Monday, August 8, 2016

Bobbie's Birthday

Sam is in the hospital. Franco asks her to "watch Jake" because he's worried about him. WEIRD. Sam and Liz talk about Nik's real death. Later, Hammy comes in. Sam totally recognizes him as looking like Silas. I swear some mag had an interview with Jelly saying No one would 'recognize him' again! ahahhaaa.

Bobbie was at the coffee hub and invited Jax and JASON?? to her party. I can see Jax...but?? Huh? Jason says thanks but nope. 

Jason sees Jake at the coffee spot.  Jake tells Jason that Franco hangs out with Liz and him. Also says he's great about art. Jason isn't happy. 

Joss wants her parents to get along. Everyone comes to Bobbie's party. Jax gives her a locket with Joss' pic in it. Carly tells Jax she's stopped looking for Joss' kidney. Just then, the doorbell rings and a girl is standing there. You know she's kidney donor. They say Lucas is on his honeymoon, but wasn't Lucas talking to Julian the other day? Good GOD with this show.

Kiki and Morgan take their STD pills. Ava comes in. Gives Morgan death-stare. Morgan leaves. Kiki and Ava launch into convo 900 about Morgan. Ava finds the antibiotics. 

Franco gives Liz her painting. Monica calls and suspends him. He wants his dog Daisy back (remember her?) 

Later, Liz and Jake talk at the coffee place. He asks her if she's seeing Franco. She says YEP. 

@@ I can't even.


  1. Bobbie looked fantastic today. I hope they start using her more now. After all she is part of Saint Sonny's family.

    I loved Ava's talk with Kiki where she made the jab about Morgan not being too bright and it was rubbing off on Kiki along with his diseased skin cells. ( Not sure of the exact wording now but I laughed at the time.)

    Sam being pregnant is beyond ridiculous. I swear these writers don't know what else to do with women in terms of plot. I was honestly hoping the hospital killer would get her. *sigh*

    Franco is getting way too much screen time. What was the point of that soliloquy?

  2. They did EXACTLY what they said they weren't gonna do....smdh. (The Silas Clay/Finn thing). I hate these writers.
    I have to admit the kid playing Jake is a cutie.
    LMAO when Franco walked into Sam's room. I do love him and Liz!

  3. And as far as Joss, she's being a little brat! Maxie was so grateful, yet sad for her cousin when she got BJ'S heart but Joss is horrified that people at school will treat her different etc, please slap her somebody. It doesn't matter if she's "perfectly healthy" right now, things change....I was perfectly healthy and then was diagnosed with seizures almost 13 yrs ago.

  4. We all knew that Sam would be pregnant. Why they wrote it like "we don't know" I will never understand. Love that Liz is standing her ground. Jason really has no say after running away with Sam and leaving both sons behind to "clear his name".

  5. I haven't watched today's show yet, but I do NOT like the rumor from the other day that Franco & Liz are gonna be dropped.

    I incredibly like them as a couple, and I'm ready for Elizabeth to have a relationship that has a chance of lasting. They are also the ONLY COUPLE IN RECENT HISTORY who have been allowed a slow build to a relationship. We've seen them getting to know each other and have actual conversations that have led to the development of a romance.

    When is the last time that has happened (in a realistic manner) on this show?

  6. Cheryl, I think the last time was actually Liz and AJ and their very sweet, budding romance. And we all know how that ended. :( Poor Liz can't catch a break.

    1. Which makes me wonder why the writers hate her? She's the town pariah, all her relationships fail....smh

  7. I wonder if this new chic Nell is going to turn out to be a daughter Carly gave up for adoption when she lived in FL (like Bobbie gave her up), but has always harbored this secret and regret which also drove her anger against Bobbie for giving her up. Maybe a child with Reese's dad? It would also make sense considering her kidney was a match for Jocelyn's. If so, I think karma is about to really catch up to Carly.

    Interestingly, the actress playing Nell played young Pat when LW played her mom Lena during Luke's flashback episodes. Coincidence? I'm wondering...

  8. Franco and Liz are not dropped. They were dropped as apart of the Cassadine Island storyline. I agree that Sam and Jason don't need another kid and neither does Dante and Lulu. Why is it so hard to get Carly and Valerie scenes. I guess the show forgets there are other families on the show.

    1. At least Val was mentioned at the birthday party, I sometimes forget myself that they are related. LOL!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Franco and Liz aren't being dropped and that's not a rumor, it's bait! LOL Looking forward to watching today's show.

  10. I was disappointed the writers glossed over Morgan and Michael seeing Jax. Morgan walked right by and didn't even say hello. Jax helped raise them both, and he and Morgan were very close, yet neither Michael nor Morgan even had any lines with Jax.

    Bobbie did look great today. I thought her outfit and hairstyle looked really modern too.

    I think LiamAZ is right. I was trying to figure out what the connection would be on how Nelle could be Joss's kidney donor, and I bet this girl is Carly's daughter, because the writing really foreshadowed it today. Carly talking about how she treated Bobbie when she first came to town, and the donor being a perfect match, has to be that this girl is Carly's daughter. How many long-lost relatives does that family need though? I think this family is big enough. Dante was Sonny's unknown son, Carly was Bobbie's, Avery turned out to be Sonny's daughter, Valerie was an unknown cousin, and now maybe another child in the Spencer-Corinthos family. Meanwhile Jeromes are crawling all over the place, and Liz Webber only has her children as her family.

    Yes, the continuity was very bad with Carly's comment about Lucas, since we saw Lucas rip into Julian at the hospital. It was one of those WTH moments.

    Not in the mood for another Jasam baby. I'm hoping it turns out to be something tied to Helena's curse and it's not really a pregnancy.

  11. I wish Laura and Lulu had been at Bobbie's party. (JZ does look great!) I'm not a Val fan, so did not miss her.

    Loved Liz putting Jason in his place.

    Wish Kiki had asked Ava is SHE made Morgan wear a condom when he was boinking her.

    1. I think Kiki should've made the condom comment about Sonny, even if she did get cutie pie Avery outta it. But can you imagine it when Avery is old enough and learns of how she came to be, crypt sex. Haha!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. know I wrote a fan-fic about a couple years back. I had Reese's supposedly dead son Jamie turning out to really be a son that Carly gave up for adoption after she had sex with Reese's father. In that storyline, I also had re-written Reese's parents to actually be Tony Cassadine and Alexandra Quartermaine - who had been in hiding all these years and had faked their deaths to escape the Cassadines years ago.

    Also in that storyline, Reese had adopted her brother Jamie (since her father was dead and her mother was in an institution) and raised him as her own. Although it was assumed that Jamie died (Reese mentioned this on the show), I would have revealed that Victor Cassadine actually kidnapped him and raised him as a Cassadine.

    Later, Jamie (a bi-sexual character) would arrive in Port Charles and begin dating Lucas in order to get close to Carly so that he could pay her back for ditching him as a child and pay back both Carly and Sonny because of their association with Reese and her subsequent death for being involved in their lives.

    In any case... if this Nelle chic turns out to be Carly's, I wonder if Jax knew she had a daughter all along. Maybe he found out after digging up dirt on Carly during their custody battle for Jocelyn years back, but he decided never to use that against her.

    1. Oh that would be good! I could see that happening!

  14. Just started watching today's show. I think JZ had some corrective surgery. She looks so much better.

    Paint, wall & trim. So sad. So boring.

    Where's Sonya?

    1. So sick of Sam and now a bunch in the oven....gag.

  15. The hospital:

    Liz and McHammer: Oh love that Liz is defending BobTodd! :) Now Liz go find BobTodd and tell him you were the one who freed him!!!!

    Sam's room:

    BobTodd and Sam: BobTodd HUH?! ROFL! Well okay then. :) Oh shut up Sam! You have to use your husband as a threat for BobTodd? You can't threaten BobTodd yourself? UGH!

    Caleb and Livvie: Oh look! It's Caleb and Livvie! :) Oh oops I mean it's McSilas and Sam! Oh wait.........

    McHammer: You're pregnant.

    What is the baby called here? Trim? :) Paint and Wall,(aka Superman bully), Baby Trim, and Cheeto! Now they just need a cat and mouse named Tom and Jerry.

    Friz: :'(

    BobTodd: Love his soliloquy! Dumb that Monica had to suspend him. Makes no sense. BobTodd wins the lines of the day!

    BobTodd: My God I miss you! I know we weren't together long, but you were the only creature on this earth who ever understood me. Might be the only creature who ever will. Oh Daisy I'm so sorry. Did you pee on the antique carpet?


    Central Perk:

    Jax and Bobbie: Awwww love their scene!!!

    Bobbie and Jason: Well, Jason IS Carly's BFF! So yeah of course he is invited to Bobbie's birthday party.

    Jake and Jason:

    Jake: Franco Franco Franco Franco Franco Franco Franco Franco Franco Franco!

    *Jason's head explodes*

    Liz and Jason: I am so glad Liz stuck up for herself from that superman bully!

    Carson's home:

    Jax and Morgan: HUH?!!?!?!!??! Morgan just walked right past Jax and not even saying hello or a hug!?!!? How come Jax didn't say hi to him?! I'm so confuzzled!!!

    Nell and Michael: The party just started, and Michael makes Nell just stand there waiting until the party is over?!!?! What the hell Michael!!!! Good to see the actress again. :) I was wondering where Sabrina is.

    Nell: I think I'm your daughter's kidney donor.

    At first I thought she was going to say I'm your daughter! She does look like the original Carly! :)

    Kiwi's home:

    Dumb and Dumber: At first I thought the pills for dummy was his bi polar meds, and that Dumber's pills were her PTSD pills. I forgot all about the STI'S! I'm surprised they didn't share the pills! Oh so they DO have a STI!!! And when Ava showed up I was hoping she would see the pills!

    Ava and Kiwi: Wow! Love their scenes! So realistic!!! Your mother is right about everything Kiwi!!! And you know it! So stop being dumb!!! Glad Ava found the pills!!! Yes! More realistic worry about HIV!


    Sabrina: What are you doing here?


  16. Still watching. Wouldn't it have been fun if they took Sam when she was on CI and they impregnated her with lulu & stravos baby. Wall, paint & crownmolding. Lol.

  17. "GHfan said...Still watching. Wouldn't it have been fun if they took Sam when she was on CI and they impregnated her with lulu & stravos baby. Wall, paint & crownmolding." Lol.

    HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! You won!!!! :)

  18. " Michelle Latta said...Jason's head exploding, haha funny! "

    Hahahahaha! He wasn't happy! :)

  19. When was the last time we got a Spencer family scene. I'm glad the show remembers that Carly and Valerie are related. Maybe if Carly and Valerie would have more scenes together, Valerie would get new fans.

  20. sonya said...Jax and Morgan: HUH?!!?!?!!??! Morgan just walked right past Jax and not even saying hello or a hug!?!!? How come Jax didn't say hi to him?! I'm so confuzzled!!!

    This is a prime example of how FV and these new writers don't know GH history and don't care about it. They're more concerned with adding easter eggs that pertain to OLTL and other soaps.

  21. "Di said...This is a prime example of how FV and these new writers don't know GH history and don't care about it."

    I miss how GH used to be. *sigh*

  22. sonya said...

    McHammer: You're pregnant.

    What is the baby called here? Trim? :) Paint and Wall,(aka Superman bully), Baby Trim, and Cheeto! Now they just need a cat and mouse named Tom and Jerry.

    LOL! I was thinking Chips (ala paint chips). But, Trim works great!

    "Di said...This is a prime example of how FV and these new writers don't know GH history and don't care about it."

    I miss how GH used to be. *sigh*

    I think we pretty much all do, at this point. I'm just SOOO glad ABC hasn't made people that have posted old episodes on YT take down their stuff, like Sony did with Y&R and DAYS. As it's become pretty much our best/only salvation, these days.


  23. Liam, I like your fanfic. Too bad that viewers' fanfics are way better than what the writers sometimes come up with. I've seen more imagination in viewers' ideas for the show than on the actual show.

  24. "K says LOL! I was thinking Chips (ala paint chips). But, Trim works great!"

    Hahahaha. Chips. :)I forgot who started Trim.

    "I think we pretty much all do, at this point. I'm just SOOO glad ABC hasn't made people that have posted old episodes on YT take down their stuff, like Sony did with Y&R and DAYS. As it's become pretty much our best/only salvation, these days."

    Me too!!! Perfect time to have my nostalgic GH blog! We all miss the old days!!

  25. JZ did look great and I loved the party for her. SO glad Jax was included. I know I am in the minority here but Franco's soliloquy further established the fact that he is still a wacko. I think RoHo is good but he and Franco are just too creepy looking. Only a fellow wacko like Nina would ever be good with him - he is definitely not the romantic lead actor type and I don't care for him with Liz. Maybe Ric could have a tumor and be a good guy for her again. Jake is so cute and Finn was really cute with Sam. What doctor in a hospital today does his own blood work, though?

  26. Michelle, hopefully he didn't use the giant one he uses on himself!!

  27. "Michelle Latta said...Finn gives good needle ;)"

    ROFL! He sure does!! :)

  28. That was a good description.


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...