Tuesday, December 14, 2010

General Hospital's James Franco Gets a Golden Globe Nod!!

Ahahaha, like that?  "General Hospital's James Franco"--- I think the PR department should TOTALLY USE IT!!!
As expected he nabs a nomination for his turn in "127 Hours". The film itself didn't snag a Best Picture nod however. Interesting... however, it did get it for adapted screenplay.
The most surprising thing in today's announcements is that "The Tourist" is up for so many--As a COMEDY OR MUSICAL!! WTF is up with that? Who paid for that sheeze?? Johnny Depp is even competing against himself with "Alice in Wonderland" for best actor in a comedy or musical.

On the TV side, I'm happy for "Mad Men" and "The Walking Dead"... Modern Family, Tina Fey...yada yada. I'm also glad Jennifer Love Hewitt got it for "The Client List" because I so like her in "The Ghost Whisperer" (never should have been canned, imo)

Trent Reznor for music in "The Social Network"!! NICE....

MOST BIZARRE: Get this, Angie Jolie for "The Tourist" is up against Emma Stone for "Easy A"..in what universe would this happen? LOL.

All Noms on USA Today.


  1. Good morning. I love to come here to see what news you have. Since I still love my show at heart but can hardly stand the re-writes of history, you are my source. You also turned me on to OLTL (THANKS).


    This morning I read on another site that they will have Liz begging for cord blood from Sam's unborn child which will lead to a shocking reveal . . . really, will Guza go there? I guess perhaps yesterday's dig at NOTHING coming out of their one night together was some sort of foreshadowing for him . . . for me it was the end of an era of being a fan of GH.

    Thanks for at least giving me OLTL to enjoy, that is something!

  2. I think that's a rumor right now about the cord blood, but could be. ;/ it could be a way to get Jason and Liz talking again or even in the same dang orbit! LOL

  3. I think if Franco loses we should all chip in and give him a Golden Fronkey :)

  4. I hope that you are right about it getting them in the same orbit.

    I am one of those "old school" GH fans. I don't only like couples, etc. but I love history to be used. I have enjoyed pretty much every character (except a few useless newbies) at some point in their stay at GH. I don't need Liz and Jason to be a couple, necessarily, but they have a son. They walked away from each other because of a lifestyle choice and told each other they would always love one another. Have they moved on (well, Jason at least) . . . yes, does that mean they forget their child/history? No. Give Liz the new doctor or bring back Taggert for me, er, I meant her, of course! LOL

    Thanks again for the great site - I am a total WUBS FREAK!

  5. karen, are you a liason fan or jasam fan?

  6. Honestly, I am neither a Jasammmer or a Lisaonite. I like Becky with Steve and I like Kelly with Steve but in different ways. I just want them to tell the stories in a GOOD way!! GH just drops stuff too much.

  7. As an avid fan of "Boardwalk Empire" I think you're "Mad Men" may be on the ropes this year.


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...