Thursday, February 25, 2016


I've been fighting with myself about Sunday Surgery... I may just do something completely different because I'm sure you're sick of my narratives by now. 
Just know that this sweeps really drove me nuts in so many ways. There were great parts and there were just terrible parts.  SMDH.

Anyway, On to Today's SHOW!! 

Dr.. Griff operating on Kiki..her spine. ROGER looks so handsome today! WOOT! 

Monica is on!!  Liz apologizes, Jason sticks up for her. Monica is all "let's look forward for Jake's sake". Jake and Liz talk about nothing for ages and he says he's rich. So, you know, why get a job? 

Morgan is in restraints. Someone needs to get him some tranks. I thought the doctor said he was giving him some! He's going to break that bed. Oh, some poor nurse comes in and Morgan says he has to go potty. She says she'll get the urnial, but he's like NO let me go, please??
SHE LETS HIM OUT OF HIS RESTRAINTS and he goes and finds Ava.
This is just stupid but hey, I'll go with it. He hears that Kiki may need 'long term care' or something and is all upset.  He goes to the roof. In the previews, it looks like Kiki is out there too. She dead or is that a hallucination? 

Dante is talking to Laura, tells her he loves Lulu. The next scene she has she is CHOMPING DOWN a Snickers bar. Like she's dying of hunger!!?? IT"S SO WEIRD!! LOL 

Dante tells Lulu she can come home with him but she wants to go to Wyndemere for awhile. 

Hayden is talking to Curtis about Nikolas. PLEASE for the sake of all of our sanity?? Can you MOVE ON with the 'RACHEL" Story? PLEASE?? Where is Tracy by the way? 

Ok. Bye


  1. I love that chocolate bar pic. lol It was an absolutely bizarre scene.

    And as soon as Morgan walked away, after hearing about Kiki, I knew he was heading for the roof. Considering all the people who've fallen off it the past few years, you think the hospital would keep it locked for safety sake by now. It's getting ridiculous.

    I actually thought Roger's hair looked awful.

    And I'll never be sick of your Sunday Surgeries. They're the highlight of my week.

  2. Yes, I second that, your Sunday Surgeries are the best, no need to change them on our account!! However, if you feel like changing up, we will follow you no matter what!

  3. OK, I made a mental note yesterday that Paul and Hayden were in the church together at the same time. They didn't have a scene together, but I filed it away in case they are going the Hayden/Susan route.

  4. "CareyN said...
    OK, I made a mental note yesterday that Paul and Hayden were in the church together at the same time. They didn't have a scene together, but I filed it away in case they are going the Hayden/Susan route."

    I really hope that's a red herring. I don't like Hayden enough to want her to be Susan. LOL

  5. I heard rumors about who she is and it wasn't Susan. I don't know what the policy is on writing spoilers here.

  6. The rumor is that Hayden/Rachel is Larry Ashton's daughter and that Larry poisoned Tracy at the Spa.

    The writing is horrible. I knew this going in with the new regime. They don't have an original thought in their body and they just rehash old tired storylines. Case in point: It is rumored that the Helena Will storyline will mirror almost exactly the Katherine Will storyline on Y&R when Jeanne Cooper died. Laura will go on a wild goose chase to find something.

    On Y&R it was a music box. Any chance it will be one here? Or maybe a faberge egg with something hidden inside?

    plus, the show has become a one-hour advertisement for shriner's hospital. I'm surprised there hasn't been a mention yet about the Oscars on Sunday. Or, are they waiting until tomorrow to shove that product placement down our throats?

    Slow, slow writing. Storylines that last over a year. Yup, that's our writers.

    The guns on the docks yesterday, left unattended, was the last straw for me. The writing doesn't get any worse than that.

    1. That was the worst. My friend happened to drop by so we watched together and laughed our butts of....Not the feeling you were going for after the shooting....Do they have someone who does "Continuity".
      ..or...more like "Make Sure No One Leaves Their Arsenal Behind" Set Person. Terrible.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. That was the worst. My friend happened to drop by so we watched together and laughed our butts off....Not the feeling you were going for after the shootings, I would think!..Do they have someone who does "Continuity" for Sets?
      ..or, even better, a "Make Sure No One Leaves Their Arsenal Behind" Set Person. Terrible.

    4. That was the worst. My friend happened to drop by so we watched together and laughed our butts off....Not the feeling you were going for after the shootings, I would think!..Do they have someone who does "Continuity" for Sets?
      ..or, even better, a "Make Sure No One Leaves Their Arsenal Behind" Set Person. Terrible.

  7. Did anybody watch Maurice Bernard on Dr Oz this morning?! Maurice made me cry! :( He gave great advice! Stay on your meds! If you missed it, you can watch it here.

    Pier: Hey! It's been a while since we got any Curtis and GreenHaydRachel scenes! :) Her comments about Nik was very strange. How yeah he shot her but he isn't that person anymore and she loves him. HUH?! Curtis gave her great advice. Curtis won the line of the day.

    Curtis: I would so hate to wake up one morning and read about the death of the honeymoon princess.

    ROFL! That would be a great headline!

    The hospital:

    Morgan's room: Man Brian Craig is acting the hell out of his scenes!!! :) He and that nurse scene hahaha. So basically,

    Morgan: I have to pee really badly!

    Nurse Kelsie: I will get you something to pee in. A bottle.

    Morgan: No no no I don't want to do that. Please let me go to pee. You are pretty.

    Little Morgan: Yes she is! I would do her.

    Ava and BobTodd: Great scene!!!!! For a second I thought they were gonna kiss. Hey where is Nina? She should be there. She is family! Ava prayed. :( They both did. :( Oh here comes Morgan! I was afraid he would escape from the hospital!

    Ava, BobTodd, and Dr Munro: Oh Kiwi might be paralyzed? That's okay she can borrow Sonny's wheelchair. He don't need it anymore. She can become Spartacusette!

    Nik and Laura: Karen hahahaha love the snickers picture! ROFL! Cracks me up! :) Yeah the scene was strange. They were talking about what happened at the wedding, and she is chomping away hahahahhaahaha! She must have been STARVING! :) She probably didn't eat at all cus she was worried about her daughter.

    Nik: Yeah there was a shooting at aunt Alexis's wedding.

    Laura: Uh huh. Wow! Chomp chomp chomp. Nom nom nom.

    Nik: Yeah everyone was a hostage.

    Laura: Nom nom nom.

    Nik: He shot Nathan.

    Laura: Nom nom nom.

    Nik: But Sonny took the guy down and everyone is okay. Nathan will be okay.

    Laura: Great! Nom nom nom.

    ROFL! And then Nik thinks GreenHaydRachel doesn't know that he shot her! His bubble is going to be burst very badly.

    Lulu's room: Her hair was under the wires and it was very distracting. I wanted to pull her hair away!!! So basically,

    Dante: I want you to live with me! Don't go to Wyndemere:

    Lulu: Screw you! I am staying at Wyndemere:

    Hospital roof: NO MORGAN DON'T JUMP! Bryan Craig is way too talented to leave!!!

    Shriner's hospital for children: Oh no more commericals. Jason is defending Liz! Awwww! :) Monica forgives Liz! Awwww. :) Jason and Liz scene was great. Now get back together! :)

    Jason's text message:

    Sam: Thinking of you and Jake. I miss you.

    I threw up in my mouth a little.

    Rebecca Herbst PSA: Hey! Finally there is a PSA! It's about time! What took them so long? :) I'm glad Rebecca Herbst did one. :)

    1. Funny as always! I threw up in my mouth a little too Sonya!!

  8. "david said...Case in point: It is rumored that the Helena Will storyline will mirror almost exactly the Katherine Will storyline on Y&R when Jeanne Cooper died. Laura will go on a wild goose chase to find something."

    Oh no!!! Please no! That storyline went on forever!

    "plus, the show has become a one-hour advertisement for shriner's hospital."

    I agree with you about that.

    "I'm surprised there hasn't been a mention yet about the Oscars on Sunday. Or, are they waiting until tomorrow to shove that product placement down our throats?"

    Yeah you are right! They haven't yet. I am sure they will soon.

  9. "Michelle Latta said..I threw up in my mouth a little too Sonya!!"

    Oh good! Glad I'm not the only one. :)

  10. Wait what the hell...They have Laura Webber Spencer on GH and they showcase her by showing her in a weird scene with a candy bar?! DAMN IT. Just reading this is pissing me off. Holy crap, what do I have to do to get on the writing staff of this show? Let me tell you, I would get things fixed right damn quick, you can be sure.


  11. I wonder how many Weight Watcher points Genie wasted on that ridiculous scene!!! Looked like it was stale by the way she was Gnawing on it. It did make me laugh.

  12. "Di said...So did I. lol"


    "Paul773 said... I wonder how many Weight Watcher points Genie wasted on that ridiculous scene!!! Looked like it was stale by the way she was Gnawing on it. It did make me laugh."

    ROFL! She probably did waste points and it could have been stale hahaha.

  13. It wasn't even a snickers advertisement because it had one of those fake names on the wrapper!! Maybe she lost a bet? Maybe the scene took a long time to shoot and she was hungry? So weird! Give the lady a coffee if she needs a prop!

  14. LOL CareyN. Seriously ... it was weird. #Snickergate

  15. AND to have Genie do it who does weight loss commericals for Nutrisystem? It made NO sense. It was like that scene with the Ring missing in Lucas' pocket. Awkward and weird. I guess maybe Laura was 'nervous eating" but...geesh!! It was edited randomly too-- she was in the room, then had her coat on stuffing her face. LOL

    YEsterday was a waste day, imo--so many more things could have been done to tie things up OR move them along. It was exposition day all over the place.

    I keep picturing Morgan with a urinal AHAHAA

  16. Karen, I can't wait for SS, I'm nominating the Snickers bar for prop of the week!!

  17. "Loren said...Karen, I can't wait for SS, I'm nominating the Snickers bar for prop of the week!!"

    HAHAHAHA! So do I!!! :)



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...