Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Will Becky Herbst Jump the GH Ship?

17 year Vet of GH 

Daytime Confidential has reported that Daytime Emmy winner, Rebecca Herbst has hit a contract snag and may walk from the soap. I've known DC forever and they don't report things unless they are in the works. Ergo, this looks way legit. Becky also has been tweeting fans a lot lately and recently posted a photo of flowers they sent to her saying "I need this right now". 

Where would she go? Well, word is that Days of Our Lives has an opening just made for her! 
This on the heels of Michael Easton returning and the hiring of 5 new people since November. 

Sorry, GH this is a disaster. You lost Jason Thompson, let Wally Kurth slip away and now this? SMDH.

I just don't get you.  Remember what happened in 2011 when you tried this? Yea, that didn't work so well.  


  1. I would hate to see her go. Days seems to have a habit of hiring new people but they don't end up staying all that long. I can think of at least five people who could leave to pay her whatever she wants - she is worth it.

    1. So can I! Val, Dillon, Kiki, Morgan, Hayden. TPTB are idiots, what are they doing. Aside from Michael Easton they need to focus on the people they HAVE and stop hiring new people!!!!!! As for DAYS I agree. Look at Wally, we lost him cause GH is an idiot and DAYS snatched him up only to put him on recurring, Kassie DePavia from OLTL got snatched up and now they are ditching her, I don't wanna see that happen to Becky!

  2. I guess they can't hire back ME and all those others unless they cut someone's wages, and we know preference won't be given to someone the old GH fan base prefers. The OLTL three will be front and center again, with Maurice, and GH stars will get a guest spot every 5 or 6 months. Those fans are more important to TPTB than the GH ones.

  3. Ennwhycee said...
    They DID hire ME back!

    I know they did. I said they couldn't hire him back without making cuts somewhere else.

  4. there are a lot better choices to cut than Becky if they need to. Just off the top of my head I can name at least 10. They clearly don't remember the last time they decided to let Becky go. Besides the fact that she is a great actress, there goes the Webber/Hardy connection for the show.

  5. Sadly, the way they've written Becky she gets trashed all the time. I know people trash Kelly; but it's brutal how they trash Becky. It's almost as if she's been set up by tptb. But she's true to her craft and sells the crap they write for her. Sign of a great actress.

  6. GHfan said... but it's brutal how they trash Becky.

    I know what you mean. The immature element bash the actress all the time. One comment on one of the soap sites referred to her as a pig faced actress. Good gawd. This is the caliber of fan that TPTB are listening too. Can't spell, can't write a complete sentence and can't differentiate between a character and an actress. How sad.

  7. Becky is such a good actress, and Liz has many PC ties. If they let her go, it would be a huge mistake. Like others have commented, I can think of several GH characters I would not miss.

  8. Blogger GHfan said...
    Sadly, the way they've written Becky she gets trashed all the time. I know people trash Kelly; but it's brutal how they trash Becky. It's almost as if she's been set up by tptb. But she's true to her craft and sells the crap they write for her. Sign of a great actress.

    AMEN, they have taken her character and destroyed it, but she brings it home every time.

  9. It does seem counterproductive especially considering how utilized she's been lately. Maybe not the most riveting story but definite face time. To the best of my recollection they weren't even using her last time when they tried to can her. It'll be interesting to see if the swarm comes for tptb again.

  10. If they cut Becky they will be looking down the road at the following headline...
    GH Hires New Headwriters !



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...