Friday, December 24, 2010

Joyous Christmas EVE!! Ghosts of GH Past for you!!

Have a Great and Happy Holiday...This is a great montage: 


  1. Now that was a great clip and what a soap opera is suppose to be like.Merry Christmas to everyone !!!

  2. There are so many viewers watching the show today who have no idea who these people are and how important and integral they are/were to this show.

    There was a time when we looked forward to the holidays for episodes like the ones featured here.

    I know this video was supposed to be uplifting, but for the wrong reasons it was one of the saddest videos I have ever seen of GH.

    Will TPTB ever get the message?

  3. Happy Holidays to all!! My wish is that all our beloved characters featured in the video return to GH for 2011!

  4. And the same for me too AntJoan.....Maybe the New Year will be better got GH.

  5. its so great to see these old clips! Kind of makes me puddle up. So glad they are available to us now.
    Alice, gotta love her, best GH elf ever!

  6. love the video! sad to think a lot of actor/actress our not on anymore! sad do think what Gh has become now!

  7. This so makes me miss the traditions GH used to have...the Christmas Story, the Nurses Ball....
    They used to respect the families on the show. Now all we have is Carly yelling at everyone. I miss a more "classic" GH.
    Where oh where is Lucas?



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...