Tuesday, February 2, 2016

General Hosptial Easton 5.0

Paging Dr. Silas Clay 
Rocker Stephen Clay


Well, I have to run my thoughts by you all on this. I want people to understand that I don't think ME is a bad actor or that I don't like the man.
That's not it at all.
Since coming to GH, he's played: Caleb...McBain....the Silas Clay and Stephen Clay. Now he's going to be ANOTHER character.

I do not understand this. Here we have a FULL FULL cast. I mean bursting. Most people aren't on consistently. The stories are choppy because we are cramming so much stuff in there. 

Add to that the fact that Ric Hearst has disappeared. Add to that people like Tristan Rogers, who doesn't have a contract. Add to that Genie Francis and Jane Elliot who are way underused. Add to that, Brad and Lucas--a promising story just shoved under the bed pan. SMDH.

And...think about it. A new doctor guy is coming. We have Dr. Maddox just on-- Curtis joined us. New Mayor. New professor involved with Kristina. 

I suppose I could deal with a brooding, sexy Cassadine baddie but...really? Why do you kill off characters and let actors to to JUST BRING them back?!! I will never understand this business. 
Take Carlos. He dies. I love Jeffery Parise. He's got that quality I like in my actors. But, hey, they killed him off.
Oh, NO they didn't! He was back...messing up the Sabrina/Michael story and now he's gone again while TC is on maternity leave.  Crazy.

Just stop. It's maddening and certainly doesn't make for good storytelling. I guess we'll just have to wait to see what happens with this latest announcement. 


  1. Totally agree with you on this 100%. I said on FB that GH needs to be trimming the fat not adding to it. What is the purpose of bringing Genie back if all she is going to do is be Dear Abby to her kids. I want more for her. The $$$ they have spent to get ME back they could have given contracts to their many underused vets mainly Tristan Rogers. My mother is a Y&R fan and she told me he is rarely on there. GH get with it and make him a full time character again. I loved that Lynn Herring was very honest with her fans last week about the fact that we haven't seen Lucy. I hope Frank saw it because all he has done for the last year is made his vets glorified cameos. At least Days of Our Lives is doing something right with theirs. They have brought them back to the canvas and they are front and center.

    1. They could lose:
      Brad, Rosalie, Parker, Curtis, Morgan, Hayden, Kiki, Ava, Carlos....I know I shouldn't say that one cause I know there are some of you that really like him, that's how I feel about Michael. Anyways those are just a few names that could help trim the cast.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree. IF they bring him back as another character, I hope it is the long rumored Valentin. I do wish others were on more and got better storylines

    1. I could see him as a sexy bad Cassadine. I wouldn't mind seeing him paired with Liz either, since I'm obviously not getting my liason happy ending. LOL!

    2. I could see him as a sexy bad Cassadine. I wouldn't mind seeing him paired with Liz either, since I'm obviously not getting my liason happy ending. LOL!

  4. I'm hoping if we can't have McBain back, that this is a reincarnate of Caleb. Remember when the ME (or whoever he was) walked out of the room after doing the autopsy on Caleb? The guy looked a LOT like Caleb and he was wearing his ring. Yup, sounds crazy, but it's a soap ... anything can happen, right?

    1. I would love that! Caleb and Stephen were sexy!

  5. I'm glad he is coming back but this is kind of ridiculous. Sort of like it would be if Sarah Brown came back again, as much as I love her. There better be some believable writing with this return.

  6. I thought ME wasn't coming back! I'm so confused! :) I had to mourn his loss and accept it! I did that with Caaaaaaaaaaaarlos! My head is spinning! I'm happy though. :)

    1. Think of it as Frank listening to Michael's fans.

  7. If he's coming back, bring him back as someone he's already been, not yet another new person. I know if would really be reaching, but this is soap land, after all!

  8. ME is supposed to be a new character named Dixon, who is apparently Paul's big boss. He was mentioned twice to Ava yesterday.

  9. Yeh someone mentioned that on fb. Not thrilled with anything mob, but it's Michael, so I'm willing to give it a chance.

  10. I used to like ME but after he ate up the screen time and then checked out as Silas Clay, I really have no use for him. Not trying to be mean or anything but there are several actors who put in amazing performances no matter what who rarely work and don't have contracts. I'm happy his fans are happy but it feels like the wrong person was rewarded.

    1. He didn't check out, he was fired! There is a difference. He had no choice.

  11. I for one am thrilled to have ME back and I was one of the fans begging Frank to bring him back. As for the Silas character there were months he wasn't even on and that's the writers' fault not his. I agree about Tristan Rogers. If it were up to me Kiki, Morgan, Rosalie, Brad, Paul, Valerie, and Sonny would be gone but that's just my opinion

    1. Yours and mine. I signed the petition and fought for his return so I too am thrilled he's back. :)

  12. "LSV422 said...ME is supposed to be a new character named Dixon,"

    Yeah I heard about that. The name Dixon sounds sexy!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...