Friday, February 26, 2016

Lady McCarly

Dr. O singing to Nathan!! Awww! and Nina is there too!! WOOT!

Paul is having a press conference with all the guns. At least the ones that Carly didn't throw into the harbor. 

Morgan hallucinates Kiki out on the roof.  She tells him they'll jump together. BC did a good job today. 

Carly goes to scrub the blood off her hands and does it too hard. DR GRIFFIN to the rescue! Seems she used the DOC's washroom. She yells at him a bit for not telling her about Sonny walking. I didn't hear much, NO SHIRT. 

A LOT happened today. Pretty good show. 

Watch it-- I can't type it all up! Just know that Sonny saved the day-- for some weird reason Dr. Griffin is following Anna?  Paul told Jordan that Ava was working with the justice dept too and gave her the paperwork to prove it. Nathan says "Claudette" before passing out who I'm assuming is the owner of that glove Maxie found. 


  1. Except for the brief bit with Kiki shrieking, I enjoyed today too.

    I couldn't believe that Carly was using the staff wash room, but then Doctor Gorgeous took off his shirt and I lost all sense of reason too. *I've brought smelling salts for Sonya* lol

    I'm wondering why Dr. Griffin is following Anna too. I hope it's not a bad reason. I don't want to lose either him or Anna.

    Loved the way they showed the fractured Corinthos family after Morgan and Dr. Maddox stepped into the elevator. And Anthony Montgomery is a terrific actor. I love how he's always in the scene even when others are front and center.

    I hope they're not going to mess with Maxie and Nathan next. Any chance Claudette is his old nanny? lol

  2. As I said in a previous post, but no one else commented on, didn't anyone else think it strange that Sonny KO's that gun runner with just one punch?, which didn't look like much of a punch to me. He just tapped him on the chin and he went down and out! As I said, guess he's been working out really hard in PT with Piffy!

    Didn't see today's show yet, glad it is good, can't wait to watch!

  3. My theory is that Griffin is Anna and Duke's baby that they lost during the elevator explosion.

    1. How old is Dr Griffin supposed to be? He seems too old? I wonder why he's following her too....

  4. Karen said "At least the ones that Carly didn't throw into the harbor. "

    You mean the ones that were left unattended for any child to walk by and take?

    601: I like that theory.I am assuming Dr G has ties to the show, it just isn't revealed yet

  5. Here's my pick for the line of the day -
    Anna: There's a lot about this that doesn't add up.


    Can't wait to read Sonya's recap. I think little Morgan was slightly visible through Morgan's sweat pants. Ha ha!

  6. AntJoan--I thought the same thing when Sonny punched the guy out. But, they have been emphasizing how strong his upper body got during PT. They said it 5 or 6 times at least...and those are scenes I didn't FF thru.

  7. so, i read online that laura is going on an "adventure" because of something in Helenas will.

    wow, what ORIGINAL story telling! It's so original. Its not like I ever heard this before.

    oh wait....

    didn't the two women writers work on Y&R during the time when jeanne cooper died and in katherines will, someone was given a jewelry box and went on a year-long "adventure"?

    yes, I believe it was.

    everyone get set for Laura's yearlong "adventure"!!!! can we please get something original on this show?

    ps. who is claudette?

  8. The hospital:

    The roof: Oh these were great scenes with Morgan, his therapist, Sonny and Michael! It made me cry! :( The only bad annoying part was spirit Kiwi screeching!! UGH!

    Spirit Kiwi: I'll help you. We'll do it together.

    No Spirit Kiwi why don't YOU jump and leave Morgan alone!

    Carly and Dr. Munro: The Carly scene with her washing her hands and thinking was a great scene! Oops burned her hands. Oh hi my Hubby! You look really good shirtless. You have GOT to have a love scene ASAP!!!!! Hmmm Carly and Griffin chem testing?

    Nathan's room: Awww Dr O is singing to her son! :) Nina wins the line of the day!

    Nina: That was unnecessary. Since Jay is awake and we don't understand German.

    ROFL! I don't understand German either, but I like it when Dr O sings! :) Oh look Maxie proposes to Nathan. One minute she is allergic to marriage, and the next,


    Uh yeah right Maxie suuuuuuuuuuuuuure. Nathan has the right idea. Listen to him!

    Maxie: I love you.

    Nathan: I love you too Claudette.

    Well well well! That does it! Nathan has a mystery!!! The tux, the white gloves, and Claudette! Who is Claudette? Oh let me guess. Is she his mother's best friend's sister's housekeeper's daughter? And they fell in wuv but they had to break up because Madaline didn't want them together?!!?!

    Nina and Ava: Awww that was nice giving Ava Kiwi's earrings. BobTodd what do you mean not now?! Huh?! Nina wants to be nice!

    Ava and Paul: Wow she is blaming everyone! Basically,

    Ava: It's all your fault Paul, and all Morgan's fault, and all my fault, and all Michael's fault, and little Morgan Jr's fault!

    Outside Kiwi's room:

    BobTodd: You want to go in and see her?

    Nina: I think her mom should go in first.

    OR Nina, Kiwi is YOUR daughter. :) (rumors hehehe)

    Kiwi's room: Oh! Kiwi is borrowing Sonny's tubes, after he got shot! A good Kiwi scene is a quiet Kiwi. I did love Ava singing to her! Awwww! Oh I had the song in my head for awhile after.

    Police station:

    Paul and Jordan: Paul rips up the warrant for Ava's arrest! BAHAHAHAHHAHA!

    Paul: That is Ava's immunity deal. She was cooperating with the justice department the whole time. She can't be touched.

    OH WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahaha! Take THAT Jordan! :) Great scene! Go Paul! :)

    Anna and Jordan:

    Jordan: Even friendship has their limits.

    Yeah Jordan has got a good point there.

    Preview: Hmmm Munro is looking online about Anna?!!?!?! Are they related? :) OH! Is he the baby that Anna and Duke lost?!!?!?!

    1. I could totally see Dr Munro with Carly....or me haha!!

  9. "Di said...I couldn't believe that Carly was using the staff wash room, but then Doctor Gorgeous took off his shirt and I lost all sense of reason too. *I've brought smelling salts for Sonya* lol"

    *wakes up from her faint* Woah what happened?

    "601Ryder said...My theory is that Griffin is Anna and Duke's baby that they lost during the elevator explosion."

    Yup! That is what I am thinking! :)

    "Paul773 said...Can't wait to read Sonya's recap. I think little Morgan was slightly visible through Morgan's sweat pants. Ha ha!"

    He was!!?!?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Little Morgan Jr: Let me out! I want out! I want some fresh air! And I want to be with Darby!

    Oh and David, they didn't even mention the Oscars!!! :0

  10. Wubs, for Sunday Surgery are you going to do a big blog about Sweeps as a whole? This was a confusing sweeps.

  11. Loved today!! Dr Griffin bandaging Carlys hands shirtless, more please, why stop there, take your pants off too! LOL!! When Carly and Morgan hugged, I did it, I teared up. Loved the singing, and Nathan was so cute all drugged up. Damn now we got a mystery girl to worry about. Still can't figure out if Paul is a good guy on the right side of the law, cause he did shoot Sonny and we can't forget that.

  12. "601Ryder said...My theory is that Griffin is Anna and Duke's baby that they lost during the elevator explosion."

    I would love that! It would extend Anna's family and he's definitely a good guy.

    sonya said...Hmmm Carly and Griffin chem testing?

    Oh good grief...NOOOOOOO! Chem test him with Liz!

    sonya said... A good Kiwi scene is a quiet Kiwi

    Definitely! If she doesn't die can we please have her in a comma for at least 6 months, or the end of her contract, whichever comes first.

  13. <<< Sonya: Little Morgan Jr: Let me out! I want out! I want some fresh air! And I want to be with Darby! >>>

    HAHA! Yes! And you're probably right to think that Madeline didn't think she was good enough for Nathan.

  14. "Michelle Latta said..I could totally see Dr Munro with Carly....or me haha!!"

    Or me! Hahaha!

    "Di says Oh good grief...NOOOOOOO! Chem test him with Liz!"

    Hahahaha. He already had a chem test with Liz. :)

    "Definitely! If she doesn't die can we please have her in a comma for at least 6 months, or the end of her contract, whichever comes first."

    Yes! Sounds good to me!!! :)

    "Paul773 said...HAHA! Yes! And you're probably right to think that Madeline didn't think she was good enough for Nathan."

    Hahahaha yeah! :)

  15. sonya said...Hahahaha. He already had a chem test with Liz. :)

    And they got an A++ hahahahaha

  16. Ok so I went to imdb and I guess Finola is old enough to play mom to Dr Hottie, she just doesn't look it haha!!!

  17. "Di said... And they got an A++ hahahahaha"

    Hahahaha! Yes they did!!!!!! :)

  18. I just finished watching and wasn't impressed. I think it was more Sonny saving the day. He totally over acts any more. I use to be a love Sonny, I hate this. Everyone knows he's dangerous eg Michael taking custody of AJ. Carly always looks the other way and then gets mad at Sonny. Eg taking Sonnys parental rights away with Morgan. Just really tired of the same old story. :(

  19. Although I love Jordan, I found it to be hypocritical on her part to make waves about Paul being undercover considering she was doing the exact same thing with the DEA when she came to town while Anna was still chief of police.

    In any case, Sonny looks older now that he shaved (I liked the beard better).

    Also, although Anna is one of my fav's, I'm not sure how I would feel about Griffin being her miscarried child considering I watched that go down originally. I could suspend some disbelief in favor of Helena being behind that (remember the underground compound at GH where Tony helped Helena in 2001); however, Helena did not know Anna and Duke in the 80's.

  20. "GHfan said...I just finished watching and wasn't impressed. I think it was more Sonny saving the day."

    Well, Morgan is his son so of course he is going to want to help him. And Sonny understands because he has bi polar too. So, really the scene makes sense. :) The wedding when Sonny was the person saving the day, was too much! The men should have taken Dixon down!

  21. YES on the Jordan thing!! It's like they forgot SHE WAS UNDERCOVER. ugh

  22. I really enjoyed Friday's show. All came together well and good Lord give poor Brian Craig a day off! Geez. What a week for the kid. I do like the quiet Kiki. Maura rocks. I thought Griffin was somehow related to Stone...

  23. Maybe Nathan's "Claudette" is someone he met or worked with when he was gone before Valentine's Day on that secret undercover mission.

  24. I will bet anything that the new doctor is somehow Anna and Dukes baby.



2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...