characters that go nowhere."

    I was born in 1974 and watched GH since I was little! My mom watched it since she was pregnant with me. So I watched it in the womb. :) I miss how GH used to be, that's why I made a nostalgia blog. Perfect time for it.

    I've been watching GH since '79, Y&R and DAYS since '81 or '82. and B&B since it began in '87. I watched soaps as a kid with my grandmother. It was something we both loved and bonded over. They're literally one of my last connections I had with her. So, as frustrated as I am with the way all 4 soaps are going right now, it's still hard for me to just up and quit watching them. (Not to mention the fact that we're down to only 4, and even that is VERY shaky anymore. Making it even harder to stop, as who knows how much longer we'll even have them around.)

    Michelle Latta said...

    I read Frank's interview about how great it's doing etc etc and I'm like, say what? He's so delusional....The cast is bloated, the storylines are choppy, fans are unhappy and tuning out. Oh yeh it's doing real great! smh

    When I read that I practically had to pick my jaw up from the ground. The disconnect he has from his description to what actually plays out on screen, is truly mind-blowing. What I watch everyday (I really do try to FF as little as possible, but some stuff I just can't watch) has so very little resemblence to how he believes the show to be doing. I knew his take on how to run things, was a little less orthodox, than most other EPs, but I had no idea he was that out of touch with reality. :(


  9. There was a time when I would have been heartbroken if GH was cancelled. Now, I'd just shrug my shoulders and get back a half an hour every weekday (I FF through all Sonny/Carly and Jason/Sam scenes; they're always the same dialog over and over.) I love the characters (well, some of them), but the stories are dull, chopped up, take too long, and are so obviously written by new committee each week instead of being thoughtfully planned out.

    It's sad that we're watching an entertainment genre go through its death throes.

    1. I agree, I mean sure it'd be sad if it were canceled, but at this point I wouldn't be too heart broken. I had a chance to watch live today cause I'm off, but a friend from HS was in town, I went and saw him and it didn't even occur to me to I missed it. Oh well. Sad, but true....

  10. Paint and wall: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Oh finally she tells Wall about baybay Trim! Now back to sleep. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Wall: I want you to be my wife. Will you please marry me?

    Oh crap! Now I gotta watch Paint and Wall get married. That will be boring! Watch both of them mumbling their vows. UGH!

    Metrocourt elevator:

    Dillon: Well if I'm so pathetic, why is being in the same room as your girlfriend threaten you so damn much? '

    Because stupid Moron is jelly!!! #Jellyface

    Metrocourt restaurant: Ava is sitting at the table watching the show!!! :) The show was fun! Dillon wins the line of the day!

    Dillon: It's hot! It's hot!

    ROFL! Like I said great show! :) And of course Morgan the idiot has a jelly face again..

    Kiwi: I'm flattered that I matter that much to you, but It's nice that you have an outside project.

    OH BURN!!!!!! :)

    Central Perk: Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos, Sabrina, and Michael. Michael got the Jelly face on and then so does Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos! :) And Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos is right Sabrina you are so hot and cold with him! Last time you talked to him, you were relaxed and all flirty!

    The hospital: Oh that's Nell! At first I thought it was Joss. They look so much alike. Wow there is a waiting area!!!! :0 They should keep using that and not just stand there or walk around and around and around.

    Nell: I'm an only child.

    Carly: Me too.

    Nell: I've always wanted a baby brother or sister.

    Okay what the hell? ROFL! They both are only children? Nell always wanted a baby brother sister? Is this foreshadowing or what?!?!!?! It's like it's a clue that Nell and Carly are mother and daughter! :) Oh Jax is feeling all the guilt feels!!!! MONICA!!!! :) Wow she got the results really quick! Lickity split!


    Dillon and Ava: Whatever your plan is Ava, DO IT DO IT DO IT! :) Can I help? :)

    Nina's office: A new job? An expense account with overtime?! And when he is done she will give him a bonus?!!?!

    Nina: I want you to find me a baby.

    WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!?! That look Curtis gave her, yup that is me!!! RA RO a black market baby?!

    1. Say what? Nina possibly going crackers again??? Wait, Carly isn't really an only child....I guess technically she is since Lucas is adopted. Wasn't BJ adopted by Bobbie as well, I know Tony was her dad, and deceased Tonya her mom....anyways.
      Was the show worth the watch Sonya?

  11. "K says I've been watching GH since '79, Y&R and DAYS since '81 or '82. and B&B since it began in '87. I watched soaps as a kid with my grandmother."

    Yeah I also watched AMC when I was little. My mom also watched AMC since she was pregnant with me. So we watched GH and AMC together. And OLTL I watched since I was 11. Y&R I watched ever since AMC was cancelled.

    1. I started watching GH around the age of 8-10. I do know I saw L&Ls wedding but the famed Disco stuff I don't remember. I started watching OLTL and then Y&R when I was a teenager. As a reminded me of my Papa and Bo and Clint, the whole Buchanan thing of my family haha. As for the other I loved Cricket and Danny. When Port Charles came along, I LOVED that! Sad when it was canceled. Eventually it was down to GH and OLTL...

    2. I started watching GH around the age of 8-10. I do know I saw L&Ls wedding but the famed Disco stuff I don't remember. I started watching OLTL and then Y&R when I was a teenager. As a reminded me of my Papa and Bo and Clint, the whole Buchanan thing of my family haha. As for the other I loved Cricket and Danny. When Port Charles came along, I LOVED that! Sad when it was canceled. Eventually it was down to GH and OLTL...

  12. "Michelle Latta said...Say what? Nina possibly going crackers again???"

    ROFL! I have no idea!

    "Wait, Carly isn't really an only child....I guess technically she is since Lucas is adopted. Wasn't BJ adopted by Bobbie as well, I know Tony was her dad, and deceased Tonya her mom....anyways."

    They were talking about when they were growing up. So Carly WAS an only child growing up.. :)

    "Was the show worth the watch Sonya?"

    The Metrocourt restaurant show was great!!!! :) Worth the price of admission! So you should really watch that! :)

    1. Yeh that's true, when you look at it like that. I know it sounds crazy but I hope she is Carlys daughter SO between her and Joss they can drive her batty. Haha!

  13. "Michelle Latta said...When Port Charles came along, I LOVED that! Sad when it was canceled. Eventually it was down to GH and OLTL..."

    I also watched Port Charles! AND I also watched Loving! Loved Loving.. That's when I first "met" Laura Wright! :)

    1. Caleb WAS HOT! I didn't care for Livvie, guess I'm just not a Kemo fan. I loved Jamal and Allison oh and Rafe ❤

      Oh I'm watching GH right now. Sam is so weird, omg I'm pregnant....whisper whisper gag...
      I loved the scene with Carly and Nelly. I hope they are related!
      Jax is guilty.....about to find out results

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I remember the first time I saw Laura, she was going by Sisk cause she and John hadn't married yet. She was on an episode of Live with Regis and Kathie Lee. I used to get Laura and Kelly Ripa confused (have no idea why) LOL but just loved them both and was thrilled when Kelly got the Live gig.

  14. wall and paint have to be the most boring couple in the history of soaps. what ever happened to Helena's curse on Sam. maybe that would make them more interesting.

  15. sonya said...Wow there is a waiting area!!!!

    I guess they heard us. That makes so much more sense than walking or sitting on stairs in a busy hospital.

    As for Jason and Sam that was so disappointing.. I've had family members lose babies and have babies stillborn and it's an emotional topic for me, but I felt nothing. They just talked and talked and mumbled and talked and even the tears did nothing to move me. The brief scene with Joss and Nell moved me more.

    Speaking of that scene with Joss and Nell I was expecting to see some emotional stuff coming tomorrow as that scene ended the show but by the looks of things we won't. We get to have another teenage hissy fit instead. That will be such a disappointment.

    Nina doesn't necessarily want a black market baby. She can be asking him to see about finding her a private adoption. It doesn't have to involve a stolen kid.

  16. "Di said...I guess they heard us. That makes so much more sense than walking or sitting on stairs in a busy hospital."

    Yeah! So much better and makes more sense!!

    "and even the tears did nothing to move me."

    Oh I forgot to mention, that Kelly Moncaco's eyes were red.. So she must of had to cry a lot! And hey she just turned 40 in May! Another member of the 40's club! And she looks good!

    "Nina doesn't necessarily want a black market baby. She can be asking him to see about finding her a private adoption. It doesn't have to involve a stolen kid."

    Yeah I hope it's a private adoption!

  17. "Michelle Latta said...Caleb WAS HOT!"

    Hell yeah he was!!!! :)

    "I loved Jamal and Allison oh and Rafe ❤"

    Yeah they were awesome!

    "Oh I'm watching GH right now. Sam is so weird, omg I'm pregnant....whisper whisper gag..."


  18. sonya said...

    "K says I've been watching GH since '79, Y&R and DAYS since '81 or '82. and B&B since it began in '87. I watched soaps as a kid with my grandmother."

    Yeah I also watched AMC when I was little. My mom also watched AMC since she was pregnant with me. So we watched GH and AMC together. And OLTL I watched since I was 11. Y&R I watched ever since AMC was cancelled.

    I watched AMC and OLTL also since about the mid 80s until they were canceled, and all of PC's run. (I know I'm in the minority, but I just didn't care much for when they went to the `book' format.) I've also off and on over the years watched Another World, Santa Barbara, As the World Turns, Ryan''s Hope, and Loving. I even tried to watch Passions, but gave up after a year or so, and absolutely NOTHING was resolved.

    I was born with a genetic degenerative neuro-muscular condition, so being disabled and unable to work, one of the few positives from it, is I've been able to watch a lot of soaps over the years.

    Oh crap! Now I gotta watch Paint and Wall get married. That will be boring! Watch both of them mumbling their vows. UGH!

    That was my thought exactly! I've gotten to the point where I just turn on closed captions when watching GH anymore. And I've NEVER had to use them otherwise, before. :(

    MONICA!!!! :) Wow she got the results really quick! Lickity split!

    That is one fast lab! Usually it takes at least an hour or so, if not days when I have just basic labwork done.

    Michelle Latta said...

    Yeh that's true, when you look at it like that. I know it sounds crazy but I hope she is Carlys daughter SO between her and Joss they can drive her batty. Haha!

    I am so torn about this idea. Part of me thinks it could be a really fun idea. But another part of me thinks the writers would totally screw things up, and it would be really disappointing.


    1. Haha the results, yeh lickity split. Shoot I have to wait 2 wks for my biopsy results and even though Friday marks 2 wks I have a feeling it won't be til Monday. Wish I lived in soap time. LOL!

  19. Check out the new GH promo! Heatwave!

    1. Just saw it while watching LIVE. They really make it look good from the promos,now if they could just put that much effort into the show.

  20. "K says and all of PC's run. (I know I'm in the minority, but I just didn't care much for when they went to the `book' format.)"

    Oh I didn't like the book format either!!! It was annoying. I loved Caleb and Livvie, and waited a long time for him to bite her.. I couldn't take it anymore and stopped watching it.. I stopped watching after Surrender. Didn't think he would ever bite her.. But then he did and I missed it. But it's on youtube. :)

    "That was my thought exactly! I've gotten to the point where I just turn on closed captions when watching GH anymore. And I've NEVER had to use them otherwise, before. :("

    Awww. :( Well I guess you will have to use it while they say their vows..

    "That is one fast lab! Usually it takes at least an hour or so, if not days when I have just basic labwork done."

    It's a magical lab! :)

  21. I remember when Port Charles was about to start, and my girlfriend Karen (who passed away, who I worked with and who I've spoken about here), said, "Now you'll have to quit your job so you'll have time to watch both shows." Shortly thereafter, I left my career (due to some horrible consultants taking over my company), took the summer off, then started graduate school in August. I was able to watch both shows, and I did enjoy PC, as a lot of the GH vets were on it. I started school in 1998, so that must be when PC started, does anyone remember?

  22. sonya said...

    Oh I didn't like the book format either!!! It was annoying. I loved Caleb and Livvie, and waited a long time for him to bite her.. I couldn't take it anymore and stopped watching it.. I stopped watching after Surrender. Didn't think he would ever bite her.. But then he did and I missed it. But it's on youtube. :)

    My main problem with the whole book format, was that it just went all in batshit (pun intended) crazy with the supernatural/paranormal crap. Now, I would have been fine with it, had they said it was something along the lines of an alternate reality. But, instead they said it was still within the rest of the somewhat connected ABC `soapverse'). Whenever GH did that type of thing, with the exception of the `Casey' storyline, they at least tried to keep stuff as realistic as possible. A year or so ago, I went and rewatched the Ice Princess and Malkuth storylines. The Ice Princess was still as fun and enjoyable as when it first aired. With the exception of some silliness (Luke suddenly gaining psychic powers), it was still pretty fun, and held up better than I remembered it being. It still felt much more plausible than what PC turned into. I stuck with PC until the end though, primarily for Kevin and Lucy!




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