Thursday, August 18, 2016


Nikolas' funeral was off camera LOL  Hayden wants to talk about Nikolas. Lulu's like "you're a bitch" LOL
Laura and Kevin are there. Laura goes to cry and finds Hayden on the phone with her mama talking about Nikolas' money-- and Laura gets mad. Then, when talking to Kevin she realizes she's feeling guilt about leaving Nikolas in Greece when she went to PC. 
Kevin and Laura kiss. 

Alexis is hung over.  She and Sonny--stop it I like Mo and NLG so much so ergo, I like Sexis and I HATE SONNY.
So...stop it. 

Anyway, Alexis missed Nik's funeral mostly because she's hung over but also because she knows he's not dead! LOL
Nina walks in and tells she and Sonny Jules tried to escape. It's a very weird scene. Sonny runs out to tell "Brick" to take care of the Jerome situation.

Naxie is IN BED as usual. Later Maxie meets Lulu to talk about the wedding. Lulu  finds a hickey on Maxie's neck. 

Claudette gives Griff a message and it says "I have a surprise for you"..he's all..ugh.  She's working at GH. Griffin is not happy. She tells him she still loves him.
Griffin wants to tell Nate that Nate shot him. They kiss just as Naxie are walking in. 

Valerie looks in Finn's office and snoops through his files and gets hit on the head from behind. She goes DOWN. Curtis finds her (he was looking for her, not sure why?). She's ok... she gets up.  They took a cufflink that she put in her pocket. 


  1. If the hospital killer is all about Finn & his research, then why eliminate him as a suspect so early? It would have been a better twist if he was looking like a creepier & then wasn't. smh

  2. I don't understand what Valerie was doing in Finn's lab. He's not a suspect. I can see her looking around the office if she's checking out the hospital to make sure everything is ok, but she had no right to look through his research. Those are confidential hospital files.

  3. Loved Laura's scenes with Hayden! Also - Genie was so great with the 'guilt over leaving Nik in Greece' scene. Glad she and Kevin kissed.

    Alexis seemed quite annoyed with Nina - I get it! WTF is she strutting around in an evening gown during the day?

    Maxie (KS) looked a lot healthier today.

  4. Metrocourt restaurant: Nina is calling to talk about VC!!!!!!! :) Hope she sees him again! :)

    Nina and Pinocchio: Wow Pinocchio is all touchy feely to Nina.. How strange.

    Pinocchio: I sought out other opportunities..

    Like what?!!?! Using my Griffy?!!?!!

    The hospital:

    The lab:

    Griffy and Hammy: Bromance!!!! Love their scene!!!! :) Griffy is so sweet!!!

    Hammy: Sorry about that where was I?

    At first I thought he was talking to GuGu.. I was looking for her! :) Oh he is talking in his recorder! :) Now to his wife. Oh time to shoot up the lizard urine!!

    Hammy: I don't have a lot. Pretty much alone in this world. Oh don't say that. Hayden doesn't count..

    Oh he is thinking about RayRay!!!!! :) He got her on his mind! :) How come you are not at the funeral?!!?!!?!

    Val and Hammy: Uh Hammy you should have changed the sign from vacant, to occupied!!! cufflinks?!!?! Who's are those? Bye Bye Hammy.. Why is Val snooping? That is odd! Oh she got knocked out!!! The killer is at it again!!!!!!!

    Val and Curtis: Oh no!!! the cuffys are gone!!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! Maddox were those YOUR cuffys?

    Waiting area:

    Curtis and Hammy: Oh Hammy! RayRay didn't tell you about the funeral?!!?! :( You should go and see her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Listen to Curtis!!!!


    Pinocchio and Griffy: Pinocchio works at the hospital now!?!?!?! As what? An administrator or something?! Yes Griffy tell Nathan you shot him! Don't listen to her!!!! Wow she is really laying it on thick with the I love yous! WOW A KISS! YESSSSS! :)

    Alexis's home: Poor Alexis with her hangover.. Oh man! I so love Sexis a lot! :)

    Sexis: Oh no now I may have to call Laura. Maybe I'll just drop her a note. Dear Laura I'm sorry I missed your son's funeral, but I really don't think he's dead. Don't worry he will be back. Cassadines always show up when you least expect it.

    ROFL! Perfect line!!!! And so true! :) Laura should know!!! Practically her whole family "died" and came back!!!! Luke, Lucky, even Laura herself!!!! Wait Nina being there made no sense and it was so strange..

    Wyndemere: The funeral was so beautiful! Everyone gave a wonderful beautiful speech!!! Oh it was all in my mind. :)

    Lulu and RayRay:


    RayRay: :0

    Laura and RayRay:


    When RayRay's phone went on the ground, she didn't pick it up!!! She was going to leave without it!!!!! Don't abandon your phone!!!! :(

    RayFinn: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Finny: I think you can use a drink. You choose the place and I'm buying.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Laura and Kevin: Poor Laura!!!! :( Oh they kissed too!!!! YAY!!!!

    Metrocourt restaurant part 2:

    Lulu and Maxie: Maxie got a hickey hahahahaha! :)


    RayRay: Who are you?

    Hammy: I'm Hamilton Finn dammit!


    Brick and Sonny: Oh yes!!! Go find Julian and beat the crap out of him!!!! Break his legs!!!!! (I still want my Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos revenge)

  5. Oh, and why wouldn't Maxie have gone to Nik's funeral to support Lulu?

  6. "Paul773 said...Oh, and why wouldn't Maxie have gone to Nik's funeral to support Lulu?"

    She was too busy getting a hickey? ROFL!

  7. I am actually empathetic towards Hayden and now Laura has gotten on my last nerve. I don't know why, but I just cannot stand Laura right now.

  8. Oopsy! I forgot to mention that Alexis won the line of the day with her line to Sonny about her little note to Laura. :)

  9. So this happened............
    Maxie wore DENIM!!!!!
    Oh, and Finn gave RayRay a giant huuuuuuuggge spikey penis.
    Oh, oh, and at summer camp, Joss grew boobies.
    That is all I got from 4 days of GH

  10. "Ruthie said...Oh, and Finn gave RayRay a giant huuuuuuuggge spikey penis."

    I didn't even notice.. I just went back to look, OH WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are right!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    1. Sonya girl remind me to look tomorrow cause I worked late shift and missed last 10 minutes. Haha!

  11. "Michelle Latta said...Sonya girl remind me to look tomorrow cause I worked late shift and missed last 10 minutes. Haha!"

    Hahahaha. I will remind you! :)

  12. sonya said...

    Alexis's home: Poor Alexis with her hangover.. Oh man! I so love Sexis a lot! :)

    Sexis: Oh no now I may have to call Laura. Maybe I'll just drop her a note. Dear Laura I'm sorry I missed your son's funeral, but I really don't think he's dead. Don't worry he will be back. Cassadines always show up when you least expect it.

    ROFL! Perfect line!!!! And so true! :) Laura should know!!! Practically her whole family "died" and came back!!!! Luke, Lucky, even Laura herself!!!! Wait Nina being there made no sense and it was so strange..

    Definitely the best line of the day! You left out Leslie, though! :)

    Wyndemere: The funeral was so beautiful! Everyone gave a wonderful beautiful speech!!! Oh it was all in my mind. :)

    Lucky's was without a doubt the most moving!

    Laura and Kevin: Poor Laura!!!! :( Oh they kissed too!!!! YAY!!!!


    According to SoapCentral, Tristan will be doing a `short stint', that will have him involved in 3 different storylines. Dunno how much that will be, but most likely not very, as that seems to be the rule of thumb, with bringing people back that are actually wanted on screen, these days. (i.e. Jax, who's last airdate was on Monday :()


  13. Ohhhhh Michelle Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaaaaaa? Reminding you to watch that Cactus scene! ROFL!

    "K says Definitely the best line of the day! You left out Leslie, though! :)"

    What did she say about Leslie?

    "Lucky's was without a doubt the most moving!"

    Oh yes!!!! I cried so hard!!! :'(

    "According to SoapCentral, Tristan will be doing a `short stint', that will have him involved in 3 different storylines."

    I haven't heard that! Well then that is not a cameo!!! :)

  14. Um, did anyone ever even look for Nik's body? There seemed to be plenty of land on that island, especially since there was even room for a plane. Now there are rumors on CDL that Laura actually had twin boys and Helena kept one and switched this "bad" one for the good one. Also, since Andre is rumored to be the killer, why develop the nice relationship he had with Anna? Really like Curtis and he sure is easy on the eyes. I loved Laura jumping all over Hayden - can't blame her there. And where was Spencer? I still think KS looks really gaunt and not too healthy. Hope it wasn't anything more than skin problems.

    1. CDL is not that the word? They are just like a gossip magazine.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. KS is way to skinny, she has gotten a spray tan but now looks orange. I hope she isn't really sick. Divorce can cause you to loose weight, but that much so fast???
    She looks bad....

  16. Alexis's home: Alexis wins the line of the day!

    Alexis: Why do I pay for cable when there is never anything to watch?


    Alexis and Sam: Great scene!!!! Awwww! :)

    Alexis, Sam, and Diane: Diane hates Alexis's shirt! ROFL! I like her shirt.. :)

    Wyndemere: Oh Doc!!! Stop being silly!!!!

    Doc: Laura, would you go out on a date with me?

    Much better. :)

    The hospital:

    Friz: Awwwww! :) Oh oh they are walking around!!! Oh whew they sat down.. :) Oh no walking around again! Oh hi little Jake!

    Friz with little Jake: Awwwwww! :) Jake is so sweet giving BobTodd a candy bar! :)

    Jake: Just like Franco makes you happy.

    The kid is smart!!!!! :)

    Private room:

    Pinocchio and Griffy: HOT HOT HOT HOT!

    Maxie and Griffy: Love that she gave him a piece of her mind. :)

    Nathan and Griffy: DOH!!!!! Grabbing Griffy?!!?! Nathan is still SO much in love with Pinocchio!!!! And what is Pinocchio doing? Smiling inside of herself?

    Pinocchio: Now that everything is out in the open, we can be together again..


    Griffy: Are you oblivious to what just happened?

    No.. She is manipulating everyone!!!! She knows exactly what she is doing!


    Nathan and Maxie:

    Maxie: You're still in love with Claudette aren't you?

    NO DUH! :)

    Nathan: Are you out of your mind?!

    No but you are Nathan! You are out of your mind with love for Claudette!!!!

    Police station: The coin!!!! Jordan notices it's familiar!!! COUGHCOUGHMaddoxCOUGHCOUGH

    Val's home: Oh she and Curtis haven't slept together yet! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW Valtis sex scene!!! THAT IS HOT! We should have been watching their dating all along instead of it being off screen!!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Paint and Wall: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Wait did baby Trim hiccup?! Oh no the baby didn't.. Back to sleep. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  17. Laura and Kevin ❤❤❤
    Friz 😊

  18. Why Dr Finn that's a mighty big cactus, or are you just glad to see me? Wink wink...wowza!!

    So I finally watched yesterday and today.
    Love Bree but want to strangle Claudette. Makes like she wants Nathan and then she's all hot for Griffy...huh?
    I loved Kevin and Laura and their kiss! I loved their characters with their previous partners but I love them even more together. Friz was great. I wonder how long it will take Jordan to realize her Bae (LOL) is the killa....

  19. sonya said...The kid is smart!!!!! :)

    The kid is one of the walking dead. What does he know. :@

  20. sonya said...

    What did she say about Leslie?

    Oh, she didn't. I was just saying you left her out, in your list of Laura's relatives who have all returned from the dead, is all. As a friend of mine once put it: Mortality in Port Charles is very...fluid.

    Lucky's was without a doubt the most moving!"

    Oh yes!!!! I cried so hard!!! :'(

    I nearly went through a box of tissue, myself. ;'(

    According to SoapCentral, Tristan will be doing a `short stint', that will have him involved in 3 different storylines."

    I haven't heard that! Well then that is not a cameo!!! :)

    Nope, at least it isn't just a cameo, yeah. I still get the feeling though, it won't be very long. Which again is extremely frustrating. Especially, how much he's wanted back full time, by a lot of fans!

    Here's the exact link to the story:


  21. sonya said...

    Wyndemere: Oh Doc!!! Stop being silly!!!!

    Doc: Laura, would you go out on a date with me?

    Much better. :)

    Finally! It's about time!

    The hospital:

    Friz with little Jake: Awwwwww! :) Jake is so sweet giving BobTodd a candy bar! :)

    Wow. what a difference a recast makes! I completely understand why they brought the original kid to play Jake back, when they resurrected him. But, he really started to feel out of place there. Which would have been great, had they not dropped the whole storyline of the journal that Helena left Liz in her will. (At least it SEEMS they've dropped it) he would have been fine. But, since it seems they wanted to go in a different direction, as `empty' and `distant' as he was, it just wasn't working, IMO.

    Jake: Just like Franco makes you happy.

    The kid is smart!!!!! :)

    And observant! :)


  22. Michelle Latta said...

    So I finally watched yesterday and today.
    Love Bree but want to strangle Claudette. Makes like she wants Nathan and then she's all hot for Griffy...huh?

    Yeah, I'm exactly the same way. Bree is a good actress. But, I can't stand Claudette one iota. This whole situation between the 4 of them, is just so silly and absurd, it's starting to get painful to watch. :(

    I loved Kevin and Laura and their kiss! I loved their characters with their previous partners but I love them even more together.

    So have I. I was a huge L&L fan since the late 70s, and have adored Kevin and Lucy alone and together. (the two of them were the primary reason I even stuck with Port Charles, all the way to the end. Instead of after the whole `book' thing started). The idea of putting them together, came as a VERY nice surprise, their scenes have without a doubt been my favorite of what's been on screen for the past several months.


  23. Sonny got to Alexis' at TEN AM and the Nik funeral was all done and RayHay was offering good. What time did they have this funeral?? Sunrise?

    Was anyone else hoping when Curtis found Valerie SHE would BE the next hospital murder victim? At least then some good could come out of this story.

    A little piece of my heart broke for Liz and for Liason-but the chemistry was Becky and STEVE not this lame Jason so Jasam fans can have him.

    Speaking of P and W I'm not sure I can take their baby talk for NINE LONG MONTHS. And I'm sick of hearing about Lulus embryo too!! She only had ONE- odds are not in her favor. And seriously she's buying lamps at thrift sales ?? Her brother prince rich just died so I'm pretty sure there is a huge inheritance and Sonny can buy the kid a whole light system. Maybe it was collection for charity day on the set and they just decided to FEATURE a few items donated by the cast as an inside joke!!

    1. I was a huge Liason fan and really wasn't sad, so I guess the chemistry is gone, or I've moved on, or I just am ready for Friz to get together.

    2. I'm sure she doesn't care about the inheritance. She and Dante don't strike me as money hungry. I think it's cute she found those lamps, maybe something from her childhood was behind it. Then again, it is a soap....LOL!

  24. AMC Gh said...Was anyone else hoping when Curtis found Valerie SHE would BE the next hospital murder victim?

    I kept saying don't just leave her, finish her off! Why did he just leave her? lol (And I don't really hate her I just thought it would make some of us care about this mystery now if we got emotionally involved.)

  25. "Michelle Latta said...Why Dr Finn that's a mighty big cactus, or are you just glad to see me? Wink wink...wowza!!"


    "Di said...The kid is one of the walking dead. What does he know. :@"

    ROFL! He literally is!!!! :)

    "K says I nearly went through a box of tissue, myself. ;'("


    "Here's the exact link to the story:"

    Thanks for the link! :)

    "AMC GH said.. Sonny got to Alexis' at TEN AM and the Nik funeral was all done and RayHay was offering good. What time did they have this funeral?? Sunrise?"

    That is what I was thinking!!!! What time did they do the funeral? Early in the morning?!!?! Damn!

    "Speaking of P and W I'm not sure I can take their baby talk for NINE LONG MONTHS."

    Hahahaha. Yeah nine months of mumbling baby talk. :)

    1. Well if she wears those hooka heels, it won't be nine months and you know it's a soap AND big boobs McCall so I'm pretty sure she won't go full term, it's always a crisis with her. Ugh...I'm getting annoyed thinking about it. LOL!

  26. "K says Oh, she didn't. I was just saying you left her out, in your list of Laura's relatives who have all returned from the dead, is all."

    Yeah I did forget oops! So, Laura should be hiring a PI to find Nik!!!!! :) And listen to Alexis..

    "As a friend of mine once put it: Mortality in Port Charles is very...fluid."

    That's true! Hahahaha!

  27. I also hate the Claudette character, can't stand pouty, evil blondes. I think she is trying to make Nathan jealous again by using Griffin, I think she wants Nathan, not Griffin.

    1. I think she wants both. She'll take who ever she can get. She was all hot over Nathan and now she couldn't have him so she's moving onto Griffin.

  28. AMC GH said...

    Sonny got to Alexis' at TEN AM and the Nik funeral was all done and RayHay was offering good. What time did they have this funeral?? Sunrise?

    Time, and how long things happen/when things happen is so screwed up with the show right now, it's to the point where it literally is a joke. The whole "transporter" idea was silly enough when RC was head writer. But things are so screwed up now, I've even been confused a few times to what/when things are occurring. Ac couple of times, I've thought I was watching a possible repeat at the beginning, because what was happening on screen at the beginning of the episode made no sense at all, as far as what had happened recently. I've NEVER had this happen to me before, in nearly 40 years of watching. :(

    Was anyone else hoping when Curtis found Valerie SHE would BE the next hospital murder victim? At least then some good could come out of this story.

    Unfortunately, yeah. The character of Valerie had promise, but it was wasted VERY fast with the Lulu/Dante/Valerie mess. And after that was cleared up, it didn't really get any better. I remember reading she was supposed to form a much stronger bond with Bobbie. But, like all the other vets that we actually WANT to see on screen, JZ has barely been seen at all. Valerie being finished off the other day, would have worked great for me.

    Speaking of P and W I'm not sure I can take their baby talk for NINE LONG MONTHS.

    No kidding. I try as hard as I can NOT to FF through stuff, if at all possible. These days it usually just ends up being Moron and Kiwi, that end up requiring it. But, there is no way in hell I can take 9 months of baby mumbling, before the actual baby even comes to mumble!

    And I'm sick of hearing about Lulus embryo too!! She only had ONE- odds are not in her favor.

    Besides Valerie, Lulu's embryo/another baby is ALL Lante have talked about for the last year or so. Except for the odd house discussion, or on a rare occasion something about Naxie, it's been embryo/baby talk. There are more than enough babies on the show now, we do NOT need more.

    And seriously she's buying lamps at thrift sales ?? Her brother prince rich just died so I'm pretty sure there is a huge inheritance and Sonny can buy the kid a whole light system. Maybe it was collection for charity day on the set and they just decided to FEATURE a few items donated by the cast as an inside joke!!




2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...