That's them...falling out of the house.
Wow. Strange show today. First off, Idiot Jason strolls around the house like he's looking for a lost wallet, not a person. Not really hurring, nothing. Then there's a fake out and Sam is hallucinating again. Then he finally finds her. Looks at her like he's a potato. He kinda runs down "are you here" "Sam, wake up" No urgency, no nothing. It was terrible!! He carries her out, (slowly), the house blows up and they are thrown into the snow.
Jason: Sam? Sam?
Sam: We're alive
Jason: We are alive.
Flat as a pancake. FLAT.
Thank GOD RoHo was on with Becky. He hugged her, talked about Jake. Jake told her he killed Sam, but got it mixed up with video games.
Liz gets a call from her neighbor. She says "the house blew up". Liz thinks Jake pushed Sam down the stairs.
Jordan is going on a date but drops by Pauls' office in the most inappropriate dress ever--by that I mean Paul better get NO ideas about her! They literally talk about a 'case' we've never heard of...about a guy we never heard of. And he says she's doing a good job.
That's it.
It's bizarre.
Anna is talking to Maddox at The Rib. About the case. He "likes to listen to her talk" (yes, he said that) Jordan walks in later. Looks at Anna like WTH?
Dillon goes in to talk to Paul. He says they are "Unfixable"
Carly and Sonny go to the Rib to talk to Michael. He wants everyone to see him in the chair I think. Michael wants to go to Puerto Rico.
Jason CARRIES Sam to the hospital. Which is stupid..because he was just blown clear of Liz' house. No ambulance?
Anyway, he goes in to talk to her, they mumble and whisper. Yada yada.
Yeah, today was just awful. Wow. It was supposed to be exciting and Sam in the basement for 7 days and the rescue taking forever. Geeze.
I guess the end was good for JaSam fans. Even tho they mumbled. Jason remembered saying "Run to Me"...
Ummm....I hope they keep Becky is all I'm saying. Nothing but stunt casting for the last few years and mob, mob, mob and they lose JT and now maybe Becky? Get it together GH! They bented over for Mo and Tony but do nothing for the actual HOSPITAL stars? NOPE
ReplyDeleteWhat are you talking about, we may lose Becky??
DeleteIn news today that she is having problems with her contract...
DeleteIn news today that she is having problems with her contract...
DeleteThe scenes between Liz and Franco were so amazing! RH's portrayal of Franco has changed so much. There was such compassion in his eyes when he talked to Liz.
ReplyDeleteThe rest of the day was Meh.
Happy Chinese New year to all the Wubbers.
I am a RH fan and was disappointed when he came back to play Franco but since being paired with MS and now Becky, I'm changing my tune. They have really turned the Franco character around and I love it!
DeleteKeep forgetting to ask- anyone know where Ric Lansing is? Where's Waldo?
ReplyDeletePolice station Paul's office: Oh oh Jordan is late for her date. Didn't mean to rhyme haha. Awww Dillon is so angry. :( Forgive your dad Dillon! :( Oh Paul brought up Susan!!!!! :) We will see her?! Will we see Paul's other son PJ? Hmmmm PJ? Paul Jr? :) Anna walks in and you can just hear Paul's mind.
ReplyDeletePaul: YAY ANNA! I wuv her!
Liz's cave: When Jason was there, I'm thinking why no urgency? And then Sam wakes up and stands, I'm thinking oh she is dreaming again. Yup she is! So basically,
Jason: Sam? Sam? Are you there Sam? Say something Sam!!!! Sam? Sam? Sam? Sam? Sam? Sam? Sam? Sam? Sam?
Sam: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Jason: Sam? Sam? Are you there Sam? Say something Sam!!!! Sam? Sam? Sam? Sam? Sam? Sam? Sam? Sam? Sam? Oh there you are Sam! I won't run too quickly, because the script says the house explodes, so I have to have no urgency.
Oopsy Liz's cave explodes. That means it's time for Liz to get a new house!!!! And buy a lot of new clothes. When Sam and Jason were lying on the ground, he was lying right now to her boob! ROFL!
The hospital:
Jake's room: Gee that nurse who came in, I thought it was Bobbie at first.
Outside Jake's room: Awwwww! Lizco hugs!!!! Damn I love their scenes!!!!
The chapel:
Carly and Sonny: Oh come on Carly!!! You know Sonny as much as he does himself, and you can't tell he is up to something?!! He wants to go out to eat, and he is in a wheelchair?!!?!! That's not like him!
Liz and BobTodd: Great great scene!!!!! Love it!!!!! I LOVE Lizco!!!!! BobTodd wins the lines of the day!
BobTodd: But Elizabeth, hey! You, hey! You're a mom cut it out
ROFL! He is right! Listen to him!!!! Wait why would Liz's neighbor call her about her house exploding, and not Jason!?!?! Here is the other line that BobTodd won.
BobTodd: Oh. Right. So, they broke into the house so they could blow it up.
ROFL! Love you ROHO! :) Oh here is Jason carrying Sam. Wait why didn't Jason call 911?!!?! I'm so confused just as you are Karen!!! Yeah no stretcher?!!?!
Sam's room: Oh boy. She is going to stay in the hospital for weeks!!!!! Man Jason is so close to Sam, it looks like he is about to kiss her. And he yells at the doctor that she is his wife?!!?! Oh sure how convenient that you use THAT card. His gray beard doesn't match the rest of his hair. It looks odd.
The floating rib:
Carly and Sonny: Come on Carly!!!! Those two people are being rude, and Sonny just blows them off?!!?! That's not like him!!! Come on wake up Carly! Speaking of that lady who has red hair, I thought it was Bobbie at first.
Carly, Sonny, and Michael: WOW! Carly is actually acting like a mother!!!! :) Great advice Carly! And Sonny is agreeing with Carly!!!! :0
Maddox and Anna: Damn Maddox seems like he is really interested in Anna! So not only does Robert know that Paul is interested in Anna, but so does Maddox!!! Hahahahaha.
Jordan and Anna: Wow!!! So not only is Jordan late for her date, but she has to talk to Anna right then and there?!!?!?!
Maddox and Jordan: This dating between them has started off really rocky. First she blows off the date, because she is working and forgot about the date, then she is late for her date, then she is talking to Anna for a bit, (like she couldn't just talk to Anna another day) and now it's getting late, so they have to postponed the date?!!?! I really don't see this relationship going anywhere! Where is Curtis? :)
Sidenote: Where is Morgan? Did he go back to the pier to fish out the pills he threw out? I hope!
"JasonRoks said... Keep forgetting to ask- anyone know where Ric Lansing is? Where's Waldo?"
ReplyDeleteRic is with Waldo!!!! :) Where is Waldo? Beats me. Lets find out together.
"SaveOurSuds said...they lose JT and now maybe Becky? Get it together GH! They bented over for Mo and Tony but do nothing for the actual HOSPITAL stars? NOPE"
ReplyDeleteWait what?!!?!!? Becky might be leaving? I haven't heard that! We almost lost Becky before, and people got together and fought for her to stay and it worked.
Sonya said "SaveOurSuds said...they lose JT and now maybe Becky? Get it together GH! They bented over for Mo and Tony but do nothing for the actual HOSPITAL stars? NOPE"
DeleteWait what?!!?!!? Becky might be leaving? I haven't heard that! We almost lost Becky before, and people got together and fought for her to stay and it worked.
It worked but look at the lousy storylines they give her over and over again. I know some will disagree but what she had with Lucky was puppy love. What she had with Jason was real. Yet they always trashed that relationship before it takes off starting with her sleeping with Zander that never made sense. She's always getting lousy storylines and she Steve Hardy's granddaughter SMH.
I agree, while I loved her and Lucky together, I also agree that it was a puppy love. I wish they would put her with Jason already. Anyways I hope Becky isn't leaving.
Delete"GHfan says It worked but look at the lousy storylines they give her over and over again."
ReplyDeleteYeah true. :(
"I know some will disagree but what she had with Lucky was puppy love."
Yeah I disagree. It wasn't puppy love. It was real love. Her first love. I will always love L&L 2!
"starting with her sleeping with Zander that never made sense."
Zander!!!! :( I miss him. :'(
Just watch today's show. I hate when Sam mumbles. Lol.
ReplyDeleteWhy is Dillion returning cuff links he borrowed in December? That whole conversation should have happened in December not February.
And yeah, I believe it was puppy love between Liz & Lucky. Agreed they had a beautiful story but only in the beginning. Up and until Helena kidnapped Lucky and the character was never the same. The relationship was never the same. They had Lucky cheat on Liz with Sarah. JJs Luck would never have done that. Lucky then became whiney. Then a drug addict who again cheats on Elizabeth. Even when JJ came back it just wasn't the same.
Now that Ekizabeth house exploded can she move into Brownstone??? Lulu could too.
Sonny in the restaurant...Carly and Michael have a beer and Sonny has a big glass of water. When did Sonny quit drinking?
ReplyDeleteSonny quit drinking when attention was brought to MORGAN not drinking while taking HIS meds. See, before it wasn't part of Sonny's story (even tho he takes meds too).
Sorry I got the Becky news up so late. I was sick of GH by the time I saw it on Twitter. I really was. They make NO SENSE. They should be tightening their cast and using vets to make the history grow and move along. Not get 800 newbies and such. ugh
GH fans need to stat getting verbal on twitter. I know some people don't like negative comments and they might get deleted but if there isn't an out cry over this and the direction the show is taking our show will soon be gone.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with what many others have said. RH is KILLING IT in every scene, with every partner. He may be the only actor in soaps who can redeem the Franco character. Loved him with RH. I hope they keep expanding Franco's relationships so he's not always paired with Nina in every scene.
ReplyDeleteIf Becky leaves, the hospital will be staffed by Lucas and a bunch of noobs. How incredibly strange for a show with "HOSPITAL" right there in its name.
The cufflinks scene with Dullon and Paul was just bizarre. Very untimely and unlikely. Why not just send the cufflinks or drop them off with the secretary?
The Police Commissioner showing up at the DA's office in a clubbing dress was just ridiculous and unprofessional. Jordan was holding a coat. Why on earth wouldn't she have put it on before going into Paul's office? And why would she wear such a slinky outfit to go to THE FLOATING RIB? It's a dive bar! Good grief.
Sam and Jason are dull as dishwater together. The Mumble Twins have no chem and I can't imagine what their real life dating was like. Yeegads.
RH and Becky were pure gold today and made the entire episode. I'm glad someone else said it Jason and Sam have absolutely no chemistry together and if they are really dating I hope they put more effort into it. And being impotent wasn't part of Sonny's story either lol